Chapter 9

Ok, so as promised,here is Chapter 9 and because it took me awhile to upload and because you guys are such AMAZING fans, I made it a little longer.

So thanks for the commenting and fanning and voting, and thanks for reading! :)


                                                Chapter 9

Evan’s POV:

             I woke up the next morning feeling excited and eager. Last night, with Sutton, had been one of the best nights of my life. We didn’t even touch, but staying there and talking to her, I felt like a piece of me was forming. In movies and books you hear about finding your soul mate, and it’s supposed to feel like that person was a piece of you that you never knew was missing. With Sutton, it was like she forwent giving me my missing piece and went straight to my heart, adding her own piece. She was forever ingrained in me; she’ll always be the one I love. I just hope she feels the same way about me, especially after she finds out about that one kiss with Sadie. I was a fool if I thought she wouldn’t find out. I already know she will, everyone knew about it, so she is bound to find out. My dilemma: Do I just tell her, or let her find out and then explain?

            “Hey man, where are you going?” Kevin asked from the doorway. He took a bite of the banana he was holding in his hand and I grimaced at his appearance.

            “Kevin, I thought we already talked about this. Walking around in just your boxers and a t-shirt is not only not ok, it’s quite frankly disturbing.” I complained.

            “Really? Lilah didn’t seem to find it too disturbing last night. Though, I didn’t have nearly as much clothing on. Actually, I didn’t hav-”

            “Come on man!” I cut him off, trying to shake off the mental picture in my head of him and Lilah. He chuckled at me response and took another bite of his banana.

            “So, where are you going?” He repeated his earlier question.

            “I have a date with Sutton. Ok, not really a date, but I offered to show her around town some more and she agreed, but I’m still calling it a date.”

            “And when do I get to formally meet this famous Sutton? It seems everyone’s already met her, everyone except me. Last night, at the BBQ, I heard all the guys talking about how hot she is. Looks like you had better send out a memo or something, because there’s already an argument on who called dibs first.” He chuckled and I growled lowly. The only person who gets to call dibs is me!

            “Look, I don’t know. But I just really want to spend some time with her before she runs off after meeting you and all of your…glory.” I said, waving my hand in his direction and scrunching my face up at the view.

            “I heard your parents love her.” Yeah, I’d heard that too. I guess after I left my parents had stayed behind and helped clean up, always the cordial guests. When they got home my mom was practically bouncing, she was so happy about who my mate is. I guess Sutton charmed my parents, not that I had any doubts about that.

            “Yeah, my mom’s already planning the wedding.” I laughed and he joined in too, knowing I wasn’t kidding. My mom’s a little eccentric. My dad’s more serious, but don’t let his tough exterior fool you. He loves to laugh just as much as the next guy, if not more. I think my parents balance each other out very well. Growing up, I’d always wanted to be like them. Run the pack with a stern hand but have a good humored side like my dad, with a mate that laughs through life but is serious when it comes down to it. My mom is both of those things, and after talking to Sutton last night, I can tell she is too.

            “Well, then it looks like your life is all good then.” Kevin observed. I shook my head.

            “It will be when you go put some clothes on.” I told him. He laughed.

            “Hey, if you’ve got then flaunt it.” He laughed once more as he left my room. I laughed softly and finished getting ready.

            Once I was dressed I looked in the mirror at my hair. It was still mussed from sleeping and stuck up. I ran a hand through it several times until I got it to look sexy mussed, not I-just-woke-up-and-didn’t-feel-like-styling-my-hair mussed. Ok, there wasn’t a big difference, but girls loved the sexy messed up hair look. I walked out into the hall and swung down the stairs, grabbing my car keys. Passing by my mom on the way out I ruffled her short blond hair and smiled when she turned around and slapped my arm half-heartedly for messing up her hair. Stepping out the door, I noticed several other pack members milling about. The thing I loved most about living in the pack house is there’s usually always someone around. You’re never bored with tons of people around. And your never lonely, it’s hard to be when someone is constantly knocking on your door to go play basketball with them or help cook dinner.

            I hopped into by Mercedes and pulled my sunglasses on, barely containing my excitement. In just a few minutes, I would see my mate again. I smiled at that thought.

