Chapter 27

I got some free time(surprisingly) and so I decided to upload for all of you fabulous Wattpadder's! I think you guys are going to be pleased :)

Please vote/comment/ and fan if you really enjoy it. Thank you to everyone who already does!

I'd also like to thank you guys for checking out "Rightfully His." I'll be uploading a new chapter of that probably tomorrow. 

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


Chapter 27

Sutton’s POV:
            Thick, peaceful silence enveloped me as I drifted awake. I snuggled deeper into the Evan’s warm embrace and his arms tightened around me, pulling me closer to him. I took a deep breath, loving the masculine scent that emanated from him. Peeking up through my eyelashes, I brought my gaze to Evan’s face. He was still sleeping, looking as serene as ever. His face was clear of any worry and he looked exactly how I felt. Content, happy.

            A flurry of movement over his shoulder had me dragging my eyes from his amazingly gorgeous face to the window. Dim sunlight seeped in through the open curtains and illuminated the room in a soft, grey hazy light. White flurries fell outside the window, swirling in the air. Gently, I pulled myself out of Evan’s arms and walked over to the window, looking out. The ground was covered in snow and the tress were coated in its white blanket. Just in time for a white Christmas. I squinted at the clock, displaying the proud time of 8:30 a.m. I’m pretty sure there were kids that lived in the pack house so I’m a bit surprised no one seemed to be awake yet.

            Tip towing out of the room, I padded down the hall in Evan’s old sweatshirt and sweatpants the pack doctor had given me last night. Last night. I shuddered at I thought of last night. Everything had happened only hours ago and yet it felt like a lifetime ago. I don’t know what happened to Luke or the rest of the hunters but I have a strong hunch Evan wasn’t as lenient this time. I’m fairly certain Luke isn’t around anymore. A shiver shot up my spine as I mentally relived the previous night. For a few seconds there, just before I’d crashed into Evan, I really had thought I was going to die. Not that I’d ever tell him, but the only thing on my mind was that I was never going to see Evan again. And it scared me.

            “Whoa!” I yelped lightly as a small body flew at me, wrapping itself around me.

            I looked down at the child that was now looking up at me, grinning excitedly. She had dark black hair and light blue eyes and very adorable dimples. She sort of looked like someone but I couldn’t quite put my finger on who. The little girl attached to me couldn’t have been more than four or five.

            “Hi.” She chirped. She let go of me and dropped to the ground but not even a second later she had wrapped her small arms around my legs and leaned her chin against my thigh, looking up at me.

“Well hello there.” I smiled down at her and chuckled. She was definitely one of the cutest kids I’d ever seen.

            “I’m Paige. And you’re Sutton!” She looked proud that she knew who I was.

“And how do you know that?” I inquired curiously.

“Well duh, I mean I’ve never seen you before and everyone is talking about how the Alpha found his mate. You’re the new Alpha Female!” She grinned enthusiastically.

I paused, shell shocked. It never really occurred to me that I was going to be Alpha Female. One day I’d have to help Evan lead this pack. Paige was the first person to call me my rightful title but I was still a little timid. I wanted to be with Evan, no doubt about that, but I was certainly doubting my ability to lead one of the best packs in North America.

“I guess I am.” I said quietly. Paige looked me up and down before yanking my hand and pulling me down to her height, admiration shining through her aqua eyes.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be a great Alpha. If you ever need help though, you can come find me.” She flashed me a smile and I couldn’t help but smile back. This little girl was undeniably adorable.

“Well thank you. I’m not so sure that I’ll be that great  though.” I replied. She placed her hands on my shoulders, running a chubby hand through my hair.

“For what it’s worth, Alpha, I think you’re a lot prettier than all of those other wanna-be-Alpha-Females.” She whispered, patting my cheek.

I laughed lightly and picked her up, her legs instantly wrapping around me once again. We wandered from room to room, though so far the kitchen was the only place we found the lights on. As we walked, Paige explained that they didn’t usually open presents until Christmas night because members of their pack from other states didn’t arrive until later. As we came upon the living room, voices floated out. I stepped into the warmly lit people, taking note of the five or so women that were lounging on the couches. A woman with the same dark hair as Paige’s looked up as we walked in.

