Chapter 28

Many of you have been asking for Jason's opinion on this so I finally delivered. I left some things out because he'll find out about that later. I don't want to prolong you any further, so I'll shut up now.

Thank you to everyone who fans and comments and votes. You make all the late night writing and early morning writing worth it! :)

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


Jason’s POV:

            Mates. Yeah, no way in hell! There is no way I’m letting my little sister mate with my best friend, excuse me, former best friend. She obviously doesn’t know how he spent most of his college days. Partying and sleeping with girls. I’m not going to let Sutton just be another hump and dump. Over my dead body will Evan ruin my little sister.

            “Hun, calm down would ya?” Ellie looked over at me, placing a hand on my arm gently.

            My gaze softened as I looked at her, feeling the familiar pull towards her. God, I got so lucky to have her as my mate. We clicked instantly. You would think that being polar opposites would cause discomfort but it’s the opposite actually. Her seriousness toned down my wild side. While she made me grow up, I taught her how to loosen up and have fun. It truly is a match made in heaven. And here she is, looking quite beautiful in a red dress as we all waited for Evan and Sutton to make their grand entrance.

            The Christmas party was mostly for them. While it was a chance for pack members to catch up with other members, this year it was also a chance to meet the future Luna. It’s an understatement to say I’m not happy. I have no doubt in my mind that Sutton is a great leader and more than capable of leading the pack, but I’m not so sure Evan could restrain in hurting her. Looking around though, I heard murmurs spread through the pack about how different Evan is now that he’s found Sutton. Like those people are allowed to judge, they didn’t even know he had a mate until yesterday. I suppressed another rage wave and focused on Elise, taking her hand lightly.

            “I’m sorry, I just get so angry when I think about the two of them together.” I told her in a hushed voice. Many people in the pack already love Evan and Sutton together so they wouldn’t be too pleased to hear I hate them together.

            “I understand. Sutton is your little sister and Evan is your best friend,”

            “Was. He was my best friend.” I corrected her.

            “Is your best friend. He is. Jase, mates are mates. I mean I’m just so thankful Sutton didn’t have any objections to us being together so I think you should show her the same coutes-”

            “Why would she have any objections?” I cut her off, bewildered.

            “Jason, I’m one of Sutton’s closest friends, besides Lisa, no one’s closer to her than Lisa, but the point is, she could have totally said she wasn’t ok with one of her best friends dating her brother. I would have understood, I mean it must be pretty weird for her.”

            “But we’re mates.” I objected. In truth, I’d never really thought about how Sutton would feel to me being mates with her friend.

            “So are they.” Elise murmured, inclining her head up to the top of the stairs. I noticed everyone’s head snapped up at the same time, looking at the two people at the top of the stairs.

            Elise is right, they are mates. You can’t choose who your meant to be with, you can’t fight it. I don’t have to like it, but I have to respect that they were chosen for each other some how. Problem solved. I’ll still hate their bond but I’ll be respectful to Evan when around people. That would hurt Sutton though. The annoying voice in my head spoke the truth. I know Sutton would never want to choose between her brother and her mate, but that’s the position I’m putting her in. The both of us know, however, if it came down to it, she would choose Evan. I can understand that. I’d be ok, just as long as I knew she was happy.

            Looking up, I had a flashback to just a little while ago, when I’d stood next to Sutton as she descended a different flight of stairs to meet the new pack. To meet the mate she never knew she had. She’s been nervous and scared then, clutching my arm tightly. Now, though, now she looked calm. She looked like a Luna. Regal and powerful, kind and stunningly beautiful in green dress that matched her eyes. I noticed most of all that she looked incredibly happy as she glanced at Evan, only to find him staring at her. A blush darkened her cheeks but she smiled at him, taking his arm in her. The two of them, as much as I hated to admit it, they looked perfect together. Anyone standing within a mile of them could see the love they radiated towards each other. Maybe…maybe they were good or each other.

            Sutton’s eyes passed over the room, warmly taking in the pack members that stood in awe. I almost laughed, it was sort of odd to see so many people captivated by my sister. The girl that loved to shop but also insisted we slide down a muddy hill in the rain. The girl that walked around the  house in sweats with her hair thrown into a ponytail. It was odd to see so many people captivated by her because to me, she’d always just be my regular little sister. Sutton’s gaze found mine, and I saw a flash of sadness in her eyes. She looked at me longingly, like she wanted to hug me. I could have kicked myself for ruining her moment. I shouldn’t have rejected her bond just like she didn’t reject mine. To show her my support, I smiled at her. She looked a little puzzled but smiled back.

