Chapter 25

I really didn't mean to alarm any of you by asking if I you wanted a sequel. No the story isn't over, it's still got more to go. It's only about 3/4 done. I asked about a sequel though because it's going to affect the end. I apologize for sending some of you into a frenzy. 

And for the people who are waiting for my new story, I'm so sorry it's taken so long. I promise I'll upload it with the next chapter. 

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)\


Chapter 25

Evan’s POV:

            I breathed out a sigh of relief as I held her in my arms tightly. I’d recognized her scent a second before she plowed into me. Wrapping my arms around Sutton, I vaguely heard Scott and Kevin plunge into the forest, each going in a different direction. Seconds later I heard growls and the last beats of two hunters’ hearts. Distantly, I knew Jason was watching me with distaste but in that moment all I cared about was that she was here, in my arms, safe.

            “I’ve got you Sutton. I promise nothing’s going to happen to you. You’re safe now.” I murmured gently in her hair. She whimpered softly and buried her face in my shoulder, taking deep breaths.

            “Uhh guys, hate to interrupt but we kind of have to scram.” Spencer interjected. I glanced behind me to see Spence smiling apologetically at me while Jason scowled at my arms that were still locked around Sutton. I glared at him briefly before turning back to Sutton, taking a slight step back.

            “He’s right, we have to-” I growled furiously. Blood dripped from her arm and her cheek was red, like someone had delivered a slap. I didn’t miss the fact that her tied hands clutched at her side and her face was contorted into masked pain. She didn’t want me to know she was hurting. “What the hell happened?”

            “Luke.” She wheezed at. I growled once more and tentatively reach out to touch her cheek. She flinched but I kept my hand on her face. She locked eyes with me and her eyes shown with unshed, glimmering tears.

            “I’ll kill him.” I vowed, taking her softly in my arms once more. I kept my hold on her as I turned to Spencer. “You and Kevin take her to the doctor. Don’t leave her side and tell me if anything happens. Protect her at all costs.”

            “Where are you going?” He asked, though I suspected he already knew.

            “To finish what he started.” By taking my mate, Luke unknowingly started a war between the hunters and the werewolves. And this time we weren’t going down.

            “I’ll protect her with my life.” Spencer promised. I nodded, trusting him. Kevin and Scott walked up in the same moment and Kevin nodded his giant head, agreeing to Spencer’s promise.

            “I’m going with you.” Jason’s voice was gruff and full of anger but he stood, determined. “Not for you, but for her. That bastard isn’t going free after this.” He added.

            “I thought so.” I muttered.

            I looked down at my wounded mate in my arms and carefully took her hands in my own. I ripped the rope easily, freeing her. Red rope burns stood out against her pale skin in the murky moonlight and I felt the anger bubble up even more. Every wound I saw on Sutton made me want to kill Luke even more.

            “Don’t go. I don’t want you to get hurt.” She whispered, her lower lip trembling. I smiled softly, taking a gentle hold of her chin.

            “Don’t worry, I got this.” I told her cockily, trying my best impersonation of George Lopez. She laughed lightly but the sadness never left her beautiful jade eyes. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

            She nodded and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. I leaned down and gently pressed my lips to hers, her reaction instantaneous. We stood still for the breath of a moment, enjoying the heat coming from our lips. She pulled back reluctantly and smiled a bit. I turned and gestured for Spencer and Kevin to come forward.

            “You know what I’ll do if anything happens to her…” I warned.

            “A little trust.” Spencer muttered.

            I watched silently as Kevin led the way through the trees followed by Sutton and Spencer bringing up the rear. Both guys were watchful and weary, their guard up. I got the terribly strong urge to run to Sutton and pull her with me to a place a hundred miles away, never letting her out of my embrace. I sighed, resisting it. I needed to do this for her. Luke needed to die, he’d gone too far this time.

            “Well, wasn’t that just touching.” Jason said sarcastically. I glared at him before shifting and stomping into the forest.

            According to the other pack members fighting, they’d gotten most of the hunters and had herded the rest into a clearing. They were just waiting for me to give the word. As requested, Luke was alive. Not for long.

            “You know, you won’t be good enough for her. It’s never going to work out.” Jason spoke in my head. My wolf nearly took his head off right then and there. I knew he wouldn’t be happy but he was just being a dick now.

            “Shut the hell up. You have no idea what Sutton and I have.” I retorted, growling.

            “What Sutton and you have is lust. You don’t deserve her.” He hissed. I snapped then.

            Jumping around I tackled him to the ground, using my larger body to settle myself on him uncomfortably. Her growled but I nipped at his neck to show him who Alpha was. His eyes were full of fury, as I’m sure mine were too.

            “Get this through you’re thick mind. Sutton is my mate. She is my mate! Mine! Not yours, so don’t go running your mouth saying I’m not good enough for her. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have her as a mate and I already know she’s too wonderful for me, but I intend to spend the rest of my life trying to figure out how I got her. She’s the one for me and no matter what you say or do, I’m not backing away from her. She’s like my personal oxygen, and I very well might die without her. Sutton has become my everything in such a short time but I wouldn’t trade her or the time we’ve shared for anything. I hope you can wrap your head around this and if you can’t? Then go screw yourself.” I snarled harshly.

            Just as soon as I’d jumped on him, I jumped off and used my anger to power me. I ran closer to the clearing and could clearly hear the rumbling growls of my pack members. Pride filled me as I arrived to find the hunters all rounded up in the middle of the clearing. My wolves surrounded them, snarling viciously. Their weapons were dropped uselessly at the edges of the trees, leaving the hunters defenseless. I didn’t have to ask to know where Luke was. I could already tell he was in the center of the circle, heavily protected. What a wimp.

