Chapter 29

I can't believe it's already Chapter 29! It really doesn't feel like it is. Anyway, I'm just going to let you know I'm considering doing a spin off as the sequal. Before you flip, it will still have Evan and Sutton in it but I'm thinking it may be a little more focused on a different character. If you guys really don't like the idea, then I'll make it about Evan and Sutton. I just don't want you guys to get tired of them or something.

Ok, now to the story. Thank you to everyone as always who votes, comments, and fans. It's always appreciated :)

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


Chapter 28

Sutton’s POV:

            “Dang woman! Any other boxes?” Spencer grunted as he heaved the last box into the room. I placed my hands on my hips and grinned at him.

            “Nope, I think that’s about it.” He instantly looked relieved.

            “Poor Evan, he’s going to have no space anymore. I bet you you’ve already constricted him to a box. Maybe a drawer if he’s lucky.” He teased.

            “Hey! For your information, it’s more like two drawers.” I quickly defended myself.

            “She’s a girl honey, she has lot’s of clothes. It’s just the way it is.” Lisa explained, walking into the room.

            “Exactly.” I smiled gratefully at my blond haired best friend.

            “I’m so thrilled you’re moving in! Now, I don’t have to go far to talk to you.” Lisa squealed, jumping into the air and clapping her hands.

            I smiled fondly at the memory of when I’d decided to move in with Evan. A few days after Christmas the two of us were lounging in his bed, enjoying the warmth of each other’s company. Eventually I sat up and he looked longingly at me, wanting me to lay back down.

            “I’d better get going, I have to get home and change. I refuse to wear the same outfit twice.” I smiled as he frowned.

            “Why don’t you just grab something from the drawer?” He said it like it was obvious.

            “As much as I love your clothes, I think they’re a bit big on me. Extremely comfortable for bed though.”

            “Not my drawer, yours.” He said, swinging himself out of bed. I watched him as he walked over to his dresser and pulled open a drawer, turning to look at me.

            Walking over I peered in, surprised to see a few of my shirts and other various clothing items in it. I pretty much spent all day with Evan at the pack house so I knew I was bound to forget things here, but my heart swelled at the thought that he’d kept them in a drawer for me. I placed a hand over my heart and beamed at him.

            “Aww, I have a drawer!” I cooed, throwing my arms around his neck.

            “Is this big or something?” Guys, so clueless about relationship milestones.

            “Of course it is! It means we’re serious about each other.” I teased lightly, already knowing we were never going to be with anyone else.

            “But we’re mates. We’ll always be serious about each other.” Poor Evan, he was still so confused about this milestone. I smiled and kissed him lightly. He was still confused but responded to the touch of my lips.

            “Back to business, I hate to tell you this but a drawer does not house all of my necessitates. Way to small.” I commented, pulling back.

He shrugged and ran a hand through his hair, his muscles flexing through the thin cotton shirt he’d worn to bed. We were both still dressed in our pajama’s, not bothering to get changed. I’d spent every night with Evan ever since Christmas, my parents ok with it as long as were “safe”. I blushed at my dad’s face when he told me this. It was a very awkward conversation to say the least.

“Well why don’t you just move in?” He asked, walking back over to the bed.

“Hmm?” I asked, still thinking about the uncomfortable talk with my dad. My brain hadn’t quite registered what he’d said.

“You. Move in. With me.” He emphasized the words. My brain got it loud and clear this time. I spun around and looked at him, eyes wide in shock.

He simply gazed at me from between the sheets, a lazy grin stretched across his face. He didn’t seem at all bothered by the fact that he just asked me to live with him. I, however, was shocked.

“I-I can’t.” I stammered, trying to think about why I couldn’t. There really wasn’t a good reason, I just didn’t want Evan to regret his decision.

“Why not? You’re here all the time so it’s not really any different. Only thing that would change is your home address and where your clothes are.” He responded, looking up and  still sounding neutral. This wasn’t a big deal for him and for that I was glad.

“I don’t want to crowd your space though.” I attempted one last time to make sure he was ok with it. He threw me a glance and laughed.

“Love, I’ve been around you pretty much 24/7 for the last week and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned to put the toilet seat down and put the cap on the toothpaste. I learned you hate waking up early in the morning and you like you’re room to be exceptionally clean. Sutton, you’re not a morning person and you’re pretty crazy when it comes to neatness but I love those things about you. You’re a crazy neat freak but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

And just like that, I was out of my parents house and into the pack house. Evan was right though, it wasn’t much different than before. I hung out there all day and spent the nights, except now I  didn’t have to go home and get a change of clothes.

