Chapter 2

So, like I promised I maade this chapter longer and more interesting. Thanks again for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment :)


            My boots crunched on the gravel as I got out of my car. I glanced wearily at the ground, rethinking my decision to wear boots that heels on them. The air still hung heavy with the recent rain, and glancing up at the bleary whites and greys of the sky, I had no doubt more rain was to come. This was my favorite kind of day, chilly and dreary. Odd as it was, I loved how it wasn’t hot but not too cold. I loved the color the sky turned, how it was a bright whirlpool of muted neutral colors. I made a mental note to go for a run when I got home.

            With Taylor in tow beside me I walked down the street passing a small bakery and sporting goods store I hadn’t previously seen before. Passing a few more stores, we found what we had come from. Clothing stores. There looked to be about four in a row. Odd that they’d all be right next to each other, but very convenient for me. I smiled as I reached for the large silver handle and pulled the door open, eager to get away from the slight wind stinging my cheeks. As soon as I stepped into the first store, Nora’s Closet, I was enveloped in warmth and the heavy scent of a floral perfume. A woman looked up from the counter and smiled at us. She looked to be in her twenties with long black hair and dark eyes to match. Upon closer inspection, I realized she was a werewolf. She had the strong jaw, high cheekbones, not to mention the stench of one.

            “Hello. You guys must be the Collins family. I’m Nora woods” She said walking up to us and extending her small hand. Taylor and I both shook it and smiled politely at her.

            “I’m sorry, but how do you know who we are?” I asked, curious.

            “Oh, well everyone knows who you are Sutton. I mean, it’s not every day a new family of werewolves moves to our little town. And that must be Taylor” Nora said nodding towards my sister who had already wandered off to a rack of jeans. I nodded. “Well, let me be the first to welcome you to the Greenwood pack.” She finished. I smiled at her warmly and then walked towards a particularly cute shirt, lavender with lace detailing. Well at least one person from my new pack seemed friendly.

            Walking into the third store, Swift, loaded down with bags from the other two, I was again struck by the odd feeling that something big was going to happen. Though, this time the feeling didn’t feel too bad. Like a good something was about to happen. I was pulled from my thoughts when a girl around Taylor’s age walked up to us, grinning. Her scarlet hair was pulled up into a ponytail and she had the softest hazel eyes. She glanced briefly at me, and then settled her eyes on Taylor.

            “I was wondering when I was going to meet you. Your Taylor and Sutton Collins right? Of course you are, who else would you be? I’m Sadie, by the way.” She laughed lightly, and I noticed she too, was a werewolf. If the second store hadn’t been run by two humans I would have thought this whole town was only werewolves.

            “How does everyone already know our names? And is everyone here a werewolf?” My sister asked.

            “Well, the Greenwood pack is one of the biggest packs in North America and this is a small town so word gets out fast. It’s also Sunday morning and most humans are still at home, but you’ll see more of them later. Though, we do have a big wolf population.” She said winking, and then turned her attention to Taylor.

            I walked away, not wanting to get involved in their conversation. Glancing out the front display window I caught a glimpse of a group of people coming out of the small movie theater across the street. There were two girls in the front, chatting and three guys following behind their heads pulled down against the wind. Who goes to see a movie this early on the morning, I thought randomly. Must be early risers. Looking over at them again, I looked over the girls. They were both very beautiful, in different ways however. The first one was blond with loose curls that cascaded down her back and came to a stop just below her shoulder blades. She had a pale skin, and the body of a model. She was laughing with the other girl, who had chestnut hair and the same pale skin. They both seemed to be dressed for this dreary day. The blond had on jeans and knee high boots with a brown V-neck and beige cardigan. The brunette had a red coat on over black jeans and she too was wearing boots.

            Looking past them I skimmed over the boys. Two were a dirty blond and one had the same chestnut colored hair as the second girl. Probably related, I guessed. One of the blonds stuck out to me for some reason. There was just something about him. He was bent forward, laughing, so I couldn’t really get a good look at him. The other blond was laughing as well, but not entirely hunched over. Looking at him, I recognized the jaw line and cheekbones. He was a werewolf. Looking over everyone else, I saw they all were. Was everyone in this town a freaking werewolf? I stifled my bewilderment about how many were’s there were when I realized they were walking towards the store I was in. I ducked my head and moved behind a rack. I was suddenly nervous for them to see them, and I didn’t have the slightest clue why. The door opened and the musky scent of them came over me.

            “I just have to grab a quick present for Leah. I totally forgot to do it yesterday, and with that BBQ tonight I won’t have time to get it.” The brunette was explaining as she walked in, with everyone close on her heels. Up close I saw she had soft brown eyes, and a kind heart shaped face. The guy with the same color hair had the same face, except somehow manlier. Stronger.

            The blond nodded and I looked at her closely too. She had dark blue eyes and a gentle smile. Both of the girls looked nice, but, as I should know, looks can be deceiving. I don’t exactly look like a wolf, but I am one. The three guys were even better looking in person. They walked to the other end of the store and I waited. Waited to see some kind of reaction to my scent. Only one person seemed slightly puzzled, the blond guy who I’d felt a weird attraction to when looking at him.

