Chapter 16

I swear each chapter gets more and more comments and votes. Thank you all so much! I get this really stupid, dorky grin on my face when I read your comments so please keep them up. I promise you I read them, they mean a lot to me. I love reading that you guys love the story and my writing. Again, mucho thanks.

So, for the POV for the next chapter I'm seeing a lot of Luke, Jason, and Lockey. I've decided that I'll work each of the characters POV's into the story. Not all in the next chapter and not all as big as the others. You can still comment and tell me who you want to see in the next chapter. 

Ok, enough of my blabbing. Now onto the story.

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.)


Chapter 16

Sutton’s POV:

            I stopped short, my face frozen in shock. I drank in his beautiful features, the curve of his strong jaw and the contrast between his light eyes and dark lashes. He stood there looking at me and my wolf howled at seeing him, smelling him. I was starstruck.

            “Sutton? You ok?” Jason’s voice penetrated through my thoughts. Just like that, I snapped out of my haze and felt the rejection boil up in me. Emotions flared through my body, anger, sadness, embarrassment. I settled on anger finally as he continued to look at me. Shoving past him roughly, I stalked into the house.

            “Just peachy.” I hissed as I walked past Jason. He looked confused for a moment before turning and looking at me, a hopeful expression displayed.

            “So I was thinking we could stay in tonight and just hang out. You know, order some pizza and watch a movie. Like the old days.” My narrowed eyes were trained on Evan the whole time Jason spoke. He noticed my hateful glare and I thought I saw sadness and regret flow through his face before he looked down, shoving his hands in his pocket. Probably just my imagination I told the more compassionate side of me, who felt bad for hurting Evan. I mean, was the death glare really necessary?

Yes. Growled my wolf.

Someone does not take rejection very well. I commented.

Someone should shut up before they get their asses kicked. She snarled at me.

Like. You. Could. I said slowly to her. Provoking her was just too much fun.

I seriously hate you right now. She seethed. I smiled briefly.

Hmm, that hurt. But that’s too bad, because guess what. I don’t really care. The last thing I heard were her furious growls before I cut her off. I suddenly realized Jason was still waiting for my answer.

            “Not tonight Jason, maybe next time.” His face fell and I turned quickly and headed up to my room before I apologized. It was true that I was pushing Jason away, but it was just too hard to be around him when he’s surrounded by Evan’s overpowering scent. True to my promise, I’d spent more time with Taylor and I was glad I had. Yes, she’s annoying and incredibly rambunctious, but she’s incredibly sweet and generous. I didn’t realize how much I had missed hanging out with her. As for Taylor, she was soaking up my attention happily. It was sort of depressing to see how much she craved my attention and I’d never noticed.

            “That was pretty sad.” Lisa commented as we walked into my bedroom. I flopped down onto my large bed and nodded into the mattress.

            “I’ll see him tonight.” I muttered. All werewolves were going, as it was supposed to be the best party all year. The Halloween Bash is supposedly the MTV movie awards mixed with the VMA’s mixed with a haunted house.

            “You’ll see Evan there too.” She looked at me and I turned away from her knowing gaze, looking out the glass French doors leading out onto my balcony.

            “Yeah, so?” I tried to make my voice even but inside I was nervous. I couldn’t help the way I reacted around him, it was just my body. I couldn’t help that I wanted to kiss him senseless, I couldn’t help that I wanted to wrap my body around his built body. I couldn’t help it.

            “I saw your reaction to him at the door Sutton. I’m not blind, I can see your still attracted to him.” Damn her for knowing everything.

            “Of course I’ll always be attracted to him. He’s my mate for crying out loud!” I threw my hands up in exasperation.

            “Are you sure there’s nothing more to this? Are you sure there’s not something he isn’t telling you?” Lisa asked slowly, ringing her hands. I looked at her, noting her sudden evasive behavior.

            “Well, we aren’t exactly on speaking terms.” I said suspiciously.

            “Oh.” Was her only reply. She looked away from my prying eyes, looking anywhere but a me.

            “Unless there’s something that you know and I don’t.” She laughed nervously, running her fingers through her blond hair. A habit she does when she’s nervous or lying. Or both.

            “Pff, of course not.”She shook her head and again would look at me. I stared at her a bit longer before sighing tiredly. I didn’t feel like doing a full on interrogation right now, maybe tomorrow.

            “Whatever, well we better get ready then.” I said and stood. She turned back to me, her face lighting up.