“Oh my! Paige! How many times do I have to tell you not to run off and bother people. Especially not the future Alpha Female!” She scolded, looking slightly embarrassed. She turned to me next, lowering her head in respect. “I’m so sorry, Alpha. Paige, she’s such a friendly child. I promise I’ll make sure she doesn’t bother you again.”

I shook my head slightly, smiling gently. After a moment, Paige’s mother lifted her head and tentatively returned my smile. This woman was certainly shy about meeting her future Alpha Female.

“It’s ok, really it is. I adore children.” I soothed her, setting Paige down and ruffling her hair. I glanced over to the other women in the room, instantly recognizing Evan’s mom. She smiled at me kindly.

“Hello Sutton. It’s nice to finally get to greet my son’s mate properly. I know we’ve already met briefly, but I have just been dying to get to know you better. I want to get to know the person that’s going to be taking over for me soon.” A wave of uncertainty rolled over me. Evan’s mother was just so put together and so prestigious, it was hard for me to imagine ever replacing her.

“Thank You, and I’d definitely love to spend some more time together as well.” I murmured.

“Where’s Evan?” She asked, peering around my shoulder to see if he was there.

“Sleeping. And where’s everyone else?” She laughed lightly before answering.

“Sleeping.  Men and teenagers, I swear that’s all  they want to do. Eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, eat, and then sleep some more.” We all laughed at that.      

They went back to their earlier conversation and I excused myself. I treaded back to Evan’s bedroom, opening the door slightly. He was sleeping on his back now, one hand thrown over his eyes. Quietly I flitted to the bed and climbed in, making sure I didn’t touch him as I lay down. It felt too awkward, too impersonal though, to be laying there without his warm touch. Turning over to face him, I hesitantly moved forward until I was only a few inches away. I really didn’t want to wake him so I resisted the urge to reach out and touch him. No need to do that though, because almost as if sensing I was back, Evan’s arm encircled my waist and pulled me to him. He rolled over onto his side, effortlessly pinning me to him. A few seconds later, his eyes fluttered open.

I smiled in greeting and in return he leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. I melted instantly, wrapping my arms around his neck, holding him to me. We broke apart and he laughed softly, burying his head in my neck.

“What a way to wake up in the morning.” He murmured against my skin.

He pulled his face up and rested his forehead on mine, our noses touching. We stayed like that for a few moments. My heart felt like it swelled ten times bigger, making my chest tight with emotion. My heart expanded even more as I realized the one emotion that was filling it. Love. I was so clearly in love with Evan, it was almost comical at how I didn’t realize it until now. In this moment though, with no interruptions and no immediate danger lurking around, with just the two of us, I finally put a name to the emotion I’d felt for a long time. I stared into his eyes, loving everything about him.

“Merry Christmas.” I whispered, smiling slightly. I was giddy with my new revelation.

“Merry Christmas sweetheart.” He whispered back. My smile widened at his affectionate pet name. “It’s really not fair Sutton. I mean, at least give the rest of us a chance to be as beautiful as you. You wake up and your already beautiful.”

“You’re my mate, you’re supposed to say that.” I felt my cheeks turn red at his compliment.

“Say that again.” There was an intensity in his eyes that made me want to pull his head down and kiss him.

“Say what again?” I was having a hard time concentrating with him staring at me like that.

“I’m your mate.” I smiled, I guess I’d never said that to him.

“You, Evan, are my mate. I am yours.” I whispered, holding his intense gaze.

“As I am yours.” He said just before he covered my mouth with his, kissing me with the passion I had glimpsed in his eyes.

There was a certain fire, a certain hunger that enveloped the both of us. While it had always been there in our kisses, it was usually on the backburner. This time though, our kiss was filled with both love and lust. His hands slid under my shirt, tracing patterns on my stomach. I gasped and shuddered at the tingling feelings I was getting from his fingers on my stomach. Evan used my slight shock to deepen the kiss, sliding his tongue in. There  was no battle for dominance. I knew that was a battle I would never win so I let him explore while I ran my hands over his shirtless abs.

