32: Wrong girl

Charles' point of view

'Please princess, it will only be a couple of hours', I ask her.

'No Charles no! I am your boss! I will not go to the wedding with you!', she yells.

'Calm down okay! I can't show up there without a date! I'll get laughed at'.

'Charles you're... how old are you?! Jeez, act your age'.

'If I bring you to the wedding, I'll give you 50k. Please just do it', I ask her.

'So now I'm a fucking escort?! I don't need your filthy F1 money'.

'You earn F1 money!', I laugh.

'Not the same!!!'.

'Please, Luciana, just please', I ask her.

'Two hours, tops', she says.

'Two? She won't even be married within that time. Four', I love negotiating with her.

'Three', she says.

'Just work with me, amour', I say.

I can see that my nicknames do stuff to her.

'Princess...', her knees weaken and I walk towards her.

'Dearest?', I lay my hands on her hips.

'Mon Cheri?', I say but suddenly she regains her balance.

'My dad calls me that, huge turn-off', she smiles.

'Four hours and I'll bring you McDonald's every day for a week', I say.

'Final offer?', she asks.

'Final offer'

She shakes my hand.

'Pleasure doing business with you', she laughs.

The next day, aka Wednesday.

Luciana's point of view

Charles is picking me up with his car, I expected like a... BMW or something but he turns up with a fucking Ferrari.

I'm wearing an emerald dress with a low-cut back and lace front.

'Mamma mia, Princess', Charles steps out of the car and walks over to me.

'Merci', I smile at him.

He opens the car door and then closes it when I get in.

Such a gentleman.

'Okay there is something you need to know', Charles turns the radio down.

'Tell me', I sigh.

'Charlotte is amazing, really, but she is really jealous. Don't let her hurt you, okay?', he says.

It's cute that he doesn't want me to get hurt.

'I'll be fine really, but I won't be telling we're together. I'm not lying'.

He nods. 'I understand, and I won't ask you to lie'.

'May I ask how you two...', I hesitate.

'Broke up?', he looks at me.

'Yes, that', I smile.

His eyes turn back to the road.

'I fell in love with someone else, I didn't want to cheat on her, but I could no longer hide my feelings for the other woman', he says.

He's honest, I like that.

'What happened between you and the other woman?', I ask.

'She uhm...' he laughs. 'We never got together'.

'Do you still talk to her?', I ask.

'Sometimes, yes'.

'When did you and Charlotte break up?'

'About a year ago, she started dating her fiancée 5 months ago'.

'When did you realize you loved the other woman?'.

'About a year too, after I discovered these feelings I figured I couldn't betray Charlotte, acting that I love her while my thoughts were with another woman'.

'That's noble of you'

'Do you still love the woman?', I ask.

'A part of me will always love her, once I thought she'd be my wife... but our paths are not destined to cross... not for long'.

I look out of the window.

Monaco is beautiful, the roads, the homes... the people.

Monaco is probably my favorite race.

It's his favorite race.

I look next to me, his brown hair moving with the wind.

A sudden feeling pops up, I like this image.

I get nervous around him, shy.

He doesn't make me feel like a stupid girl, he makes me feel like a beautiful woman.

He notices me looking at him, when we make eye contact I look away.

My cheeks turning warm, fuck am I blushing?

Charles' point of view

We arrive at the banquet hall, every inch of the hall has been decorated.

Her and his name everywhere.

Yet it doesn't hurt me, in fact, I might even feel relief.

Relief of knowing I won't have to be with someone I have no intentions to be with.

'Wow, it's beautiful', Luci says, her eyes growing big while watching every single thing in the room.

'Wow I never wanted a big wedding but this changes the game', she laughs.

'Princess? Why don't you want a big wedding?', I ask.

'Because, I want to keep it small, to save money you know. I want to keep a lot of money in banks so my children can go to school and have a good education. I need a lot of money because I want a lot of kids. At least three, maybe even more', I follow her footsteps as she walks through the hall.

'I want a big family too, I loved my big family and I want that for my children', I say, she smiles at me.

'I don't want my child to feel as lonely as I did, that's why I want to give them siblings', that must be hard, growing up as an only child and then losing your mom. Who did she talk with about girl stuff?

I never wanted to go to this stupid wedding, but my mom said it was... nice to attend?

She said it would help with moving on.

Here I am.

'Charles Leclerc', I turn around and so does Luci.

There she is, Charlotte. Apparently, she got married behind closed doors, this is just a reception.

'Charlotte, how good to see you', I give her a hug.

Luciana's point of view

Her hands move up and down his back.

Miss girl, aren't you married?

'Charlotte I want you to meet someone...', Charles says.

'Your catch of the week?', Charlotte smiles at him, then she gives me a cold look.

I hate her already.

'Do you even remember her name?', she laughs.

Does the bitch think she's funny?

'Charlotte please... this is Luc-'

'I'm Luciana, his catch of many weeks', I fake a laugh.

Charles looks at me with a confused expression.

'Nice to meet you... Luciana,' she says coldly. 'How long have you two been... exclusive? Or are you not?'.

I put on my best fake smile. 'We have been exclusive for... jeez Charles help me baby', I act as if I am thinking. 'Like 10 months? Yes, we kept it secret for a long time of course'.

Her smile fades, Charles' face gains a smirk.

'10 months?', her eyes filling with envy. 'Did Charles tell you things about me?'.

'Only the bad things'.

'You're funny, Luci. Am I allowed to say Luci?', she says.

'Friends call me Luci. You may call me Luciana, or ... no that's silly', I laugh while stroking Charles' arm.

'What?', she asks.

'No, sorry. Charles and I want it to be a secret... until later on... right baby?', I smile.

'Please tell me... I'll be quiet'.

'Well we don't want to overshadow your day... but soon I will be Mrs Leclerc', I laugh and show her my ring.

It is a ring made out of fake diamond and I bought it off Amazon about five years ago.

'Princess, don't show her that ring. Charlotte, sorry, you taught me better than this. I am getting her a 10-carat ring, soon', Charles kisses my hand.

He is playing along...

'You never gave me jewelry', she hisses.

'Guess he must have saved it for someone special huh?', I laugh. 'Just kidding, Tatiana'.

I wonder how she'll react to this one...

'Tatiana?', she sounds confused.

'Oh how silly... what was your name again?', I ask.

'Charlotte... like on the napkins... and on the walls... the cutlery?'.

'Oh, that's what that stands for... I thought it was a cheap brand I never heard of'.

She tells us she has to meet some other friends and walks off.

'You are a horrible person', Charles smiles.

'She made fun of me... she fucked with the wrong girl'.

'So did I apparently', he laughs.
