Chapter 11

As promised, another chapter. I must say though, I'm not sure if I'm loving this chapter. It took me a while to write, and I'm still not sure it's as good as the other chapters. Please comment or vote and let me know how good or bad it is. 

Thanks though to all the people who fanned,commented, and voted on the last chapter. Keep on doin' what your doin' :)

(P.S. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes)


                                                            Chapter 11

Evan’s POV:

            I pulled up to Earl’s coffee shop once again and walked inside. Spencer, my beta, was sitting at the bar drinking his coffee, waiting for me. I’d called him on my way here with orders to get his ass over here now.

            “So where’s the fire?” He asked as I walked up.

            “More like where’s the hunter.” I told him as I sat down next to him. His eyes widened and he out his coffee down, turning to look at me more fully.

            “What happened?” His voice was thick with concern. Being my beta, he knew all about the hunters. He was just as unhappy about their new stealthy, smart tactics as I was.

            “He talked to Sutton. That asshole talked to her!” I told him angrily. Maybe I was overacting, but with my father’s news about the hunters trying to get to the heart of the pack, I knew Sutton was part of their plan. Hunters are ruthless, they don’t care who they hurt. I would die if anything happened to Sutton because they were trying to get to me.

            “Calm down man, maybe it’s just a coincidence. You know Luke likes to flirt.” Spencer’s soothing voice interrupted by worried thoughts.

            “Not to my mate, he doesn’t.” I growled. Spencer looked around before standing up.

            “Come on man, I don’t want you shifting in here.” I followed him out the door and around the building towards our cars. A soft breeze swept through the air, swirling around us and playfully stirring my hair. I sniffed the air, and then stopped dead in my tracks.

I stiffened.

“Well, well, well, look what the dog dragged in.” Luke’s voice rang out across the empty parking lot. With the weather noticeably cooler, most people had made the choice to stay inside. Luke stood at the mouth of an alley, leaning against the weathered, red brick of the building beside him. Lockey stood not too far away, his arms crossed, the same gruff expression ever present on his face.

            “What the hell do you want?” I spat at him. He laughed, and I fought the urge to punch his arrogant face.

            “What? No formalities today?” He asked innocently, raising his eyebrows.

            “You know, I’ve got better things to do than stand around and talk to you.” I growled at him.

            “Hmm, guess not then.” He sighed and crossed his arms, reaching up to rest his chin in one of his hands, a thoughtful expression displayed. “I was just going to ask if you’ve met the Collins’ girl.” He grinned at me knowingly.

            “Yeah.” I replied evenly.

            “Hot isn’t she? I was thinking I might try and hit that up.” I growled and he laughed, ducking his head down. ‘’Guess you don’t like that idea do you?”

            “Stay the hell away from her.”

            “Sorry, no can do. There’s something about her that just so damn appealing. Usually I don’t give two shits about you mutts, but damn…” He said, looking up and licking his lips.

            “I’ll rip you to shreds if you so much as go near her.” I was shaking now. Spencer put his hand on my arm, trying to stop my wolf from emerging.

            “So I guess she’s not going to be too happy when she finds out about that steamy session with Sadie last night, you know. Seeing as how she is your mate and all.” He stated, trying to sound matter of factly, but I caught a hint of the curiosity and un-decidedness his voice was laced with. I thought my answer over carefully, so he thought Sutton was my mate but he wasn’t a hundred percent sure. This could work to my advantage.

            “Mate? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Isn’t a guy allowed to make out with his girlfriend.” I resisted the urge to grimace at calling Sadie my girlfriend. But if he thought Sutton wasn’t my mate then there was no need to go after her. I would do anything to protect her and if it meant denying her, I would painfully do so.

            “Hmm, I don’t remember you being so protective of your other pack members. Just thought she was special or something.”

            “She’s new, she doesn’t know what you are. Or who you kill.” My voice was hard and cool. Just like the expression I surely had on display.

            “So you and your little tramp are back on?” Luke asked, surprise flitting across his face before his usual arrogant, I-don’t-give-a-shit expression came back.

