Chapter 7

So sorry I haven't written in awhile. School has been hectic and it's taken some time to put this chapter together. I got half way through it and then decided I wanted it to take a different turn so I had to write it all over again. But, here it is. Finally. Hope you enjoy and thanks again for all the votes and comments and fans. I'd also like to say, thanks for reading :)


Evan POV:

                Looking at Sutton standing at the top of the stairs I almost lost it right then and there. I could smell the lust rolling off all the males in the room, their desire filled the room. I fought against my wolf, he wanted to run up those stairs and claim her, showing everyone she was spoken for.

Come on, you know you want to. He taunted.

Shut Up!

Hey! No need to talk to me like that.

Yeah? Well, you’re in me so I can talk to… me however I want!

You do know how incredibly stupid you just sounded, right?

Us. How incredibly stupid we just sounded.

Oh no, I refuse to be associated with your stupidity.

Again, shut up! I quieted him.

                As I’d had my internal battle, I’d kept my eyes locked on Sutton as she glanced around the room, her eyes taking in everyone once more. The urge to claim her, to touch her, was almost impossible to resist. I bolted out of the room, refusing to claim her just yet. There were still some kinks to work out. I wanted to talk to her, of course, but I also needed to talk to Jason. He’s going to shit a brick when he finds out, I thought.

                “Evan baby!” Came the soft, sultry purr. Turing to my right, I saw Sadie. She was definitely not hard to look at, with dark hair and ice blue eyes. Her toned body, rarely hidden by clothes, was a major turn on. She was amazingly hot, but she wasn’t even close to Sutton.

                “Sadie.” I remarked dryly.

                “Oh no need to use that tone. It’s just me here.” She said, pouting a bit. Not cute at all. I glanced around and sure enough, she was right. We were the only occupants in a small, dimly lit alcove.

                “What do you want Sadie?” I asked, tired of her game even though it’s just started. She pouted once more at the lack of interest in my voice, than brightened.

                “Evan, baby,” I gave her a look when she said baby, which she promptly ignored. “I was just thinking we could have a little fun, like we used to.” Oh, I knew exactly what she was referring to. A lot of our fun was done with no clothes on.

                “Seriously Sadie, do you not know what “break-up” means?”

                “Of course I do, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have a good time every now and then.”

                “Not interested.” I said flatly, starting to walk past her. She reached out and grabbed my arm, stopping me from entering the nearly empty hallway.

                “Wait, Evan. What happened to us? Why did we break up?” She looked utterly confused. I almost felt pity for her. She didn’t deserve the way we had broken up. “I mean look at me. I’m what every guy wants. No one is hotter than me. And look at you. You’re amazingly sexy. We could be like the sex gods.” Ok, maybe she did deserve it.

                “You just don’t get it Sadie. Looks are everything to you, you could care less about what’s behind the pretty faces. Maybe once I was just like you, banging anyone I wanted and soaking up the attention. But guess what, there’s more to looks. There’s actually something on the inside. There’s substance in people.” I shook my arm out of her grasp and was about to continue when she grabbed me once more.

                “I’ll show you substance.” Sadie nearly growled. She snaked her arms around my neck and pulled my face down, pressing her lips roughly to my own. My own shock was probably what stopped me from throwing her off me, but once that wore off I was already too turned on. As a werewolf, our hormones are always high. Especially our sex hormones. While my body was completely turned on, my wolf was not. He growled in disgust, wanting our mate and not Sadie. I shut him out, too into the kiss. Something though, felt off about it. Sure, it was getting me worked up, but there was something-

                “Oh, hey. Sorry, didn’t know you guys were back on.” Jason’s voice broke through my hormones. I snapped my head back and Sadie looked triumphant, wrapping her hand around my own. Jason grinned devilishly, and raised his eyebrows.

Get some! He said through the pack mind. Everyone in the pack was connected, our thoughts interlaced into each other’s minds. Since I was soon to be alpha though, pack member could send certain thoughts my way without having to tell the whole pack.

                “No, its not wha-” I started but Jason cut me off.

                “Your dad told me to tell you meeting in 5. Don’t miss it. And don’t worry, I’ll tell everyone to steer clear of this area. But uhh, better make this a quickie.” Jason said backing down the hall.

                “Thanks Jase.” Sadie called after him. Oh no, I could see it now. Jason probably already told the whole pack by now. He was never good with secrets. Everyone is going to assume the mighty Evan and Sadie are back together. To make matters worse, Jason will never let me mate with his sister after seeing that steamy make-out session. He’s just going to think I’m using her for sex. Wait, his sister.


                She couldn’t find out about this. I’m sure it wouldn’t look good if she found out five minutes before meeting her for the first time, I was making out with Sadie. I shook Sadie off and ran down the hall, hearing her delighted calls. That nutjob was crazy if she thought we were back together. I saw the looks people gave me, my male friends congratulatory while the females and older generation werewolves gave me slightly disapproving looks. I also didn’t miss the glares I got from Lisa and Ellie. Even Spencer, Kevin, and Scott didn’t look too happy.

