Chapter 23

People keep asking me about the second story I'm currently working on and I have some of it done but I want to get more of it finished before I publish it. It's coming soon though, I promise. 

Thanks to everyone who fanned, voted, and commented. It means the world to me and all these chapters are dedicated to you. So thank you :)

(P.S. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


Chapter 23

Sutton’s POV:

            I was in pure bliss. Words simply cannot describe how content and happy I feel. Being with Evan is like getting a missing puzzle piece returned to my heart. For the first time in a long while, I felt whole.

            “Ok, mister! Stop distracting me and avoiding the question. You said there were things you didn’t tell me and I want to know what they are.” I teasingly scolded him as I sat up, facing him.

            “Darling, it’s not my fault that my kisses easily distract you.” He smiled cockily at me. I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous hotness. His hair was still damp from the shower I’d made him take and he’d refused to put shirt on. Not that I was complaining about that part though.

            “You play unfair!” I accused. He chuckled and put his hands behind his head as he looked at me. I couldn’t get over how sexy he looked, laying on his back with his muscles visible.

            “Are we going to talk or are you just going to accuse me of using my undeniable hotness to seduce you.” He winked and I playfully slapped his arm.

            “Fine, talk.” I pulled my knees up to my chest and waited for him to start. He sighed and looked up, deciding where to start.

            “I guess I should give you some background. You already  know that soon I’m going to be taking over the Greenwood Pack from my dad. You also know the Greenwood Pack is large and very…influential.”

            “I already know all of this.” I sighed a bit impatiently.

            “Patience my little mate, I’m getting to the point here. Anyway, since my pack is well known we attract hunters.” I nodded, my interest perked. “Usually they just attack and attack and we cut them down. As you can see though, they’ve decided on a new tactic. Word has come through that they’re planning on taking the pack down by bringing down the middle. The next generation.” He spoke the last part slowly and looked at me to make sure I understood.

            “Ok, but I’m not seeing why this affects the two of us, much less me.”

            “Sutton, I used to date around a lot,” I scrunched my nose up at that. “Let me finish, I was quite popular with the ladies. And that was a good thing for me because they weren’t my mate so me being with them didn’t put them in danger. To be honest, I didn’t really want to find my mate just yet.”

            Is he trying to tell me he doesn’t want me as his mate? Is he rejecting me? Again? Panic surged up in me and I swallowed nervously. Seeing my reaction, Evan quickly sat up and pulled me onto his lap so that my legs were on either side of his torso.

            “I didn’t want to find my mate because I would be putting her in danger. But then I came across this beautiful little brunette with a sense of humor and the ability to make me smile just by looking at her. She’s smart and she makes me laugh and she’s everything that I want.” I smiled at this, my heart warming even more. “I fell for her instantly. It was impossible not to. But it’s dangerous Sutton. Us being mates puts you at risk because those hunters know that if they were to kill you I would be useless. They know the way to a werewolves heart is through their mate.”

            “But, why would they kill me?” I wasn’t quite processing everything. He laughed lightly at my confused expression before looking me dead in the eye.

            “Sutton, it would kill me of anything ever happened to you. I wouldn’t be able to function, let alone lead my pack. The hunters know this. When I say they’re targeting the next generation I mean they’re targeting the mates of the next generation. You, Lisa, Kat, and Lilah. You guys are all mates to people who are going to be  leading the pack.”

            “Wait, so that’s why you rejected me that night in the hospital? Because you were afraid if the hunters found out that they’d kill me.” He nodded, confirming my thoughts. I suddenly slapped him and he looked at me, bewildered. “You ass! I thought I wasn’t good enough for you. You should have told me. Do you know how many times I cried over you? How hurt I was? Do you have any idea?”

            “I know, and I’m sorry. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do and there wasn’t a day when I didn’t regret telling you the truth. But you have to know Sutton, I thought I was protecting you. I was stupid and I know that now, but at the time I wanted to shelter you from all of this. Sutton, you are far too important to me for me to lose you.” His eyes softened and I felt my outrage slip away from me.

            “You should have told me.” I said quietly. He tucked my head under his chin and soothed his hands over my back.

            “I should have. I’m sorry.” He murmured.

            “Is this why Luke has become my new stalker?” I felt his body stiffen at my question.

            “Yes, well yes and no. Luke and Lockey are hunters, very dangerous ones. Their parents are known to be two of the top leaders of this band of hunters. Luke and Lockey were trained from birth to hunt werewolves down and kill them. It’s their nature, what they were taught. At first, I think Luke targeted you because he thought we were mates. After I finally managed to convince him we weren’t I’m pretty sure he took a special liking to you.” He growled at the last part.

