52: His angel eyes

Spoiler: This is a very very very very cringe chapter but I liked writing it so yeah

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Maeve's point of view

Pierre and Kika are dancing with Luci and Charles, Luci is standing very close to Leclerc and he is just enjoying the view. Luciana's body grinding against his, it's hysterical to see.

Meanwhile Sienna is at the other side of the room from Lando, Sienna is with Oscar and Lando is with Carlos. The two keep looking at each other, if Carlos sees it they're dead.

I'm just here, talking with Daniel and Max. In other words, our girl gang is not together, because we are all too busy with men. Except, I'm not busy with men the way they are.

'Will the birthday girl please come forward?', the DJ asks.

I look around, everyone's eyes are fixated on me. I walk towards the DJ booth.

'So, there are two people here, two girls. You spend your entire life with them and they have prepared something for you', Max brings out a chair. 'Thank you Max, please Maeve, go sit down and enjoy the show'.

I look around, Luciana and Sienna are nowhere to be seen, of course it's them.

The lights go out.

'Is this a part of the plan?', I yell.

'Sit still Maeve, nothing will happen', I hear Max whisper.

The lights turn on and Sienna and Luciana are standing in front of me, dressed in gold.

'Holy fuck!', I laugh.

'Hello there birthday girl, are you ready for some fun? We are doing the 21 birthday mashup for you!', Sienna says with her entertaining voice.

'Yes! So why don't we all sway with our hips', Luciana and Sienna shake their asses. 'Let's dance people!'.

I laugh, I love them so much.

----- The Mashup -----

Sienna: You can dance

Luci: You can jive

Both: Having the time of your life

Everyone starts singing with them.

Both: See that girl, watch that scene.

Sienna: Digging the

Luci: Dancing queen!

I knew it was going to be this song, I have been singing it with them since I was 13 years old.

Sienna: Friday night and the lights are low.

Luci: Looking out for a place to go

Sienna: Where they play the right music

Luci: Getting in the swing

they look at me

Both: Are you looking for a racing driver or a king?

I laugh, bitches

Sienna: Anybody could be that guy

Sienna points at Max, I flip her off.

Luci: Night is young and the music's high

Both: With a bit of rock music, everything is fine

Sienna: You're in the mood for a dance

Luci: And when you get the chance

Both: You are the dancing queen

Both: Young and sweet, only twenty-one!

The music suddenly stops. The lights flicker and Sienna and Luci stand still.

Suddenly Sienna starts talking

Sienna: You know... there's not a soul out there

Luciana: No one to hear my prayer

The music starts and the girls start singing again.

Both: Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight

They start moving through the room... 'looking for their man'.

Luci has set her eyes on of course Charles

Luci: Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?

Both: Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight

Sienna is smart enough not to go for Lando of course, she has chosen Oscar.

Sienna: Hey Oscar! Take me through the darkness to the break of the day

The girls stop and look at their men, the music stops.

Sienna: Oh god Luciana...

Luci: Oh no... we did it again didn't we?

Sienna is standing against Oscar... her expression looking sad.

Sienna: I've been cheated by you since I don't know when

Luci has chosen a more angry approach and is giving Charles soft hits.

Luci: So I made up my mind, it must come to an end

Sienna: Look at me now, will I ever learn

Luci: I don't know how, but I suddenly lose control

They walk around the room

Both: There's a fire within my soul

Just one look and I can hear a bell ring

One more look and I forget everything, whoa

Sienna: Mamma mia, here I go again

Luci: My, my, how can I resist you?

Sienna: Luci! We gotta resist them!

Luci: Says you! You keep falling for the wrong ones

I look at Lando, who is laughing.

Sienna: Says the who is dating her client

She flips her hair and sits down on a chair in the middle of the room.

Luciana walks towards her.

Luci: Sienna... are you okay?

Sienna: I have a dream...

Luci: A song to sing?

Sienna: To help me cope, with anything...

Luci: If you see the wonder, of a fairy tale.

Sienna: I can take the future, even if I fail?

Luci: Don't be so sad Sienna! Just think about your hot guy... think about his...

She mouths the word d!ck yet Sienna starts singing something else.

Sienna: his angel eyes, one look, and you're hypnotized!

I look at Lando, who is enjoying this a lot.

Luci: Sienna... He'll take your heart and you must pay the price

Sienna: Look into his angel eyes, you'll think you're in paradise!

Luci: And one day you'll find out he wears a disguise, don't look too deep into those angel eyes

Sienna: You bitch, is this about me or Maeve?

Luci: You're right... let's sing for Maeve now.

Sienna: You're so hot, teasing me

Luci: So you're blue but I can't take a chance on a chick like you

Both: That's something I couldn't do

Sienna: There's that look in your eyes

Luci: I can read in your face that your feelings are driving you wild

Both: Ah, but girl you're only a child.

Well I can dance with you honey, If you think it's funny

Sienna: Does your mother know that you're out?

Luci: Mine sure doesn't

I start laughing, I love Luci her mom jokes, we are allowed to laugh.

They keep singing until the sound becomes softer and softer.

They keep everyone entertained, it's really good.


'Give them a round of applause! Luciana Vasseur and Sienna Sainz!', the DJ yells.

I give them a huge applause.

'Did you like it?', Sienna asks and hugs me.

'Are you kidding? This was amazing!', I say, Luciana hugs me too.

'We're glad! Let's go drink!', Luciana says.


Authors Note: Sorry for this short chapter and it's quite cringe. I haven't had a lot of motivation to finish the story. You won't notice that because I work in advance, so you'll see new chapters getting uploaded frequently while I'm here debating whether or not Maeve and Max should get together, do y'all get me? 😂.
