Chapter 31

Hmm, I was hoping to finish this by Christmas but I don't think that will happen. Probably by New Years...

Thanks to everyone who has supported the story so far. I owe it all to you so thank you!

Thank you to the people who vote and comment on all the chapters. I recognize certain people who leave comments and vote on a daily basis, so to those people thank you! (you know who you are)

And thank you to everyone who has ever voted/commented/fanned. 

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


Chapter 31

Sutton’s POV:

            The minute she spoke the room erupted with shouts. “Who is she?” “What does she want?” “Does it matter? Get her out! She can’t have our Alpha Female!” “Is she a rouge?” “What’s going on?” The girl in front of me backed up against the wall, cowering from the loud voices. She looked wildly left and right like she was trying to find an escape and a small whimper escaped her lips. I whirled around and faced the people that were shouting behind me, putting a finger in my mouth and letting loose a shrill whistle.

            “Everyone shut up!” I commanded, letting the room fill with silence. Eventually everyone straightened and bowed their heads respectively.

            I turned around faced the young girl that bore a startling resemblance to myself. Her eyes had tears in them and she trembled. I took a step forward and she braced herself against the wall. This girl was truly terrified. Without turning, I knew Evan was right behind me, shadowing me every move. I put a hand behind my back and pushed him back a step, turning to give him the don’t move! look. He looked like he was about to argue with me but I broke out the puppy dog face and reluctantly he nodded. Nodding, I turned back to the girl that still had her eyes  on me. The look in her eyes, she looked like she was in awe or wonder.

            “Hey, are you ok?” I asked quietly, trying to sound calm. She didn’t move an inch as I hesitantly took a step closer. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. They won’t either. I’m sorry for that, they’re just a little protective.” I murmured, gesturing to the crowd behind me.

            “You’re really Sutton?” She asked, barely above a whisper. I nodded and she breathed out, relaxing the tiniest bit. “I can’t believe I really found you.” She said, getting that awed look in her eyes again.

            “Found me?” I was utterly confused as to who she was and why she was looking for me.

            “That’s right, you have no idea what I’m talking about.” She sounded as if she were speaking more to herself then me, furrowing her eyebrows in thought as she turned her attention to the floor.

            “Why don’t we talk about it then.” I suggested. She lifted her head and stiffened slightly when she saw Evan. “Don’t worry about him, he’s my mate. He won’t do anything unless you provoke him. And you wouldn’t do that.” I hoped she understood the warning in my words. If she tried anything, she sure as hell wasn’t getting out of her alive.

            “No, no of course not. Why would I hurt my own si-” She broke off, biting her lip.

            “Alright, then come with me and we’ll talk.” I motioned towards the family room. Evan stepped up then and gripped my elbow.

            “Sutton…” He whined, not wanting me to be alone with her. I sighed, understanding.

            “I hope it’s alright if he joins us,” She looked very cautious so I leaned in slightly, smiling. “He’s way to protective I know.” I said in a teasing voice. The barest hint of a smile formed on her lips.

            “And me.” The Alpha called.

            “Us too, we’re her parents.” My mom called.

            “Don’t even think about not letting us in.” Jason called, motioning towards him and Taylor. I was sort of surprised, they were hardly ever on the same page and never did they stick up for each other.

            “It’s alright, I promise.” I assured her, gesturing towards the family room once more. After another glance towards my family she walked forward, limping slightly. I frowned at that, why would she be limping?

            In the end, me, Evan, his parents, my parents, and Jason and Taylor all crowded into the family room, positioning ourselves across from the girl. She sat on one of the large leather chairs looking uncomfortable. She kept glancing around the room like she didn’t want to be there. I noticed whenever she looked at me surrounded by my family a sort of sad look would appear in her expressive eyes before she turned away.

            “Ok, how about we start with your name.” I started. She nodded and looked at her hands in her lap.

            “Claire, Claire Woods.” She spoke quietly. I nodded and smiled at her, trying to ease away her nerves.

            “Alright Claire. Why don’t you tell me where you came from.”

            “Portland.” My shocked face mirrored my family’s. That was pretty far for her to come.

            “And where is your family? Your parents?” My mom asked, interjecting. Claire looked up at the new voice before quickly averting her eyes.

            “They died when I was a baby. Car accident” She explained. “I grew up in foster homes because I was told when my parents died I had no relatives. That turned out to be false.” She muttered the last part.

            “Claire, can you tell me why you were looking for me? I’m sorry, I’m just a little confused.” She took a deep breath before looking directly at me.

            “You were adopted.” She said matter of factly.

            “Yes, I’m not sure how that really fits. And how did you kno-” She cut me off.

            “This is going to sound really strange and you’re not going to believe me so here.” She reached into her backpack and pulled out a thin packet of paper that was folded in half. She handed it to me and I took it, giving her a curious look.

            “Is this some kind of joke?” I asked her after I read the first page.

            “No, it’s true. It surprised me too.” Claire smiled at me. I stood up, pacing as I tried to process this.

            “Sutton?” Evan stood in front of me, burning to know why I was suddenly so freaked. Wordlessly I handed him the papers and continued my pacing.

            “Well?” Taylor asked impatiently, stopping in front of me like Evan had done.

            “But she can’t be, I mean I would have known.” I reasoned out loud.

            “Would someone just explain what’s going on?” Jason asked impatiently. I glanced over to see Evan reading over his dad’s shoulder as they examined the documents.

