49: Never been more sure

The next day, tuesday

Luciana's point of view

'Good afternoon, mon Cherié, what are your plans for this fine evening?', I hear my dad's voice when I answer the phone.

'Hello Dad, how are you doing? I am going out to eat tonight', I put the phone on speaker and place it on the bathroom counter.

'I'm fine, darling. Where are you going? And with whom?', he asks.

I open the bottle of foundation and pump a bit on my hand.

'Charles and I are going to this Spanish restaurant, Carlos recommended it', I grab a sponge and apply the foundation.

'The two lovebirds', I can't see his face, but I know he's grinning.

'We are in a fake relationship papa, remember who put me in that position?'

'I know my daughter, and I know my driver, he's not faking any of it', my dad says.

'Very funny dad, if I fall for him you are the first to know, okay?', I grab the fixing powder

'I insist',

'Alright Dad, well I gotta go, I'll speak to you later okay?', I apply the powder.

'Yes mon cherié, have fun', he hangs up.

I look at the clock, only 29 minutes and I still have to straighten my hair.


Charles' point of view

For the first time in my life, I'm debating if I chose the right outfit.

For the first time in my life, I check a thousand times to see if I look good

normally it takes just one.

But she makes me feel this way.

The way that... only she makes me feel.

No ex-girlfriend of mine could ever match this feeling.

But here I am, fake dating a girl I might even have feelings for.

I am in deep.

I ring the doorbell.

I brush a hand through my hair.

Calm down Charles... you look fine.

The door opens

My eyes can't even process what I'm seeing.

My brain can't

I can't

She's wearing a long black dress, just casual but it accents her hips and her tits

'You look...', I smirk

'Horrible?', she smiles.

'Incredible', I smile 'I hope the car is good enough'.

She looks behind me, my red Ferrari is parked on the parking lot.

'It's beautiful! Really cool!', her face lights up

'I had to step up my game, I couldn't risk you not getting in'

'Charles... even if you biked here I would hop on and ride around with you', she tells me

That's cute

'I'll keep it in mind', I hand her the bouquet of red roses.

'Charles, you are such a softie'.

'Ferrari red', I grin.

'Everything is better in red, right?', she says.

'Black is looking pretty good too', she catches me looking at her tits

'My eyes are up here Leclerc'

'I've seen enough of your eyes', she lets out a laugh.

I offer her a hand when she walks down the stairs.

She accepts it and holds tight.

I like it tight

Luciana's point of view

He has ordered a big bottle of champagne.

He booked us a private table, separating us from other people.

'This night is amazing', he smiles.

'Already?', I ask.


I can't wait to show him the surprise I have for him.

'How is your mom?', I ask him.

'She's doing great, doing yoga and stuff. She can't wait for you to eat at her house.'

'I would love that! We should invite Lorenzo and Arthur too!' I smile.

'Whatever you want, princess'

'How is Arthur doing? I heard he's no longer in the FDA'

'Correct, he is driving Formula Two now, that's his main focus. Ferrari is my home, and it is his but he sees how sometimes Ferrari fucks up my life and he doesn't want that for himself', Charles mumbles.

'I get that, Ferrari threw a lot of you these last years, I'm sorry that my dad had to do with a lot of them'.

'Please don't apologize, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be sitting here', Charles grabs my hand.

'But you would have a stable mental health', I reply

'You keep me sane, Luciana'

Holy smokes

'Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?', I smile

'It's fine with me'

Charles's point of view

She is devouring her dessert.

She keeps moaning with every bite she takes.

It's so adorable.

'Is it that good?', I ask.

'This is amazing, do you want to taste?', she brings her spoon closer to my mouth.

I take a bite.

Holy shit, she's right.

Luci notices my expression. 'Right?!'

'It's really good, princess'

'I should get a doggy bag, I want to bring this home', she stands up.

'Okay, I'll wait here''

She walks away, her hips moving side to side.

Her ass is amazing, I can't even describe how badly I want to feel it.


Luciana's point of view

'You know what might be my favorite thing of this evening?', I ask Charles.

'Tell me'

'I'm finishing this dessert', I giggle.

He grins.

'Well princess, I better get going', Charles is standing in front of me.


'Our date is done, we ate, you are going to finish the dessert', he says.

'I don't want you to go home just yet, please come in. I have a suprise'

Charles nods and we walk inside.

'Okay, go sit down on the couch, if you don't like the suprise you can go home, but I like my odds', I smile.

He sits down on my couch, I walk towards the curtains and close them.

'Okay give me 5 minutes', I walk towards my bedroom.

Charles' point of view

Is now a good time to mention I don't like suprises?

'Are you done yet?', I ask.

'Almost!!! Keep your eyes closed!', I can hear her laughing.

I close my eyes

I wonder what the suprise is.

'Okay keep them closed, I'm going to let you feel okay?'

'It's not something gross right?', I ask.

She giggles. 'No it's not, I swear'

I hold out my hand and she places it on something.

I immediatly know what it is.

My hands are on her hips, I can feel it.

I feel a weird structure, almost like... lace?

'Princess, why am I touching your hips?', I ask.

'Open them, Charles'

I open my eyes.

In front of me is a Luciana Vasseur.

My hands were indeed on her hips.

She's wearing red lingerie.

I look up, she's blushing.

'So? What do you think?', she asks.

'I- You look beautiful', her straight hair has been put into a bun.

'I promised, didn't I?'

fucking hell

'I guess I should punish you, you kept me waiting too long', I stand up and pull her closer.

She giggles and takes my hand.

She leads me into the bedroom.

'Go lay down, Charles', she says.

'Do you trust me?', I ask.

She looks at me, not knowing where I'm going with this. 'Yes, I do'.

'Then let me do this'

'What? Do what?', she asks.

'Go get on the bed, on all fours', I order.

Her eyes light up, a smile appears on her face.

She gets on the bed, making sure to keep eye contact.

'You sure you want this?', I ask.

'Never been more sure of anything'
