Chapter 26

So this is really short and I apologize but this is more of a filler. I'm pretty busy this week so I'm probably not going to be uploading until  the end of the week but I didnt want to leave you hanging. Please don't hate me!

And like I promised, I did finally upload the Prologue to my new story. It's called "Rightfully His" and I would love it if you went and checked it out. I'll post the first chapter for that probably tomorrow. 

Thank you for all the fanning and voting and commenting! I love you all :)

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.)


                                                            Chapter 26

Evan’s POV:

            Howls filled my ears, echoed around the dark clearing. The hunters were dead and for now, we were safe. The wolves around me lifted their heads to the sky and shouted with momentary glee. Luke’s words still haunted my mind though. The moment you drop your shield, we’ll be there. I suddenly felt tired and drained. There was only one place I wanted to be at the moment.

            Take care of this? I asked Spencer telepathically. He had been one of the wolves joyously howling and running around but stopped short at my weary tone.

            Sure, but aren’t you happy? I mean, the hunters are going to be scrambling for a while after this dramatic loss. We don’t have a definite count but so far we’ve estimated that we killed at least 20 hunters! He sounded proud and excited. On any other day I probably would have been too. I mean, twenty hunters was a lot to take down in a single night.

            I don’t know if happy is the right word, but I am proud of you guys. I just have other things on my mind. I told him honestly. My thoughts drifted back to the blood and bruises Sutton had. Spencer nodded his big head up and down.

            Go, I’ll take care of this. Sutton’s safe now, go be with her. I could practically hear the smile in is voice.

            Nodding my head gratefully, I took off running into the woods. I pushed my les faster and faster, flying over logs and fallen trees. It was a matter of minutes before I walked up to my house, lights blazing in the window. I noticed in one of the upper corners there was no light shining out of the window, merely darkness. A soft and steady heartbeat, however, greeted my from the same room. I trotted inside, passing the pack doctor as he came down the stairs. He looked tired but relieved. He recognized my immediately and knew right away the question that I was dying to hear the answer to.

            “She passed out half way back to the house and but don’t worry, the poor girl was just exhausted. Her body couldn’t take the stress and the wounds at the same time so it shut down. Don’t worry though, she fine now. I patched her up and left her to rest. I suggest just rest for the next few days, nothing strenuous. The bullet didn’t hit any major arteries so I stitched her up. She’ll be able to get the stitches out soon. You can go see her now if you want, just remember she needs her rest.” I relaxed slightly at his words.

            I trotted up the stairs, my fur still matted and stained with the thick, crimson fluid. I pushed the door open with my nose slightly, allowing a sliver of light to pass through. My eyes rested on the girl laying in the middle of my bed, her chest rising and falling with every breath. Closing the door quietly so as not to wake her, I walked over to the bed and sniffed at her hand. She lay on her side, an arm thrown over her face while the other hung slightly off the bed. Softly, I nudged her hand under the duvet and whined slightly at the gauze wrapped around her upper arm. My wolf hated to see hiss mate hurt, even if he did kill the person that had cause her the pain.

            After a second of watching her, I went to the bathroom and shifted. Even in my human form, blood was still smeared across my hands and parts of my face. I was originally just going to wash my face but decided against it and took a quick shower. The hot water relaxed my muscles and washed away the blood. I stood in the shower longer than necessary, basking in the warmth and comfort a hot shower or bath can bring to  you after a long day. I let the water run over my head and closed my eyes, breathing in deeply.

            Stepping out of the shower, I tied a towel around my waist and ran another towel hastily through my hair. While it wasn’t dry, my hair wasn’t soaking wet either. Steam clouded the mirror and window as I stepped out of the bathroom. My bedroom wasn’t as warm as my bathroom and I quickly slipped a pair of boxers and flannel pajamas on. Another wave of exhaustion hit me and I skipped the matching shirt, heading towards my bed.

            Luckily Sutton wasn’t the bedhogger type and kept to one side of the bed. I slid in next to her, careful not to touch her. I didn’t want to hurt her or have her wake up and think I was trying something on her while she was unconscious. My arms itched to reach out and pull her to me. To run my hands through her silky hair and slink around her waist. I’d resisted my urges for months so I think I could wait just a little longer.

            Just as I was thinking this, Sutton shot up, breathing quicky and looking around wildly. She looked terrfied and confused at the same time. She ran her fingers through her hair as she silently began to calm down, her heartbeat returning to normal. I stayed silent, curious to see what she did next. She glanced around the room before her eyes settled on my. I saw her eyes travel down my bare chest, a hungry look forming in her eyes before she quickly snapped her gaze back to me. A blush crept accross her face as she realized I'd caught her momentary pause on my body. I motioned with my head for her to lie back down, patting the space next to me. She seemed hesitant at first but eventually leaned down until her head rested on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and felt her drift off to sleep. Not before she whispered something in my ear though.

            “Thank you.” She said quietly. She had no need to thank me. I would rip anyone to shreds of they so much as thought about harming her. A peacefull sort of silence enveloped us and I quietly listened to her breathing, feeling a total contentness spread across my body.

            “I’d do anything for you.” I whispered. I don’t think she’d heard because her breathing became even and I soon slipped into a peaceful sleep right after her.
