Chapter 17

Hope you guys all had a fantastic Halloween! So, I thought I'd upload on Halloween since this chapter is about the Halloween Bash. I think some of the POV's may surprise you, but in a good way (I hope). I read your comments about some of you not being able to see the previous chapter, I'm not really sure how to fix that. My only advice is to refresh the page. 

Please comment below and tell me who your favorite POV was and who's POV you want to see more of. The person can be different (EX- Luke and Jason)

On to the chapter, hope you guys enjoy it and vote and comment and fan. Happy Halloween! :)

(P.S. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


                                                Chapter 17

Sutton’s POV:

            I adjusted my short dress, running my fingers over the silky, red fringe. Lisa, Lilah, Ellie,  Katherine, Scott’s mate, and I had all decided to go for an older era for our costumes. Lisa, Lilah and I were all flapper girls and Ellie and Kat had opted for the 80’s girl look. I tucked a piece of my curled hair behind me and ran my eyes over my costume. The dress was a deep red, with rows of fringe running over it. It stopped halfway down my thigh and had thin straps that left my arms bare. Black gloves that stopped right before they reached my elbows, a black mask that covered my eyes, and a black feather accessorized my look. The mask didn’t really go with the flapper theme but nonetheless, it looked good.

            “Damn Sutton. You put us to shame.” Lisa’s wistful voice had me turning to face her and Lilah. They had the same black accessories but Lilah’s dress was white and Lisa sported a dark green dress.

            “More like the other way around.” I murmured and smiled slightly. I didn’t feel like going out and partying bit on the other hand, I didn’t feel like staying at home and laying in bed.

            “Ready?” Ellie asked. We all nodded and I smiled at her. She looked so cute in a puffy pink skirt with a silky black shirt tucked in. Kat looked completely opposite, as she had decided to do the 80’s punk girl. Her black hair was straightened and she rocked a leather jacket.

            “Let’s hit the road then.” Lisa sang as she flew down the stairs. I found myself walking down the stairs next to Ellie. She twirled her hair nervously and bit down on her bottom lip.

            “Nervous?” I guessed.

            “No, it’s just parties aren’t really my thing.” You and me both, I thought. “Hey is your brother or whatever he is coming?” She asked suddenly.

            “Yeah I think so.” I doubt he would miss the opportunity to party.

            “It’s funny that you guys have been here for a few months now and I still have never met him.” She laughed. I looked at her shocked, trying to remember a time when they had been around each other.

            “You guys have never met?” I asked bewildered. She shook her head as she stepped out of the house.

            “Nope.” How odd, I thought. We climbed into the back of Lilah’s Beemer and settled into it’s leather seats. Lisa turned to us from the passenger seat as Lilah pulled out of the driveway.

            “Let’s party ladies!” I pushed my feather further down into my hair and shot her a small smile. I’m not entirely sure if tonight is going to be good.

Jason’s POV:

            I followed the rest of the guys into the large house that was already spilling with the younger generation of werewolves. Teens flocked through the house with cups full of alcohol and music pounding around them. The little kids and parents never came to this Halloween Bash. It was strictly for the teens.

            “You guys certainly know how to throw a party.” I murmured as I looked around. Strobe lights flickered through the room and people danced closely all around us. I guess we had found the makeshift dance floor.

            “Werewolves know how to party.” Scott said, grinning.

            “Let’s get something to drink.” Evan said rather gruffly. I can’t figure out what’s been bugging him. The last two months he’s been bipolar, sad and unresponsive one moment, alert and mad the next. Something seemed to happen when I got here, he’s just unwilling to share what it was. If he keeps acting like this, whenever he meets his mate she’s not going to want his moody ass.

            Ha! I laughed, Evan having a mate. I just couldn’t picture it. For as long as I have known him he’s always been the non-commitment kind of guy. He doesn’t date, he just sleeps around. I’m pretty sure that’s why he’s with Sadie; I’ve heard she’s pretty good in bed. If I were the brother of his mate, I wouldn’t let him near my sister. My sister. Sutton. I sighed sadly thinking of her as I walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a plastic cup filled with alcohol. Evan isn’t the only one acting weird lately. Sutton keeps pushing me away and won’t tell me why. I remember for a few days after she was…attacked, I grimaced at the word, she had locked herself up in her room and refused to speak to anyone. Her friend, Lisa, seemed to have made her snap out of it but she still won’t talk to me much. Taylor? They’re closer than ever, my jealousy spikes every time I see them together.

