Chapter 21

Ok, so I know I said I wasn't going to upload until later in the week but I had some time yesterday and today and managed to get this chapter finished. I hate to leave my readers hanging so I uploaded this as soon as I could. It's not extremely long but I wanted you to have a chapter to read so I can have time to start on the next one. (I'm super excited for the next three or four chapters) Besides, I wanted to get the ball rolling on Evan and Sutton. I think you'll be excited if you're Evan/Sutton fans :)

Also I once again jumped ahead in time. I just wanted you to get a sense of how long Evan and Sutton have waited. Sorry if you don't like me jumping ahead, but this makes the story move along better.

Here it is, if you enjoy it and want more, vote and comment

P.S. sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes

P.S.S Picture on the right is of Luke/Lockey


Chapter 21

Evan’s POV:

            A month and a half. 51 days. To say my life is at a standstill would be correct. I wouldn’t say I’ve fallen into a depression but I’m certainly never in the mood to party. I take my classes, conduct pack business, and then retreat to the comfort of my bedroom. I guess you could say things went back to the way they were with me and Sutton. She avoids me and if not possible to do so, then she ignores me. We’ve only talked three times since Halloween. I’ll admit it, I keep track of the times we talk. The problem is, my feelings have changed. Grown stronger. I lie in bed at night and think about the Halloween party. The passion, the fire that was between us. And then I had to go and ruin it. I don’t regret my choice though, I would fake date someone in a heartbeat if it protected Sutton. True, I had broken up with Sadie but I made sure that there were a few rumors going around that I’d been hooking up with various girls.

            I hadn’t originally planned on the rumors, but after Jason told me Sutton was getting texts and calls from those creeps, I upped my game. Jason had been thrilled when Sutton had started hanging out with him again, and I’m guessing that since I’m still standing, Sutton found a way around telling him about the two of us. I swear he’s even more protective of her than I would be. On second thought, no. If we were real mates she wouldn’t leave my sight if there was even a hint of danger. Jason does a good job though, driving her to and from school, accompanying her anywhere she goes. He laughs whenever he tells me about it.

            “You should have seen it,” He’d recounted one of his more dramatic protection plans. “We were at the restaurant and she had to go to the bathroom so I got up and followed her there. I then stood outside the door until she came out. She was so embarrassed, it was probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.” His face had been red with laughter as he told the story. I think secretly he enjoys embarrassing her.

            I hadn’t really seen much of Jason around, as he was with Sutton or Elise. I like Jason and Elise together. His loud, goofiness was checked by her intelligent, seriousness. They balanced each other out perfectly. It’s official. I’m now a mate less loser who sits around and drinks to pass the time. Not that I’m an alcoholic or anything but my alcohol intake has definitely increased. Bottles and trash littered my floor, I hadn’t cleaned in a awhile. There wasn’t really any point. Alright, so maybe I’m in a nose dive towards rock bottom. Unfortunately, I’m starting to think getting Sutton back is the only thing to bring me back up. That would be a miracle though. But hey, with Christmas a week away, I suppose it’s the season for miracles.

            “Evan, we’re all going out. I think you should go with us.” Kevin suggested as he walked into the room. I was laying on my bed doing nothing but pondering my pathetic life. Ad usual. I glanced up, uninterested.

            “Maybe next time.” I mumbled. I heard Kevin sigh angrily. Most of my pack didn’t understand my sudden mood shift, but I was their future Alpha so they couldn’t really question me. However, my friends were another story. My position didn’t scare them and they frequently bombarded me with their opinion. I should go out, I should clean up my life, I should go get Sutton back, I should give Sutton space… It was all the same.

            “Evan, look I know that not having your mate is rough but get over it already. You were exactly like this a few months ago and then you snapped out of it. Snap out of it again!” Snap out of it? Snap out of it. Easier said than done.

            “Go away.” I growled, my back to him. I used my Alpha tone so he had no choice but to leave. Not without getting in the last word though.

            “Evan you’re not ruining your life for this. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to resort to this…” He mumbled as he walked out, pulling his phone out at the same time. I could hear him talking to someone as he walked down the stairs. I sighed, finally some peace and quiet.

            Ten minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned and buried my head in my pillow. No one else was home and I wasn’t expecting anyone.

            “Go away!” I mumbled into the pillow. I vaguely heard the front door open and then the tell-tale sound of heels clicking against the floor. Step by step, the heels clicked their way up to my room. I tensed, curious to see who it was. The door was suddenly pushed open and a split second her delicious scent wavered over me.

Sutton’s POV:

            I heaved the bags down on the floor as I walked into my room, plopping myself down onto my bed. I never thought the day would come when I would say I was tired of shopping, but there’s a first for everything I guess. I’d been doing a lot of shopping recently. It’s a good outlet for my emotions. Ok, not really. But it’s a good distraction. I pulled my boots off and laid back on the plush bed, closing my eyes. The house was oddly quiet, as my parents were off in some other state on business and I had dropped Taylor off at a friend’s house after our shopping spree. I assume Jason’s around, but at the moment the quietness of the house is what I need.

