Pokémon Bath bomb

Pokémon Bath bomb

Enzo Parker known as black panda was a smart and cunning man. He was a great part of the mafia and worked with the underworld under the special team of Mr Xavier, the king of his time.

Black Panda was famous for his killing techniques, he was so brutal and merciless that people feared their fate if ever they encountered the man in their lives.

That unforgiving man was not seen by many, his real name wasn’t heard by any. He worked under shadows and worked perfectly never to get traced. His savage nature was what people feared the most and avoided purposefully to cross paths with him.

But then one night, something happened in that fierce man’s life.

Something named as Snow Monroe.

A beautiful, young and alluring girl who happened to be a thief of Enzo’s heart when they once bumped into an alleyway and she cursed the living daylight out of him when he ‘accidentally’ pressed his heavy boot on her small feet.

That day Enzo Parker found his love.

The couple dated for a month before Enzo proposed to her and they got married. Snow knew everything about Enzo and she happily accepted it.

The marriage was a social event where several business associates from Enzo’s self-made business and friends were invited but no one from the mafia.

He wanted to keep it that way.

Enzo was a different and happy man after his marriage, Snow had that effect on him. They lived in a posh neighbourhood where they were famous for their beautiful chemistry and likeable personalities.

People called them a lovely social couple.

Snow birthed her first child after six years of her marriage and the couple was so happy to get a little baby boy. The baby was so small and cute, he had a red button nose which he scrunched whenever itchy and his toothless mouth giggling whenever Enzo would bounce him in the air in their open garden.

They named their child Mago Parker.

The new mother cradled her little boy with utmost love and care through her long day of waiting for her husband and although Enzo was still a very important part of the mafia, the man managed a stress-free, danger-free life for his small family.

Until it all went down.

After eleven months of Mago coming into the world, Enzo started to get weird feelings around him. There were suspicious people wandering around his house and he suspected a little trouble coming his way.

He was a capable man of protecting his family and was using all his rights in the society regarding law enforcement but he couldn’t get his wife from being paranoid about her child and his safety.

Until the night of pure betrayal came.

Enzo and Snow were peacefully sleeping with the little Mago in the middle when they were ambushed. A group of people with guns and whatnot entered the security of the house after demolishing it and proceeded to do the worst.


“That night Enzo Parker and Snow Parker were killed in their very own bedroom and the child was kidnapped from the middle of their dead bodies” Charlton finished after placing the tablet on the table in front of King.

The crime listened carefully tallying the story that he heard from his father and now from Charlton as he picked the tablet from the table to take a closer look at the picture of the young couple.

The crime lord couldn’t help but smile when he realized how much Mago resembled his parents. The boy was a beautiful mixture of his parents' features and he was also a part of the mafia right from his birth.

 “you were right about his close relativity to Black Panda King” Charlton agreed with a hidden soft smile on his face. King hummed in return and then placed the tablet back on the table.

A sudden urge to just cuddle and kiss his boy smacked him and he looked around his paperwork disappointingly.

King was working for over twenty-four hours, he had missed his proper meal time, his rest and most of all his baby boy but the work didn’t seem to get any lighter.

“I want to know about his property disposal and the details about the attack. Find out who kidnapped that eleven-month-old child and search for the name ‘Kangsu’ in all this matter.” King ordered and started to place his things aside to get ready and leave for his room.

“Kangsu?” Charlton looked at King asking for some insight of his clever mind.

“Father told me about Kangsu wanting to take over the spot of Black Panda and was clearly refused by the other alliances since he wasn’t even one per cent capable as compared to Black Panda” King revealed and Charlton nodded his head.

“I will see you tomorrow Charlton” King said and left the room to get to his bedroom and to his lovely, tiny, beautiful boy.


When King entered the room, the boy was sitting on the rug and was reading his comic books. The older placed his gun on the table along with his phone and brooch a little loudly to catch the attention of his lover.

But he was ignored badly.