            “Is it me, or is there a strange scent on here?” he asked quietly, but with my senses I could easily hear him. From where I was, they couldn’t yet see me.

            “Well, yeah. It smells like a werewolf, but what’s new about that. Actually, hold on,” the blond said sniffing. I held my breath. “I don’t recognize the scent. And I know everyone’s scent.” She said after a second.

            Making a quick decision, I decided to move from my spot and at least try and act normal. If they were going to find me, I didn’t want to look like some scared, little pup. I was Sutton Collins. The girl who was rarely afraid. Though, with them around something in me seemed vulnerable. And I didn’t like that feeling. Moving away from the rack I was hiding behind, I walked forward to wear a table full of necklaces was. From here, the group still couldn’t quite see me, but at least it wouldn’t look like I was hiding.

            “Do you think one of the new ones is here? I’m so psyched to go to their BBQ tonight. I hear they have a daughter our age and she’s bangin’.” A guy’s voice said. New ones? Is there someone else new in town? And what BBQ are they talking about?

            “Dog.” The blond said, chuckling and forgetting about my scent for a second. I let out a breath of relief. Big mistake. They heard that. Suddenly, I felt five pairs of eyes stare at my back. I tensed, sensing that “something” I’d been feeling was about to happen. My sister saved me.

            “Second day here, and I’ve already made a new friend.” Taylor said, nodding towards Sadie. I smiled at her, trying to act normal.

            “Uhh, Tay. I think I’m done here, why don’t we get home. We’ve been gone awhile and we still have some unpacking to do.” I told her, and pulled her with me towards the door without giving her a chance to reply.

            They were there so suddenly, I caught my breath. Both the girls from the group were standing in front of me, smiling eagerly. Looking carefully at them, I saw nothing but friendliness and kindness in their faces. Back in New York, if you looked like either of them you were a royal bitch. However, I got the feeling these two girls were the sweetest people I’d ever meet.

            “Hello. Your Sutton right? Just moved here from New York. I’m Elise,” the brunette spoke first. She smiled again. I gave a tentative smile and nodded. Wait, how does she know my name? That’s right, everyone knows my name already.

            “She makes it her job to know everyone before they even meet her. I just prefer to go the old fashioned way and get to know them when I oh, I don’t actually meet them,” The blond girl said, laughing. I laughed softly with her. Already my feelings were at ease with these two girls. I can’t figure out why I’d been so nervous to meet them. “I’m Lisa” she said.

            “I guess this is the part where I say I’m Sutton and I say how I’m new here, but you guys already know that.” I said to them, laughing again. They joined in and we smiled warmly at each other. We were going to be good friends, I just knew it. And judging from their expressions, so did they.

            “Sut, let’s go already. I want to go home and try on all my clothes again.” Taylor’s impatient voice cut in. I looked at her, slightly annoyed but reluctantly nodded. I turned to apologize, but Elise and Lisa were already a step ahead of me.

            “It’s alright. We’ll see you tonight at the BBQ” Lisa said, hugging me. After a moment of surprise I hugged her back, and then was enveloped in Elise’s hug.

            “We do hugs here” She explained. “Ok, just me and Lisa do. But we already know you’re going to be one of our best friends, so it just felt natural to hug you.” I nodded and started walking towards the door, flashing them a quick smile. I had just reached the door, with Taylor already outside when it registered that Lisa had said she’s see me tonight at the BBQ. What BBQ? I turned around to ask her, when I saw that all three guys were staring at me. The brown haired one and one of the blondes held open curiosity on their faces. The other blond guy was staring at me as well, and as our gazed locked something in me clicked. It’s hard to say what held my gaze with him, just that I had this feeling wash over me. The air seemed electric and alive. The guy was looking at me in awe. His eyes held many emotions. Happiness, joy, awe, and one that looked startlingly like…love? No, it wasn’t love, I told myself. Staring at him, I couldn’t help but see how amazingly good looking he was. Perfectly tanned skin, piercing blue eyes that seemed to twinkle, high cheekbones, and perfect lips that pulled into a smile, revealing two rows of white teeth. I felt weak kneed.

            We probably looked like idiots, standing there smiling and staring at each other, but in that moment the whole world danced away and left just me and him. I got the overwhelming urge to run over and wrap myself in his arms, never letting go. God, what was wrong with me? Get it together, I commanded myself. I tried to tear my eyes away, but that pesky feeling returned. I almost did run to him, I probably would have, had his phone not rung and interrupted our little staring fest. He frowned slightly at the interruption and I took that as an opportunity to turn quickly and practically run out. Sparks filled the air, and everything else seemed to fade away for a moment. My sister regarded me with a curious look, having just seen that little stare off. I pointedly ignored her, and walked down the street briskly. My wolf for some odd reason didn’t like me walking away and begged me to go back. I told her to shut up tried to still my swirling thoughts, focusing on just one.

What the hell just happened?
