Chapter 5

I just wanted to thank everyone so much for reading this story. I try to upload as much as possible and when I have free time I'm always writing. So thanks again and I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


                                                                                Chapter 5

Sutton’s POV:

                Turning onto my drive and seeing the already familiar shape of my house, I let out a relived sigh. I was ready to go upstairs and take a long bath, followed by a nap. I was too exhausted from today’s events to do anything, yet I couldn’t get that guy from Swift out of my mind. And what was with those two creepy guys?

                It was nearing three as I parked my car and walked into the house, taking off my boots and putting them in the closet next to the door. I was about to walk away when I heard the heels of my mother’s designer sandals click against the white marble floor. Taylor and I looked up at her as she walked downstairs, muttering to herself with a frustrated expression. She had a clipboard tucked under her arm with a pen attached to it. Pen. Clipboard. Mom’s planning something, I thought. We’ve only been here a couple days, how can she already be planning something?

                “…Always springing things on me last minute. Been married 19 years to that man and he still doesn’t know how much I hate despise surprises.” She  mumbled angrily to herself. Looking up, she caught sight of me then Taylor. “Oh, hello girls. Enjoy your shopping trip?” She asked. I nodded.

                “So what’s dad sprung on you this time?” Taylor asked. I stuck around, curious to hear the answer.

                “Well, it seems your dad ran into Bane at the store, you know, the friend that convinced him to move back here, and next thing you know he walks in announcing that we are hosting a BBQ tonight and the whole pack is coming. Imagine my horror when he tells me I have a day to prepare. And not even a full day!” She finished, her face incredulous. See, my mom is planner. And a perfectionist. She loves planning the perfect party, that’s why she’s so good at being a party planner. She so enthusiastic and passionate about every party she plans. It’s probably what makes her one of the most coveted party planners around. She’s good at what she does, however you need to give her time to plan the party. Springing things like this on her is not a good idea. She can still plan a perfect party in a day, she just turns into Cruella mixed with the sanity of a crazy person. Stressed is an understatement. You can bet that with a party planner as a mother, Taylor and I always had the best parties growing up.

                “Bane Taylor. That’s the Alpha right?” Taylor asked. My mom nodded before continuing. So this is the BBQ Lisa had been talking about earlier. Funny how she knew about the BBQ that was being hosted by my family in my house even before I did.

                “Yes, now as much as I’d like to chat with you girls, I have a BBQ to plan.” She turned to leave but I stopped her.

                “Wait! Have you looked outside? It looks like it’s about to rain.” I told her. She chuckled before answering.

                “Sweetie, the weather here changes at the drop of a hat. You’ll get used to it. BBQ starts at 6:30.” She called over her shoulder as she marched away, her heels still clicking away. A few seconds later I heard her yelling about seeing a speck of dust and how the crab cakes were to be cooled and not chilled. I laughed softly, climbing the stairs. Yes, she’s definitely in crazy Cruella mode right now. I pity the maids and chefs who happen to be working for her today.

                Walking into my room, I threw down my bags and jumped onto my bed, laying on my stomach and burying my face in my pillow. I was already tired and now I have to get ready for probably one of the most important BBQ’s of my life. I groaned into my pillow.

                “Long day?” A familiar male’s voice asked. I shrieked and jumped up.

                “You scared the living daylights out of me!” I yelled at the guy standing against the far wall. Once my heart regained its normal speed, I smiled fondly at him. “But we both know you love to do that Jason.”

                I looked at him as he pushed his dark hair out of his eyes and then flashed me a grin. He stood about six feet tall, with a well built form. Pale blue eyes looked out at me, his white teeth complimenting his tan skin. He was undeniably hot. Most girls would fall all over him. Most girls except me.

                I grew up with Jason and the fact that I remember him when he used to pick his nose and then chase me around trying to touch me with his boogery fingers kind of ruins any romantic interest I would ever have of him. The love I feel for him is brotherly love. He is the older brother I never had. When we were little his parents were close friends with mine, and we’d have play dates all the time. When Jason’s parents died in an accident, and left a then three year old Jason behind with no other family members, my parents took him in. Growing up, he was the perfect brother to me. He was fiercely protective of me, daring any guy to look at me, and taught me how to throw a punch , should I ever need to hit someone if he wasn’t around to do it for me.    

