Chapter 36

Only two chapters after this :(

The song is mainly for the part when it's Sutton's POV. I'll tell you when to play it but it's called Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift. I thought it kind of fit for that part. 

FYI: There's another A/N at the end of the chapter about the sequel so please read that.

Thank you for fanning and commenting and voting. Sorry if this is bad or overly dramatized. I've never really written a  fight scene.

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


                                                Chapter 34

Sutton’s POV:

            I breathed quietly, shifting my weight slightly. Evan stood still next to me, ears perked up. The woods were filled with a sift quiet but the air buzzed with tension and anticipation. The calm before a storm. We’d all said our goodbyes, we’d been hugged tearfully and passed from person to person. Now we stood, hidden in the shadows, waiting for the moment to end this. Claire had told Lockey we would be in a clearing but we had no intention of letting them get that far. My tail twitched as we got a warning from Spencer through the pack link.

Heads up, we’ve got movement in the southern region. Heading towards you.

            We all waited and within minutes the unmistakable sound of footsteps rang out into the silence. Evan looked around, scanning his eyes over the group of wolves the stood behind us. We were spread out, fanning into a wide circle so that no one escaped. He spoke to the pack one last time before we attacked.

This is your last chance to back out and save yourself. If you do, I don’t blame you. I don’t know how many of us are going to survive this, I don’t know if any of us will. I do know that if you choose to stay and fight, you are brave and courageous. This needs to be done to ensure the safety of our pack and the safety of our children. The fear of hunters in our territory ends tonight. Now, I will ask one time: Who’s with me?

            A chorus of I’s ran through my mind, each voice filled with pride and determination. My heart swelled with pride for my pack and ultimately, it was filled with love for the people who had  chosen to fight. Men and women alike. Spencer and Lisa, Scott and Kat, Kevin and Lilah, Jason with Elise, even Paige’s parents were both fighting. Up ahead of us, the sound of dozens of footfalls came closer and closer. I shared a glance with Evan and moved a step closer to him. We would both make it out of this.

Let’s end this.

            With that we all charged forward, stealthy and without a noise. We didn’t dare make a noise until we had been seen. Rushing forward with howls would have just alerted them to our presence, giving them time to prepare. Eventually though, we broke the cover of the trees and fell upon the hunters. Surprise lit their eyes but they were quick to recover and quickly reached for their weapons. Evan’s dark grey wolf leaped forward and landed on a hunter, swiftly eliminating him. Without hesitation, I followed him into the fight.

Evan’s POV:

            The hunters had certainly grown in numbers. Even I was a little surprised at how many they had. I have faith ,though, in my pack members. They were well trained and knew how  to fight. I kept a close eye on my white little wolf as she barreled into hunters and took them down with ease. Bodies dropped all around us, most hunters but I spotted a few wolves as well. I prayed that they were just injured.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw my beautiful mate leap and jump onto a hunter that his back to her. They struggled for a second before she bit down and subdued him. I noticed a few feet from her a female hunter stood, watching them. She reached behind her and retrieved a bullet from her back pocket. I was already in motion, charging towards the woman. The second she cocked the gun I was on her, killing her instantly. I had kept a promise to Claire, I would keep Sutton safe at all costs.

All around me, wolves battled against humans, teeth against bullets. You would think with the hunters having guns, it would be easier for them, but like I’ve said, werewolves are fast. Faster than hunters. Growls filled the air, mixing with the choked breaths of dying hunters. I moved through the fight, spotting familiar wolves, until I found the one I was looking for.

            He was fighting with a smaller brown wolf, the both of them determined to win. I shuddered as Lockey quickly struck out, plunging a knife into the wolf’s side. The wolf whimpered and took a step back. From there, it was all too easy for Lockey. The wolf was dead in a matter of seconds. I was about to take a step towards him when a small, hard body flew into me, knocking me to the ground. Not even a spilt second later an arrow flew over my head, flying right through where I’d just been standing. Sutton stood quickly and snarled, throwing herself at the hunter that had just sent the arrow. In all honesty, that hunter never had a chance. I think it’s safe to say, take a shot at her mate, and you’ll face Sutton’s wrath.

            Getting up, I ran towards Lockey once again. He was already engaged in a fight with another wolf, and from the looks of it, he was winning. Just as he was about to deliver the final blow, I jumped on him and knocked him to the ground. I nodded my head towards the wolf, telling him to go help a female that was next to us and was having trouble with the hunter in front of us. He dashed off, leaving me to deal with a now standing Lockey. Recognizing my wolf, he smiled slowly. This was like Luke all over again. This time though, I wasn’t hesitating.

            “Evan, boy. I’ve been looking for you.” He said, speaking lowly. I growled, baring my teeth. “It’s about time we finish this, don’t you think?”

            He made the first move, attempting to shoot me. I lunged and threw him to the ground, knocking the gun from his hand. My teeth bit into him and he quickly threw me off him, hissing in pain. I wasted no time and rushed at him again, tearing into him. His foot kicked out and landed a shot at my ribs. The breath whooshed out of me and I skipped back. We circled, eying each other wearily. He ran forward again, throwing his weight on me. I responded by biting into him and pulling back, tearing quite a chunk from him. We rolled on the ground, teeth flashing and fists flying. He managed to pin himself on me and I saw the flash a second before he aimed it at me.

            In his hand, a small knife was balanced, aimed straight at my heart. In the position I was in, I left him a clear, open shot. His hand snaked out and headed straight for my open spot. For a second there, I believed this was my last moment. My head turned to the side, searching for the familiar white wolf. If I was going to go, I wanted her to be the last thing I saw. All I saw around me were wolves and humans. All alike, all fighting because they believed their side was right. All alike, they fell for their belief. My heart went out for those that fell, for their families and their mates. Unfortunately, no white wolves were among the chaos. I didn’t know where Sutton was, but I hoped she knew if I died, that I loved her.