            “Ladies and gentlemen, as you all probably know, my son has met his match. The one that will lead you and your children alongside her mate. Your Alpha Female. I’d like to present to you Evan and his mate, Sutton. Your next Alpha and Luna.” The Alpha spoke from the bottom of the stairs.

People cheered and clapped, wolf whistles spreading throughout the room. Sutton laughed as Evan led her down the stairs, smiling lovingly at her. I watched him closely, looking to see if he was faking it. I didn’t have to watch for long to see he wasn’t faking anything. He really was in love with my sister. They reached the bottom of the stairs and were immediately enveloped by people. Men clapped Evan on the back and congratulated him while women crowded around Sutton to meet their new Alpha Female. A little girl ran from the living room where the children had been corralled and pushed her way through the masses of people.

“Excuse me…cuse’ me… MOVE PEOPLE!” Her sweet and sugary voice turned annoyed at the end. “Move it people, I know her!”

Many people turned to face the source of the voice. A little girl with pretty chestnut hair and icy eyes fought her way to the front. I looked closely at her, I’d seen her around playing with some of the other kids. Payton? Paxton? Paige! That was it. I’d heard she was a ball of fire, never stopping until she got what she wanted. She reminded me a lot of her older sister, Sadie. They were both determined and feisty.

“Excuse me people, but I happen to know Sutton!” She glared rudely at the person in front of her, putting her hands on her hips. I saw her mother step forward from the crowd, flushed from embarrassment.

“Paige dear, why don’t you go play with the other children.” Paige looked at her like she was crazy.

“Thanks but no thanks.” She retorted before launching herself at Sutton. And I mean, literally launch. She bent her knees and jumped, landing on a very surprised and unprepared Sutton. The only reason she didn’t fall was because Evan caught her and held her upright.

“Oh my goodness! Paige! I thought I told you to leave her alone! I’m so sorry. She’s just taken a liking to your mate. Please do excuse her, I apologize.” Paige’s mom spewed out apologies to Evan who looked a bit bewildered.

“No, no, it’s ok. I already told you I don’t mind. She’s fine.” Sutton told the woman, recovering from the launch. She wrapped her arms around Paige and hugged her, putting her down after a second.

“I told you crazy people. Me and the future Luna are tight.” Paige said smugly, looking directly at a boy roughly around the same age that was glaring at her.  

            “Alright then, now that that is settled dinner is being served and then after that presents!” All the kids yelped at the word present.

            We all headed into the dining room, Paige still glued to Sutton. From what I could gather she was telling her about some fight she’d had.

            “I was like I do so know her and then he was like you do not! I told him I knew you and then he said you’d never hang out with a loser like me so I hit him and then he pushed me and then we started pushing each other. Then my sister came in and told us to break it up and then she sided with him and said I didn’t know you. But I do! I do know you!” Paige spoke fast and excitedly.

            Sutton laughed and deposited her at the kids table, promising to spend more time with her later. She followed Evan to the long rectangular table set up for the higher up members. Since there were too many pack members to seat at one table, many long tables were set up. Sutton and Evan sat at the main table, along with the Alpha and Beta. I noticed Evan’s friend Spencer and his mate were up there because they were the future Beta’s. I took my seat next to Elise and Taylor. She sniffed at me and turned her head, facing her parents. Even during the holidays, the two of us didn’t get along. As much as it pains Sutton to have two opposing siblings, she understands some people just don’t get along. Taylor and I fit under that category.

            “Wow, they all just adore Sutton.” Ellie whispered, nodding towards the head table. Many were still awestruck my her while others dived into the food. They all though, held the same loving and protective gaze. They already accepted and loved their future Luna.

            “It’s hard not to.” I murmured back, digging into my food.

            Just as I was finishing up eating, I noticed Evan stand up and whisper something to Sutton. She nodded after a second and he kissed the top of her head than strode out of the room. This was my chance to talk to him. I stood up and followed him out into the hallway. He turned as I stepped out, giving me a curious look.

            “Evan.” I said evenly.

            “What? Are you going to yell at me again? Tell me I’m going to be the world’s worst mate?” I could detect a hint of sadness behind his harsh tone.

            “No, I just want to talk.” He looked at me for a moment before nodding.

