Chapter 3

 Since it is 9/11, please keep everyone who lost their lives and their family' in your mind, Thanks for reading, and sorry for any spelling/grammer mistakes. Please vote and comment. Thanks :)


After that strange, electrifying encounter, all I wanted to do was go home. Somehow, I felt complete after seeing him. Like a piece of me I didn’t even know was missing, had just returned to me.How can you feel such a strong connection to a person you don’t even know?  I pondered that while walking to my car. I was ten feet away from my car when they pulled themselves away from the shadow of a building and planted themselves in front of me, blocking my path.

            Two guys roughly around the same age as myself stood in front of me. One had his arms crossed and his head down. The other looked straight at me with cool, grey eyes. They both had the same shaggy, brown hair and tall, built frames. While they weren’t bad looking, good looking in fact, they’re stance and expressions led me to believe they weren’t good news. The air around them seemed to crackle and hiss with arrogance and malice. I got a bad feeling from them and really didn’t want to stay there. I moved to walk around them when the guy with his head down took a step in front of me and crossed his arms, blocking me again. I felt Taylor stiffen behind me. The way he was looking down, it wasn’t like he was scared or weak. Quite the opposite. With his arms crossed and back rigid, I got the distinct impression he didn’t want to look at me. Somehow, it seemed, I disgusted this perfect stranger.

He stood quite close to me, and I could smell him easily. Human. But mixed with something else. What was that? I’d never come across this scent before. I again felt this vulnerable feeling. I’m used to be strong, to being not afraid. I’m a werewolf! Who would I be afraid of? Something about these guys was making me nervous though. I got the feeling that they were stronger then they looked, maybe even as strong as me. Some instinct I hadn’t felt in a very long time kicked in inside of me. I was scared of them. Which is ridiculous because I’m a werewolf and they’re just humans. Right?

            I had almost forgotten the other guy, but he stepped forward and placed a hand on the guy blocking my path. He then turned to me and flashed a smile. The smile was all wrong.  Behind the poorly portrayed friendliness, I could see a thinly veiled arrogance and hatred in his smile. This guy was intimidating, and he knew it.

            “Hello Sutton. Please excuse my brother, he’s a bit rough around the edges,” he said motioning towards the guy who was still looking down, and more importantly still blocking my path. “I’m Luke and that’s my twin, Locky. Or I could just say, I’m the good looking, funny one and he’s the funny looking one.” He chuckled, waiting for me to join in. I didn’t.

            His smile disappeared for a second then reappeared quickly. I glanced around nervously, not realizing before how empty the street was. The sky had lost its brightness and the greys had overtaken the whites, making it darker. A storm was most definitely on the way. A cool breeze blew dead leaves down the street and a streetlight flickered. It was like a scene straight out of a horror film. Taylor drew in a shaky breath behind me and I moved in front of her protectively. If they wanted to touch her, they’d have to kill me first. She placed her hands on the back of my shoulders and hung on tightly. She pressed her face into my back, the way she did when we were little and she got scared. During thunderstorms she’d come running into my room and snuggle up against my back. My mother could never figure out why she always ran to me when she was scared and not her.

            “Well Sutton, my brother and I just wanted to meet you and make ourselves known. Let’s have a little chat Sutton.” Lucas drew my attention back to him and stepped closer. Determined to not show my paralyzing fear, I stayed where I was and lifted my chin, looking him straight in the eye.

            “And what would you like to chat about?” I asked, trying to project a calm façade. He let out a small smile and stared at me for a moment, curious. It was like he was trying very hard to figure something out, and it was amusing to him.

            “Your different, I can feel it. I don’t know what it is about you, but you interest me. What’s so different about you, Sutton Collins?” he asked, softly. I figured it was a rhetorical question, which was confirmed when he continued. “I don’t know, but I look forward to finding out. Back to that little chat, with a girl as beautiful as you, you must get a lot of male attention.”

            “I don’t see how that would concern you” I said honestly.

            “Well, we have a lot of special guys around here. Guys that will just make you feel…” He put an emphasis on special. “Complete.” He finished. What? Had he seen that little staring fest with that guy from the store? As if he could read my thoughts, he nodded slowly, chuckling. “So, I’m right. Well, that was fast. I guess I’ll just have to speed things up now. No worries, I love a challenge. And you, Sutton, are going to be a challenge. I can see that already.” He spoke now more to himself.

            “Again, I’m not seeing how any of this concerns you.” I answered him truthfully. He looked me over again, something lighting his eyes. Desire?

            “Your different then the rest. I love it. I like you Sutton.” He told me.

            “Wish I could say the same.” I replied. His eyes flashed and his smile dropped.

            “You don’t even know me, don’t know the connections I have.” He said darkly.

            “Oh great, my second day here and I’ve already met the local gang members. This town is just amazing.” I said sarcastically. He smirked at that.

            “I’m not a gang member.”

            “Oh, no? Your not?” Well, if he wasn’t a gang member, he was definitely involved in something sinister. He watched me closely, before leaning in.

            “No. I’m much worse.” He whispered in my ear. I shivered.

            “And, I’m not interested.” I whispered back fiercely. This guy was creeping me out, and I just wanted to leave. He stepped back, his face angry and dark. I moved around him, and was about to step around Locky, when he grabbed my arm, his fingers biting in.

            “You have no idea who your dealing with” He said darkly. I tried to leave, but once again Locky blocked my way. This time though, he looked up and straight at me. He had the same cool eyes as Luke, though there was no mistaking the hatred burning in its grey depths. With his arms crossed, his expression menacing, and the scar under his left eye, he looked like he belonged in the mob. I swallowed nervously.

            “You picked the wrong town to move to.” He spoke with such venom and I almost quivered.

            “I’m not scared of you.” I lied. In truth, I was scared out of my mind. He seemed to find this amusing, chuckling forebodingly.

            “You should be.” He looked me dead in the eye, expression serious. I shivered once more. With that, he moved, finally, and walked away into the shadows of an alley. I let out a soft sigh of relief.

            “Sutton Collins, you are something.” Luke spoke behind me. I grabbed Taylor’s hand and walked briskly towards my car. “I like you though. Don’t you worry your pretty little head off, I’ll be seeing you real soon. Don’t miss me too much.” He said. My anger flared and I turned, looking at him.

            “Don’t count on it” I nearly snarled. He laughed quietly at that. I turned back around and continued to walk.

            “Real soon.” He murmured quietly. I still heard him. I left him still arrogantly chuckling to himself.

            ‘Are you ok?” Taylor asked me when we were safely in the car. She was paler than usual, and still had shaky breaths. I nodded, grateful she couldn’t see my shaking hands. 
