21: Overrated

Max's point of view.

'I've been honking for the past 20 minutes', I say watching Maeve walk out of her hotel.

'Shut up, I have jetlag, I flew to Australia late last night, I guess you could call it morning'.

'Then why did you choose to stay in Monaco?', Maeve gets in the car and closes the door.

'Because Sienna is going through a rough time, beside, I had a date'.

I look at her, is she joking?

'I see, you got that post-date glow', I say.

'Is that a good or bad thing?', she responds.

'Depends, with who the date was', I gesture to her, telling her to put on her seatbelt.

'Well mine was with a great guy, his name is Esteban', she puts on her seatbelt.

'That's amazing for you', I say sarcastically

She connects her phone to my car and I have to listen to her playlist for 45 minutes.

Maeve's point of view.

We arrive at our destination, the golf course.

Max and I are keeping our end of the deal, every week we spend at least 5 hours together. Usually, we just go for lunch or something.

We have to act civil, since camera's can be lurking around everywhere.

It's not that bad, because he doesn't really get angry with me.

He is actually quite funny.

'Alright, get your clubs Vettel', Max steps out of the car and I follow him.

I grab our clubs out of the trunk and I close it.

'Thanks', he says.

We are warming up together, then some more people will join.

I swing a ball and it is absolutely horrendous.

'Jesus', he sighs.

'I'm sorry, still suck at golf,  maybe it's for the best if I go home', I grab my golf balls.

'You don't suck, you just need a good teacher', he walks up to me and stands behind me.

'Grab the club and hold it the way you think you should hold it', he says.

I grab the club and hold it.

His hands run along my clubs, up to my hands. He grabs my hands.

'No, a little bit lower', he moves my hands and places them a little bit lower.

'Just like this, now bend your back', I do what he says.

'Great', his hands move to my hips and he holds them firmly. 

His face moves closer to mine, I can feel his breath in my neck.

He moves my hips with his hands. 'Not too firm, relax'.

I can't relax with him touching me like that,

hello.... enemies?

'Just like that', he says. Wait was I relaxed?

'Now swing', he says.

I swing, thinking I failed.

'That was amazing!', he says. He's right, it's a great swing.

'Now let's practice with our eyes on the hole'.

We practice for at least half an hour, then slowly our group expands.

Lando, Carlos, and Albon have joined us.

'Vettel', Norris walks towards me.

'Norris', I say.

'Have you heard of Sienna lately?', he whispers.

'Yes, have you not?', I ask.

'No, I haven't heard from her in like three days'.

'That sucks', I know Sienna has been avoiding him. Which... look I love Sienna. But she is selfish and selfless both at the same time. She is in love with Norris, so what, sleep with him, do whatever, and get together If you want. But she feels that she is not enough for him, not good enough. She is scared of what Carlos might say bla bla bla. This turns her into this depressive spiral and nothing can take her out of it, only herself.

'Yeah, it does. Please tell her to... you know text or something'.

I nod.

I spot Daniel walking up to us.

'Ricciardo!', I yell.

'Maeve! How are you?', he pulls me in for a hug.

'I'm great, now, please help me win some games from these very handsome men', I laugh.

'So, suddenly I'm not handsome?', he says.

'Well... I suppose... spin for me please... okay you can be handsome too', I say.

He laughs and we play a few games of golf.

 'Hit it one more time Vettel!', Albon yells from the other side of the court.

I take my club and my eyes are fixated on the golf ball, then on the hole.

I swing and...

It's perfect.

Max jumps in the air.

'YOU DID IT MAEVE!', he runs towards me and lifts me with only one hand.

'We won!! You losers we won!!', I yell.

Albon and Norris are dying of laughter.

Max is twirling me around.

'You did it, Vettel!! We won!!'.

'I know!!', I yell, he is still lifting me with only one hand, the other hand holding his club.

Suddenly he is perfectly informed about this situation, how he's lifting me, twirling me around.

He quickly puts me down

'Now, let's get something to eat', Max says.

I'm starving, so I follow them.

I notice Lando is on his phone... he has been since he arrived.

'What are you doing?', I walk towards him.

'I- None of your business', he whispers.

'Is it Sienna?', I say.

'Keep your voice down Maeve, please', he whispers again.

'It is Maeve, she won't respond to any of my texts, it is unbearable'.

'Why? Do you need a booty call or something?', I say.

'Maeve, you have interrupted me and Sienna many times', he says.

'Please don't act like you don't know I love her, I'm not a guy who ignores his feelings. I really really like her, and I wanna know where this ends. If Sienna doesn't, she'll have to tell me. I'm not backing up because I'm scared of Carlos. He must know that if Sienna does love me, everything is fine right?', he continues.

I look at his face, he's telling the truth.

'Fine, I'll give her a call. Please don't break her heart if she does choose to keep you'.

'So where is she now?'.

'She is at home, Sienna tends to get overstimulated when things don't go in a certain way. She realizes she really likes you too, but she doesn't want to disappoint her brother. You really should be discussing this with her. It's not my story to tell', I say.

He nods. 'I understand, thanks Maeve. Really I appreciate it'.

I walk towards our table, but I notice Norris walking away.

A man on a mission.

Lando's point of view

'Sienna, please pick up', I leave yet another voicemail.

I keep texting and texting. Why won't she just pick up?

Charles, that's it... Charles.

I grab my phone and call him.

phone call:

Lando: Charles, is Luciana with you?

Charles: Hello to you too, yeah she's here.

Lando: Please give her the phone.

Luciana: Hello?

Lando: Luciana, please you have to tell me, where is Sienna?

Luciana: She doesn't wish to speak to you.

Lando: Maeve and I already talked about this, now please give me her location.

Luciana: Fine, she landed in Australia I think two hours ago, she should now be... here.

Luciana has sent a message

Lando: Thank you Luciana

Luciana: Don't do something stupid.

End phone call

You must be kidding. The hotel she's staying in is the same hotel as mine.

I get in the car and drive to the location. 

When I get there I take the elevator to the third level, I walk to apartment 4.

I knock, a few minutes later she opens.

Her hair is beautiful, put into a knot.

Her face glowing, with a little color of red.

Her body looks gorgeous with this outfit, baggy sweatpants and a oversized shirt.

Is that? That's my shirt...

'Lando', she whispers.

'Sienna, please let me come in'.

'I can't, not when I look like this'.

'Please, you look adorable, amazing, hot and graceful', she laughs.

'All at the same time?', I nod.

'Sorry Lando, I really think we shoul-'.

'I like you', I say.

'A lot, like a lot a lot. I know you are afraid of what  Carlos might think but honestly, I don't care. We can keep this a secret, or not. We can find out what this is. A fling or maybe a serious relationship.'

'You're going way too fast, Lando. I like you too, but I'm not sure if I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This all went really fast. Way too fast, faster than a romance novel', she whispers.

'Sweetheart, I know. So let's not rush things anymore, let's find out what we think of each other at a normal pace.'

'Fine, come on in then', she opens the door and I walk in.

Immediately she pushes me against the door.

'Woah, I said at a normal pace', I laugh.

'I've waited long enough, don't you think?', she slams her lips against mine.

'Yea, you're right', I try to say between breaths.

'Oh god, my hair is really greasy... I can't do this', she says.

'Well, I have a solution', I lift her up and walk to her bathroom.

'What are you- Lando!!', I turn on the shower and walk inside.

Her clothes getting wet, sticking against her body.

'This was my only good bra! I hate you!'.

'Then let's take it off shall we?'.

'Okay yeah, bras are overrated anyway', she laughs.
