Chapter 38

I made this chapter just to kind of wrap up what happened after the last chapter. This takes place a few monthes after the battle, when Sutton and Evan are leaving. 

Epilogue after this and that will be uploaded tomorrow. Then it's the end for this story :(

Thank you everyone who voted and commented and fanned on the last chapter. I definitely appreciate it :)

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.)


Chapter 38

Evan’s POV:

            “You did that on purpose!” Taylor cried, glaring at Claire.

            “What? I did not!” Claire defended herself, scowling back. Anyone could see the slight smirk on her face though.

            “Girls, knock it off or I’m leaving you here.” Sutton chastised as she walked past them, Paige on her hip.

            “But she started it!” They both yelled at the same time. Sutton raised an eyebrow at them, daring them to continue arguing.

            “Why don’t you guys just go wait in the car.” I suggested, motioning towards the waiting vehicle. They both huffed and stomped away.

            “I have no idea how we’re going to do this.” Sutton chuckled lightly as she watched her two sisters walk away.

            “Did you and Spence put all the suitcases in the car?” Lisa inquired as she walked out of the house.

            “Yes, all six hundred of them.” Spencer answered, walking out behind her.

            “Did you say goodbye to everyone?” Sutton asked Paige, gazing lovingly at the little girl.

            “Mhm.” Paige replied, grinning at her. The bond between them was evidently strong.

            “So we’re set?” Lisa asked, looking around for confirmation. We all nodded and she proceeded to the car, Spencer on her heels.

            The time had come for Sutton and I to leave the pack for a few years so we could go to college and as she liked to put it, experience new things. Even though she’s already lived in New York, she says it’ll be a new adventure. Of course, Sutton doesn’t go anywhere without her trio of girls. Taylor, Claire, and Paige have all packed their bags to come with us. Since Sutton was in charge of Paige, it was clear she was going to go with us. Taylor and Claire on the other hand, now that was one long battle. They both refused to stay in the pack when Sutton was leaving, but they also both refused to go if the other was going. I thought that after a few months of being near each other, they would have gotten used to each other. It seems though, that Claire is still iced out by Taylor and Jason. I find it sort of funny how the only thing Taylor and Jason can agree on is their mutual dislike over Sutton’s biological sister. I think it’s sort of crazy that we’re bringing along a whole hoard of people but I guess the more the merrier.

            “Can we go now mother? I’ve never been on an airplane and I want to go already!” Paige has taken a liking to referring to Sutton as her “new mother”. At first we thought it was a way for her to deal with the loss of her family but it still hasn’t worn off. Not that it bothers Sutton much.

            “Yes, we can go now. Why don’t you ask Taylor if she can buckle you in and we’ll be along soon.” Sutton put Paige down and patted her head affectionately. We both watched as Paige raced away and jumped into Taylor’s arms.

            “Such an affectionate child.” I commented. Sutton laughed and nodded, smiling softly.

It had taken her a while to get over witnessing Sadie’s death, but she had. She’d graduated high school with good grades and managed to pull herself together. It never ceases to amaze me how strong she is, how she can keep going after so many setbacks.

While we had killed all the hunters in the clearing that day, we’d learned soon after that there had been a small band of hunters that had been left behind. They fled as soon as they caught wind that no one would be returning. We’ve searched for these hunters without luck and with any hope, they won’t even think about returning.

“Ready to go?” Sutton asked softly, hugging my side. We both gazed up at the massive pack house and listened quietly to the loud sounds of life emanating from behind the walls. I was really going to miss home but we’d be back soon enough.

“Yeah,” I replied softly. “Let’s go.”
