Chapter 34

One chapter closer to the end :(

Although, I am super excited about the sequel because it gives me a chance to write about a different character and at the same time write about Sutton and Evan at a later part in their life.

Paige (just imagine her with darker hair)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thank you to everyone who votes and comments and fans :)


Chapter 34

Sutton’s POV:

            I  made up a game plan as I approached Evan’s office. Inside I could hear a quiet murmuring between him and his father. While I didn’t want to interrupt, this matter was rather pressing. I know how protective Evan is of the pack and the people in it so I would have to tread lightly. I didn’t want him to go into a fit of rage and banish Claire from the pack. While she may have started here with the wrong intentions, she did the right thing by telling me. Steeling myself, I rapped on the door and entered. Evan sat in one of the chairs in front of his father, who was sitting behind his big mahogany desk. They both turned their attention to me as I stepped into the room.

            “Yes?” I took a deep breath and tried to keep calm as I looked on at the current Alpha.

            “I uhh, I have some news.” I stated, wringing my hands. “About the hunters.”

            “What about them?” Evan asked curiously, running his eyes over my body to make sure I was unharmed.

            “Please don’t freak out. I need you to promise you’ll stay calm.” I pleaded, speaking more to Evan.

            “What’s going on Sutton?” I didn’t miss the slightly irritated tone and resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

            “You see, Claire, while she did originally come here searching for me, her plans kind of took a side tour. To make this long story short, Lockey threatened her into selling us out to the hunters so they could have an efficient way of taking us out.” I rushed it all out, wincing as I said it.

            “So, what you’re saying, is that Claire came here to get inside info to give to the hunters?” I nodded. “So that then they could kill us?” I nodded again.

            “But she didn’t tell them anything! She saw how happy we were as a pack and felt guilty so she told me!” I said quickly, seeing the anger rise to his eyes.

            “I want her out.” He hissed, seething. His dad remained silent, a thoughtful expression displayed.

            “But she’s not going to tell them anything!” I objected.

            “Are you sure about that?” He yelled. I jumped at his sudden burst of anger and backed up against the wall. “She could have ruined everything! Think of all the innocent children, all the innocent people of our pack that she could have gotten killed!”

            I cowered at the rage in his voice. I had never seen him so angry and yet, I had a sneaking suspicion there was something else about this that was bugging him. Something else that made him this upset. Evan paced back and forth, taking deep breaths. I watched him walk back and forth, wishing  desperately that I had the courage to walk up to him and wrap him in  a hug. A smile from Mark, his dad, broke through to my attention. Why was he smiling like that? He got up and walked over to Evan, setting his hand on top of shoulder.

            “Son, calm down. I know it’s hard for you to imagine that, but look, you’re scaring her.” He nodded in my direction and Evan abruptly cut off his pacing, turning to face me. He face became apologetic and he walked over to me. I let him embrace me, wrapping his strong arms around me.

            “I’m sorry.” He murmured, holding me tighter to him.

            “It’s ok.” I whispered, glad that he didn’t sound mad anymore.

            “Back to the hunters, I think we can make this work to our advantage. We have every right to strike before they do. They have no idea that Claire has decided to turn against them, so if we tell her something that isn’t true, they’ll have no reason to believe that it’s not the truth!” He cried triumphantly.

            “What?” I finally asked. That made no sense to me.

            “We’re going to do this fight on our own terms, only they won’t know about it. We’ll tell her how we’ll be in a certain place at a certain time. They won’t be able to resist and they’ll attack us there. Except, we’ll be  waiting and we’ll be ready.”

            “That’s…actually not a bad idea.” Evan murmured, thinking it over. I stepped up, shaking my head.

            “No, I don’t want her going anywhere near Lockey or his hoard of heartless monsters.”

            “Sutton, Claire will be fine. Nothing is going to happen to her, they need her.” Evan reminded me.

            “What if she get’s hurt? What if she’s taken again? Or worse, what if she get’s killed in the crossfire!” I could hear my hysteria start to bubble in my words.

            “It’ll be fine.”

            “No, it won’t. I can’t let her get hurt. I’m her older sister, I’m all she has. I’m supposed to protect her! I failed her in the past but I won’t now.” I whispered the last part. It was silent for a second before Mark stood up.

            “I’ll leave you two to talk while I get the details ready.” He murmured, leaving the office and closing the door behind him. Evan took my hand and led me to the small sofa pushed up against the wall.

            “Sutton, you didn’t fail Claire. You couldn’t possibly protect her. You had no idea she even existed, you can’t blame yourself for that.” He murmured.

            “I know that, but I just feel so guilty. Her whole life she’s had no one and look at me! I’ve had the best parents you can imagine and an amazing little sister. Not to mention I had an older brother looking after me. She never had any of that. It was just luck that I was adopted.” I felt a tear slip down my face as I thought about Claire growing up with nothing and no one.