            “We are going to be the hottest flapper girls ever!” I couldn’t hide from her enthusiasm and a smile crept over my face.

Evan’s POV:

            I sighed dejectedly as I sat down on my bed, buttoning up my crisp, white shirt. After Sutton had stared me down with her death gaze, I’d left quickly, claiming I had to get my costume on. Even though her gaze was spiteful, I was struck by her impeccable beauty and tantalizing smell. I had to admit, she was hot when she was mad. The way her face scrunched up and her cheeks heated up due to her anger, it was a major turn on.

You ass! My wolf spoke for the first time in awhile.

What did I do? I asked, bewildered.  

My mate was there and you chose again to deny her. I guess he still hadn’t gotten over that.

You already know why!

Please, I’m alpha of one of the strongest packs on this continent! I’d like to see someone try and hurt my mate. His confidence in his statement is what I lacked.

            The thought had crossed my mind that I, being the alpha of a strong pack, could protect my pack. You would think that it was a no brainer, attack and kill the threat. I would if it were that simple. There wasn’t just a few hunters here, there were a few dozen. By a few, I mean around nine dozen. Of those nine dozen, we only knew of about half of them. The identities of the rest were a mystery, meaning anyone could be a hunter. I didn’t want Sutton to go through the rest of her life not being able to trust anyone, fearing that they might be after her

            “Read my man?” Spencer stood in the doorway with a silver mask covering his eyes and dressed ironically like a vampire. His long black cape flew to the ground and he had dark slacks and a white shirt to complete his Count Dracula look.

            “You know vampires aren’t real.” I said, raising my eyebrows. He smirked.

            “I’ve heard werewolves aren’t real.”

            “Well then there goes your excuse for being abnormally weird.” I said, laughing.

            “I could just say I’m related to you. They’d understand if I said I was related to you.” He shot back quickly.

            “Whatever, let’s just go.” I stood up and stalked forward. I wasn’t really looking forward to tonight. I had to reject my mate even though I’m pretty sure she’s the best thing that’s ever going to happen and she absolutely hates me for it, so partying isn’t really at the top of my list of things to do.

            “Funny that you and Kevin are going as Casanova even though you’re mate hates you and I’m pretty sure Kevin is still in the doghouse for some argument he had with Lilah.” Spencer’s words picked at the already smarting wound I had from denying Sutton.

            “Shut the hell up.” I growled lowly.

            “Are you sure this is the best idea?” I knew he was referring to my mate situation. I turned around to tell him to shove it but saw the concern and sincerity written across his face.

            “I don’t want Sutton to live a lifetime of fear.” I said quietly. His face softened and sadness filled his features. He was a close friend and he of course didn’t like seeing me so torn up. He understood though and didn’t press it anymore.

            We headed downstairs and met up with Kevin who wore a similar outfit to my black slacks, white shirt and black blazer. We both had deep, velvety black masks but his covered the top half of his face while mine just covered my eyes and the top of my nose. The Halloween Bash had one requirement every year. Well, two if you count the requirement to dress up. The second requirement varies every year, usually something totally embarrassing that doesn’t go with your costume. Last year we had to wear a bright, neon hat with a feather somewhere on it. The year before that we had to incorporate a carrot into our costumes. Where the people who plan the bash come up with these ideas, I have no idea. This year everyone had to wear a mask, sort of like a masquerade theme.

            “Men.” Kevin greeted us. We nodded in return and headed toward the door. Lilah, Kat, and Elise had gone over and joined Lisa at Sutton’s house to get ready. I was actually glad the girls liked Sutton so much. It was a relief to know she was with people that could defend her if she should need it.

 Except there was one time she wasn’t defended and ended up getting hurt. My conscious reminded me. I frowned. I hated thinking of that day. It had taken everything in me not to kill Luke. The only thing that had stopped me was the fact that his parents were well known hunters. Luke and Lockey came from a long line of well-bred hunters and their parents were in the high ranks. Killing Luke would ensure a war between the wolves and hunters. I wasn’t sure we were quite ready for that, a lot of our younger wolves were still being trained to fight.

            The night Sutton was attacked I left her hospital room and heard the soft muffled sobs of my mate as the elevator descended. I promised myself that I would never let Luke or Lockey or any other hunter get close to Sutton again. I promised myself that I would protect Sutton. I just wasn’t sure how I was going to protect her without getting close to her. I’m, starting to think to protect Sutton, I need to be closer, not farther, to her.
