Chapter 19

Yay! A day early. I rushed this one because the last chapter got so many comments and votes. I appreciate them all and I can't say thank you enough. A lot of your comments make me laugh and smile. Ok, who am I kidding. All of your comments do :)

Quick Announcements:

1.) People have been messaging me and telling me that I should start on another story so after much consideration, I decided that I would. I will NOT be ending this story, I'm just going to do another one at the same time. I repeat, I'm Sorry Did You Say Mate? still has a long way to go so don't worry, I'm not ditching this story. More to come on the story that I'm currently drafting in the next few chapters. 

2.) I don't want to give anything away so there's another A/N at the end to explain something. So please read it.

Again, voting, commenting, and fanning tends to speed up the uploading. Thanks :)

P.S. I put a picture of Sutton up. Now, I've heard that Emma Robert's isn't who you envisioned Sutton to be and to be honest, I don't either. She's the closest I could find to the way I want Sutton to look so just bear with me on  that.

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


                                                Chapter 19

Sutton’s POV:

            I eagerly awaited his bite, arching my neck. A thought trickled across my hazy mind, maybe we shouldn’t do this right now. I quickly dismissed it. We were mates after all, even if he didn’t want me. That right there stopped me for a second, he didn’t want this. He didn’t want me.

“Evan.” My voice came out husky and a bit breathless. I brought my hands to his chest but somehow couldn’t find the strength to push him away.

“Hmm.” He murmured, his teeth still gliding over my skin. I felt a little of my will power slip away.

“Evan, you don’t want this.” Even to me that didn’t sound exactly forceful. It sounded more like a question.

He pulled back to look at me, sliding his hands down to my waist. Our desire filled eyes locked and I felt the butterflies stir in my stomach. Different emotions ran through his eyes, some more easily read than others. Happiness, lust, indecision, they were all there. I looked down at the ground and tried to take a step back. He realized what he was doing. He doesn’t want me.

The colors of rejection filled me and I once again felt tears prick my eyes. The thing that sucks about having the most amazing dream is that you eventually you have to wake up to reality. And the fact is, reality is never as amazing as a dream.

“Sutton,” Evan tilted my head up with his index finger, forcing me to look into his eyes. I could see a decision made in his eyes. A smile slowly spread across his face, an affectionate, genuine smile. “Sutton, you really think I don’t want this? Want you?” He chuckled at this.

“You said you didn’t.” I said quietly, my heart fluttering when I saw regret flash in his eyes.

            “We need to talk abo-” The door from the kitchen opened, bathing us in light. I pushed him back a little, separating us. He growled quietly and reached out for me but I sidestepped him. I wasn’t sure what was happening between us and now that I was more sober, I was getting more control over my sex craving hormones.

            “Su-Sutton?” Lisa’s voice was completely wasted and she was having a hard time standing up. She clutched the doorway and pushed a hand onto her forehead. She looked around confused, before refocusing on me.

            “Lisa, what’s wrong?” Anyone could see she’d had a bit too much.

            “I’m, I’m not sure. I was…dancing. Yes, I was dancing. And Lilah and Kat were there. Then they weren’t,” She slurred, her face concentrated. I immediately felt bad for leaving her. “I remember having a few drinks and then I’m not too sure.”

            “Lisa where is Spencer?” I asked. I was sort of surprised he wasn’t here right now taking care of her. From what Lisa had told me, they were nothing like Evan and I. As soon as they had found each other, they mated. Anyone could see the two are blissfully in love.

            “Spencer?” Oh, man. She really is wasted. “Spencer. He was here too. But we got into a fight and he stormed off. Last I saw he was grinding it up with some little tramp.” She frowned at her last sentence.

            “Oh, I’m sorry.” I told her, taking a step towards her. I noticed Evan looked like he was more in control now.

            “Can we just leave? I don’t…I don’t feel so well.” She shook her head, palm against forehead. I nodded and took a step forward, intending to leave without saying anything to Evan. I had a feeling it was going to be awkward if I turned around.

            “Wait, Sutton,” He caught my arm and turned me so I faced him. “We need to talk about what happened.”

            “Later.” I really wanted to get Lisa home. She looked like she was about to crash any moment now. He nodded and watched as I grabbed Lisa by the arm and was about to push back into the kitchen but Lisa paused.

            “Oh, hey. I’m glad you guys finally got together,” She smiles slightly, totally out of it. “It’s a good thing you got yourself together Evan and told her about Sadie. I’m guessing you broke it off with her. I’m glad, she’s annoying. One of these days, Imma…Imma..” She didn’t finish, just drooped her head onto my arm. Sadie. Her cold eyes and evil smirk flooded my eyes. I looked at Evan, my mouth open in shock. He did say before that he’d had a girlfriend. He chose her over me? Her?

            Evan for the most part had many reactions passing across his face. Anger and shock filled it, followed quickly by regret and sadness. He took a step towards me but I held my hand up.

            “You bastard! This is all some kind of game to you, isn’t it? Playing with someone’s feelings.” I felt the anger rise up and overtake me. Venom filled me words and he flinched.

            “Sutton,” He started. I cut him off.

            “Go to hell Evan Taylor!” I shouted at him over the still thumping music. I turned quickly on my heel and stormed off before he could convince me to listen to him.

I shoved my way through the dance floor, dragging Lisa behind me. She cursed out complaints as I threw her into the passenger seat and started the car. Kat and Lilah had said earlier they would be leaving with their mates. My emotions were all jumbled up but two stood out to me. Anger and hurt. I was beginning to think that was all Evan was ever going to make me feel.