            I was stupid to underestimate the power of a mate. I was stupid to think she wasn’t keeping a close eye on me. I was stupid to believe she would really let me die. Just as Lockey’s hand was about to plunge the knife into me, a small white form flew at him and knocked him off of me. She growled furiously and didn’t think twice about ending his life. She finished with him quickly and pranced up to me, whimpering. She nudged my side, inquiring if I was alright. I nodded, and licked the side of her face. In her state, she was more grey then white. Her fur was matted with dirt and blood and he flank had a small cut that was running with blood. I licked the cut and nuzzled her face affectionately.

Sutton’s POV:

            I admired Evan as he skillfully dove back into the right, aiming for a hunter and taking him to the ground. He was so going to get it when this fight was over. I mean, how dare he not tell me he was going after Lockey! He knew how dangerous he was, how skilled he was. Had I not turned around, I never would have seen Lockey try to end my mate’s life. The anger I felt when I saw his hand poised over his heart, the fear I felt, was like nothing else. It was white hot and spread throughout my body. Without even thinking, I thrust myself at Lockey and killed him. He had no idea how mad a person tends to get when someone tries to kill their mate.

            A familiar whimper made me look to my right to where a hunter was fighting with a small black wolf. The hunter was just pounding on the wolf and I quickly acted, pushing the hunter away. The hunter was met by another brown wolf who wasn’t hesitant to kill her. The black wolf in front of me whimpered and fell to the ground, breathing heavily. I trotted around her in a circle, not knowing what to do. I urged her over to the side where a couple of trees gave cover. There was less fighting here and was more secluded. I barked, telling her to shift. She did so without a complaint, which worried me even more. She wasn’t one to agree with me.

            “Sadie.” I breathed once I’d shifted.

Her human form was broken and bleeding, quivering from the pain. I ran over to a tree that had a few pairs of clothes behind it. We’d hidden a change of clothes behind trees for after the fight. Running back over to her, I covered her with a shirt while slipping one over by myself.

“Sut-Sutton.” She choked, her words gurgled.

“Shhh. Don’t speak.” I told her, looking over to the fight. There weren’t many hunters left and some wolves stood on the sidelines, attending to the wounded.

“No, I nee-need to say-say this.” Her breathing was haggard.

“This can wait. We’re going to get you to a hospital and then you can tell me. Once you’re all better.” I added. She chuckled which ended in a coughing fit.

“You already know I’m going to-to die. Which is wh-why I have to s-say this now.” I listened, tears in my eyes. We’d never gotten along but it was still hard nonetheless to see someone’s life slipping away. “My par-parents,”

“I don’t know where they are but I’ll make sure to find them.” I interrupted her. She shook her head, coughing again.

“They-they’re dead. I saw them d-die.” I looked up to the sky and took a shuddering breath, willing my tears to go away. “Lis-listen. It’s impor-portant.”

“Ok, I’m listening.” I said after a second, sniffling. I grasped her hand and held it tightly.

“I don-don’t want Paige growing up alone. She’s go-going to ne-need someone. Pl-please promise me you’ll take care od her.” Her words were barely audible and my tears were now flowing freely.

“Don’t say that. You’re going to be ok.” I tried one last time to reason with her.

“No-no I’m not. Now please, pr-promise me.” She begged, her own eyes filling with tears.

“I promise.” I agreed quietly. She smiled gratefully at me.

“Thank you.” She breathed. I nodded at her. “Sutton, I’m-I’m sorry.”

“So am I.” We were both crying now and her grip on my hand tightened.

“I’m scared.” She said suddenly. I held back a soft sob and looked away before turning back to her to smile gently.

“Close your eyes, the sun is going down. You’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now. By morning light, you and I’ll be safe and sound.” I whispered to her, stealing the words from one of Taylor’s overplayed Taylor Swift songs. I thought it appropriate for this.

I felt Sadie’s grip on my hand slacken and her eyes drifted closed. A second later her breathing dropped off and I was left to my tears. The dams burst and I leaned over her body, sobbing quietly. Sure, she was as rude as can be to me, but in our own little way, we’d come to our peace. It just wasn’t in time. I cried softly for her, for her parents, for the little girl that just lost her family. I cried for everyone else that died today, for their families. I cried for Sadie’s mate that will have to go through life, never meeting the person he was supposed to be with. All around me the fighting stopped and it was quiet once again. The stillness of death.


So, now I will reveal who the sequel is going to be about. The description of it it may change but this is what I have so far....

Paige Warren knows what the world is capable of. Taken by the very same hunters that killed her family, she escapes after two years to find everything is different. She no longer see’s the world as a challenge. She’s sees it as the cold, uncaring place it is. Returning to her pack, she sees the world is not the only thing that has changed. New members have been added; among them a snarky, annoying teenager with the reputation of being a bad boy. Unfortunately for Paige, the world is about to get a whole lot harder, as this bad boy is her mate. Coming to grip with the last two years is one thing, but what happens when history wishes to repeat itself. When one sole hunter just can’t let his prize possession go.

So, the sequel is about Paige but don't worry, there's plenty of Sutton and Evan. It has a wedding in it and might even have someone having a baby (hint hint). I know a lot of you wanted it to continue with Sutton and Evan but like I said, I can do more for them if I have it continue with a different character.  I am having trouble coming up with a title so if you have any suggestions comment or send me a message. I hope you guys aren't too disappointed with Paige being the focus of the sequel but I reallyyy want to stress the story doesn't end here for Sutton and Evan :)