            “Follow me.” He called over his shoulder, heading for the back patio. We stepped put into the cool air, snow still covering the ground. “Talk.” He ordered.

            “I would just like to….apologize.” I gritted my teeth and ground out the last words. He stared at me wordlessly. “I was wrong before. I was just scared that you would hurt her, use her like you did back in college. I guess I was just hung up in the past. I see now though, how much you make her happy. And that’s all I wanted for her. I wanted her to be happy and I can see she’s more happy with you than she’s ever been.” I told him.

            “Jason, would you ever hurt Elise?” He asked finally. I looked at him incredulously.

            “Of course not, she’s my mate.”

            “Exactly. Sutton’s my mate and I would never use her. Sure, I dated Sadie in the beginning but only because I wanted to protect her. It didn’t work, but at the time I thought it was the best thing for her. See, even before the two of us had gotten together her safety was the only thing on my mind. I would have  rather been without her than have lost her. I would never hurt her Jason. I love her.” Truth rung throughout his voice.

            “Wow, love already?” I tried to joke. “It’s just, I’ve been with Elise longer than you two and I’m not entirely sure I love her yet. I know that I’ll love her, just not right away. We’re still getting to know each other, we aren’t ready for love.”

            “I know, you’ll get there eventually. With Sutton though, she’s all I ever think about and all I want to do is be with her every second of the day. My heart beats all weird whenever I see her and she’s so incredibly gorgeous it takes my breath away. Sutton is an amazing person and I’m not stupid enough to ignore that fact. I love her Jason, I already know I do. You know that I would do anything for her. I can see it in your face, you don’t want to admit it but you know I would do anything to keep her safe and happy.”

            “Your right. I do know that. But if you ever so much as make her frown…well you’ve heard what I did to boys that even thought about getting in her pants.” I threatened. Those boys still wince every time they see me.

            “Well than I guess it’s a good thing I never plan on making her frown.” Evan said, smiling and stepping forward.

            “I feel like we should hug or something.” I told him. He laughed.

            “Dude, only girls do that.”

            “Whatever, if you don’t want to hug me, I get it.” I tried to sound offended but failed miserably. He laughed and opened his arms.

            “Bring it in big guy. If we get caught though, I’m saying you forced me to hug you.”

            “Like we’ll get caught.” I said and awkwardly hugged him.

            I swear we stood like that for a split second but one of us must have bad luck because the door to the house opened just as we hugged. We froze, still locked in an awkward embrace. Thankfully it was only Sutton. She had been looking behind her as she stepped out but turned to face us. Her face registered surprise and confusion.

            “Evan, what are you doing out here? And Jason? What-? Oh man, were you guys making up? Did I interrupt? I’ll just go back inside, pretend I was never here.” She turned to go but Evan stopped her.

            “No, it’s ok. We were just done talking. Is there something wrong? Are you ok?” He looked her over to make sure she was alright.

            “Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. I was just coming to tell you that it’s present time.” She said, looking at us strangely.

            “Uhh ok…We made up by the way.” I added on the last part. She nodded, hey eyebrows raised.

            “I can see.” I looked at Evan and I to see we were still locked in that stupid hug. We stepped back quickly, looking at the ground and the nighttime sky, anywhere but Sutton’s humorous gaze.

            “Let’s go inside.” Evan said gruffly. I was about to follow suit when Sutton held up a hand.

            “Wait, you guys got to hug! I never got one.” Evan stepped forward but she continued. “Group hug!” She commanded.

            Before I knew it, Sutton had thrown herself into Evan’s arms and then proceeded to pull my arm until I was also hugging her. The three of us stood hugging for a second, me feeling stupid and by the look on Evan’s face, so did he. However, when he looked down at Sutton he got the loving gaze thing and pulled her closer to him. I stepped back, sensing they needed privacy. She glanced at me quickly, squeezing my arm affectionately, before turning to Evan again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he held on tightly to her waist, both of them looking content. I turned and walked inside, glancing behind me before I closed the door.

            Evan was leaning in and whispering something to Sutton, who in turn smiled giddily. She placed her hands on his cheeks shook his head from side to side. They both laughed and leaned in towards each other. I turned quickly, knowing they were about to kiss. I didn’t feel quite right watching them kiss, that seemed sort of like an invasion of privacy. As I continued on back to the party, I smiled at the image emblazed on my mind. The image of Sutton wrapped protectively in Evan’s arms, smiling like a girl that was in love. 
