Chapter 10

So you guys are simply amazing! All the fanning and commenting and liking puts a smile on my face. To show my appreciation and to give you guys a little something, I will for sure upload another chapter tomorrow. It took awhile to write this one because it's a little longer than usual and it might be a little boring for some, but it's a lead in to the next chapter (which I'm really excited about!)

To all the people who liked and commented and fanned on my last chapter, this is for YOU!! :)

So, thanks again for everything and look tomorrow for Chapter 11 :)

(Sorry if there's any spelling/grammar mistakes, I really wanted to get this out so I didn't go over it quite as carefully)


                                                            Chapter 10

Evan’s POV:

            “Well, you see, the thing is Jason, it’s kind of a funny story, you’re going to laugh when you hear it. Sutton…” I blanched. “Sutton was just saying yesterday how she didn’t know her way around and with school starting soon, I offered to give her a tour.”

            Yes, I am the biggest wuss ever. I just couldn’t tell him yet, not with him catching me making out with Sadie yesterday. He would slam his fist into my face if I told him about Sutton being my mate before I could finish my sentence. I’d really like to get to know her before he banned me from even looking at her.

            “That’s nice of you, Ev. Thanks man.” Jason said, believing my lie. I swallowed, I hate lying to people.

            “Yeah, no problem.”

            “Speak of the she devil.” Jason said looking up to the top of the stairs. I followed his gaze and was again struck by how much light and warmth Sutton radiated. She was dressed for the cool fall weather, with a coat and a hat. She looks so cute, with her coils of hair coming out of the bottom of the hat, I thought to myself. She smiled apologetically at me, probably for not being the one to answer the door. Also, probably for having to lie to Jason. I shrugged, I’d lie for her any day.

            “Hello Jason, Evan.” She smiled as she came down the stairs.

            “We were just talking about you.” Jason said mischievously.

            “Were you now?”

            “Yep. Evan knows all about your snoring habits.” Jason winked at her and laughed.

            “Telling lies now, are you Jason? I don’t think I like this side of you.” Sutton said, trying to look outraged. “No, I don’t care for it at all.” She decided, crossing her arms.

“Well, I’m not going to slow you down, so get out of here you crazy kids,” I snorted at the kids part. I was a month older than him. “Have fun on your little tour.” Jason said.

            “Tour?” Sutton asked.

            “Yeah, Evan said that was what you guys were doing. He was going to take you on a tour of the town since you were new. That is what you guys are doing right?” He asked, suspicious once again.

            “Oh, right right. The tour. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Sutton said with a nervous laugh. She shot me a look and I smiled encouragingly.

            “Uh huh.” Jason said, his eyes crinkled at the corners as he scrutinized us.

            ‘Well, we must be going now.” Sutton called out in a sing song voice as she walked towards the door. She’d just opened it when Jason spoke again.

            “Hey, you guys aren’t by chance going out on some secret date, are you?” Jason asked. Sutton and I froze, are eyes meeting. We both had the same look of shock tinged with nervousness written in our eyes. We both turned slowly to face the wrath of Jason. Oh man, this was going to be bad.


Sutton’s POV:

            I froze, my hand on the door knob. Evan and I were so close to freedom, so close to getting out from under Jason’s close eye. How did he find out? He couldn’t possibly have heard Evan and I talking last night, he was still in the study with my parents and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Besides, if he’d heard us last night, I would know by now. He would have yelled. Loudly. Very loudly.

            When I turned slowly to look at Jason he had a very stern, serious expression on. Evan and I were both silent as we appraised him. Jason switched his gaze from me to Evan and then back. I swallowed nervously. I jumped when Jason’s booming laughter reverberated  through the nearly silent house, bouncing off the off white walls and white marble floor.

            Jason shook with laughter, doubling over to try and attempt to catch his breath. Evan and I looked at each other confused. What the hell?

