Chapter 12

Ok, this chapter was supposed to be up yesterday but I had to finish an essay, so I couldn't upload. Since this was a day late, I added more to it to leave you guys with a cliffhanger. I don't know when I'm going to upload the next chapter. The earliest will be Friday because the rest of the week I'm going to be busy, so bear with me. 

Thanks to everyone who fans and votes and comments, it means a lot to me. So keep voting and commenting and fanning and I'll keep writing. Thanks again :)

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


                                                                                Chapter 12

Sutton POV:

                “Goooooooooooood morning Michigan.” My radio alarm blared, pulling me out of my deep, dreamless sleep. “Looks like it’s going to be a beautiful, sunny day after that rather chilly weekend.” The radio host announced.

                “Looks like I don’t want to get out of bed.” I muttered as I hit the snooze button and rolled over, burrowing under the blanket.

                “Oh no you don’t!” Jason’s voice called out a minute before he pounced on me. I groaned, shoving him off.

                “Jackass, that hurt!” I complained. He stood and laughed, pulling the covers off and onto the floor.

                “Get out of bed, lazy. It’s your first day of school.” He sang as he walked out. I groaned once more as I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower. I stood in my closet for a full twenty minutes, undecided on what I’d wear. The sunlight and heat streaming from my open window already confirmed the radio host’s forecast. I swear this town has weather mood swings, first a cold, windy day and now a sunny, warm day.

                “Have you picked out your outfit yet?” Taylor’s voice asked from the doorway. She was, as usual, already dressed. Her arms were concealed by a white cardigan with a pink undershirt and black jeans and ballet flats completed her natural look. She eyed the two outfits lying on the bed in front of me. White shorts with a dark blue, ruffled tank top, or a black jumper with dark pink and green flowers swirling around it that stopped mid-thigh.

                “Jumper, pair it up with your black purse that large enough to hold your books and wear your black sandals. You know, the ones with the slight heel that are cute but not trying too hard” She said as she walked out.  I swear she knows my closet better than I do. I got dressed and as usual, she was right. By now I was officially running behind. I quickly applied foundation, mascara, and a light brown eye shadow. I was just running lip gloss over my lips when Jason walked in, plopping himself down onto my bed.

                “Yes please, Jason. Come in, make yourself comfortable. Lay on my bed, and oh while you’re at it, feel free to borrow my bra.” He snorted.

                “Dear Sutton, you and I both know your bra would not fit me. I am so much bigger then you are.” His voice was light and airy, imitating a girl’s.

                “Is that so?” I asked as I chuckled. I ran my fingers through my now dry hair. It had curled naturally in waves and was thankfully, not frizzy. It actually looked decent.

                “It is.” He responded, sitting up. I glanced at the clock and cursed under my breath. Slipping my shoes on, I grabbed my shoulder bag and ran downstairs, Jason close behind.

                “Hello, sweetie. You look good today.” My mom told me as I sat down next to her at the breakfast bar.

                “Thanks.” I told her as I wolfed down eggs and toast. I was just finishing my orange juice when I heard a honk from outside.

                “That you?” Jason asked.

                “That’s me. Alright, wish me luck. Let’s hope I make it.” I mumbled as I walked out the door. My mother and Jason laughed, wishing me good luck.

                “Heyyyyyyyy Sutton” Lisa called cheerily from the front seat of her black Beemer.  Elise and a startlingly pretty blond sat in the back.

                “Hi.” I tried to muster as much enthusiasm into my voice as I could. Lisa smirked at my failed attempt.

                “Hi, Sutton.” Elise greeted me, leaning forward, sticking her head between Lisa and I.

                “Hey Elise.” I smiled.

                “This is Lilah, by the way. She’s Kevin’s mate. Lilah, Sutton. Sutton, Lilah.” Elise introduced us, pointing back and forth.

                “Hey.” We both said. Upon further inspection, my self-esteem took a hit. She had long blond hair and grey-blue eyes. Her tanned skin was flawless and when she smiled, pearly whites were revealed. Kevin certainly had a beautiful mate.

                “I remember you. You were at the BBQ right?” She nodded. “Yeah, you were standing with Elise when I was talking to her. I’m sorry, we never really got a chance to chat.”

                “No worries, there’s plenty of time for that.” She smiled, looking genuinely happy. Lisa, Elise, and Lilah all seemed to counteract the pretty girls=mean girls theory. I was glad, I hated people who were gorgeous and they knew it.