             I find it a little strange that Evan and Sutton both are acting weird at the same time, but their problems can’t possibly be related. They’re rarely in the same room for heaven’s sake! Why? A voice in my head questioned. It’s almost like they avoid being in the same room. Why is that? The voice once again pestered me.

            Whoa. What-What is that smell? I swiveled my head around, looking for its source. It was so sweet smelling, like violets and sunshine. I followed the scent back to the closely packed dance floor, leaving behind my guys. Over by the door I recognized Sutton and immediately wanted to wrap a jacket or something around her. Her dress was way too short for my liking, but from the looks she was getting, other guys liked it. The scent hit me once again and my thoughts about the length of Sutton’s dress flew away.

Stop standing there and go find the source you idiot! My wolf ordered.

            I listened to him and wound my way closer to Sutton and the group of girls surrounding her. I recognized Lisa and Lilah dressed similarly to Sutton and I was pretty sure that was Scott’s mate in the leather jacket. I walked past them towards the door, thinking wherever the scent emanated from was farther beyond them. I paused, the scent hitting me again only stronger. Wherever the sweet smell was coming from it was close.

            I looked back over at Sutton as she started to move away, towards the kitchen. The girls followed behind her, almost in a line. Lisa moved behind Sutton, then Kat, Lilah following behind her and moving to reveal someone I had not originally seen. She was smaller than the rest of them but I wouldn’t call her short. Her cinnamon colored hair was pulled up into a high ponytail and her pale skin looked so delicate. I couldn’t see her face clearly as I fought my way through a few people, suddenly desperate to get to her. She had a confused look on her face and was about to follow Katherine before stopping short. I had just reached her when she turned around and looked at me.


Lockey’s POV:

            What the hell were we doing at this bullshit party? Drunk werewolves circled all around me, too wasted to notice I wasn’t a full werewolf. Luke had just up and decided that we just had to go to this party. For surveillance, he claimed. I swear he thinks I’m stupid. As if I didn’t notice the way he watched that Collins girl. Much to my disgust, it seems my twin is infatuated with a werewolf. A werewolf! The very creature we were born to destroy. How appalled our parents would be if they found out. To say I was unhappy about this is putting it mildly. Luke is the last person I ever would have imagined being interested in a werewolf. He hates werewolves, even more then I do. And I despise half of what I am.

Where the hell are you? I texted him. A second later my phone buzzed.

Spying. Came his reply.

Spying my ass. Spying on that werewolf is more like it. Speak of the devil, she came walking in enclosed in her tight group of friends. Not a minute later I recognized Luke’s form sliding in from a different room to blend in with the shadows. His head turned automatically and watched her. I knew she was different to him the day we took her out to the woods. If that had been a normal day, we would have killed her. If we done thing according to plan, that little fur sprouting girl would not be breathing right now. We had heard rumors that a new werewolf family was moving to town and we had it all planned out. We would kill the family one by one, just to let the werewolves know we were still here.

Luke and I were notthe only hunters around. There are many in our group, all as hellbent as I on destroying werewolves. Why let werewolves have the glory of being able to shift?  Why let werewolves go on and live normal lives when we’re the ones stuck being some genetic mix up? There wasn’t a good reason why we should let them live, so we didn’t. In the past our group had been known to attack constantly, violently. When my father took over as leader though, things changed. He realized we needed to be smarter, faster, stronger. He built us up and made us stronger, made us see that to bring the Greenwood pack down we needed to attack the inside.

“The pack is like a body. The Alpha and his close knit group is the heart. And you know, a body can’t function without it’s heart.” He’s said. I was immensely proud of my father. I had no doubt in my mind that we would take the pack down. Problem was, if you wanted to destroy the Alpha you had to kill his mate. As far as we knew, Evan Taylor didn’t have a mate. We waited for months and watched as he fooled around with countless girls but never seeming to take a special interest in anyone.