            “According to this, her,” He motioned towards Claire. “And Sutton are biological sisters.”

            Hearing it out loud made it sound even stranger and I shook my head deftly. Everyone in the room went silent and stiff, staring unblinkingly at me and Claire. We were all in disbelief, with the exception of Claire.

            “So what do you want?” Evan asked finally, turning his cool gaze to Claire. She blinked and looked confused.

            “I’m sorry?”

            “What is it that you want? So you found out you had a sister and decided to find her. What now?” I was thinking the same thing.

            “I-I don’t know, I mean I just-” She started but was interrupted by Jason.

            “Did you think you’d find her and everything would be ok?” He demanded.

            “Did you think she’d invite you in with open arms?” Taylor broke in, glaring at Claire.

            “I-I don’t know.” Claire floundered around.

            “What did you honestly expect dear?” My mother spoke up, her voice not quite as harsh as Taylor and Jason’s but still with an edge to it.

            It was silent once again throughout the room, though there were a fair amount of glares and glowers directed towards the young girl sitting on the chair. I could understand their hostility, they were afraid of losing me. Claire stood up, grabbing her backpack swiftly. She was trembling and I could see she was fighting back tears. I felt bad, I stood silent while she was verbally attacked by my family. I was in shock though, I wasn’t quite sure what to say.

            “I’m-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come here. I promise I won’t bug you again.” She murmured, brushing her hand over her cheek as a tear fell. That instantly snapped me out of my daze and I straightened.

            “Wait, wait. I’m sorry, I’m just kind of shocked. It’s not every day I have someone standing on my doorstep telling me we’re sisters. I mean I believe you, we obviously look startlingly alike, I’m just not sure what to do now.”

            “It’s ok, you don’t have to do anything. I don’t really know what I expected. You obviously have a good life and a family and you don’t need me messing it up. Don’t worry, I’ll won’t try and force myself on you. I know when I’m not wanted.” She started to walk towards the door but I grabbed her arm.

            “Claire, wait. You’ve had some time to think this over and get used to the idea. Me? I’m still utterly confused. I do know one thing though, I’m not about to let any sister of mine walk out the door. You better get used to this face because you’re going to be seeing a lot of it.” I smiled gently at her, releasing her arm.

            I did mean it. I’d always wondered if I had other siblings in the world and here she was, the sister I never knew I’d had. While I had a family already, I also had a sister that needed me. It was clear she had nowhere to go and wherever she came from people weren’t looking for her.

            “Really? I don’t want to intrude on you or anything.” She said hesitantly, a small smile lighting her features. She really did look like a younger version of me.

            “Then go away.” Taylor hissed under her breath behind me. I turned and threw her a quick glare before sliding my arm over Claire’s shoulder. I wasn’t extremely tall but she was pretty short.

            “Lisa?” I called, stepping out of the family room. She flew down the stairs and stopped in front of me, looking both curious and excited.

            “Ohh, new meat?” She teased. Claire’s eyes widened and she looked scared. “I was just kidding.” Lisa said quickly, throwing me a look.

I guess she scares easy. My family wasn’t the most welcoming. I told her threw the pack mind, making sure it was directly aimed at her. Another advantage to being an Alpha’s mate was that I could speak one on one to other pack members like Evan could. Claire looked between the two of us and I could tell she knew we were talking through the bond.

            “Lisa this is Claire. Claire this is Lisa.” I introduced them, waving my hand back forth between the two of them. “Lisa could you, uhh, take her upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms and get her settled. I assume there’s some things I need to discuss with my family.”

            “Sure, come on sweetie.” Lisa gently took Claire by the arm and led her upstairs.

            I turned around and walked back into the family room where everyone else still sat. Taylor sat glowering in the corner looking pretty pissed with Jason on the other side of the room with the same expression. I’m not entirely sure what they have against Claire seeing as how we’ve only known her for literally a half hour. Evan stood and walked over, taking me in his arms. I sighed, feeling tired all of a sudden.

            “What are we going to do now?” He murmured into my hair. I smiled, like the way he said us.

            “I don’t know.” I replied honestly.

Claire’s POV:

            “There are towels in the closet and I’m not sure if you have any clothes with you so here are some of Sutton’s pajama’s. They may be big but I suppose they’ll work.” The girl, Lisa, said as she walked out of the room. “I’m sure Sutton will be around soon to talk to you some more. If not tonight, then tomorrow.”

            “Thanks.” I called quietly. She nodded and was about to step out when she turned, a small smile on her face.

            “You got lucky having her as a sister. She’s pretty amazing.” She said, closing the door behind her. I guess she already knew we were related, but seeing as how we looked so alike I guess it was obvious.

            Damn! Why did she have to be so nice? Why did my sister have to be such an accepting person? I wish she’d just kicked me out to the curb like that one blond chick wanted. But no, she had to be nice and tolerant and accept me into her home. If only she knew though. I had originally come just to find her, I just wanted to see if she really was my sister. Then Lockey found me. No, I can’t tell her. If she knew why I was here she’d hate me.


So I got a lot of suggestions for her should play Claire and I had to make a tough decision. So you've probably already noticed the picture and who it is. Just in case, I decided on Kay Panabaker. It was between her and Bella Thorne. But I decided Kay looked a little older than Bella.

Also, I've had at least three different people tell me Nina Dobrev would make a better Sutton than Emma Roberts. Usually I wouldn't change the cast so far into the story, but what do you guys think? Nina or Emma?
