29: In denial

Sienna's point of view

I walk inside the Mclaren garage.

I've been wanting to do this whole day.

Kiss him.

Especially now, I know the guy, he's so angry with himself because of his P4.

'Sienna', I hear his voice behind me and I turn around.

His cheeks wet, but I can't figure out if it's because of sweat or crying.

'Lan... you did such a great job', I look around us, but no one is here.

'Thanks for saying that but I really didn't', he looks at the floor.

I walk towards him, lifting his chin with my finger.

'Don't be so hard on yourself, really. I am so incredibly proud of you', I whisper.

'Sienna please... p4 is so bad I really can't get any worse... Stella will be so disappointed'.

'No he won't, I love Oscar, but you're the better driver', I cup his cheek with my hands.

His shiny eyes are looking right at mine, his hair being browner than ever in this garage light.

'I'm not worthy', he sighs.

'I would pay you a thousand euros, I would tell Carlos about this right now... hell I'd even risk my family inheritance for you. Lando, you're worth more than anything in the world, even if it's just to me.' I let out a breath, why does this boy think so low of himself?

'I wake up every day, praying that I won't fuck this up. Praying that one day Carlos will approve. We lost so much time, yet I feel like we have all these next years to make up for it', I assure him.

'Sienna...', he sighs.

'No, It's my turn again. I've been wanting to do this the whole day... so keep quiet', I stand on my toes and wrap my hands around his neck.

My lips collide with his.

He lets out a little laugh.

For only a moment I forget everything.

All my problems.

Just him and I.

Only we.

Me and...

'Lando Norris!', Stella walks in to the garage.

I pull away as fast as possible, hoping he doesn't see me.

His back faces us, so probably not.

'Hey, Sainz, you here too?', he asks.

'Yes Mr Stella, I was just on my way to congratulate Piastri on his P6', I smile.

'Well I'm here to congratulate my boy. Norris, I couldn't be more proud. You were fantastic today!', he hugs him.

I see Lando's face, not sure if Stella is being honest or not.

'Really? You're not mad because we don't have a podium?', he mumbles.

'Lando please, you drive amazing each time. No matter if a podium is involved yes or no'.

Lando's shock is replaced with a huge smile.

'I better go tell Vasseur about the strategies I found here', I smile.

'You do that, they are for sure better than the Ferrari ones', Stella laughs.

'Bold of you to assume we have strategies', I joke.

Lando and Stella both laugh again.

Later that evening

Maeve's point of view.

'Okay, so Ferrari red or Alpine purple?', Luci asks.

'Red of course, who the fuck wears purple?', Sienna laughs.

'I wear purple...', I say.

'Okay so do I, to be honest', Sienna admits.

'So who is coming tonight?', Luci asks.

'Us three, Lando, Carlos, Esteban, Daniel & Heidi, Oscar & Grace and...', I put on the red lipstick I bought yesterday, my hair is amazing and this dress is comfy but really hot.

'Super Max?', Sienna asks.

'Yes, him too'.

'Okay please tell us what's going on between you two because we don't know. Our group has been so... alone... busy with work or...', Luci looks at Sienna. 'Fucking in the McLaren garage'.

Sienna's face turns white. 'Who told you?', she screamed.

'Relax, I saw Norris leave the garage with a hickey. Nothing too bizarre', she takes a sip of her wine.

'Oh for fuck sake, you're kidding because I never gave him a hickey... this week', Sienna sighs.

Luciana starts laughing uncontrollably.

'It's really not funny, how about I tell people you suck Charles' di-'.

'Okayy Siennaaa... please let's keep it civil', I interrupt.

'At least I won't betray my brother with it', Luci adds.

'You're right, you'll just betray your dear Papa', Sienna hisses.

'Shut the fuck up both of you, get ready you morons', I sigh.

'Fine, I'm sorry Luci', Sienna holds out her hand.

'Sienna we're not five, we can have arguments like this... no need to shake hands', Luci blows her a kiss.


'We have been here for over an hour, get ready because the taxi is here in 29 minutes', I try to pull myself together.

This was a long day.

But I want to be with my friends.

I want to party and to be amused.

Maybe I'll even let Ocon take me home...

and we'll...

or we'll...

I wouldn't mind either.

I just don't want Max to ruin my evening.

'Wait, are you screaming at us just to change the subject? We were asking about Max', Sienna says.

'Nothing really. I thought we were you know, being civil. But then out of nowhere, Max started to be very... annoying. He called me a self-conscious bitch. So I prefer not to speak to him', I say.

Luci is putting on her heels, Sienna is still curling her hair.

'Understandable, what a dick'.

'So Luci... how are you and Charles doing?', Sienna asks.

Suddenly Luci's facial expression changes.

'W-what? There's no me and Ch-Charles', she stutters.

'Okay you literally just ruined it, you're a terrible liar', I laugh.

'Okay so we're not dating or together, no feelings...', Luciana mutters.

'But?', Sienna asks.

'Yeah I hear a but too', I say.

'We kissed'

'You did what?', I am shocked.

'Okay we didn't really kiss we almost kissed but then his brother walked in...', she whispers.

'You were at his apartment?', Sienna asks.

My mind is blown.

Am I the only one who is not falling in love with an F1 driver?!

Like hello, it's not that hard.

Okay well maybe soon because... Ocon... but still

'Yeah we were cooking together and I flew with him in his private jet and...'

'Luciana Gulia Isabella Vasseur, you naughty girl!', I scream with laughter.

'We didn't do anything!! He's just really... nice that's all!', Luci says.

'You're in love', I tell her.

'You two are delusional!!', she screams.

'No, Luciana. You are in denial'

'Bla bla, go fuck yourself', Luci hisses.

'Why do it myself? That's what boyfriends are for right?', Sienna laughs.

'Oh gross please don't say that you know I think in images', I say.

'So you have a picture of Norris and Sienna having sex in your head?', Luci asks.

'Luciana!! Please don't say that!!', I try to get the image out of my head.

'At least tell me if my boobs are huge', Sienna laughs.

'Okay gross, now come on ladies the cab is here in like 15 minutes', I tell them.

These bitches.