            “Oh man…you guys…you guys should see your faces. It was so…so…funny. P-Priceless.” He could hardly get the words out, he was laughing so hard. His face was red from the lack of oxygen to his fits of laughter. Evan and I joined in a moment later, but our voices were too high and relieved to pass by as the laughter of someone amused.

            “Oh, Jason. How you love to joke.” I said, faking another laugh.

            “Well, on that note. I think we’ll be off now.” Evan said as we hurried out the door, leaving Jason still cackling to himself. As soon as we were in Evan’s Mercedes we both breathed out a sigh of relief.

            “I totally thought he’d somehow figured it out.” I told him, laughing slightly.

            “I know, me too.” He replied, chuckling with me. We sat in silence with for a moment. Not an awkward silence, just a peaceful silence. But silence can only last so long before a thought or action breaks it. This time, by head full of questions broke through. I turned in my seat to look at him. So, so gorgeous, I thought hungrily. His lips looked utterly kissable, well ==actually his whole body did. I was again, having some extremely inappropriate thoughts. Seeing my transfixed gaze, a corner of Evan’s mouth lifted up.

            “See something you like?” He asked, seductively.

            “Lots.” I told him, smiling coyly. He turned to look at me, flashing me a grin.

            “I can’t say I don’t have anything to look at.”

            “Oh, yeah?”

            “Yeah… The scenery here is really beautiful.” He teased. I laughed out loud and shoved his arm, causing him to laugh.

            “So, where are we headed?” I asked. It didn’t really matter to me, as long as he was there it was all good.

            “Well, Jason might have let it slip that you have a little coffee problem.” I smiled, little was a bit of an understatement. I drink coffee like a fish drinks water.

Fish don’t drink water dumbass. My wolf interjected.

Yes they do!

No, they swim in it. They don’t drink it. I swear you were supposed to be a blond.

Hey! There’s nothing wrong with blondes!

Oh yeah? Then why are all the jokes about being dumb centered on blondes? I didn’t have an answer for that.

Don’t forget you’re a part of me. I told her, changing the topic.

Ugh, don’t remind me.

You know, you can be really mean sometimes.

Aww, I’m sorry. Did I hurt the widdle babies feelings?

That’s it! Not more midnight runs for a month. Suck it wolf me!

What!? Come on, Sutton. I was just kidding.

Nope, I don’t want to hear it. I said, shutting her off.

            “Having a fight with your wolf?” Evan asked as he turned down a road and we once again came down the street with all the shops and the police station.

            “How’d you guess?”

            “I recognize that frustrated expression.”

            “Yeah, my wolf can be a real a-hole sometimes.” I told him. He laughed.

            “Honey, you are preaching to the quire.” I had to giggle at that as we pulled up the little café I’d seen as we first drove through the town. The outside was painted in a soft, light blue with white shutters. The paint looked like it had seen many rainy days and many hot times It was small and cozy, exactly what I pictured would be in a small town.

            “This is so cute.” I commented as we walked in. The inside was paneled in dark wood and the lighting was dim, coming from a different assortment of lights. There were shelves with framed old newspaper stories and a few trophies. The place was definitely homey, nothing like the business like atmosphere of Starbucks. I could already tell I’d be spending a lot of time here.

There were four other people in the café besides two waitresses and old man that was sitting behind a long counter. Though I didn’t smell any werewolves there besides Evan and I, everyone looked up before bowing their heads slightly. Evan though Evan wasn’t their alpha because they were just human, there was something about him that just demanded respect. A certain air that was mysterious and powerful. A certain air that drove me crazy with desire.

“Well, hello there little lady.” The old man said with a heavy southern accent from behind the counter. He looked to be mid-sixties, with long white hair and tan skin and a big, white bush of a mustache. When he smiled, it was warm and friendly and impossible not to smile back at.

“Hi.” I said, walking over to the counter with Evan in tow behind me.