“Hey, get everything you nee-.” Evan stepped into the room and looked around, his eyes widening slightly before looking at me and shaking his head. I smiled guiltily. “I’d say I’m surprised, but really, with you, I’m not. Your motto is you can never get tired of shopping.”

“See! I told you he wouldn’t mind.” I said to Spencer, sticking my tongue out at him. He stuck his out and made a silly face, making me retort with my own ridiculous expression.

“Such children.” Lisa teased, watching us with a smile.

“However did we get stuck with such immature mates?” Evan said, joking playfully.

“Oh you love us!” Spencer and I said at the same time. Evan and Lisa pretended to think about it, letting out a few hmm’s and well’s.

“Alright, your right. We do.” Lisa finally said, breaking into a sprint and jumping into Spencer’s arms. He caught her with ease and I looked away when their lips met.

“Come on! Get a room.” Evan complained.

“Will do.” Spencer murmured around Lisa’s lips. He walked out and closed the door behind him.

“Not like I want to see them eating each other’s faces, I will admit Spencer had a good idea…” Evan smiled devilishly before leaping at me. He pulled me down onto the bed, the only open space in the room, and settled himself on top of me, making sure his weight  was kept off of me.

“You seem to forget we have other people in the house.” I whispered as he leaned down, with an intense and lust filled expression.

“Well than I guess it’s a good thing we have a sound proof bedroom.” He responded back before letting his head drop, making our lips lock together.

The moment Evan’s mouth touched mine, I knew I was a goner. We’d gotten pretty heated before but this time it felt different, it felt like it was time. Evan seemed to sense this in me and lifted his hand to trail it under my shirt. I shivered as his hand ran over my stomach, stopping just under my bra. His tongue found it’s way into my mouth and I felt a moan come from me. I didn’t have the time to feel embarrassed for the noise because in the next second my shirt was ripped clear off my body and tossed to the floor. I looked at my ruined shirt and he smiled wickedly at me.

“I’ll buy you a new one.” He murmured before going back to my mouth.

I slid my hands under his shirt, tracing the muscles of his stomach. He growled lowly and I felt it reverberate through his body. Oddly enough, the sound turned me on even more and I pushed his shirt up. He moved his head out of the way and helped me take his shirt off, tossing it next to mine. He leaned down and trailed his mouth over my neck, spending extra tome on his mark. I shivered and moaned again at the feeling of his mouth on my soft spot. A smile tugged at his mouth and he promptly released another swift lick across the sensitive skin. Damn! That felt good.

By the time all articles of clothing had been removed, I was panting with need. I’d learned quite a bit about Evan’s bedroom skills. I learned quickly Evan liked to take his time, rather he liked to tease. He would run his hands down my body, making me shiver with desire. I also learned he liked to take control while in bed. While he was more than happy to let me try to have some control, articles of clothing came off only when he deemed it time. Normally that would frustrate me, however in the moment I found it incredibly sexy. The last thing I realized fast is that Evan is very…skilled. Very skilled.

“Evan, I need you now!” I breathed as he once again ran a hand down my body, dragging it dangerously close to my lower half. I couldn’t take any more of his teasing.

“Good, because I need you now too.” He growled out lowly, making my lust shoot up impossibly higher.

I swear I touched heaven. This was like nothing else I’ve ever felt before, nothing I could compare the pleasure to. I was at a loss of words for how good Evan was making me feel. The pleasure continued to build and build, taking me higher. Just as it reached its peak Evan leaned forward and bit down once again on his mark, completing our mating.

Lockey’s POV:

            The crowd of people shuffled in front of me, eyeing my with scrutiny clear in their eyes. I don’t blame them after what happened with my brother. I would be the same way if the roles were reversed.

            “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming. We have much to discuss and I know there are some things many of you want to say. To start off, I’d like to apologize to the families that lost a member when my brother so foolishly decided to abduct the girl. He was careless and lost his edge. He was drawn in by the green of her eyes and copper streaks in her hair. He failed you. I will not. I promise you, we will take down the Greenwood Pack.”

            “How can you be so sure?” Someone in the back yelled.

            “Because we have a secret weapon.” I responded confidently. The door burst open to reveal the young fourteen year old girl. Her dark coppery curls danced around her face as she swung her head around wildly. The guard holding her elbow pushed her towards the front of the room until she was standing directly in front of me. I felt a slow grin stretch across my face and fear reflected back in her dark emerald eyes. The guy from earlier shouted out again.

            “Well who the hell is this?” 