            I need to get to the middle. I informed my pack members. I heard murmurs of approval coming from the wolves that were closest to the hunters. They jumped forward simultaneously, easily extinguishing the outer edges of the circle. Groans came from the other wolves. They felt left out of the fun. Soon enough, only a grand total of four hunters stood. Luke looked slightly panicked, but hid it well. He turned to face me and chuckled softly, cockily. I growled at his arrogance. His eyes held mine, hatred burning within the swirls of his smugness. White hot rage ripped through me and I felt the lips of my wolf turn up into a chilling grin.

            Separate them from him. Take a step back after, I want to do this on my own. I said before I trotted back into the trees and shifted, putting my pants on. I walked out to find Luke standing alone in the center of a growling circle of wolves. Stalking forward I picked up a discarded weapon. The growls lowered as they saw me come forward and the wolves obediently backed up. I tossed the weapon to Luke who reached out and effortlessly caught it.

            “And what’s this for?” He asked cunningly. The overconfidence in his voice irked me.

            “Thought it should be fair. I’m going to let you give it your best shot but in the end Luke, I’m going to be the one reveling in triumph.” I stated clearly.

            “And lets just imagine for a second that I win. What happens then?” His eyes shown with the excitement of the challenge.

            “I highly doubt that. But if you win, then by all means you’re free to walk out of the woods, untouched and alive.” I shrugged, unconcerned. I had no doubt in my mind that I would win this fight.    

            We began the deadly dance, him circling around me like a snake. I stood still and watched his actions carefully. I waited for him to strike but he refrained. I guess he wanted me to make the first move. I didn’t though, no, Luke had started this and he was going to end it.

            “You know, she’s pretty bangin’.” He spoke. I knew instantly who he was referring to.

            “Hmm.” I wouldn’t let him get to me.

            “And I mean like smoking. Her tight ass and goodness, her hair looks so silky.” He smiled at the small growl that escaped my closed lips.

            “You’re right. Though, the difference between you and I is that I’ve actually run my fingers through that silky hair. She’d die before she let you do that.” I smirked at his glower.

            “A guy can dream, eh? It’s too bad really, I would have been up on that if she weren’t such a bitch.” He laughed loudly as my body quaked, wanting nothing more than to tear him apart.

            “You don’t know anything about her.” I hissed.

            “True. The only thing I do know is that it was my mission to kill her and I unfortunately failed.” He said, looking down. When he looked back up though, his eyes glimmered with vengeance and pure maliciousness. “But that doesn’t mean the next group won’t.”

            “What the hell are you talking about?” I growled. He smirked and looked delighted that he knew something I didn’t.

            “Well where’s the fun if I tell you everything? There’d be no surprises. No, I’m not going to tell you everything. I will say, however, did you credit us to be that ignorant? Did you truly believe that we don’t have a plan B, or C, or D. I can tell you right now, we have a plan Z.”

            “I don’t believe you.”

            “And they all include a horrendous death for poor, dear Sutton while you stay alive and unharmed. Just without a mate.” He continued happily. I shifted my stance. My wolf was this close to breaking free.

            “You’ll never get near her.” I ground out. His arrogance showed once again as he smiled joyously at me.

            “Maybe I won’t, but honestly Evan. You can’t protect her from every single person. That’s too hard. And the moment you drop your shield, we’ll be there.”

            “Not if I kill you first.”

            “Not that would be a sight to see.”

            “So is this what we’re here to do? Have a conversation about you’re plans that are so ridiculous they’re almost funny?” He glared at me before coming to a stop a few feet in front of me.

            “No, I suppose not.” He sighed and looked up for a second, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Damn, what I wouldn’t give to my hands over her warm, delicious, sexy body and show her who’s bos-”

            I couldn’t control it. The rage had been simmering but now it boiled over and exploded within me. I took a running step and jumped, shifting midway through the air. I landed on him knocking his weapon out of his hands. We rolled a foot before his leg reached up and kicked. I hissed as his foot connected with my rib cage. He took the momentary distraction and crawled away. He’d only gotten a foot away when I snarled and leaned forward, taking the leg of his jeans in my mouth and dragged him back. I saw him reach his hand out quickly before bringing it back under him. I didn’t pay too much attention as I snapped dangerously close to the back of his neck. He flipped over quickly, swinging his hand out with as much force as possible. I saw it, swinging towards me like a bullet. I hadn’t seen that he’d picked up his weapon but now I could see it clearly as it made a mad dash towards my head. I acted on instinct.

            I’ve read books and watched movies about werewolves, scoffing at the inaccuracy of them. Silver doesn’t hurt us, clearly we shift anytime we want rather than having to rely on a full moon, and we aren’t complete wild beasts. I say complete, because as much as we’d like to deny it, there is a part of us that is wild. Feral. Beastly. A part we keep concealed, hidden away.  A part that even our wolf denies because of its ferocity. Because of our enhanced abilities, it’s easier to keep it at bay. But in moments like these, when there isn’t any time to think, it comes out. It’s moments like these when I believe Hollywood hit the bulls eye when they show a werewolf as being a dangerous, wild animal.

            The deed was done and I took a step back, shuddering as I tried to keep the animal at bay. My muzzle was streaked with blood and I absentmindedly wiped it. I felt the approving glances of my pack. They understood what it feels like to lose control. They also know what it takes to make you lose control like that. I had done what I set out to do though, and I would be lying if I said Luke didn’t deserve this. Luke had started this and he paid for it with his life. The deed was done and Luke was dead.  
