Chapter 14

Another chapter my dear readers. I know it took a longg time for me to upload, ok maybe not that long, but this chapter is very important. I wanted to have te time to make sure I wrote it right, though your amazing comments and constant voting definitely helped me speed things up. I have a feeling some of you are going to hate me after this, but do not worry! There is PLENTY to come. I'm super excited about the next chapter coming up.

Dont forget, vote, comment, and fan. It reallt does mean a lot to me. 

Ok, so now the chapter I promised.

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.) 

                                                                                Chapter 14

Sutton’s POV:

                I woke up to a strange beeping sound. My head throbbed and I felt stiff, like I hadn’t moved in a long time. I kept my eyes closed and took deep breaths, trying to get a grip on my body before I opened my eyes to God knows what. The last thing I remember is walking out of the forest, and with that memory came the remembrance of the pain. I winced slightly, thanking my lucky stars that the pain seemed to have disappeared.

                Slowly I opened my eyes and took my surrounding in. The room I was in was stark white and sterile looking. It was small, catering only to the bed I was currently on and two chairs that sat on either side of my bed. Aside from that, a small nightstand was next to my bed and a sink was tucked into the corner. Off to the corner was a door which I assumed led to a hallway, judging from the chatter and footsteps I heard. I glanced down and saw my wrist wrapped in a tight bandage and my eyes followed the tube that was attached to my arm back up to an impressive looking machine. A soft snore broke through my hazy thoughts and I looked to my left, seeing Jason. He was sitting in the chair that was pulled up to my bed, his head resting on his arms on my bed. My hand twitched, reaching up and brushing his arm lightly.

                “Umph.” He mumbled, incoherently. He’d always been a light sleeper, even the slightest brush would wake him.

                “Jason?” I whispered hoarsely. He buried his face deeper into the crook of his arm before looking up at me, bleary eyed. Seeing my awake face, he jumped up, his face alight.

                “Sutton! Your awake! Thank God, you scared the shit out of me. What the hell happened? Who did this to you? I swear I’m gonna kick their ass! I just don’t understand how this happened. You know, it doesn’t really matter. You’re here and you’re safe, that’s all that matters.” He gushed, leaning down and wrapping me in a gentle hug.

                “Jase, can you fill me in? I’m sort of in the dark about what happened.” My mind refused to cooperate with me.

                “Maybe I can help you with that.” A middle aged man stood at the door, his salt and pepper hair flopping onto his forehead. His long white coat was pristine and hung straight. My doctor I presume.

                “What happened? Where am I? Why can’t I remember anything?” M questions fired off one by one.

                “You’re in the hospital, but don’t worry. I also serve as the pack doctor. Your secret is safe with me,” He told me while performing the basic tests: shining a flashlight into my eyes, having me follow his finger with my eyes. “Sutton, you suffered an allergic reaction to chloroform. It’s amazing you survived, most people who are around the high levels you had in your system and are allergic die. I guess being a werewolf helped you survive. On top of that, you have a fractured wrist and some bruising as well as a few cuts here and there.” He concluded.

                An algergic reaction to chloroform? I didn’t even know you could be allergic to that. Now that he mentioned my wrist I noticed the slight throb coming from it, making me wince.

                “How long have I been out?”

                “A few hours, once we started pumping fluids into you, your respiratory system improved.” He checked his notes on the chart he held in his hands before writing something down.

                “When can she leave?” Jason asked. I’d almost completely forgotten about him being in the room.

                “I don’t see why she can’t go home by tomorrow.” The doctor smiled and slipped his pen back in his pocket. “Now Sutton, get some rest and I’ll be back to check on you later. You’ll be on your way out of here in no time.” He said as he backed out of the room.

                “Where are my parents? And Taylor? What about Evan?” I asked, turning to Jason.

                “Your parents ran home to get some clothes for the both of us and Taylor went with them. Evan hung back at the house after we rushed you to the hospital.” I was confused. Surely Evan would have come to the hospital if I was sick. I was his mate after all.

                “Evan didn’t come?” I clarified.

                “No. Why would he?” Jason looked suspicious once more. I quickly feigned innocence.

                “I just thought as soon to be Alpha, he would want to know what happened.” Jason nodded and sat down on the chair.