How could you!? Ellie sent.

Douche! Lisa was pissed.

Man you fucked up. Scott told me.

Their thoughts were the loudest in my head, swirling around, making my guilt increase. I heard Jason’s voice and followed it, all the way to a small study. Through the glass doors I saw my parents along with Sutton’s parents, and Jason with Sutton.

                “Oh, here he is.” My mother said, looking at me and beaming. Sutton’s parents looked at me and smiled. Jason turned while Sutton kept her back to me. I heard her heartbeat speed up and almost chuckled at the fact that she already knew who was behind her.

                “My man, how goes it?” Jason asked me enthusiastically, acting like he hadn’t seen anything between Sadie and I. Easier to do after you’ve already told the whole pack ,I thought. I didn’t respond and kept my gaze on the dark tresses of Sutton’s hair.

                “Ev, it’s finally time. Here’s my not related by blood sister. The girl I’m always talking about.” He said, smiling and looking at Sutton. She turned slowly, meeting my gaze.

“Hello, Sutton. It’s very nice to meet you.” I almost laughed at how comical that was. I’d never spoken to her, yet I already felt like I knew her. “I’m Evan.” She probably already knew my name. Most mates knew each other’s names after they met, even if no one told them.

 She looked curious and then I saw it. The realization. Why she always felt tingles when she saw me. How the air seemed to buzz when I was around. How everything seemed so much brighter in my presence. I knew that’s how it felt because those things happened to me whenever she was around. I knew she was my mate the minute our eyes met. She knew I was her mate right now, in this minute.

                Her eyes widened slightly and her jaw hung open and then snapped shut. The disbelief was evident in her eyes. I smiled widely at her. She quickly turned and busied herself with sitting down on the couch. I followed suit and sat in the chair across from her as she studiously studied the patterns on the rug. I tuned out my parents conversation with Sutton’s parents and was content to watch her. She could never find out about that kiss with Sadie. She wouldn’t understand it meant nothing. I’m going to have to have a talk with Jason and tell him to keep  his trap shut. Although, after he finds out his little sister is my mate, I have a feeling he’s not going to want to do me any favors. I might just have to pull rank and use my alpha tone, I mused.

                Sutton looked up quickly and met my unwavering gaze. She was as locked in my gaze as I was in hers. I had a feeling that if a meteor had come crashing down and blew up, igniting fires and people were running around screaming about it being the end of the world, it would all just seem like a background hum to us. Her cheeks reddened slightly as we stared at each other and she looked down and then just as quickly looked back up. I admired her beauty, the curve of her lips, the soft billows of hair, and her strong jawline.

                Suddenly, she stood up and excused herself. She looked flustered and a little embarrassed. I was about to stand and follow her out when my dad spoke.

                “Evan, I need to talk to you.” He spoke. I watched Sutton’s retreating figure through the glass doors before reluctantly nodding and following him outside onto the now empty patio. The sooner I got this over with, the more time I have with Sutton. My father turned to me and looked at me gravely.

                “We fear an attack on us from the hunters is imminent. The hunters are going to strike soon.” He said quietly. I stiffened. Being one of the strongest packs in North America bring about hunters who want nothing more than to destroy you. When my grandfather was alpha the oack was constantly at war with the hunters but in recent years the attacks on us have stopped. The hunters ,though, were still here. We feared they had been regrouping and growing stronger and smarter. Guess we were right.

                “So what do we do?” I asked.

                “Be vigilant and keep calm. Be careful, talk has traveled about a different strategy, one that involves in targeting the heart of the pack. I’m guessing that’s either me and my close circle, or you and your close circle.” It would make sense, that if you wanted to take down a strong pack, you’d need to take out the leaders first. I nodded, and then stiffened again. If they wanted to take me down, then they’d need to get to someone I loved because physically you couldn’t break me. So, anyone I loved was in danger. But a hunter wouldn’t just go after anyone I loved, they’d go after the one I loved. They’d go after my mate. They’d go after Sutton. I growled, wanting to run to her and never let her out of my sight.

                “Son?” My father asked, curious as to why I growled.

                “Dad, I’ve been meaning to tell you.”

                “Tell me what?”

                “I found my mate.”

                “Your…mate. Oh dear, who?” Came is weary response. I started to freak out, thinking about all the things they could do to Sutton just to get to me.

                “Dad, what if they use her to get to me. No, there’s no if about it. They’ll do it. They’ll kill my mate! But they won’t let her die that easily, no they’ll torture her first. I can’t let-”

                “Evan, calm down. Relax. I know you’d never let anything happen to your mate. Just tell me, who is your mate.” He asked calmly.

                “Sutton. Sutton Collins.” I almost smiled, thinking of my beautiful mate.

                “Oh dear.”

                “What do I do?” I asked desperately. My father was silent a minute. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Looking up into the sky a minute, he sighed. He turned and looked at me levelly before speaking.

                “What do I do?” I asked again. Despair crept into my voice. His voice was serious and low when he finally spoke.

                “Protect her.”   