                We chatted on the way before finally pulling up to Trinity High. The school itself looked like any other school, maybe slightly smaller, with its crème colored façade and black roof. Faces could be seen from the second story windows, people that had a zero period. Poor people, I thought. Lisa pulled into a parking spot between two other expensive looking cars. While the rest of the parking lot was already filled, the spot remained open until she pulled in. I shot her a questioning look as I got out of the car, careful not to hit the sleek Jaguar parked next to me.

                “People know not to take my spot.” She winked. The second we were all out of the car, we were suddenly swamped by girls with shiny hair and gleaming smiles, soon followed by guys in letterman jackets and wandering eyes. Or I should rather say Lisa, Elise, and Lilah were. The distinct smell of werewolf hung heavily in the air, indicating this clearly popular crowd was certainly not human. I soon lost sight of Lisa and Elise, Lilah also having been swallowed up in the crowd. I sighed and turned, walking towards the door at the front of the school clearly marked office. About to step in, I got the distinct feeling that someone was watching me. I took a breath in, smelling the strange scent of human mixed with something else I couldn’t quite grasp. A cool, lethal feeling settled over me and I shivered.

Turning around, I looked into the arrogant grey eyes of Luke. His annoying, but yet disconcerting smirk was plastered on his face. Like he knew that I knew something was about to happen, I just didn’t know what. Except the depths of his cool eyes told me he already knew what was going to happen. I couldn’t shake the feeling that a plan was about to be followed through.

“Fancy meeting you here, Sutton.” His eyes traveled the length of my body slowly. My wolf howled in disgust, and for the first time, I agreed with her.

“Well, its school. So not really.” I muttered, turning to walk into the office. His arm shot out and grabbed mine. Alarm bells rang in my head, and I jerked my body away from him. Something in his touch made me feel uneasy, making me want to rub my arm or run to the bathroom and wash the place that he touched.

His eyes tightened in surprise and he flashed me a grin. I scowled at him, holding my arm close like it was broken. Once again, he looked me over, and nodded, like he approved at whatever he saw. I suddenly wish I’d opted for jeans and a long sleeve instead of my jumper.

“So, need someone to help you around? I can show you a few things.” He said mischievously, a wicked glint in his eye. Evan’s warning came into my head, telling me to stay away from Luke.

“She’s good, thank you.” Lisa’s icy voice came suddenly from beside us. Her bright blue eyes were focused on Luke, glaring. Her lips mirrored Elise’s, who was standing next to her, a stiff line.

“You sure?” He asked laughing, obviously finding this amusing. I nodded and shot him a harsh look, causing him to stifle laughter again. I was just turning around when his annoying voice called out. “Hey Sutton, why don’t we go out sometime?”

“How bout’ we don’t?” I sneered. Was he kidding? There’s no way I’d ever go out with that creeper. He frowned at my sneer, anger seeping into his eyes. I immediately wiped it off my face, regretting it instantly. He didn’t look like the kind of person you wanted to get on the bad side of.

“Soon Sutton, you’re going to realize you need me. And then you’ll come begging.” He said finally. I looked at him disbelieving before walking into the office.

“The nerve he has.” Lisa muttered angrily following me in. The old receptionist looked up at my arrival and plastered a friendly smile on her face.

“Hello, I’m Sutton Collins. The new student.” She nodded and looked through some files on her desk. She finally pulled one up and peeled out a paper clipped packet, handing it to me.

“There you go dear, map is on the back page. But then, I think you’ve got more than enough people to help you around.” She said, referring Lisa, Elise, and Lilah who were standing behind me. I smiled and turned, then stopped. They weren’t the only people who had followed me in. A mixed group of girls stood behind them, curiosity lighting their eyes. All except for one girl.

She looked at me like a trend she was over. Her dark hair billowed down her shoulders and her icy blue eyes sized me up. She sneered at me before flipping her hair over her shoulder. Whatever she saw in me apparently didn’t appeal to her. So I guess that’s how five minutes in, someone already doesn’t like me. I followed Lisa out the door, making sure to pass my ice queen quickly. Once outside, Lisa turned around and started listing off names, the person nodding or smiling at me when their name was announced. I nodded and smiled back at them, having already forgotten their names. Names were never a good subject for me. She finally got to the ice queen, who was not busily inspecting her french tipped nails.