                “Yeah, he called and told me to talk to you about it.” Something felt off about this. If the roles were reversed, I would be right here by Evan’s side. So, why isn’t he here?

                “Can we talk about it tomorrow. I’m still pretty tired.” I told him honestly. He nodded and settled back into the chair.

                “Jase, go home.” I sighed. He shook his head.

                “I’m not leaving you here by yourself.” The boy was so sweet, but incredibly stubborn.

                “Jason, don’t worry. I’m in a hospital. What going to happen to me? Besides I’ll never sleep knowing you have to lie in an uncomfortable plastic chair.” His expression was set. “Don’t make me call the nurses to forcefully remove you.” I warned. Seeing I wasn’t going to budge, he stood up.

                “Fine. But I’ll be here first thing in the morning.”

                “Whatever.” I said settling back into the bed and yawning.

Evan’s POV:
                I was having trouble not shifting. My wolf was fighting to break through and tear Luke and Lockey to pieces. I knew who had done this to Sutton, it was blaringly obvious to me. Jason didn’t seem to see the connection, nor did anyone else. I paced my room, roughly running a hand through my hair. The image of seeing Sutton so weak and fragile, so broken, made my heart pound from anger and fear. Anger that anyone had dared to do that to my mate. Fear that she was so easily breakable. So easily damaged.

                Before I knew it, I was outside running to my car. In the next second I was speeding towards the hospital, rushing off to see my injured mate. My emotions were too strong, I couldn’t hold them back. The need to see her was almost painful, engulfing me. In record time the hospital came up on me and I peeled into a parking spot, jumping out. My focus was solely on finding her, that is, until the smell hit me like a wall. I snarled, furious.

                How dare he show up here!

                In the shadow of the entrance archway stood Luke, the asshole held a smug look. I took a step forward, ready to punch it off him.

                “Here so late, Evan. Actually early.” His smooth voice sailed over to me. I glanced at my watch. Just after three in the morning. Funny, many believe that three in the morning is the start of the witching hour. The hour when all things dark come out. I almost laughed at the irony to this.

                “What the hell are you doing here?” I snarled, my anger still rampaging through my body. He looked over me carefully, eyeing judging the amount of anger rolling off me. And trust me, my anger was rolling off me in hot, violent waves.

                “Just making sure she’s ok. Whoever did this must be a terrible person.” I fumed at his play at innocence.

                “Cut the crap. You and I both know you did this you son of a bitch.” I hissed at him. He chuckled.

                “Sure you’re not talking about yourself there? I mean, your mom was a bitch.” He smiled at his joke.

                “Better than a whore.” I smirked. It was no secret that Luke’s mom slept around with different guys. I did have to admit though, with her midnight hair and stormy eyes, it was certainly hard for men to resist her. Luke’s eyes hardened at my insult.

                “You never did say what you were doing here at three in the morning.” He folded his arms across his chest and waited. I weighed my answer carefully, thinking of an explanation.

                “I’m future Alpha. It’s my job to care about my pack. When I heard Sutton was attacked by a pigheaded freak of nature, I rushed over to make sure she was alright.” He glowered at my freak of nature comment. If there was anything that bugged Luke, it was being called a freak.

                “Really? It looks like your rushing over here to see your mate.” He raised his eyebrows slightly, judging my facial expressions closely. He leaned forward slightly, staring intently at me.

                “You must be stupider than I originally though if you don’t remember a conversation we just had. I don’t have a mate.” It was quiet for a minute, the air buzzing with expectancy. This was the moment that controlled everything. Either Luke would buy my story or he would see through my lie. Part of me hoped he would see right through me so I could be with Sutton while the other half wanted nothing more than to protect her.

                “Well than I feel sorry for your future mate.” Luke said at last. He believed me. I swallowed my pain and nodded.

                “I’ll be hitting the streets looking for. At every corner.” I wanted him to think I was actually searching for my mate. If he knew that she was sitting in his own backyard, it wouldn’t be long till he tied it back to Sutton.

                “Spend a lot of time at the corners, do you?” My wolf snarled. How dare he accuse me of going after hookers. I smiled, thinking of a comeback.

                “Yeah, that’s where I met your sister.” I smirked. I felt like we were immature little kids, but I needed to blow off steam and Luke just happened to be here.

                “I’m going to-” He cut himself off, glaring voraciously at me. He cursed under his breath and started to walk away.

