Chapter 15

Ok, my readers! Two announcements. This one is very important (Well they both are, but to get the chapter, you have to read this). This chapter is set almost two months after the last one. I felt if I had continued writing these day to day chapters, the story would be veryy long. So Evan rejected Sutton, we'll say around the first week of September. As a coincidence, this chapter starts on Halloween(I really didn't start off on Halloween because it's next week, it just happened this way). Not too much of leap, and yes things are explained about what's been happening. More will be explained next chapter.

Second thing:

Sooo, in response to the amzing comments and number of votes and fanning I got for the last chapter, I'm going to give you a little treat. I'm going to let you choose who's POV you want to see in Chapter 17. It won't be Chapter 16 because I've already got that planned out. But you can choose from the following:







Comment below and tell me who you want me to spotlight. I'll choose the top two, maybe three. Thanks so much guys for all the comments and votes and fanning. Please keep it up! 

Now, what you guys have been waiting for, Chapter 15.

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar)


                                                                Chapter 15

Sutton’s POV:

                The sweet, rich smell of chocolate and vanilla invaded my senses as Lisa and I stepped into the bakery. The bakery was very girly, decked out with thick pink and white striped walls and black accessories. Very French, people had said when it first opened a few weeks ago. The display counter looked inviting, presenting an assortment of cakes, cookies, and cupcakes, all of which had black and orange sprinkles on them in honor of today, Halloween. I chuckled as watched kids run down the street in their costumes, screaming for joy while their parents ran after them, panting heavily.

                “God, I love this place.” Lisa’s eyes rolled back as she inhaled deeply. If I’d learned anything in the last two months, it was that Lisa could eat sweets like no one’s business. I was surprised to find that it wasn’t the quieter, more modest Elise that I bonded with, no. It was the go lucky, care free, wild Lisa. Rarely outspoken, she was as outgoing and fun as a person could get. I’ve heard opposites attract, maybe that’s true. While I love Ellie and Lilah dearly, Lisa is my closest and best friend.

                Almost two months ago, that bastard left my hospital room, leaving behind a broken and hurting mate. As can be expected, I wallowed in grief, locking myself up in my room much to my brother and sister’s bewilderment. I might still be there, had Lisa not arrived.

                “Get the hell up!” She’d said, standing at the foot of my bed. I hadn’t showered in a few days and was content to live under my blanket for the rest of my life, seeing no point in getting up.

                “Nooo.” I drew out the o and pulled myself further under my covers. Instantaneously, Lisa yanked the covers off of me and threw them on the floor. “Go away.” I murmured weakly at the glaring blond.

                “Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I mean I expected you to be sad, but not…this!” She said, gesturing towards my greasy hair and pajama clad body. I buried my head in my pillow before I was yanked roughly from the comfort of my head and dragged to my mirror. “Look.” She commanded.

                “No.” I looked down, already knowing what I would find if I looked up. I would see the appearance of a broken girl, a girl that couldn’t be bothered to get up anymore. I would see my pathetic and hurt reflection. I wasn’t ready to see that yet.

                “Sutton, look at yourself.” Lisa said softly. “Are you going to let him break you?” I knew then that she knew about Evan and I. Her words rung in my ears, prompting me to look up.

                I took a deep breath and raised my head. The girl in the reflection had circles under eyes, her face was pale and chalky. Bedhead ran rampant in her unclean hair, but it was her eyes that struck me. Her eyes were sad, devastated. I looked at myself before flicking my eyes to a picture taped to the mirror. It was a snapshot of Taylor and I only a month before, the week before we moved. We were both laughing, my eyes alight and joyous.

                “This is not you. That is.” Lisa motioned towards the picture I was looking at. I glanced one more time in the mirror before nodding slowly. Eventually, Lisa got me to clean myself up and take a shower. It was there, with water pouring over my face, that I allowed myself to cry one last time for the mate I had lost but never really had in the first place.

                Back in the present, I looked once again at my reflection in the bakery window. The late afternoon sunlight streamed in, casting a glow about the mirror image in the window. Her coffee hair was straightened to perfection, skin perfect and flawless. Far away, she looked mighty and perfect. Come closer though, and you see her haunted eyes. They occasionally glimmered with amusement or fleeting happiness before snapping back to a dull, solemn gleam. I was still putting myself back together and this was the best I could do for now. I woke up every day and people thought I was ok, perfect. Not that that’s the wrong assumption or anything. I woke up every day and was ok, save for the small pain in my chest visible only in the depths of my eyes. It was ok though, no one noticed.

                “Thinking are you?” Lisa’s blue eyes peered into my own green ones. No one noticed except Lisa. I smiled, feeling thankful for this little sunlit haired whirlwind. In all honesty, I don’t know where I’d be if she hadn’t yelled at me to get myself together. Probably still under my blankets.

                “Just about tonight.” She shrugged, already know it was a white lie. Tonight was the annual Halloween Bash, hosted by the pack. Exclusive to werewolves of course. October had crept up on me, and before I knew it, it was Halloween and I was being dragged from store to store looking for costumes.

                “Speaking of which, we better get going so we can get ready.” I nodded as she grabbed the case containing six cupcakes she had bought during my mental recap. I followed her to the door and sighed softly. The air was warm and alive as I stepped outside and moved towards my car, sliding in.

Evan’s POV:

                Two months of hellish torture. Two months without my mate. My wolf had long ago stopped talking to me, feeling I wasn’t worthy of his presence while I was human. I didn’t mind much, he just missed his mate. That made two of us. Unfortunately Jason didn’t seem to notice the huge rift between Sutton and I, meaning I had to hang out at his house with him while all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. Today was no exception, with me at Jason’s house, sprawled out on the couch playing video games.