“And that is Sadie.” Lisa’s voice was laced with distaste when she said her name. Ice queen, or Sadie, glared at her before returning her gaze to her nails. They obviously didn’t like each other.

“Alright, let’s see your schedule.” Elise said hopefully. I pulled it out of my packet and glanced at it, then passed it on.



3.Advanced Literature


5.French 3


                Lisa and Elise squealed before showing it to Lilah, who in turn smiled. I guess I had classes with them. My classes were pretty much the same I had at my old high school, or the classes I would have had.

                “Yay! I have first, fifth, and sixth with you.” Lisa told me, delighted.

                “Third and sixth.” Elise’s tone matched Lisa’s.

                “Fourth and fifth. Oh, and sixth.” Lilah said as she handed the schedule back.

                “So what? Does everyone have yearbook?” I teased. Lisa snorted and laughed.

                “Yearbook is so easy my friend. And it’s fun.” She chirped. Just then someone called her name and she took off towards them, Elise and Lilah following. I was about to follow suit, when someone reached out and grabbed my arm roughly.

                “You’re new here, so let me explain the rules.” Sadie’s voice reeked of acid. “I run this school, so stay out of my way or I’ll destroy you. Stay away from my guys, and your mistaken if you think you can run with the popular crowd. So why don’t you just run off and go find some band geeks.” She sneered at me and flinched away from her.

                “Sadie what do you think you’re doing?” Lilah’s voice came from behind me.

                “Just explaining some things.” Sadie smiled sweetly.

                “You know I don’t think Evan would be too happy to hear you’ve been scaring our new comers. It would be a shame if someone were to open their mouth…” Ok, Lilah was good.

                “You wouldn’t.” Sadie shrilled.

                “Oh, I would.” Lilah returned Sadie’s angry gaze with her own sweet smile. Sadie stomped off, muttering under her breath.

                “My new hero.” I said turning to Lilah. She laughed.

                “Don’t worry about Sadie. She likes to think she owns the school, but she doesn’t. People don’t even like her, guys just like that she’s easy. Maybe a little too easy.” Lilah mused. I was laughing when Lisa came back with Elise in tow, linking my arm with her and pulling me towards our first period.

                After a long day filled with introductions and staring, I was glad when the bell rang, signaling us to go home. I picked up my bag off the floor and followed Lisa out. My classes actually weren’t bad, I was happy to find my teachers are really funny. My old teachers were old and dry, but the teachers I had now were young and lively. They still had that spark for teaching, their patience still intact. So far, French and surprisingly yearbook were my favorite classes.

                “Hey, I’ll meet you guys outside. I have to use the restroom.” I called as I walked away, passing Luke in the hallway. He kept his eyes on me, hunger evident in his eyes. I scowled at him and quickened my pace. Arriving at the restroom, I waited in line. I never did understand why there was always a line for the girls restroom but not the boys. How did guys pee so fast?

                “Are you going to go?” Sadie smirked behind me, pointing at the open stall. I guess I’d been preoccupied because the two of us were the only ones left in line. “Oh, wait. Nevermind.” She said as the other stall opened and a small girl scurried out. Sadie took one stall and I took the other. She was done surprisingly fast, leaving me alone in the bathroom. As I walked out, I glanced around the deserted hallway. I guess the line took a long time because there was no one around. An uneasy feeling crept over me, causing me to walk faster towards the doors leading outside. I had just come down the stairway and was walking towards the doors when Luke popped out of classroom. The lights were already off, the teacher gone. I swallowed, about to step around him.

                “Have a nice day?” He asked, his eyes gleaming.  My throat was dry and my palms were sweaty. I nodded, moving to step around him. Once again he blocked my path, then looked at something over my shoulder. Lockey stood a foot behind me, holding something in his hand. It looked like a cloth, but I didn’t dwell too much on it. Turning back around, I squared my shoulders and met Luke’s unwavering, cunning gaze.

                “If you’ll excuse me…” I took a step but he still didn’t move.

                “Sutton, just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He smirked.

                “Wha-” I started to say until I felt Lockey’s arms wind around my small frame and press the cloth to my face. I chocked on the overly sweet scent. My eyes blurred and I was finding it hard to stand upright. What the hell was happening?

                “I said you’d come begging.” Luke’s voice seemed distant, but still held that threatening tone. My eyes slipped close, leaving me in the dark. I heard Luke utter something else, but by then I couldn’t make out a coherent thought. A second later, I blacked out.

