7: She's going to be the dead of me.

Luciana's point of view:

'Charles please behave', I ask him, he's flirting with the cleaning lady I hired.

'You jealous, princess?'. I cringe.

'Okay I will ask you some questions, they're for the fangirls, to make them drool okay? So please think careful', I tell Carlos and Charles once the maid is gone.

'Yes Ma'am,' Charles says.

'Okay, so I'm turning on the camera now, please behave,' I tell them

- - - - - - -

The video

Ch: Hello everyone, I'm Charles Leclerc and today we're here at the Scuderia Ferrari headquarters to answer some questions

Ca: Aren't you introducing me?

Ch: Sorry mate, this is Carlos Sainz, the best teammate in the world.

Ca: Well that's nice, I appreciate that.

Lu: Alright, let's answer some questions, first one: What is your favorite color?

Ch: Ferrari Red of course

Ca: I have to agree, but otherwise I would have said dark blue or something.

Ch: you like blue lingerie mate?

Ca: I believe that's not the question

*Carlos blushes*

Lu: Charles! You can't say that

Ch: the fans will love it

Lu: I will figure it out later, go on, talk more about the colors.

Ca: I love dark blue because of the sea and the ocean. Other than because it's Ferrari colors why do you like red?

Ch: because every woman looks good in red.

Ca: I agree.

Lu: Almost over the line, next question, favorite hobby?

Ch: okay now you're just doing it on purpose princess

*Carlos laughing*

Ca: obviously driving, but if we don't count driving I also love golfing and irritating my little sister.

Ch: poor Sienna, yeah I agree definitely driving and golfing. But gaming too, I also love to go clubbing.

Lu: great answers, keep it like that, next one, what characteristics does your future partner need?

Ch: I like my woman bossy, she has to be able to defend herself, like you, Ma'am the interviewer.

*Luci blushes*

Lu: I asked you to keep it like before

Ch: you like it, your face betrayed you.

Ca: shall I leave?

*Carlos laughs*

Lu: No! Carlos sit down. Charles, start behaving or else!

Ch: I think I'm ready to face the consequences

Lu: Stop it right now, Leclerc. Okay, next question...

- - - - - - -

after filming

'Thanks again for your time Carlos, I appreciate it,' I tell him.

'Please, it's nothing, you're our content creator now,' He waves and walks out of the room.


I turn around and Charles is leaning against the desk. The veins in his arms are almost splatting in my face, Jesus Christ. I notice me staring too long.

'Leclerc?', I grab my coat and put it on.

'Let's get some lunch, it's 13:24, you must be starving', he walks closer.

'You know, I really can't... meeting with the big boss', I lie.

He looks at me strangely.

'Your dad?'.

Fuck, busted.

'Right...' I try to come up with a lie but I just can't.

'You could always say no, oui?', he grabs his coat too and puts it on.

Suddenly I feel something ringing in my pocket, it's an email.

- - - - -

Dear Miss Vasseur,

We have been very happy with your work and we think it's time for you to up your game.

You have been promoted to Charles Leclerc's own personal content creator.

Only you shall have access to his social media platforms.

Please get to know each other, it will be useful

Kind Regards

Scuderia Ferrari headquarters.

- - - - -

'Princess? you alright?', Charles asks.

'Check your mail right now, do you have something from the headquarters?'.

He's checking his phone, I see him scrolling and then tapping on the screen. His face lights up.

'Holy fuck, it's a dream come true,' he says, I kinda have to laugh but I press it down.

'Oh god, they already announced it on Instagram', I look at the photo of me and Charles, it must be like 5 years ago. He was still at Sauber, my dad had offered him a Ferrari contract and told me I had to pose for the photo with him.

'They used a terrible picture of me', I conclude.

'Then let's make a new one', Charles opens his camera roll and puts in on selfie modus.

He wraps his arm around my waist and takes a lot of pictures, keep in mind, a lot.

'I think that's enough, Charles', I laugh.

He laughs too and posts one of the photos on his Instagram, he's captioning it; 'My new content creator! Ready for some thirst traps?'.

'Okay it's clear why you need someone to control your social media now', I giggle.

'Come, let's get some lunch', he grabs my hand and... I just let him.

Maeve's point of view:

'You again! Get the fuck out of here!', Max is standing in front of me.

'Shut it Vettel, I'm here because I have to! Horner asked us to meet up here,' Fuck, he's right. I totally forgot.

'Fine, take a seat. Want something to drink?', I walk to the fridge, still angry of course.

'And risk it being poisoned? No thanks, I wanna beat you this weekend,' He says with a serious face, I laugh.

'What?', he asks.

'Nothing, It's pathetic that you think you can win', I say, he shrugs.

'Good afternoon my Red Bull drivers, how are we on this beautiful day?', Horner walks in and asks.

'It was great, then this dickhead came along', I say while taking a sip of my water.

'Fuck off Vettel', Max slams his hand on the table.

'Anger issues? Got it from your daddy right?', I say.

Horner's jaw drops. Oh god, that wasn't the right thing to say.

'Oh god Max I'm sorry I shouldn'-', I start apologizing but instead of getting angry he just laughs.

'M-max?', I ask.

'That was fucking funny', he claims.

I am feeling very uncomfortable right now.

Max's point of view

I must admit, it hurt a bit but somehow I can take it from her. I hate the girl, she's the devil really but somehow I found it really funny for her to say that.

'Okay guys, I thought about it and you should get some... 'getting along treatment', you'll have to spend at least 5 hours with each other per week. Exclusive race weekends', he grabs a document from his bag.

I read it, we are not allowed to talk to anyone about it, we are not allowed to be seen fighting etc etc etc. Boring as fuck.

'If we sign... can we go?', I ask. Horner nods.

I grab the document and sign it.

'You better sign it Vettel, otherwise you can find another seat. Not that I care, I'll just call Checo', I walk out of the motor home.

She's going to be the dead of me.