Apparently, his little baby boy was busy with his own task and King wasn’t important to him at the moment.

The crime lord tried again with a loud sigh but he was again ignored rudely when Mago yawed in return and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

The boy was showing no interest.

“I am going to take a shower” King informed but didn’t get anything in return, he sighed loudly and shook his head before heading to the bathroom.

After a while of a hot shower, King came out of the bathroom and stretched his limbs exhausted wearing his sweat pants.

“I am so fucking tire……ed” he stopped in his tracks when he found no trace of his little boy in the room. The comics were abandoned and the door of the balcony was suspiciously open letting in the cold wind and making the air conditioner useless.

King marched slowly towards the open door and to his correct suspicion, the boy was standing barefoot outside in the open under the dark night.

King smiled at his cuteness.

The boy looked adorable in the dark blue button-down cotton shirt which reached his mid-thighs, his legs bare. He had placed his two small feet together and was hunched down doing something.

King heard a little clink and he frowned.

Pacing closer, he found Mago fumbling with a heavy metal gun. King spun around to find the table empty with his things and then turned back to look at the boy’s back.

That was his gun and it was loaded.

King quickly marched towards the boy and back hugged him suddenly.

Mago gasped feeling his body being pressed to a huge one in comparison.

“you stole my gun” King stated as a matter of fact. The younger felt a hot breath over his neck. The wind was cold outside and the king’s breath was giving the comfort of cosiness to Mago.

“It’s not stealing……It's….uh…. it's sharing” Mago muttered and from the sound of it, it looked like the boy was upset.

“taking other’s things without permission is stealing…. not sharing” King preached as he took hold of the gun in Mago’s hand subtly.

“sorry….not sorry” Mago sassed in return and felt King chuckling against his skin.

With a swift snatch, King pulled the gun away from Mago’s hands and tossed it inside the room, on the fluffy rug.

“hey…” Mago whined but King turned the boy around by his waist and picked him up before placing him on the thick concrete parapet of the balcony.

Mago gasped surprised as he hastily secured his small hands around the king’s shoulder and surrounded his legs around King’s waist to stabilize himself on the wall.

He looked at his man with wide complaining eyes.

“you have committed an act of theft against the crime lord and you are accounted for a severe punishment” Mago gaped at King and his fast accusation of making Mago the culprit of such a vile crime.

“screw you, crime lord……I don’t fucking care” Mago spat before turning his face away. King was taken aback by Mago’s behaviour. He was not sure why the boy was mad.

So he decided to ask.

“Why so rude baby,” the older asked as he turned Mago’s face towards him with his index finger. The boy looked at King, in his eyes, before muttering.

“just bored out of my mind….thought I would pick a fight with you. You know, for entertainment” Mago pouted.

King realized just then that the boy must have been feeling lonely. He wasn’t allowed to leave the manor, his friend wasn’t visiting and his so-called boyfriend wasn’t paying any attention to him.

He pitied the boy, he did but Mago doesn’t need to know that.

“…or you can pick to let me love you instead” he proposed and Mago narrowed his eyes at the older, still grasping the crime lord by all his limbs.

“…or you can love your papers and files and….and ….and that stupid tablet Charlie carries around” The younger was bitter which proved to be humorous for a king.

The mafia boss laughed heartily.

“Ah!....my baby missed me,” he said teasingly while caressing Mago’s exposed legs up and down.

“no way never……I am just stating the fact…..Pay attention” Mago replied not admitting his childish, mad behaviour.

“I am sorry baby…….I am so into my work. Things are just taking forever to sort out” King surrendered as he placed a small peck across Mago’s dark lips.

“humph” Mago muttered a sound showing he was not convinced. King smiled and suddenly, he nuzzled in Mago’s neck, taking in his fruity scent.

The boy jumped in his place.

“I am sorry baby boy…” King mumbled with a kiss on the sensitive skin. Mago tightened his arm around King’s shoulder as his fingers slipped into his long wet hair.

