18: The same way

Max's point of view.

Maeve was really good at Quali yesterday.

She is a good strategist, really really good.

But I'm the better driver,

and deep down she knows it too.

I'm showing her today.

She won't win from the lion.

I'm Max Verstappen,

I'm fucking unbeatable.

Maeve's point of view.

Round one

I'm off to a great start, keeping my position as p2.

Max is driving really fast today, we already have a 4-second gap.

I notice that Charles isn't driving behind me anymore, but neither is Carlos.

Both Ferrari's lost their position.

There is an Alpine driving behind me.

MAE: Who is the Alpine behind me? And why?

RE: Turn 1 incident, Charles and Carlos lost their position after Ocon crashed into their rear wing.

MAE: Both Ferrari's have a DNF?

RE: No, just behind. Don't worry about Esteban, he's much slower than you.

MAE: Okay, thanks.

Round three

The Alpine behind me has still not lost his position.

Esteban is out for revenge or something.

Max is out of my sight, there's no way I can see him before he decides to pit.

MAE: Give me everyone's position, please.

RE: Everyone? Or just the 8 behind you?

MAE: Okay do the 8.

RE: P3 is Ocon, P4 is Oscar, P5 is Charles, P6 is Carlos, P7 is Hamilton, P8 is Norris, P9 is Russell, and P10 is Ricciardo.

MAE: Norris P8? Wow, he really proved himself.

RE: Yeah, but don't worry Maeve, none of them are close to passing you. If they are I will inform you.

MAE: Thanks, Owen. You're the best.

Round 10

Ocon is now out of the way, he replaced himself with Oscar.

My tires are getting old, that is because I used old tires for Q2, which is obviously not smart.

MAE: We pit now or in about two rounds?

RE: Better to pit now, with a 3-second pit stop you'll re-enter as P5.

MAE: Then let's give this car some new tires, shall we?

I drive into the pit lane and they change the tires really fast, but too slow for my liking.

I feel that the tires are done but I don't get the green flag to drive away.

'What is happening?', I yell.

'Wrong tire, we're so sorry', one of them says.

'For fuck sake! Hurry the fuck up', I say.

They give me the green light and I drive away.

MAE: For fuck sake, why the hell did that happen Owen?

RE: It's not their fault Maeve.

MAE: You're right, it's mine! I should have replaced my own tires!

RE: Not what I meant.

MAE: Owen, shut the fuck up. You're silenced for at least five rounds.

I turn the radio off.

I exit the pit as P9, what the fuck.

Round 16

RE: Am I allowed to talk again?

MAE: Sure, what's up?

RE: You are now P7 but you can easily take over Norris, he's losing power or something.

MAE: Okay thanks, Owen.

RE: No problem.

Norris is indeed going really slow.

My DRS is activated and I also have his slipstream.

I gain more speed and I pass him,

bye-bye Norris.

Round 28

I'm P4, Carlos is in front of me because Oscar and Charles touched each other or something.

Behind me is Norris but Sainz is keeping me in his DRS, and because of that Lando can't pass me.

It's really sweet that he's so thoughtful, even though he's still in front of me.

There is a turn coming and Carlos goes in way too deep, I have the upper hand and I drive past him.

Sorry, Carlos.

MAE: Tell Carlos I'm thankful for his DRS, Owen.

RE: Will do, keep racing like this.

Round 40

I'm still P3, with Carlos at least 6 seconds behind me, why the hell is everyone so slow today?

Ocon is literally only two meters away from me.

I am very focused, we don't want any brake testing.

RE: Okay Maeve, Max has the fastest lap right now but if you pass Ocon this moment, you'll have it.

MAE: Say no more.

I have Ocon's slipstream and I pass him with half of my speed.

Really this was the easiest pass this whole race and he raced in front of me this whole time.

I pass the finish line.

RE: Fastest lap Maeve, It's a record too. 1:30.382 seconds.

MAE: That's amazing, how many points do I earn with that?

RE: None, Maeve. Just the record.

MAE: For fuck sake, so I work my ass off and I don't even get points?

RE: Maeve it's literally a world record.

MAE: Okay jeez, don't get your knickers in a twist.

RE: Did you just use British slang?