            “You can’t change her past, but you can be involved in her future. She’s still young, she still needs you. There’s time for you to be in her life. You can still be the older sister she deserves.”

            “I guess you’re right.” I said after a minute of hesitation.

            “I want to apologize Sutton. For the way I acted about you getting into Columbia. I was a douche and I should have been happy for you.” He murmured, looking away.

            “I understand. You never gave me the chance to say I’m not going to any of the colleges I got accepted into.” I smiled softly.

            “You’re not?” He looked shocked and I laughed.

            “No silly. I’m not leaving you and I’m not leaving this pack. You’re going to be Alpha in a few short weeks and I’m going to be Luna. I can’t exactly pick up and move.”

            “About that.” He trailed off. “That’s what I was talking to my dad about when you walked in. I immediately regretted giving you the cold shoulder so I asked him if there was any way you could leave for a few years and then come back.”

            “But why would you do that?” I interrupted. Did he want me to leave?
            “I know how much you wanted to go to Columbia and you worked hard to get into it. I would never forgive myself if me being your mate held you back. So my dad and agreed that he would keep the Alpha position for a few more years and once you graduated you could come back and go to a med school closer to the pack.”

            “But I don’t want to leave you.” I objected, frowning at him. He laughed and kissed my nose.

            “Darling, did you really think I was going to let you go to New York by yourself? I don’t think so.”  He smiled at my shocked expression.

            “Are you saying you’re coming with me?” He nodded. “But you can’t, you have the pack and-”

            “They will all be waiting for me when I come back.” He finished, kissing me to smother any other protest I may have had.

            “Thank you.” I whispered when we pulled apart. He was about to respond when Paige pushed the door open and came bounding in. She shoved her way onto my lap and threw her arms around my neck happily.

            “Hi.” She chirped. I smiled down at her blue eyes and pinched her cheeks.

            “Hello there little girl.” She narrowed her eyes at little.

            “I’m not little! I’m six.” She retorted, smiling like six was the new twenty.

            “Six?” I questioned. She nodded. Paige really didn’t look much older than five.

            “Paige, you’re stealing my time with my girlfriend.” Evan chastised, rustling her hair. She stuck her tongue out at him.

            “How about we trade. I take your mate and you can go hang out with my sister. I don’t want to, she’s too boring.” She pouted. I was curious to know who her sister was. As if on cue, a loud voice rang out through the hall.

            “Paige! Where are you?” The voice was feminine and familiar.

            “Don’t tell her where I am.” Paige whispered as she climbed off my lap and hid behind the couch. A second later, Sadie stepped into the room looking annoyed.

            “Have either of you seen my sister?” So that’s why Paige always reminded me of someone. They both had dark hair and icy eyes.

            “Nope, haven’t seen her.” I shrugged and she threw me a nasty glare before stalking off. Yep, she still hates my guts.

            “She’s gone.” Evan whispered to Paige. She poked her head back up and tittered quietly. She skipped around the couch and grabbed my hand, pulling me up.

            “Let’s go play dress up.” I smiled at the adorable little girl and followed.

Lockey’s POV:

            I walked to the edge of the forest on the outskirts of town and waited. Within minutes she showed up, loking around nervously. She approached hesitantly and wrung her hands. I chuckled at her nerves and stepped from the shadows. She swallowed when she say me and took a deep breath.

            “Enjoying your sister?” I asked.

            “She’s better then I imagined she would be.” Her voice was quiet and low. Man, this girl was scared out of her wits. Good.

            “Good, now have you done what I’ve asked.” She nodded briefly and I waited with anticipation.

            “It seems that my sister and Evan are being handed down the Alpha leadership in a weeks time. It’ll be when the sun sets at the clearing on the other side of town. The whole pack will be there to watch. There will be very little protection because they all want to watch the next generation take power. I’m assuming that’s your time to strike.” She rushed out her words in an effort to get it over with.

            “Very good.” I murmured, patting her on the head. “You’ve kept up your end of the deal so I’ll keep mine. You’re free to leave town. Take your sister with if you wish for her to leave. By the time we’re done, there will be nothing left of the pack.”

            I walked away from the girl, making my way back through the woods. People were gathered once again, waiting for news. I walked to the front and waited patiently for it to quiet. I addressed the crowd, beaming brightly.

            “Prepare people. In a week, it will be time.”

Claire’s POV:

            I walked into the pack house only to be engulfed in my sister’s arms. I loved saying that. My sister. I said it every chance I got it, much to Taylor’s annoyance. She really doesn’t like me, not that I can say the feeling isn’t returned.

            “How did it go?” Evan asked, standing behind Sutton.

            “He bought it. Hook, line, and sinker.” We all exchanged a grin. Oh, how the tables have turned.