                He’d gone away to college my junior year and even though we talked on the phone and emailed all the time, it was nice to see him in person. He came back home on the holidays and during the summer, but only seeing someone roughly three to four months out of the year, especially someone you consider a brother, is hard. I know that he enjoyed college, his roommate was even a werewolf like himself, but he told me many times that it wasn’t home. I ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug, happy to have my brother back. After a minute I stepped back, peering at him curiously.

                ‘Not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? I thought you were staying in college a few extra weeks to take some summer courses.” I said.

                “Yeah, well when your mom called and told me you guys were moving here I decided to come out. My roommate is actually here too. Turns out he lives in this town, weird right?” He said, arching an eyebrow. I nodded.

                “So are you just going back to college at the end of the summer?” I asked.

                “Maybe. Maybe I’ll just stay here.” He replied with a grin.

                “You can’t just stay here and quit college.” I told him.

                “I didn’t say I was quitting, we’ll just see where things go.” He stated matter of factly. I looked at the clock before sighing once more.

                “I really would love to stand here and listen to all your crazy college stories but I’ve got a BBQ to get ready for.” He nodded and walked to the door, then turned around.

                “It’s good to see you Sutton. Been a long time.” He shut the door softly behind him.

                “Been a long time.” I repeated softly. I stood still a moment, and then walked to my black and white marbled bathroom and turned the shower on.

                Two and half hours, one long shower and ten outfits later, I still wasn’t ready yet. I looked around my trashed bedroom, frustration tainting my mood.

                ‘Whoa, did your closet throw up?” Jason asked as he walked in. I chucked a pillow at his face in response and he caught it deftly, tossing it to my bed.

                “I can’t find anything to wear and my hair isin’t cooperating!” I wailed. I wanted to look perfect and impress my new pack.

                “You can’t find anything to wear? Didn’t you just go shopping?” I nodded. “And you still can’t find anything to wear?” I shook my head.

                “Sutton it’s just a BBQ. Nothing to worry about.” He said calmly. I exhaled, knowing he was right.  I looked around. Picking up a black skirt and pink ruffled shirt, I walked into my bathroom. Downstairs I could hear people chatting and laughing and music quietly playing. People had already arrived and it seemed the BBQ was in full swing. Through my open window I could hear the men’s voice out on the back deck as they stood around the BBQ talking and laughing boisterously while holding bottles of beer in the their hands. To any human we looked like a bunch of normal families all having a good time at BBQ. I had to remind myself that we weren’t normal however, we were a pack of werewolves.

                Coming out of the bathroom, I looked myself over in the floor length mirror. The black skirt hugged my butt and curves while my shirt flowed flawlessly down leaving my arms bare. Slipping on a pair of black heels and applying a minimal amount of make-up I admired myself once more. Ok, I didn’t look half bad. I’d let my hair flow naturally down my back again and I pulled a few strands forward over my shoulders. Jason nodded his approval at my outfit and I noticed what he was wearing for the first time. Dark jeans and a white t-shirt topped off with white vans. How…casual? He doesn’t seem nervous to be meeting his new pack, but since I grew up with him, I know he hid his emotions well.

                “Alright, let’s go meet our new pack.” He said, getting up and offering me his arm. I stepped forward and linked arms with him. I looked at myself once more. I know it sounds conceited, me looking at myself every five seconds, but the guy I had seen in Swift was a werewolf, and chances are that he is downstairs. Just the thought of him being downstairs made my heart thump.

                Walking out of my room, I tightened my grip on Jason’s arm. Standing at the top of the stairs I could see people milling around talking and laughing. Everyone seemed to freeze for a second as they all looked up at me. I froze on the top step and my palms started sweating. This was going to be a long night, I thought.