MAE: Owen, let's keep this radio formal, please.

RE: You literally said 'Don't get you're knickers in a twist'.

MAE: No radio for you anymore.

RE: Be for real, Maeve.

MAE: Shh.

Round 48/49

I'm still P2, I'm fine with Max winning.

Well not really but whatever.

I can't see him anywhere, not even when I drive over the finish line.

Last lap.

He's really goddamn fast.

MAE: How much is between me and Max?

RE: He just finished Maeve

MAE: What the fucking hell

RE: Sorry, should I have told you sooner? Oh wait, you didn't allow me to speak on the radio.

MAE: Shut the fuck up, Owen.

I am really fast, but Ocon isn't giving me much space.

In turn 6 I have the upper lead, but the motherfucker hits me in my rear wing.


RE: Go on Maeve, you can finish without the rear wing.

MAE: I know, it's just that the motherfucker is not careful at all.

RE: We know, Maeve.

MAE: It must be a penalty right? I had the upper hand.

RE: We're looking into it.

I drive over the finish line.



Max's point of view.

I get out of the car.

I knew I would win.

P1 baby.

I jump out of the car and I do my usual pose.

I see Maeve drive up to the P2 place.

She gets out of the car, struggling.

I walk towards her.

'Need a hand?', I hold out my hand but I know she won't grab it.

'Fuck off, Verstappen', but she does, she does grab it.

She gets out of the car and removes her helmet.

She quickly takes out her hair tie and brushes a hand through her hair.

Her dark blonde hair falling alongside her shoulders.

'You done staring yet?', she says.

'I wasn't fucking staring', I say.

'Make that the cat wise', she says.

'What?', I laugh.

'Isn't that your Dutch sprichwort?', her German accent slipping out.

'You mean, maak dat de kat wijs?', I say.


I walk towards David.

'Max, P1, how are you feeling?', he asks.

'David, yeah it's a great feeling to win again', I tell him, and receive a microphone.

'So, what did you think of Red Bull's performance today?', he asks.

'I think we got what we wanted today, a 1-2 podium. Maeve and I are getting used to each other's driving style more often.'

'Would you call you two good teammates?', he says.

'Well, to be honest, I think we are each other's rivals at this moment. Red Bull has had a big dominance these last races and to be fair the only one who is a competitor for me is Maeve and I think it's vice versa', I look at Horner, trying to get a reaction from him. Did I race well today? Are my responses okay? But he's not looking at me, he's talking to Maeve. Looking so proud.

'Is that positive or negative?', David says.

'For me, it's positive, we push each other to our limits and we both don't want to lose so we keep each other on our toes. For other drivers it may be negative because well, they have a lower chance of becoming race winners', I laugh.

I look over to Maeve again, she's standing there, looking angry.

But then... he walks up to her.


His face lights up the second she spots him.

They hug.

She looks angry, but Sebastian looks so proud.

A proud dad.

I would have given anything at this moment for my dad to look at me in the same way.

'Thank you, Max. Have a great day', David says, I walk away.

Maeve walks past me and she looks happy.

Happier because of her dad.

I walk towards Horner but I get stopped because someone jumps in front of me.

'Max, you lost your record for fastest lap', I see him standing before me, my dad.

'Papa, really it's no big deal, I won the race', I say to him.

'Winning is not enough, have I taught you nothing, son?'.

'Don't you fucking call me son right now, not when you're saying these things', I feel my blood boiling.

'Come on Max, don't be a pussy. Just tell me you're sorry and we'll try again next week', my dad says.

'I'm sorry papa, I will try better next time', I try to calm myself.

'That's my boy', he slaps me on my shoulder.

'That's my boy!', Horner opens his arm and gives me a big hug.

'I'm so sorry I lost the record, Christian'.

'Son, don't you worry about a thing, she was faster, I must admit. But you won this race, there will be plenty of opportunities for you, my boy', he embraces me again.

'I should've fought harder today, I'm sorry to disappoint you', I say.

'Boy, you will never ever disappoint me, Max. You're my greatest driver in the whole world, when will you start to see that?', I look at my dad who is talking to some people.

'When he will finally start seeing it too', I tell Christian.

'Oh, Max... what in heaven's name has the man done to you?'.