                “Empty threats.” I murmured, knowing he could hear.

                “Not for long.” He replied. I waited to make sure he actually left before walking inside. I didn’t need to ask where Sutton was, I could smell her enticing scent. I stepped into the empty elevator, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes as II traveled upwards. I was about to do the hardest thing I’d ever done in my entire life.

Sutton’s POV:

                I cursed once again and turned over slowly. Unfortunately, I hadn’t been able to fall asleep after Jason left. I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but the drift of drowsiness refused to come to me. I sighed and sat up, turning the lamp on the table next to me on. I sat for a second in silence, listening to the pitter patter of nurses shoes as they made their rounds.

                I hadn’t been sitting long when I heard him, felt his presence. My heart soared, I knew he wouldn’t just leave me. I could hear him get off the elevator a few feet down the hall, his musky scent flowing around me. Not wanting to look desperate I turned my head and stared blankly out the dark window. A second later I felt his warm gaze on my cheeks but I continued to stare out at the blackened world.

                “Sutton.” His voice was tinged with so many emotions it was hard to decipher them all. Concern, fear, nervousness, and oddly sadness. Why would he be sad? I turned to look at him, drinking in his tall form and beautiful, strong features.

                “Didn’t expect to see you here.” My voice came out a little sharper then I intended. Maybe I was a little upset that it took him this long to come make sure I was alright. Maybe.

                “Are you upset with me?” I turned and stared at him head on, confused as to why he sounded hopeful.

                “I just find it odd it took you this long to come see your mate.” I emphasized the word mate, and watched his reaction carefully. He sighed and looked down, running a thumb down the bridge of his nose. He suddenly looked tired and stressed, sad. Very sad.

                “Sutton, you don’t want me as a mate.” He said, still looking down.

                “What? Sure I don’t know you very well,  but I can spot a good, genuine person when I see one. Why would I not want you as a mate?” He looked into my determined face, searching for something. He obviously didn’t find it when his fists clenched and his teeth locked together.

                “Let me rephrase.” His voice was icy. I sat, shocked. What the hell had happened between us?

                “Go ahead.” I matched his tone.

                “I don’t,” I silently begged for him not to say what I already knew he was going to say. “Want you as a mate.”

                I was stunned into silence, searching his face for any signs of weakness. Any trace of falseness. His face ,though, was like a cold stone. Emotionless and uncaring.

                “Bu-” I stuttered.

                “Sutton. I don’t want you. I went out with you just to see if you were worthy of being my mate. Sorry, didn’t quite pass the test.” He shrugged, like it didn’t matter. “Besides, I have a girlfriend. I mean how pathetic, stealing another girl’s boyfriend.” He said in a slightly disinterested tone.

                “But I’m your mate.” The statement sounded weak and brittle even to my own ears. Tears already brimmed in my eyes, my heart was shattering. It had never occurred to me that my own mate wouldn’t want me. It feels like someone just stabbed you in the heart when the one person in the whole world who is just destined to love you doesn’t even want you.

                “Unfortunately, we don’t pick our mates.” I looked at my hands before looking up, suddenly angry.

                “I certainly wouldn’t have picked you if we could have picked our own mates.” I seethed.

                “Good, we’re on the same page.” Evan’s expression was as steely and uncaring as his face. Just as suddenly as it had come, my anger left, leaving me defeated and broken. I felt tears make a path down my check. I thought I saw a flash of regret and remorse run across Evan’s face before it reshaped back into his original cold, unnerving appearance.

                “Get out.” I whispered, my voice barely audible. I just wanted to weep in private and mourn the loss of what I never really had. He still hadn’t moved. What? Did he want me to go to my knees and beg? I had pride, something I was not about to lose, not even to come. “Get out!” I shouted. He nodded and left.

                As soon as the elevator carrying him and his intoxicating scent down left, I curled into a ball and sobbed. How could the only person that had to love you, reject you? There must be something really wrong with you for that to happen. I cried because when Evan left, he took  piece with me. A piece I was sure I would never get back.

                Eventually sleep overtook me, giving me an hour of blankness. I left the pain and embarrassment of Evan’s rejection, the utter despair I was in, behind. I drifted off to a place where Evan and I were together, a place where things seemed lighter and brighter. I drifted off to sleep, happy to leave the desolate pain behind.
