56: Fighting for something

Saturday, quali time.

Luciana's point of view

'Leclerc, get your ass in here right now!', I yell.

Charles storms inside the room, his face visibly confused. 'What? What did I do?'.

'There! A rat! IN OUR HOTELROOM!!', I shout

Charles stiffles a laugh. He grabs a bucket and places it on top of the rat.

'Here, done', he says, but when he turns around the bucket starts moving.

I start yelling which scares Charles and starts screaming.

I laugh at his face, he is so confused.

'It moved! It moved!'

Charles grabs a plate and places it under the bucket.

'Outside! Outside!', I yell, meanwhile I moved and am now standing on the couch.

'Yes yes, calm down', Charles places the rat outside and immediatly throws away the plate.

'I will not eat from a plate who had a rat on it', he says.

Neither will I.

'Okay... okay I'm safe', I step off the couch.

'Yea, you are... now Luciana, we still have two hours and then I have to be at the track... which means we have e-'

'Enough time', I finish his sentence, a smile appears on his face.

He grabs me by my middle and throws me over his shoulder.

'Charles!', I giggle.

He slaps my ass and moves towards the bedroom.

My personal bodyguard.

Maeve's point of view

RADIO: Okay Vettel, 1:19.143 for you.

MAE: Which makes me?

RADIO: P1, keep in mind that this is a bad time, really bad. You can get more out of it.

MAE: I know, it's Q1 after all, just warming up.

RADIO: Come on, Maeve. You can do this

I turn into turn 9, my DRS opens.

I go push my throttle to the fullest.

Come on, Maeve.

I see a Haas standing still in the middle of the track.

I throw my car around it, barely keeping it between track limits.

MAE: Owen! Did you see that? What the fuck was that?

RADIO: That was dangerous, we will contact the FIA.

MAE: I could've driven into him! I could've killed myself and the poor man.

RADIO: Copy.

Q2 has started. Only 15 people left. Me as P1, Max as P2 and Sainz as P3.

I turn into turn 16, only a few seconds away from the finish.

RADIO: Penalty for Hulkenberg. Purple in C1 and C2.

MAE: Good.

RADIO: 1:17.121, found 2 seconds there, Maeve.

MAE: Phew, okay.

RADIO: P1 for now, keep calm Maeve.

Luciana's point of view

Sienna and I are once again back on the stands.

'Alright, in about one minute Q3 will end, looks like Maeve is pole', Sienna says while looking at her phone.

I nod, good for Maeve.

'Lando told me', I say. 'About your visit'.

Sienna looks up. 'He did?'

'You're brave, and lucky... Lando is a good man. I really hope you have peace now', I comfort her.

'The hardest part was telling my parents about it, knowing Lando couldn't hold my hand or hug me because they don't know that part', Sienna sighs. 'I do have peace now, Naomi and I had great conversations. I'm fine, really'.

'And that's all that matters. When you aren't, you know where to find me', I smile and grab her hand.

'I know, Luci', she squeezes my hand.

Suddenly she jumps up.

'OH MY GOD!', she yells.

I look at the scoreboard and I notice why she is hyped.

I jump up. 'Oh my god!', I hug her.

Carlos Sainz is P1.

Carlos has taken pole position.

'He's starting first tomorrow!', a tear rolls down Sienna's cheek.

'Oh Sien! I'm so happy for you!', I smile.

'Forza Ferrari, Luciana... Forza Ferrari', she says proud.

Maeve's point of view

I jump out of my car, placed at the P3 board.

How the fuck did they both drive faster than me?

I drove 17's for fuck sake.

'VETTEL!', I hear the fans screaming. Yet I cannot bear to wave or whatever.

I know the fans are everything but my intrusive thoughts tell me to flip them off.

Suddenly I feel two warm arms around me.

I turn around, only to find the one person I cannot see right now.

Max Ver-fucking-stappen.

'Congratulations, Maevey', he smiles.

And when he smiles all my anger towards him disappears.

'On what? P3?', I say sarcastically.

'May I remind you last week I was in exactly your position?', he says.

I shrug. 'You're right. Congratulations Max'.

'MAEVE! MAX! KISS!', someone yells.

Max notices too and starts laughing.

An uncontrollable laugh.

'Are you laughing because of the randomness? Or laughing because you can't bear the thought of kissing me?', I say joking.

'The first, I can't lie'.

Can't lie about what? Not bearing the thought of kissing me?

Does that mean he wants to kiss me.

I probably misinterpreted.


It's not like I would be sad if he didn't want to kiss me.

I think.

What the fuck?

'Congratulations, Carlos', I hear Max says, Carlos has joined our conversation.

'Yeah, It's nice not to feel the pressure to win once', I joke.

He flips me off. 'Sienna is happy, I saw her crying on the stands', I whisper.

'I know, she will be crying uncontrollably tonight. Screaming things like 'Forza Ferrari' and 'I prayed for this''.

I laugh, she will surely do that.

It feels funny, not getting pole today.

P3 is amazing and yet I feel disappointed.


I guess we're never out of the woods because we're always going to be fighting for something.

Sienna's point of view

'My oh my, Carlos you did it! You proved everyone wrong', I hug him.

'I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me... and yet I am the one who got pole', he says.

That's a little dark.

'I know, Carlito. Which is why I'm double proud... so proud'.

'And I'm proud of you for telling us about Naomi, it must've been hard for you', he comforts me. 'Sienna you could never ever dissapoint me, you know that right?'

Wait until he hears I'm fucking his best friend.

'I know, thank you for that'.
