63: I can't protect you

Sienna's point of view

It's 3:31 am when I get the call.

A call that no one should ever receive.

The call that makes you an adult in an instance.

'Carlos? It's the middle of the night?', I pick up the phone.

'Sienna, you have to come right now! RIGHT NOW SIENNA!', Carlos yells.

I immediately jump up and Norris is awakened by it.

'What is going on?!', I ask.

'It's dad, he... Sienna he...', I hear small sobs. 'Hurry Sienna! Come on!'.

I grab a pair of pants and a T-shirt. 'I'm coming, Carlos, calm down, tell me where to go! What is going on?'.

In the meantime Lando has fully awakened and changed into something else, he grabs his car keys and is standing by the door.

'Dad, he got into an accident, a car accident', Carlos cries. 'He's in the Silverstone Medical Centre hospital. Hurry Sienna'.

The words fly through my head. My father.

How can one enjoy themselves just hours before and now I'm waking up to my worst nightmare?

'Alright, send me the room. Don't cry Carlos, I'm on my way', I hang up the phone.

Lando has opened the door and I walk out of the room.

But then I stop, my feet don't move forward.

'Sienna, you okay?', Lando asks.

My eyes begin to fill with tears. 'My dad', everything starts to become clear.

'It's alright, we're going to the hospital. It will be okay Sienna', he holds me close to him and kisses my head.

I nod. 'Let's go'.

Lando has placed the car in an awful parking spot but we both already ran to the hospital entrance.

I run to the nearest nurse. 'Carlos Sainz, where is Carlos Sainz?', I ask fastly.

The nurse tells me the room number and Lando and I run to his room.

When I enter the room I see my brother sitting next to the hospital bed.

And in the hospital bed... what?

My father is sitting in the hospital bed, not one scratch on his face.

My mother is sitting next to him

'What the fuck?', I yell.

'Sienna you came!', Carlos pats away a tear that rolled down his cheek.

'I thought he died you bloodsucking wanker!', I scream.

Lando is standing in the doorway and Carlos notices.

'Lando? What are you doing here?', he asks confused.

'Creía que estaba muerto!', I yell.

'But he isn't! I was shocked okay! He is sitting here and I thought he had internal bleeding or something!', Carlos responds.

'To be fair, I did call him saying I had a big accident', my father smiles.

'Padre, you scared me', I walk over to my father and give him a big hug.

My mother squeezes my hand.

'Sorry, niña pequeña', he kisses my head. 'It wasn't my intention'.

'It's fine, what happened to you?', I ask.

'Sienna, stop talking. Why is Lando Norris here?', Carlos says frustrated.

'I was near, I heard the news'.

'From who?', Carlos asks. 'I never called you and I'm your best friend'.

'I called him', I respond, trying to change the topic.

'Can I do something for you, dad?', I hand him his water. 'Cup of tea?'.

My dad shakes his head.

'Yet... how are you here?', Carlos asks.

'Lando picked me up and drove me to the hospital', I state.

'But that makes no sense', he says angrily. 'I'm not stupid Elvira'.

'What?', I ask, already annoyed because he's calling me Elvira.

'I called you 10 minutes ago, if Lando were to go to your hotel and then pick you up and then drive to the hotel you wouldn't be here right now'.

'I drove very fast', Lando explains.

'Still... from Lando's hotel to yours it would be a 10 minuted drive, then from your hotel to the hospital it would be another 10 minutes, so you're lying', Carlos states.

My dad looks at me confused and I give him a pleading expression.

My mother winks at me, I can't keep anything hidden from her.

His eyes grow big and he wants to speak but a loud noise distracts him.

I look over to find out what the noise is and apparently, Carlos has chosen to pin Lando against a wall.

'Bájalo, idiota!', I rush to him. 'Put him down!!'.

'It's fine, Sienna', Lando squeals.

'No! You put him down!', I order Carlos.

'You fucked my sister?', he screams. 'I trusted you! You told me about the girl you were seeing and it was my baby sister?', he yells.

'Sainz!', my mother yells at my brother.

'Carlito, I swear to god put him down or I will cut the brakes on your Ferrari this Sunday!'

'Carlos, mate, I'm sorry we wanted to tell you...', Carlos places Norris on the ground again.

'But you didn't, because you know this is wrong... she is my baby sister!', Carlos yells.

'I'm a grown woman!', I state.

'Carlos, come on, give the boy some slack', my father says.

'You said Lando and I would make a good couple, we like the same stuff and everything', I repeat his words, which he said to me weeks ago.

'But I wasn't expecting you to act on it... how long has this been going on?', Carlos asks.

'Since Bahrain, but I've liked him since I was 17 years old', I admit.

'And you love her?', Carlos asks.

'Yes, yes I do. I would do everything to protect your sister, the love of my life. I'd kill and die for her', Lando replied.

My mother smiles at his words.

'Then you know you must do the right thing, in order to protect her... you have to break up with my sister. You know how harsh this life can get, life as a driver and as a WAG'.

'What? Carlos I am already in this life, have you not noticed? I am already the sister of an F1-driver, I am the daughter of a rally racer, and the best friend of an F1-driver', I hiss.

'Yet you are normal enough, normal enough to not be in the spotlight, find another boyfriend, Sienna'.

'Carlos, you can't help who you fall for and you definitely can't choose who you love. You and the Donaldson girl must know that', I stutter.

'Sienna, I can't protect you anymore if you are not wearing my last name, the words they say to girlfriends and wives are much harsher than they say to sisters', Carlos whines.

'But I love him', I turn to my parents. 'I really love him'.

'We know', my mother says

'She's the best thing that ever happened to me, Carlos. I would never hurt her and I will always be there for her if the words are too harsh'.

'But so will you, Carlos. You are my brother, you promised to always take care of me', I walk towards him. 'I can take care of myself too'.

Carlos nods. 'You really love each other?', he ask.

Lando places his arm on my back. 'Yes, we really do'.

'Alright... then I guess there's nothing else I can do about it', Carlos tries to smile.

'But if you ever hurt her-', Carlos begins.

'I won't, I really won't', Lando smiles.

'Okay then', Carlos holds out his hand. 'Welcome to the family, brother'.

A big smile appears on Lando's face.

'Do I have a say in this?', my father interrupts. 'Because I too am glad to call you family, son'.

I hug my father and he kisses my forehead.

'As long as he'll eat my food, I am happy', my mother smiles and grabs Lando for a hug.

My life is complete.