“Sutton Collins. Why, the whole town has been waiting for your arrival. Your hot stuff around here you know, moving from big ol’ New York to this small piece of crap town. Can’t imagine what’d bring you here.” He said.

“Hey, now Earl. Don’t go knockin’ our town. We’ve got a lot to offer.” Evan said, raising his hands to his chest and pretending to look insulted but failing miserably.

“Oh yeah? Name one.” Earl said dryly.

“Uh, who else can boast that their high school football team came in tenth place at county finals?”

“Yeah, they came in last place dumbass!” Earl said, laughing loudly. His laugh was deep and thick and very contagious.

“Earl, you and I both know we could have come in first. You know, if we had good coordination skills, bigger guys, learned to share, stopped tripping over our shoes, paid attention, and learned how to actually play instead of just running around fallin’ all over the place.” Evan told him with a straight face.

“Bullshit! Even if had all that, we’d still come in last place.” Earl’s loud laugh rocked through the café again. Evan and I both laughed with him. I liked Earl already, he was funny and kind. And he had a potty mouth that rivaled a New Yorker’s.

“Alright, alright. Your right. Our football team sucks. But we aren’t known for our football team. No, we’re known for something else. Something we’re actually good at.” Evan said as he turned to me. “Pop quiz Sutton. It’s go time. What is the sport we are known for?”

“Uhh…” I really didn’t know.

“Come on, we’re ranked number one in the county. Number five in state.” Give me a purse or shoes and I could tell Gucci from Dolce and Gabbana. I could name every label there is without blinking. But give me a sport, and I’ll blank. I am a full on girly girl, I’ve got no shame in that. However, it does get me laughed at when I can’t tell you who won the NBA three times in a row.

“Uhh, basketball?” I guessed.

“Now, I’m offended.” Evan said laughing.

“Are you going to tell me what it is or are you going to make me stand here and list off different sports?”

“List.” He told me, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

“Sorry, I’m not good with lists.” I told him evenly.

“Lacrosse.”  I never would have guessed. For some reason, it made sense for them to have such a good lacrosse team with a community of werewolves. I’d be willing to bet 75% of the team is werewolf.

“I can see that.” I said, thinking about it. Evan and Earl laughed. “What?” I asked.

“Darlin’, do you know who he is?” He asked, nodding towards Evan who had a proud grin on his face. Seeing as how he was soon to be Alpha, he would be stronger and faster than other werewolves. I had a feeling I knew who he was.

“Captain, or well you used to be before you graduated.” He smiled and nodded. Figures he was the popular jock.

“Good guess.” Earl laughed as he handed us two coffee’s and walked away. “Lot’s to offer my ass.” He chuckled as went through a swinging door, presumably leading to the kitchen.

“How’d he know what to get us? I never even ordered.” I asked Evan as we walked to a table in the back. As I sat he took the seat across from me and looked at me a moment before answering.

“You’ll come to see Earl only makes the special. Don’t know why he calls it a special though if he makes it every day.” Hearing his words, my ears perked. Special. I was never one to try new foods. When I was eight, my dad had given me a piece of cooked fish and told me it was chicken so I ate it. That was the day we learned I was highly allergic to fish. It was also the day my phobia of new foods started.

I looked down wearily at the black liquid in the white plastic cup, swirling it with the red and white striped straw. Evan grinned as he took a drink from his cup and watched as I continued to swirl it.

“It’s not bad. Trust me, I wouldn’t let you drink it if it was bad.” I looked at it again and then hesitantly lifted the cup. I’m sure there’s no fish in the coffee and if there was any time to get over my phobia, now would be as good as any other day.

“I’ll hold you to that.” I told him as I brought it to my face. The rich, familiar scent of coffee invaded my senses, tinged with a slight smell of hazelnut and something else. I couldn’t quite pick it out. As soon as the coffee entered my mouth, it was like my taste buds had died and gone to heaven. Hazelnut and cinnamon danced upon my tongue before sliding down my throat. I grinned.

