9: What have I done?

Charles' point of view:

She is making me feel all these things that are not supposed to be felt by me, I suppose.

Her body is magnificent but it's my poison.

At the end of the day, we're not allowed to be together, it doesn't matter if I love her or not.

I don't even love her, she's just pretty, nothing serious.

She doesn't deserve someone like me, she deserves a Pierre or a... a Carlos maybe...

I'm trying to hide myself, I walk to the end of the hall and unlock the door, I know the owner.

'Fuck mate, get out!', I see Lando standing there... I don't dare to look down so I just close the door. 

I start to laugh, what the actual fuck.

Lando Norris is fucking someone in this country club?

Is the party really that boring?

Maeve's point of view:

Max has been so sweet to me this evening, yet I can't let go of the loads and loads of anger I have towards him. I hate him so much I can't even describe it.

I need to win this race Sunday, I have to beat him.

I need to be a world champion.

If I don't win this year what's the point? 

They will all say that men are better than women.

I have heard that my whole life

The only people who disagree are most women and my dad

That says a lot I believe.

'Maeve, you alright? I have some gossip but don't tell anyone else okay?', Daniel Ricciardo walks towards me.

'Danny Ric! Of course not, please do share', I hug him.

'Lando is fucking a girl the moment we are speaking', He whispers.

I don't know how to process this

I don't care who he's fucking

It's just...

Sienna thought he liked her

That dick

He will be punished for what he's doing to her.

He won't get past P10 this weekend.

I will make sure of it.

The next day

Lando's point of view:

I wake up feeling quite... satisfied.

The only thing I'm thinking about is her

okay and the race that is happening in four days.

Okay and maybe the fact that Leclerc caught me and Sienna having... 

Did he notice it was Sienna on her knees?

God, now I'm thinking of her on her knees again

I grab my phone from the nightstand and scroll through my feed.

I scroll and scroll until I see her pretty face.

What the fuck?

I check the story again, this can't be true.

Holding hands? 

What the fuck

Sienna's point of view:

My phone is ringing, I tend to ignore it now that those photos have been published.

Everyone knows me and Oscar are just friends.

Except maybe...

'Lando', I answer the call.

'What the fuck did I just read?', he yells.

'Calm the fuck down, please Oscar and I are not dating', I yell back.

'Don't fucking raise your voice at me, sweetheart, I'm angry, very fucking angry'.

'Oh I'm sorry Mr Norris, have I done something to upset you? You know what? I'll put on my apron and bake you you're favorite fucking pie because apparently, it's 1960 for fuck sake!', I hang up.

He calls me back and I ignore the call.

He calls again, I ignore the call

and again

and again

and ag-

'What the fuck Norris stop blowing up my fucking phone', I tell him.

'I just want to know one thing', he says quietly

'Did you fuck Oscar Piastri the night same night I fucked you? And if he did, did he fuck you like I did?'.

My jaw just dropped to the fucking inner core of the earth.

'Lando Norris, what the fuck. No, I didn't sleep with him, he's my best friend'

To be honest, I'm kinda surprised he is this jealous.

'Okay, then it'll be just a quick punch', he says.

'Yea- Wait what? LANDO! Lando don't you dare punch Oscar. I swear to god', I yell into my phone.

'Sweetheart I'm already at his house', he says.

'Puta Madre! Idiota! If you punch him I swear to god I will make sure you never drive an F1 car again, you understand me?', my blood is boiling.

He starts to laugh and my blood boils even more.

'I would never do such a thing, sweetheart, I just wanted you to get mad at me. Now please, make sure those photos never get out again. I don't like seeing you with someone else', he laughs.

'What the fuck Norris. I'm not yours, I'll fuck who I like', I yell.

'That's where you're wrong, sweetheart. You're mine now', he says.

My heart jumps at the thought of me and Lando, but to him, I'm probably just a fuck buddy.

I hang up the phone

What have I  done?