We pulled away briefly, both of us needing air. Once again, Evan made his way down to the base of my neck, trailing kisses as he moved along. I smiled as his hands made their way to my back and he kissed the spot where males mark their mates. Suddenly he lifted his head, his eyes once again holding that sexy intenseness. He put his arms on either side of my head and kept his body weight carefully off of me. I was elated when I detected an emotion hidden deep within his blue depths. I could already see it in his eyes before he spoke.

“Sutton, when you were taken I was scared. I’ll admit it to you. I was scared that I’d never get to see you, hold you, hear your laugh. I was scared that I would never have gotten the chance to tell you something. I’m not telling you this because I just want to get in your pants, even though I of course want that to, but I’m telling you this because I mean it. I’ve never meant anything more in my entire life. And you don’t have to say it back or anythi-”

I put a finger over his lips, silencing him. He stared at me and I smiled back at him happily.

“I love you too.” I told him simply. I saw that emotion again flare up in his eyes. I saw his love for me shine through and it made me feel giddy. He smirked suddenly.

“Too? Why I don’t believe I said it.” He pretended to be thoughtful about it, looking up and tapping his chin. I laughed and shoved his shoulder.

“Don’t make me take that back.” I growled playfully, laughing again. I couldn’t help it, whenever I was around Evan I just wanted to smile. He looked down at me, smiling softly as he watched me laugh.

“I do love you though Sutton. More than anything else.” He leaned in close as he spoke, never releasing my eyes from his powerful gaze.

“I know.” I said quietly, tracing a hand over his cheek.

“Most of the pack is coming over tonight and I’d like to show them my mate. My mate with my mark on her.” I knew exactly what he was asking. And I knew exactly what my answer would be.

I reached up, swiftly bringing his mouth down to mine and delivering my unspoken answer. He growled into my mouth, his hands once again roaming my body. Our mouths parted as we deepened our kiss. Sparks were shooting everywhere and I couldn’t remember a time when I was happier. He pulled out of the kiss, allowing me to take a breath. His mouth made a path across my cheek, down my neck, across my shoulder, and all the way back up until he got to my mouth again. We shared another deep kiss that stole my breath away, leaving me feeling weightless. If it was possible to drown in love, then I was quite possible that was the way I’d go.

Evan broke away from my mouth, making his previous circuit three more times. After each kiss he’d leave me breathless and wanting more. After one very breathtaking kiss, he made his way back down to my neck where my shoulder and neck met. He opened his mouth, licking and kissing the spot just like he’d done before at the Halloween Bash. I grinned in anticipation, wanting to finally be marked as his and only his. My skin prickled when I felt the tips of his teeth graze across my ultra-sensitive skin. I felt his mouth pull up into a smile against my skin a second before I felt his bite.

Have you ever felt like you’ve died and gone to heaven? And then they had all your favorite things in heaven and there was nothing else but the feeling of pure happiness and maybe a hint lust? Well that’s exactly what it felt like when Evan bit down. It was the best thing that I have ever felt in my entire life. I felt Evan’s tongue roam over the wound he made before he pulled back. After a second the haziness faded away and I looked up to find Evan licking his lips, staring proudly at his mark. If I wanted him before, that was nothing compared to how much I wanted him know. I tugged his head down to mine and heard his chuckle against my lips as he kissed me back. It was quick though, and he pulled away, a smug smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“Sorry darling, but I have something planned special for our first time together. As much as I want to take you right here, right now and have my way with you until I get tired, and I’m warning you, I have excellent stamina, we can’t. Other than the fact that guests are coming in about two hours, we have a whole houseful of people that could walk in on us. And this,” He gestured down to my body, trailing his eyes up from my feet to my face slowly all the while grinning wickedly. “This right here is just for me to see.”

“You know, I really like you sometimes.” I grinned up at him, teasing him. He smiled at that.

“And I absolutely adore you Sutton.” With that, he bent back down and kissed me again.


Sooo, how was that??