Sutton’s POV:

            I woke up the sound of banging on my door. I glanced around groggily, silently cursing whoever pulled me out of that delicious dream. The dream had slipped away but threads of it remained, leaving behind the traces of feeling happy and warm and safe.

            “Come in.” I mumbled sliding down further under my blanket and pulling it up over my head.

            “Sutton? Aren’t you going out today?” My mother’s voice called out from the doorway. Wait? Out? Shit, Evan! I jumped out of bed and looked at the clock. I had an hour to get ready. This calls for drastic measures. I ran to my bathroom calling out a quick thanks to my mom as I passed by.

            After a quick shower I blew dry my hair and ran to my closet, glancing out the window as I walked past it. The sky looked even worse than yesterday, with darker greys swirling with black. Another chilly day then. I went through my closet to find and outfit that would match the temperature. I finally pulled on a grey long sleeve and black jeans with black boots, no heel this time. I slipped a black thigh length coat on over the long sleeve and a grey fuzzy beanie. Since I was in a hurry, my make-up was minimal with only mascara and foundation on, with a bit of lip gloss.

            When I looked at my reflection, I smiled. This was my personal best for getting ready quickly. I guess it’s easier to get ready quicker when you have a good reason. My curls bounced out of the bottom of the beanie and for once they looked perfectly curled, not the usual slightly frizzy waves.

            “You look nice.” Taylor’s voice said quietly from the door. I looked over and felt all my guilt well up in me.

            “Tay-” I spoke.

            “No, I just…I just wanted to apologize for my outburst yesterday. I never planned on telling you any of those things.”

            “Why not?”

            “I didn’t want you to feel guilty. And don’t tell me you don’t because I can see it in your eyes. I just didn’t want to hurt you.” I couldn’t help it. I laughed. I doubled over in laughter. She looked crossly at me.

            “I’m-I’m sorry. It’s just that,” I had to take deep breaths to steady my voice,” It’s just that for the past seven years you’ve been hurting and I had no idea. And then you tell me that you didn’t want to hurt me. I just find that absurdly funny.”

            “Well, I’m sorry if I didn’t want you to get hurt.” She said defensively.

            “Oh, it’s not a bad thing. It’s just, I’m your older sister. I’m supposed to be the one protecting you.”

            “But you do.”

            “Yes, I do, but I guess not enough. Taylor, I’m sorry that you feel I pick Jason over you. I never meant to give you that impression. You’re my little sister, I would pick you over anyone. I would do anything for you, you have to know that. I love you Taylor, I really do.” I told her, speaking calmly and keeping my eyes focused on her.

            “Sometimes it doesn’t feel like that.”

            “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you thought you couldn’t come and tell me about this. But I understand how you feel, if it were me, I’d feel the same way.” I told her earnestly. “ And I also wanted to say thank you.”

            “Thanks? For what?” She asked bewildered.

            “For being my little sister. You taught me what it’s like having a little sister, what it’s like to have someone look out for you. Because of you, I push myself to be better because I know that you look up to me. Taylor, I wouldn’t be the same without you as my little sister.” I said. It’s not like me to get all mushy but from the look on her face she needed to hear all these things. I regret I’d never told her this, I just assumed she already knew. I guess that’s a big mistake in life, assuming the people you love know how you feel so you don’t say it. In the end though, it can cause resentment and ultimately hurt. “I am so sorry Taylor that I hurt you.” I told her quietly.

            She was still standing in the doorway, one hand clutching the handle of the door and the other clutching the frame. She looked at me, her blue eyes shining with unshed tears and her face bunched up, quivering and fighting back a sob. At last her sob broke free and she rushed forward with tears streaming down her face. I held her against me and stroked her hair softly as she cried into my chest. A part of me was shocked, I’d never seen her so broke, so not in control. Usually, she never cried. Usually she was so in control, so made up. It shocked me to see her like this but I held onto her as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

            You can’t always be strong, you can’t always be so in control. There are going to be times when you just need a hug, when you need to feel someone wrap their arms around you. A time when you can let your guard down and just relax. Even if it’s only for a moment, sometimes you just need someone else to take care of you until you can get back on your feet. This was Taylor’s moment and this was the time for me to be strong for her.