The first day we had seen the Collins girl and her little sister was when they had been shopping. We’d been discreetly tailing them, trying to find out who would be an easier target. It was only a coincidence that Evan and his friends had been there and I didn’t think much of it. That is, until I noticed his unusual reaction, practically flying across the street and into that store, swinging his head around as if looking for some strange odor. Luke and I witnessed the way Sutton and him had stared each other, recognizing the signs of being mates. Luke and I of course thought they were mates but we had to make sure. The fact that we were currently living is what convinced us that they were not mates, however. If Sutton were truly Evan’s mate, he would have killed us for kidnapping, drugging, and hurting her. So we wait once again for Evan to find the one person this is going to ruin his life when he loses her.

We were hybrids, only getting the better hearing and seeing. We could run fast and were stronger then other humans. However, we didn’t shift and we didn’t get mates. I’ve heard that hybrids don’t have the best things about being werewolves and I can believe that. As much as I hate werewolves, I can see the looks they pass to their mate and I’ve frequently wondered what it would be like to have someone automatically love you. When my mom was young she’d met a werewolf and thought him to be the man of her dreams. Turns out, the man of her dreams got her pregnant and then left when he found his mate. She married my dad not too long after, sharing his seething hatred of werewolves.

After we’d shaken the girl and her sister up a little, Luke had started acting a little funny. He seemed confused and withdrawn, like he was thinking over something. We’d brought her to the woods but he wouldn’t let me kill her. For some strange reason, he wanted her alive. There I knew that he was interested in this fleebag of a girl. Why my brother chose to take interest in a werewolf is unknown to me.

What do we have here? My thoughts were interrupted when I saw the girl’s brother march across the heavily populated dance floor determinedly, looking around. A few moments later he came face to face with a girl that had previously been hidden. I recognized the loving stare and smiled under the mask that covered my entire face. Looks like we just found one more easy pair to target.

Luke’s POV:

            I secretly followed Sutton into the dimly lit kitchen and watched her. Her petite body was tucked into a tight, short dress and I had to admit, she looked hot. I felt Lockey’s annoyed eyes bore into my back as I left but I didn’t really care. Lockey couldn’t understand my infatuation with Sutton and neither could I. All I could think is that she was different. I believed Evan when he said she wasn’t his mate, I wouldn’t be breathing if she was. I was a little happy that she was still mateless, I wouldn’t have to kill her just yet. I just simply wanted to know what about her was so appealing to me.

            “Watch it would ya.” A drunken guy slurred as we bumped into me on his way out. I glowered at him and took a deep breath under the hot mask I was wearing. The mask theme worked to my advantage this year, allowing me the breeze through these drunk werewolves easily. I glanced at the dance floor and scowled at many close packed bodies all moving together. I claimed to be here to observe them, but I knew I was only here to observe one hot little werewolf.

            Speaking of Sutton, where did she go? My thoughts had left me unobservant and I noticed she was no longer in the kitchen. I looked around, inhaling, trying to smell her. The only thing that I could make out was alcohol, sweat, and many different werewolf scents. Once you get a whole bunch of werewolves together, it’s hard to separate the different scents. I roamed around quickly, not finding her on the dance floor or in the dining room where people were playing beer pong. I loped up the stairs, passing couples who were making out and people that had passed out. The scent up here wasn’t quite as strong and I could easily tell she wasn’t up there. I was just about to think she had left when I happened to pass by a hallway on the bottom floor that led outside. Down at the end of the poorly lit hall I could make out the shape of two people pressed against a wall, their lips locked. I recognized Sutton’s scarlet dress and deep brown hair. Her arms were locked around the guys neck, pulling him closer. As for the guy, I couldn’t see his face. He had dark jeans on and a black blazer. A white shirt peeked out and his dark mask covered his eyes. I squinted, trying to figure out who the guy passionately kissing Sutton was. Just then, I felt my phone vibrate.

Come on, let’s go. The text from Lockey read.

 I sighed at my brother’s impatience and took another glance over at Sutton. She was still lip locked with that guy, completely oblivious to the rest of the world. As I walked out of the booming party a few minutes later, one question kept rolling around in my head.

Who was Sutton kissing?
