Chapter 1

So, this is my first time publishing anything on Wattpad. You proably just want to get to the story already, so I'll just say thanks for reading and the beginning may seem a little boring but I just wanted you guys to have some background. Stick with me, and I promise the second chapter will be more exciting. Thanks again, and don't forget to vote and comment.

(P.S. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes)


I sighed as I turned my head away from the panoramic scene outside my window. A forest filled with tress blocked my view of any signs of civilization, at first it was pretty but after staring at nothing but the deep greens and rain darkened browns of the trees, it was boring. I was already in a sour mood, moving from my upper crust apartment in New York City to this small town in the middle of nowhere tends to make my mood plummet and with my 15 year old sister singing the lyrics to the newest Taylor Swift album, I briefly contemplated throwing myself out of the car.

            “Mom, please make her stop.” I pleaded with my mom. She took her eyes off the road for a second to glance at me with a reassuring smile.

            “We’re almost there. Your dad picked out this lovely place near the woods. Big and very spacious he says. Look, we’re entering town now,” she said pointing to where the trees started giving way and gave me my first view of Marksgrove. The first thing I saw was a police station, with white letters spelling it out on an old, worn blue sign. With a town this small, there must me two, three tops, police officers. Moving on, we drove past a library, a café, a small ice-crème parlor, one very small movie theater, a few clothing stores, and what looked to be like a donut shop, conveniently located across the street from the police station. Houses started appearing, as well as a grocery store, the elementary, middle, and high schools, and a hunting store. I cheered up slightly, seeing a coffee shop. It wasn’t a Starbucks, but I’ll take what I can get.

            “Ummm, mom? I thought you said near the woods, not in it.” I told her as we once again delved into the lush greenery.

            “Near, in. Not a big difference. Your father and I thought it would just be good to live in the woods where you can, you know, run freely.” She replied.

            My name is Sutton Collins. I was adopted. I have a younger sister. I recently celebrated my 18th birthday. Oh, and I happen to be a werewolf. My family are werewolves too. Thankfully I was adopted by fellow were’s. Along with heightened senses and super strength, I’ve developed a love for running. Let’s just say, running around as a big snow white wolf in New York wouldn’t have been a good idea. Back in New York, we were a part of the Blue Moon pack, a smaller more modest pack. After running into his high school best friend, who just so happens to be alpha of my new pack, my dad got it into his head to move back to where it all started. So, here I am. In Marksgrove. In possibly the smallest, and greenest, place in the world. I’m about to drown in my pity party when my mom makes a right onto a partially obscured paved driveway. Trees line the driveway, their limbs stretching out and making a soft canopy overhead. I turn my gaze to the house we’re coming up on and I feel my mouth drop.

            The house had to be at least 3 stories, with two white pillars holding up the upper half of the house. Two balconies jut out on either side of the front of the house. The roof was white stone with chimneys sticking up and the rest of the house was grey brick with dozens of windows. Stone steps led away from the sprawling yard and up to the large, dark door. It was beautiful. I gaped at my new home.

            “Whoa…” My sister took the words right out of my mouth. My dad was standing outside talking to the movers as we pulled up. I slowly got out, staring up at the estate. I breathed in and smelled the pure scent of the tress mixed in with… What was that? Werewolf? But there would have to be a lot of were’s around for me to smell them so strongly. My parents never did say how big the Greenwood pack was. My thoughts were interrupted when my sister squealed and ran inside, searching for the best room. Oh no, the best room goes to me I thought as I ran in after her. After I quickly scanned three rooms I found the perfect room for me.

            The creamy white walls made the large room seem even bigger, and I loved the large walk in closet, personal bathroom, and much to my delight I found I had one of the two rooms with the balcony that faces the driveway, the lawn, and the surrounding woods. I grinned, thinking I could get used to this.

            “Like it?” My dad asked walking in. I nodded and he smiled. “Good, I’m glad. I know you weren’t too keen on moving here your senior year but it’ll be good. I promise.” He said putting his arm around my shoulders and leading me down the stairs.

            I woke up the next morning sore from all the moving and unpacking I did yesterday. I slipped on a robe over my pj’s and headed downstairs. Walking into the dining room, the only thing set up was the table, I sat down looking at my family, who were, much to my annoyance, already eating.

            “Thanks for waking me” I said dryly, snagging the last three pieces of bacon left. Taylor, my sister who incidentally has the same name as her favorite singer, reached for a piece of my bacon and I growled at her. “Touch my bacon and you pull back a bloody hand” I told her. My parents chuckled while handing me my coffee and Taylor just glared at me, but then thought better of it. Turning back to me, she smiled sweetly. Oh no, she wants something.

            “Sutton,” she starts her voice all sugary, “I saw yesterday there were a few shops in town and you know how much I can’t resist shopping. If you love me, you’ll take me.” She said, eyes pleading. Of course I’d take her, her love of shopping almost rivaled my own. Almost. If there was anything I loved to do, it was shopping. Though, being the loving sister I am I decided to tease her a bit.

            “Then I guess I don’t love you” I replied, taking a sip of my coffee and pretending to be interested in the newspaper. I glanced over and she frowned, causing me to laugh. She glared at that. I really do love my sister. Though she’s three years younger she’s my closest friend and I couldn’t imagine what would have happened had my mom not gotten pregnant just months after adopting me. I ducked down and kissed the top of her golden head as I walked by to go upstairs and get dressed. “Be ready in an hour” I called over my shoulder.

            After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I looked through my already organized closet and pulled out my black skinny jeans, a white tank, and a soft grey cardigan that reached mid-thigh. Glancing outside, and seeing the sky washed grey and white, signifying more rain, I pulled out my ankle length black boots with heels. Running a quick hand through my dark brown, streaked with lighter shades of brown and red from the sun, hair I let it go naturally. Curling slightly at the ends, my hair flowed down to the middle of my back. While Taylor and my parents had the blond hair and blue eyes, I had the dark hair and bright green eyes. It wasn’t hard to see I was adopted.

            Looking down at my golden family from the top of the stairs, I assessed myself looking at the mirror hanging on the wall opposite me. With my pale skin, rosy lips, and tall, lean body I wasn’t exactly unattractive.

            “Stop checking yourself out, and let’s go” Tay’s voice rang out impatiently from downstairs. I grabbed my purse as I walked out the door and waved goodbye to my parents. Digging my keys out of my purse, I smiled down at my baby. An Infinity with black leather seats and tinted windows. An 18th birthday gift. I absolutely adored it. The car purred to life, and all of a sudden a strong, strange feeling came over me. Something big was going to happen today. I tried to shake it off, but it was startlingly strong and the feeling seemed almost tangible. Well, I guess we’ll just have to see, I thought to myself as I drove toward the center of Marksgrove.  