            She finally stopped shuddering and crying and took a step back. She looked down, embarrassed at her break down. I smiled and hugged her, smiling slightly when I felt her squeeze me back tightly. After a moment I stepped back and looked around the room, finding my cell phone. I picked it up and started scrolling through the list of names.

            “What are you doing?” Taylor asked me, her eyes rimmed in red but still looking relieved, brighter.

            “Calling Evan. To cancel my little tour. You need me right now, so I’m going to cancel and stay with you.” I found his number and was about to press call when Taylor snatched the phone out of my hands.

            “You can’t do that!”


            “Sutton, I’m not blind. I saw you and him in the store. You guys are mates, and I will not be the cause for the cancelation of your first date.” She said.


            “No, no no. I don’t want to hear it. You’re going and that’s that.”

“You sure?” I asked hesitantly. She nodded.

 “Just promise me one thing.”

            “And what’s that?”

            “Tonight, it’s me and you.” She smiled.

            “Deal.” I said as the doorbell rang. I panicked looking at myself in the mirror. I heard Jason downstairs talking in his booming voice.

            “You look fabulous. As usual.” Taylor said from my now neatly made bed. I didn’t notice it before, but my mom must have made it when I was in the shower. Messes make her crazy.

            “Mom and dad?” I asked.

            “Not here. Dad went to his new office and mom went to the closest thing they have to a country club here.” Of course, my dad loved his work and my mom loved the perks of being rich. I nodded and walked slowly into the hall, my stomach suddenly full of butterflies. I could hear Jason’s voice and then Evan’s deep, rich voice. God, his voice was sexy. I glanced over the banister, peaking at him. He was dressed in a white shirt with a grey jacket and black jeans. His hair was skillfully messed up and stuck up. Jeez, even his hair was sexy. Someone really shouldn’t be that sexy, its’ not fair to the rest of us.

            I took a deep breath and tried to enable that go with the flow girl in me. In New York few things made me nervous, but this guy could get my heart racing like humming bird’s wings. How I was so wrong, thinking that moving here would be boring. Uh, I think not. Not with Evan around.

Evan’s POV:

            I pulled up to her massive house and got out. I have to admit, they’ve got it goin’ on. Her house was almost as big as the pack house, and the pack house is pretty big. I took in a deep breath, the air already tainted with her sweet smell. Before I knew it I was at the door, ringing the bell, craving to see the face that matched the scent. To my surprise it wasn’t Sutton who pulled open the door, but Jason. I gaped, I hadn’t counted on him being here. I’d been so caught up in Sutton last night I’d completely forgotten about Jason.

            “Evan? What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t get up until the sun was already high in the sky.” He said as he ushered me in. I fumbled, looking for a response.

            “Uhh, yeah. That’s what I’ve heard. I don’t really get up that late.” I mumbled as I stepped in the door and he shut it behind me.

            “Sure, that’s like saying Sutton doesn’t take hour long showers. And just so you know, she totally does.” I smiled at the reference to Sutton. How in the world was I going to tell my best friend his little sister is my mate? Oh, by the way Jason. I didn’t come here to see you, I came here to take Sutton out. Why you ask? Well, because she’s my mate and one day we’re going to get married and have kids. Yeah, that wouldn’t work out well.

            “Ok, maybe I do get up late.” I said, trying to keep him talking so he wouldn’t ask what I’m doing here so early on a Monday morning.

            “Well maybe it’s because you have long nights, if you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows. Yeah, I knew what he meant. Sure, maybe once I would have had long nights, but not recently. Even before I’d met Sutton, I hadn’t had a long night in a while. “So, really. What re you doing here? Did you already miss me so much you just had to come see him?” Jason asked, chuckling. Sure I missed someone, just not him.

            “Uhh, about that. No, Jason I’m actually here to see Sutton.” I started nervously. Wait. What the hell am I nervous for? I’m Alpha. I get what I want.

Your nervous because you know Jason isn’t going to like this, and he won’t care if you alpha or not. He’ll still go for blood. My wolf so kindly reminded me.

Shut Up! I hissed to him.

            “Sutton?” I heard Jason asked suspiciously. “Why are you here to see Sutton?” His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked closely at me. I kept my easy going yet firm stance and looked at him.

            “Well, you see, the thing is Jason, it’s kind of a funny story, you’re going to laugh when you hear it. Sutton…”