            “What’s it to you?” I sneered. Act normal, act like your heart isn’t being torn into a million little  pieces from denying your mate. I felt Spencer’s gaze on my face but ignored it. I’d explain later.

            “So the Collins girl is available.” He looked at me suspiciously, observing by reaction carefully. I tried to keep a cool face as I bit back a growl.

            “As far as I know.” I stated. He looked at me a minute more, before finally grimacing and looking down. But not fast enough. Disappointment showed in his expression, allowing me to calm down a little. He believed me. He believed Sutton was nothing more than a new pack member to me. How ridiculous, but he would never know that.

            “As much fun as this has been, I’ve got some charming to do on a certain sexy new girl, so if you’ll excuse me, we’ll  continue this later.” Luke said, one last little test to see if I’d react to his statement. It took every ounce of will power in me not to rip his head off and chuck it all the way to California.

            “Looking forward to it.” I replied watching as he chuckled and turned, walking into the alleyway. Lockey stared at Spencer for a minute more before following his brother. I fought the urge to shiver. Luke and Lockey were creepy and even as a future Alpha, I got the chills from them.

            “What the hell was that? Sutton isn’t your mate? What is she going to say when she finds out about you and Sadie? She’s going to flip a switch, girls. That’s what they do.”

            “It doesn’t matter what she’s going to say. As long as she’s safe.” Confusion and then understanding eventually lit his face.

            “So what are you going to do? Just ignore her and pretend she’s not your mate?” I nodded.

            “I’m going to protect her.” I said, staring at the mouth of the alley. “And this is the only way I know how to.”

Sutton’s POV:

            “Your just jealous!”

            “Of what?  You? That’s the last thing I am!”

            “Your just jealous that she prefers me.”

            “Go F yourself you asshole!”



            I walked into World War 111 as I marched into the living room. Jason and Taylor were having an all out screaming war in the middle of the room. They were pressed nose to nose and both had a finger jabbed at the other. Jason looked furious and Taylor held the look of a vegetarian coming home and finding a dead cow with a plate of hamburgers next to it. Disgust. Pure revulsion.

            “HEY!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. They both looked away from each other, trying to control their inner raging wolf. Taylor was shaking with the effort and Jason was running his hand through his hair roughly, pulling out several strands in the process. “What the hell is going on?” I yelled.

            “She comes in saying how you like her better than me so-” Jason and Taylor started yelling their side of the story at the same time. “He keeps saying that you two have a better relationship then you and I and I said-”

            “SHUT UP! Both of you stop acting like possessive, jealous , greedy parents and grow up! Jason, Taylor is my sister and I will always have a strong bond with her and Taylor, I have a very strong tie with Jason. So will both of you stop fighting and SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I threw my hands in the air and then dropped them for emphasis. They stared at me, they’re mouths hanging open, eyes wide. I stormed out of the room and upstairs, slamming the door. Fights like this were common between them, usually ending in one of them storming off and shifting.

            As I walked into my bedroom, I glanced at the calendar and groaned. Tomorrow was circled in a big red outline. Monday. The first day of Trinity High School. I just hoped this year would go by fast, I was ready for college. I’ve been college bound since I was a little girl, with my college picked out and my dreams set on it. My plan was to graduate high school and then go to Columbia.  When I was seven we’d passed by Columbia and I was instantly enchanted with the rolling green grass and soaring white buildings.

Bing, bing, bing.

            The sharp three bings of my phone sounded from my purse, alerting me to a text message. I pulled me phone out and slid it open.

            Heyyyy, Sutton. It’s Lisa, you’re probably wondering why does she have my number? I’m not weird, I promise. I sort of stole it off Evan’s phone. But only because I just wanted to ask if you wanted a ride to school tomorrow. I know it’s your first day, and the first day is always the hardest. So let me know, but either way I’ll see you tomorrow.

            Thinking it over, I quickly responded. It would be nice to go in already armed with a friend. Looks like I have a ride to school tomorrow. My stomach knotted with anxiety at the thought. New school, new people. 