Evan’s POV:

            I woke up the next morning in a pissy mood. To say I was angry with myself is an understatement. I knew dating Sadie would come back to bite me in the ass. I just didn’t expect it to happen when I was about to tell Sutton the truth, the truth about her being in danger. The truth about me wanting her, the truth about us being together. I really was going to tell her everything, but then Lisa just had to go and ruin it.

            “Looks like someone finally got up.” Spencer commented as I walked into the kitchen.

            “Spencer, where the hell were you last night?” I nearly growled. Now really wasn’t the time for him to piss me off.

            “I was there. Question is, where did you run off to? I noticed Sutton disappeared right around the same time you did.” He winked at the unsaid suggestion.

            “Yeah, asshole. I was about to tell Sutton everything when your mate ruined everything!”

            “Wait, Lisa?”

            “Got another mate?” I hissed. He blinked and looked confused.

            “What did she do?”

            “Just as I was about to mark Sutton and tell her the truth, your little girlfriend interrupts drunk off her ass. She asked Sutton to take her home because the two of you had a fight.”

            “I’m not really seeing why your mad.” Oh, now I was livid.

            “You don’t see why I’m mad? Imagine if you will,” I pushed him up against the wall as I spoke. “Imagine meeting Lisa and you’re so enthralled you just can’t stand it. You feel like you’re on top of the world, like you’re complete. Then imagine having to break her heart to protect her, only it doesn’t work. Then imagine finally coming to the conclusion that you two aren’t supposed to be apart. And right when you’re about to tell her all of these things and finally mark her, I walk in ruin everything. Imagine I let it slip that you had a girlfriend, only you didn’t like your girlfriend but Lisa doesn’t know that. So now Lisa hates your guts and your left right where you started. Alone. Only now, it hurts more because you know what it’s like to not have to be alone all the time. Imagine that if you will.” My voice broke at the end and I cleared my throat, taking a step back. All the anger seemed to have dissipated from me, leaving me defeated and mateless.

            Spencer stared at me, understanding coloring his features. He nodded slowly and patted me on the back.

            “I’m sorry man, I didn’t know. Me and Lisa got into it last night and I was so wasted I just got up and left her in the kitchen. I woke up this morning and tried calling her but she didn’t answer. I’m hoping she’s just sleeping.” He explained. I sat down at the breakfast bar and put my head in my hands.

            “Spence, don’t ever lose Lisa. It’ll be the hardest thing in the world.” I told him honestly. True, I’d never really had Sutton. I’d been on a date with her and then from there things went to crap. But I only had myself to blame for that.

            “Don’t worry man. You’ll get her back. Just give her some time and a little space. I’m sure that hearing her mate is dating the one person she hates the most is a little hard.” He said. I nodded once more and he retreated back to his bedroom leaving me by myself in the silent kitchen. I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and looked at it a minute, twirling it around in my hands. I finally slid it open and scrolled through the contacts, calling the name I needed.

            “Hello?” Jason’s deep voice rang clear.

            “Hey, Jase. It’s Evan.”

            “Oh hey man. What’s up? Where were you last night? Speaking of last night,” His voice got all happy. “I met her man. I met my mate. She’s funny and smart and beautiful and absolutely amazing.” I smiled, happy for him.

            “That’s great man. Who is she?” I was curious. Other than Sutton and her family, there were no new werewolves. And since I knew Sutton wasn’t his mate, that meant his mate had to be someone I already knew that was in my pack.

            “She’s one of Sutton’s friends. Well, I guess she’s your friend too.” He told me. My friends? I’m pretty sure most of my friends are mated. Having a big pack means that a lot of people are mated to people in the same pack, so they find each other sooner rather than later.

            “So who is she? I have lots of friends, I need a name.” He snorted at the friend’s comment.

            “Elise. Elise Saunders.” I froze in shock. So little Ellie had finally found her mate. I smiled abruptly, ecstatic for the both of them. It’s good Jason is Elise’s mate, Elise needs someone to protect her and Jason is nothing if not protective.

            “Ellie? That really great. Really great.” I said, trying to sound happy even though my enthusiasm was wearing down. I sort of regretted calling him now. Not that I’m some kind of hypocritical person but it seems like everyone is in mate ecstasy while I’m just left alone. Again, it’s your fault, I told myself.

            “Yeah, it is. So,really. Where were you? I saw everyone there except you. Actually, wait. I don’t think I saw my sister much either. Then again, that’s probably how she wanted it.” He sounded a little sad and I felt bad for the guy. As one of his best friends, I felt bad that his sister is rejecting him because he hangs around me.  

            “Oh, you know. I was here and there.” I said, aiming for vague. He was about to say something so I continued. “Speaking of Sutton, is she still at your house?” I tried to make my voice disinterested.

            “Nope, left here bout’ an hour ago. Had her running clothes on. Usually runs when she’s upset or angry. Didn’t say a word to me, like usual.” He sighed into the phone.

            “Don’t worry about it Jase. I’m sure its nothing.” I comforted him. “Look, I’ll see you tomorrow or something. I’ve got something to do.” I said.

            “Sure, no problem. Bye.” I mirrored his goodbye and hung up. I scrolled through my contact list once again before stopping at the right number. I typed out the message and sent it with no doubt in my mind.

Sorry, it’s not working out. We’re done. For good.



For all you Sutton and Evan fans, I promise you their time is coming soon. This will just make you guys happier when they finally get together.