King kissed several apologies on the younger’s soft baby skin from his jaw to his lips and to his neck until the boy was a giggling mess.

“stop~” he whined giggling but King didn’t stop his ministrations, he continued to lick and kiss along Mago’s neck that the boy was left panting.

In a fraction of time, Mago noticed how King was caressing his thick, pale legs and how his breathing was getting a little harder while the older was still hidden under his neck.

The situation was twisting into something else, something intimate and the marks forming on his skin proved nothing less.

“you smell so good baby…….what do you even use” King asked after he felt Mago quieted down a minute longer. He questioned to stray his lover’s mind from the heated moment and get himself some advantage of it.

 “I took a bath with a Pokémon bath bomb earlier” Mago replied honestly and King felt his chest rumble with laughter. He pulled back and Mago smiled looking at his happy boyfriend.

Mago was just so adorable.

King cupped the younger’s cheeks and pulled the boy into a heated, hot kiss. He thrusted his tongue inside the younger’s mouth not giving him time to process as his large hands circled the boy’s waist.

Mago kissed back fervently but he lost the pace when his breath started to turn short.

When King pulled away, he was in awe seeing Mago with pink rosy cheeks and red glistening lips. The boy never left King’s shoulder, a subtle nudge from his arms around King, darkened King’s eyes with desire.

Mago was out of breath but he never told King to stop.

“you are so sexy like this” King commented residing in Mago’s tightly surrounding legs around his own pelvis, pulling the boy closer if possible.

“Mhmmm” The boy didn’t answer but hummed and averted his gaze not wanting to face the building situation. The older once again closed their distance and kissed Mago, the boy reciprocating with need.

“Is it bad that I want to devour you right fucking now?” King questioned in a raspy voice after he pulled away and Mago felt the hands creeping up and down his body, urging him to find home under that annoying barrier of a shirt.

The boy squirmed and raised his hooded gaze towards King.

“I don’t know” he whispered not knowing what to say.

He needed Mickey for help in such scenarios, the boy didn’t know how to decide yet.

“I think it is bad,…..because what I have in my mind doesn’t include you getting away this time” King exposed his honest intention and Mago bloomed pink all of a sudden.

The sharp tongue and sassy attitude were gone as the small, petite boy sat over the concrete wall and was griping his lover in his dainty limbs.

“so pretty” King commented as he watched the pink blotched skin of his small boy and swore to god to give him strength and patience to live that night.

The boy was dangerous for his heart.

“I want to make love to you” Mago faced King at the speed of light. The crime lord didn’t want to beat around the bush and simply stated what he felt.

Mago felt his tummy getting filled with something light and fluffy.


“R-right now?” he stammered blushing madly. King smiled at his cute boyfriend and caressed at his waist to provide some comfort.

“yeah. Will you let me do it……let me love you” King asked romantically. He was being a gentleman with the sassy boy and that worked when Mago’s eyes fluttered.

‘Should he let King that close to him?’ Mago thought for a second and then shrugged.

Why not!

“O-okay…..but don’t do that” he swatted King’s large hands away from his body and King looked at his boy dumbfounded.

“umm….why” he asked hoping to get a logical explanation.

“Because when you do that…….lots of butterflies runs in my tummy” the boy complained as he explained and King felt relief washing over him.

Just adorable…..just….just adorable.

The man placed his hands under Mago’s naked thighs and hoisted the boy in his arms earning a squeak of surprise.

“let’s get you to the bed then” King’s excitement wasn’t hidden anymore. He was grinning ear to ear as he placed the boy on the soft mattress before closing the balcony door and drawing the curtains to create privacy.

“just….just know that I am a virgin okay” Mago warned as soon as he felt King climbing the bed.

“I know….and I am glad to be your first love maker,” King said the cheesiest line according to Mago and the boy rolled his eyes before feeling his lips taken into a heated start of a make out.

Lord have mercy on them.