                “You’re so dead!” Jason yelled at my onscreen avatar. I wasn’t paying too much attention to the violent onslaught occurring on the flatscreen, my mind too focused on the delicious aroma emanating throughout the house. Sutton.

                I had to admit, that girl was good at avoiding people. In the last two months, I’d only seen her a grand total of four times. Four times that she couldn’t run from, three pack meetings and a dinner she couldn’t get out of. During those four, short times she hadn’t spared me a glance. I thought it hilarious that I was at her house nearly every day and yet I never saw her. I couldn’t blame her though, I’d have to be heartless to blame her for not wanting to be around the one who rejected her.

                My phone buzzed in my back pocket, signifying a new text message. I rolled my eyes when I saw who it was from.

                Baby, where are you? Call me –Sadie

                I was seriously starting to regret fake dating her. She was way too clingy, and very possessive. I couldn’t stand how she glared at any girl she deemed pretty enough to steal me away. I avoided her like Sutton avoided me.

                “Ohhhh, your ass is mine now!” Jason was a bit on the eccentric side when it came to video games. I looked at the screen, barely dodging the hail of bullets his avatar rained down on mine.

                “Jason, would you calm it down a bit?” I asked irritably.

                “Whatever loser. What time is it?” He asked, distracted. I glanced down at my phone before answering.

                “Five. Why? Got a hot date?” I knew he didn’t. Jason doesn’t date. He sleeps with girls and moves on. Nothing more to it for him.

                “Ha ha.” Jason laughed dryly and sarcastically. “No, Sutton should be here soon. Her and Lisa went out after school but they have to come back seeing as how they’re getting ready for the party here.” Ahh, Lisa. I hadn’t seen much of her lately, as she had taken it upon herself to be the friend Sutton needs right now. Lisa isn’t too happy about my rejection of Sutton, thus putting up a bigger wall between the two of us.

                “Well, I better get going.” I said, standing. If Sutton was coming home soon, I didn’t want to be here and torture myself. Jason got to his feet as well and looked at me curiously.

                “I’ve noticed you always leave when Sutton’s around. Or she finds she has something “important” to do if she hears your coming over. I don’t actually think you two have been in the same room since that…err night.” Jason didn’t like thinking about the night Sutton was attacked, and he especially didn’t like talking about it. He knew Luke and Lockey had something to do with it, but Sutton wasn’t saying what happened, much to his disappointment. I was confused too, I couldn’t figure out why she was so reluctant to open up about that night.

                “That’s not true. I just had dinner with you guys like two weeks ago.” I counteracted. He shook his head.

                “I mean, other than pack meetings and that one dinner, you two seem to avoid each other. Is there something I should know?” His eyes looked so earnest I considered briefly telling him. I quickly dismissed the thought though, I don’t think he’d be too understanding.

                “No, man.” I said dismissively.

                “You’re lying.” Damn, he knew me well. “Please, Evan. My sister, I can’t help but feel like there’s something blocking me now. She barely talks to me anymore and if just looked at her, you’d know she’s not the same. Her light, her dazzle. It’s gone. Evan, please, if you know something about Sutton, tell me.” My stomach clenched, seeing him so sad and in pain. I knew that Sutton closing him off had wounded him deeply, and it ate at me that I couldn’t tell him the truth.

                I was about to respond when I heard her car pulling up the driveway. Maybe if I was fast, I  could be in my car leaving before she even stepped foot in the house.

                “I’ll see you tonight Jase.” I said, picking up my keys hastily.

                “Evan! Don’t walk away from me. Please tell me. You know something. Don’t lie to me!” I didn’t need to turn around to know Jason’s face was twisted into anger and pain. I felt for him, I really did. There was silence in the room before I walked forward again and paced to the front door, pulling it wide open. I glanced back at Jason before turning and coming face to face with the startled face of my mate.

Sutton’s POV:

                Lisa sat in the passenger seat prattling cheerfully about different in sequential things. I find it funny how she can talk and talk and talk, endlessly. Turning onto my drive, I prayed Evan wasn’t there, as he usually was. I must say, I’m pretty proud at how good I am at avoiding him now. I’ve only been unsuccessful four times, and four times have I had to sit in the same room with the guy who tore me to pieces. It was hard for me to not react to him every time I smelled him, or saw him. Sometimes I wanted to scream at him and call him the meanest words I could think of, other times I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. The worst yearning, and by far the strongest, was the yearn to have him envelop me in his arms and never let go. I hated myself for wanting that even after everything I’ve been through with him. Even after everything he said.

                Much to my disappointment, his new white Land Rover was parked in the driveway, gleaming and shining in the sun. I could vaguely hear him and Jason talking in the house before my phone began to ring. Though the number wasn’t saved in my phone, I knew it’s chilling owner.

                See you tonight.

                The hell you are Luke! I thought angrily to myself as Lisa followed me to my front door. I’m not sure how he got it, but Luke seems to find enjoyment in my disgusted reactions to the phone calls and texts he makes to me. I was about to open the door when it swung open to reveal the blond hair and chiseled body of my Adonis-of-a-mate, Evan. I gaped up at him. I had gone two months! Two months! I had been so careful, so precise so that this would never happen. I had been so careful to make sure I would never have to look at the face that made me either want to slap him or hug him. All that hard work went down the drain as I stared at the perfect face standing before me. The perfect face of my mate.