“Good, right.” Evan said as he winked. I nodded taking another sip. I looked outside and thought I saw someone across the street, but as soon as my eyes rested on them, they were gone. I blinked. I was sure a guy had been standing by the alleyway across the street. Seeing that reminding me of my very unsettling meeting with Luke and Lockey.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you. Do you know two guys, twins, Luke and Lockey I think it was?” I asked Evan. His response shocked me. He stiffened and a low hiss escaped through his clenched teeth. His eyes tightened and he gripped the table.

“How do you know them?” He asked stiffly.

“I sort of ran into them after we saw each other at Swift. They were waiting for me outside. Those guys are definitely scary. Especially the one that doesn’t talk.” I told him.

“They were waiting for you? What’d they say? What’d they want?” His voice was angry and overlapped with worry. I’m guessing they don’t mix well.

“The guy, Luke, did most of the talking. He said they just wanted to chat, but then he got all weird, saying I was different. And his scent, it was human but I’m pretty sure they aren’t just any old human. At the end of his little speech, he told me how I made the wrong decision in coming here, but that I was…different. He just kept saying that, and how much he looked forward to a challenge.” I leaned forward and spoke quietly. Evan’s eyes were slitted and he definitely looked angry.

“Did he threaten you?” He said darkly. I watched him closely. I’d heard how territorial and possessive mates were, especially Alpha’s since they were stronger.

“No, it’s almost like he was flirting with me though. In a weird and creepy way.” I added. He growled and clenched his fists again. I thrill went through my body. I found it sort of sexy how possessive he is. Some girls would hate it, but with Evan it was down-right appealing.

“Come on, let’s go.” He stood up abruptly. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused at his response to Luke. There’s definitely history there.

            “Uhh, ok.” I said as I stood up and hurried to keep up with his fast pace to the car. We both got in and he started the car, taking off immediately. His hands were tight on the steering wheel and he was muttering angrily. I only caught a few words.

“Crazy bastards…who do they think they are…too far…my mate for god’s sakes…better stay the hell away from her…”

            What the hell is he talking about, I thought. We were back at my house in record time, thanks to his eighty mile an hour driving. He turned to look at me after he stopped the car and his face softened. He looked at me a minute, and then a fierce new determination spread across his face.

            “Don’t worry, Sutton. I’ll take care of this.” He said as he reached over and brushed back a piece of my hair. My skin tingled where his hand touched it.

            “Take care of what?” I asked quietly. He sighed and leaned forward, resting his head on my shoulder and softly kissing where my neck and shoulder meet. Damn, that felt good. Evan once again brought out some dirty thoughts in my head. He leaned back only to touch his forehead to mine, inhaling deeply.

            “Sutton, I need you to listen to me.” I nodded slowly, finding it hard to think when his delicious scent was everywhere.

            “Ok.” I told him.

            “Promise me that you’ll stay away from Luke.” His voice was deathly serious.

            “Wha-” He interrupted me.

            “Sutton, stay away from Luke.” He stared into my eyes and I got the feeling there was something he wasn’t telling me about Luke. I nodded though, Luke gave me the creeps. No problem staying away from him.

            “Ok.” I promised him.

            “Thanks you Sutton.” He said, kissing my cheek softly. I turned to get out of the car but he spoke again. “We’ll talk again soon Sutton. I’m looking forward to it.” He said, smiling. I nodded and grinned at him.

            As I walked into the house I thought about how strange that was. Why would he care if I talked to Luke or not? The answer was not though. He had nothing to worry about. There was something off about Luke, and it wasn’t the good kind of off. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t intend it find out.

Evan’s POV:

            Murderous thoughts ran through my head as I drove away from my Sutton. That bastard cornered my mate! He had better stay the hell away from Sutton if he wants to stay alive. I saw the strange look Sutton gave me when I told her to stay away from Luke. If she knew what he really was, though, she’d understand.