            “How in the world did you convince him we weren’t mates? He seems like a smart guy.”

            “Honestly, I don’t know. I’m thankful though. Because if he hadn’t bought my lie, you would be dead and I probably would be too.” He said quietly.

            We stayed in silence for the next few minutes, enjoying to comfort brought on by the other’s closeness.

            “When do you want to tell Jason? And everyone else?” I asked curiously. I wasn’t too thrilled to tell Jason. I’m just hoping his relationship with Ellie has softened him up a bit.

            “I’m actually not sure. I’m just hoping Jason doesn’t try to kick my ass.”

            “Worried he’ll beat you?” I teased.

            “No, I just don’t want him to get this sexy face. It’s my moneymaker.”

            “Whatever hooker.” I slapped him playfully on the arm.

            “Hey! If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” He grinned, like he’s just told an inside joke.

            “Evan, where does this leave us?” I looked up at his face as I asked my question. I wasn’t quite sure where we stood at the moment.

            “Well, it leaves us together,” He raised his eyebrow and I nodded at his unasked question. “I don’t think either of us has it in us anymore to stay away from each other. I know I certainly don’t.”

            “You never know, maybe I have a little more self control.” I leaned back and scooted off his lap to the other end of his large bed.

            “Well, Sutton. I can be quite persuasive. I’ve heard I’m hard to resist.” He grinned wickedly before lunging at me. I squealed as he pinned me down and started tickling me. “Now Sutton, I’m pretty sure I can make it hard to keep your hands off of me.”

            “I’m not so sure.” I teased. The glint in his eye told me he had something up his sleeve as he sat up and pulled himself off of me.

            “Guess you’re right.” His tone was unconvincing. He retreated to the other end of the bed and sat, staring at me.

            The minute he had moved away, my wolf had started begging me to go to him once again. My whole body wanted to fly over the short distance and bury myself in his embrace once again. Judging from his slight smirk, Evan knew this. I fought against myself, mind over body. You’re so not going to win this Evan, I thought to myself. Fine, I’m competitive. Thee two of us sat still, eyeing each other, testing the other’s endurance. I could feel a slow grin slipping across my face as I noticed his hands ball up into fists from the effort it took for him not to embrace me. I knew how hard it was because the effort was killing me.

But we like his embrace, his kisses… My wolf whimpered.

Yes, but we can’t have him thinking that we submit so easily. Plus, I’d like to win this self control round. I reminded her.

Come on, pleaseeee. You guys are finally together and now I want to make up for all the lost time. She dragged out the please, begging me. That actually kind of sounded like a good idea.

No. I told her firmly, well at least as firm as I could muster.

But think of all the things you could do with your mate. Right here. Right now. With nooo one around. Haven’t you missed him?


Show him.  She replied suggestively. Ok, now my self-control was really being tested as she bombarded me with dirty thoughts.

            I mentally slapped myself and tried to focus on not jumping on Evan. Looking at him though, oh man. He’s just too hot for his own good.

            “Sutton…” It was like he sensed I was slowly breaking down.

I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. He chuckled and slowly stretched his arms above his head. The slow motion allowed me to clearly see his amazingly, hot body. His muscles rippled and his abs were just…Oh he so won. I flew across the bed and right into his lap, his arms already waiting. He wasted no time, locking his lips with mine. I tangled my hands in his neck and he pressed me closer to him, flipping me over so that I was under him. I could feel every line and curve of his body pressed against mine. His lips trailed over my cheek and down my neck, pausing once again at the base of my next. I felt his tongue roll across my skin and I pulled him closer. He smiled against my neck and nipped at my skin, though not enough to mark me. His attention remained fixed on that one spot before he dragged his lips back up to mine.

“You better not have just done what I think you did.” I  murmured after he had pulled his face away and looked down at my neck with a satisfactory smile.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He said coyly as he once again glanced down at my neck before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. I’m once again, in pure bliss.

Luke’s POV:

            “Everything’s all set to happen. In three days time she’ll be dead and he’ll be crushed.” My mother’s smile was pure darkness, not a hint of kindness.

            “And you’ll be able to do the job?” My step father asked. Lockey raised his eyebrows at me, doubtful. I felt the eyes of my family on me and with no other choice, I rose to the occasion.

            “Of course.”