            Its moments like these, filled with calmness and peace, that I allow myself to think of Evan. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss him. It’s weird because I’d like to say I don’t know him well enough to miss him, but a part of me feels like I do. Most of the stuff I know about him comes from what he already told me. Every now and then though I hear other pack members talk about him and I smile. The admiration is clear in their voice, respect evident in their words. They obviously love their future Alpha and from what I’ve heard, who wouldn’t? He’s apparently amazing with kids, playing with them constantly, but he’s still grown up enough to have serious conversations with the elders.

            The weeks  after Halloween, Evan had tried to talk to me. I’d sidestepped him as well as I could but avoiding someone in a small town isn’t easy. In the few conversations we’d had since that night, I’d warmed up to him more. He didn’t know it, but I’m sure that if he tried to explain everything again I’d listen. I’d listen and then accept him as my mate. But we don’t get do overs with life and I’m positive I missed my chance with him. Thinking back, there were countless opportunities to listen to him and I’d turned my back to them. Lisa’s constant push that there was a good reason why he rejected me is another reason why I’m willing to listen now. The main reason though, the main reason is what a mate gives you. They give you companionship, friendship, love. Since almost all of my friends are mated, I’ve had the time to see all the good things that come out of having your mate. Secretly, there isn’t anything I’d like more than to just start over.

            A buzzing from my phone pulled me away from my thoughts and my stomach pinched in anticipation. Not good anticipation though, more like dread. If it was him I’m not sure how well I’d take it at the moment. Usually I can shake off his calls and texts and the way he watches me at school, but in my current mood I’m not too sure I wouldn’t lose it.

            Luke’s calls and texts used to come only a few times a week and now I’m lucky if I only get three a day. He’s become, more or less, my obsessive stalker. Jason was furious when I told him and has stopped at nothing to ensure my protection. Privacy has lost it’s meaning now. The boy followed me to the bathroom once for crying out loud! I used to think privacy in the restroom was a given, how I was so wrong. Luke’s creepy game had become even creepier recently as he decided to give me a nickname. Birdie. Of all things, he decided to call me birdie. I’ll get calls in the middle of the night with his deep voice on the other end. It’s almost time to play birdie.

            I shivered as I thought of his more recent remarks. He references a game quite often, telling me we’re going to play soon. It’s during this game that I’ll make a decision. I can’t figure out his delusional physo-babble. Personally, I think he should be locked up for harassment or at the very least put in a madhouse. My parents and Jason agree, but for some reason they’ve all stalled on doing anything. They say it’s harmless, but I say I’ve already ended up in the hospital once. Who’s to say it’s not going to happen again?

            My hand crept forward and grabbed my phone, slowly sliding it to me. Closing my eyes tightly for a minute, I wearily looked at the caller I.D. I sighed with relief when I saw who it was and then frowned in confusion.

            “Kevin?” I answered. We ran in the same group of friends but I rarely spoke to him. He was nice and all, but I just never really got around to getting to know him. For that very reason I couldn’t figure out why he would be calling me.

            “Hi, yeah it’s me. Look, Sutton. I don’t know how you’re going to feel about this but I really need a favor from you. I’m going to be straight forward and just tell you that Evan is a mess. Like literally, a disgusting mess. And I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re the only one that can clean him up. I’m not asking you to accept him or anything, I just need you to help him get back on his feet again. Talk things out. Think of it more as a favor to the pack because they can’t have a weak leader.” His words seemed hurried and hushed, like he was trying to speak quietly so someone wouldn’t hear him.

            “Kevin…” I sighed. Maybe this was what I had been wanting, a way back into having Evan as my mate. The thought of him being upset made me distraught.

            “Please Sutton. You’re the only one that can talk some sense into him.” It was sort of weird to hear a werewolf beg, but here Kevin was. It must be bad if he’s begging.

            “Alright, I’ll be over soon.” I said as I threw my legs off the bed and dug around my closet, looking for shoes.

            “Thank you so much. We’re all going out though so it should just be Evan home. Don’t expect him to answer the door, he rarely gets up from his bed. Just sits there and mopes.” He told me. My heart clenched at him being so sad. Why didn’t you just let him explain?! I mentally scolded myself.

            “I’ll try my best.” I said and then we hung up. Stepping into the hall, I looked around for Jason. Not finding him I decided to just leave a note. The urge to go see Evan was almost insatiable. My wolf urged me to go faster, she was just as eager to go see her mate.

            Twenty minutes later and I was standing at the front door, my heart beating fast. Since Evan’s dad is Alpha they live in the pack house with any other werewolf that wants to live there. The house is hidden deeper into the woods, too big for this small town. If people saw the size of the house, they would be suspicious as to why someone would need a house that big. I guess you could say the house was more of an estate, it was that big. But to be fair, werewolves need space. I’ll admit, we’re very touchy people who like to have some space. I rang the doorbell and waited. As Kevin predicted, no one came to answer. All right lazy ass, I’ll just come find you.

            Stepping into the large foyer I let my eyes roam over the entryway. A huge staircase stared at me, branching off to the left and right on the second floor. Doors leading to various rooms lined the walls. My shoes clicked against the wood floors as I ascended the staircase, looking from left to right. I took a sniff of the air and followed the delicious scent. I swear he smells better every time. The scent led me to a closed door at the end of a hallway, the sound of a heart beating coming through. I mustered up all the courage I could and took a deep breath.

            Evan and I are mates and it’s about damn time we act like it, I thought to myself as I shoved the door open. Oh wow. I uh, I guess Kevin wasn’t kidding. 
