
I'm having a bittersweet moment here. I don't want to end the story but at the same time I'm excited to move forward. This is sort of like my baby. I mean, it's the first story I've ever published on this site and it's the first story I've finished. I have had so much fun writing this story and I hope that you guys enjoyed it.

This story is most definitely dedicated to anyone who has ever voted or commented and anyone that has fanned because of this story. I can't tell you how much Iove you for doing that and how much I appreciate it :)

Thank you again to everyone for staying with my story and it's characters. I hope you'll all read the sequel as well.

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)



Sutton’s POV:

            I shivered in the cool, crisp air and pulled by scarf around me tighter. My breath made foggy puffs as I breathed out, my boots making soft, shuffling sounds in the fresh fallen snow.

            “Remind me why we decided to go for a walk  when it’s going to snow anytime?” I asked Evan, glancing at him. He chuckled and pulled me closer to his side, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

            “Because you wanted to get out of the house and there was something we needed to talk about.” He replied, flashing a grin at me.

            I was once again struck my his beauty, his warm blue eyes and charming smile. His blond hair was cut shorter and stuck up lazily, like he’d just rolled out of bed. He knew his bed head drove me crazy with lust. On most people, when you’re hair looks like you just rolled out of bed, that’s bed. On him, it just looks sexy.

            He was right about me wanting to get out of the house and away from my temperamental sisters. One second they can be in the same room, perfectly fine. The next second they’re yelling insults back and forth to each other. After a long day of non-stop fighting between them, I’d decided to brave the cool, December night as an escape. Evan accompanied me, claiming he had something to discuss with me. That’s how we ended up here, in Central Park, at night with glittering lights in the trees. I snuck a glance at Evan was surprised to see he looked a little nervous.

            “You ok?” I asked, tugging on his black coat. He gave me a quick smile and nodded.

            “Of course darling.” I grinned at his affectionate pet name and pulled away from his embrace, running along the paved path.

 The ground on either side of the path was layered lightly in white frost while the path remained swept clean. I’d imagine they have someone that just walks back and forth along the path with a shovel, sweeping away any snow left behind. Soon enough we ran up to a gazebo that was strung with more fairy lights. No one else was around and it was a quiet and peaceful night.

“You know, I don’t know if I told Paige’s kindergarten teacher she was going to be missing an extra week of winter vacation because we were going to visit relatives.” I paused, trying to remember if I had mentioned this to her teacher. Her school was a stickler for attendance. “Come to think of it, I don’t think I did. Did you?” Silence greeted me. “Evan?”

I turned to ask why he wasn’t answering me and gasped when I saw him behind me. With one knew planted firmly on the ground and his eyes holding mine captive, he carefully removed a black box from his pocket. My hands flew to my mouth and I openly gaped at him.

“I’ve been trying to find the right time to do this and now seems like a good time.” He shrugged and I laughed.

“Now seemed like the right time? In the park in the freezing cold?” I joked, my voice muffled from my hands. He smiled at me and I saw the love reflecting in his eyes.

“Maybe it’s not perfect timing, but then again, nothing ever is. I’m not going to spew all this sappy love story crap at you because you already know how I feel. I will say, however, that I love you with everything in me. So, as you so eloquently put it, here in the middle of Central Park in the freezing cold, I’m asking you, Sutton Marie Collins, to marry me.”

Tears were clouding my vision as I gazed down at the man I loved. Sure, I’d known we’d get married one day but this totally caught me by surprise. I knew he’s been acting secretive and weird lately but I’d shrugged it off. I had no idea that in reality he’d been planning his proposal. The ring itself was exquisite with a princess cut diamond in the center surrounded by overlapping smaller diamonds. It sparkled under the lights and I shook my head softly in awe.

“Is that a no?” Evan asked, misreading my head shaking. My eyes widened and I shook my head again. “So that’s a yes?”

“On what condition.” I replied softly.

“What’s that?” He asked, grinning at me.

“You clean the house. I do no clean nor will I pick up after you.” I stated. We both laughed and he rose and slipped the ring on my finger. He embraced me tightly and I clung to him, my eyes still watery from happy tears.

“You’ll never know how much I love you.” He murmured into my hair.

“No, but I have a pretty good idea.” I whispered back.


So I've uploaded the first chapter of the sequel just to give you a little bit of a teaser. I've decided on a name and I'd like to thank everyone who suggested a title. It was tough because there were so man good suggestions but I've decided on

I'm Sorry, Who's Your Mate? 

Now, please go read it if you'll be so kind :)
