38: If you win

Maeve's point of view

'Maeve I love your house, it's so cozy', Luci sits down on my couch.

'Thank you babe, I'm so happy that I got to spend this weekend in my own home', I pour her a glass of wine.

'Yeah, remind me, where do we fly next week?', Sienna laughs.

'Barcelonaaaa', Luci screams

'You will all be invited for a big pool party', Sienna smiles.

'Maeve won't be allowed, she has to spend the week with her evil teammate', Luci takes a sip of her wine.

'Well actually... Me and Max are like... becoming friends?', I tell them.

'Told ya, enemies to lovers', Sienna grabs the bottle of wine and pours me another glass.

'How did that happen?' Luci asks.

'Well uhm, it might have happened because I uhm... I may or may not have slept in his bed?'

Luci's jaw drops to the floor, yet Sienna's face lights up with glory.



'YOU GOT LAID!', Sienna yells.

'No No! We didn't sleep together, well, yes, I slept, he slept, not in the same bed, just me in his', I explain

'Why didn't you sleep at your own house?', Sienna asks.

'Because me and Esteban got into a fight, he's a dick by the way... then I forgot my keys in his car and Max offered to bring m home', I open a bag of chips and put it on the table.

'Okay, this is a lot to process... but good for you, it's nicer to be friends with him than enemies', Luci smiles.

'Yeah, and you'll probably get laid soon', Sienna laughs.

I laugh with her, how can my two best friends be so different, yet so useful to me.

Luciana's point of view

Since she told me this, maybe it's now time to explain my story...

about everything

'Okay I have to come clean too', I mutter.

'Oh god, what did you do? Kiss Charles?', Maeve jokes.

My face turns Ferrari red.

'Oh fuck! YOU- Oh fuck!! You kissed Charles Leclerc?', Sienna screams.


'HOLY FUCK!! What will your sweet dad think of this?', Sienna asks once she stopped laughing.

'You are the first to know, seriously', my face returns to it's serious gaze.

'How did it happen?', Maeve asks.

I explain the whole story, about the wedding, about the panic attacks.

It feels nice,

amazing even,

these girls will not judge me

okay maybe a little bit

but they will always be there for me.

I'm so lucky I found them.

'Jesus christ, so we're all sleeping with an F1-driver?', Sienna laughs.

Yep, truly spoken like Sienna would.

'No, Me and Maeve haven't slept with them'

'Yet', Sienna laughs.

Even Maeve can't hide her laugh from that one.

Sienna's point of view

It was a great night

the gossips were rolling

the booze was flowing

Well for me and Luci atleast


These are the moments I live for.

Yet there is a moment I've been longing for this whole evening.

'I'm home', I whisper in his ear.

His body takes up the whole bed.

I take off my clothes and put on his shirt.

'My favorite Latina', he mumbles.

'Hola bebé', I whisper.

'Come, come lay with me', Lando opens his arms.

'I can't wait to have you in my bed next week', I giggle.

Suddenly his eyes are wide open.

'You want me to stay at your house?', he asks.

'Well, not for the whole week. One night maybe, or two, or I could come to your hotel', I smile.

The corners of his mouth move up.

'God you're amazing', he whispers to me.

'I know'

'But we have to be careful... with your brother and parents', he places his hands on my waist and I pull myself towards him.

'Let's not think about that right now'

'So what else were you planning on doing tonight?', he smirks.

My hands glide underneath the blanket.


'Oh god, were you planning on doing... that ', he laughs.

'A girl can only hope', I giggle.

'No, please! I'm only an innocent virgin!', he jokes.

'Innocent? No. Virgin? Definitely not'

Maeve's point of view

Okay, this might sound weird but I'm texting with Max.

Like... texting texting.

Max Verstappen

MAX: When are you flying to Barcelona?

MAE: Monday evening I believe, you?

MAX: Me too, I think we even have a private jet together

MAE: Let me guess, Horner wants to reduce our CO2 footprint or something?

MAX: Guess so, any games I should bring?

MAE: Please bring a typical Dutch game

MAX: Oh god, you're testing me now... pesten?

MAE: Is that a word or sound you're making?

MAX: Very very funny, it's like UNO but different.

MAE: Bring it

MAX: I will Maevey, I promise.

MAE: I don't like the nickname thing

MAX: It's for bonding purposes, give me a nickname

MAE: Like what?

MAX: Maxie?

MAE: How about... Mein Feind?

MAX: German, I love it... what's the meaning?

MAE: My enemy.

MAX: Cute, I like it.

MAE: Can't wait to beat your ass Sunday

MAX: You wish.

The next morning

Luciana's point of view

'So what?', he pulls a shirt over his head.

'You can't just not wear your red Quali pants', I hold the pants next to me.

'Watch me, Princess. I've got enough luck with me, you'

Okay he's got me there.

'The media will kill me if you don't wear them, they'll say mean stuff', I pout. I can see that now I've got his attention.

'They're still saying mean things to you?', he asks.

I shake my head. 'No, just wear the goddamn pants, mon Dieu '.

'Fine, if you insist, Princess'.

He unzips his pants and then strips down.

Somehow I can't help but look.

Am I drooling?

'Enjoying the show?', he grabs the red pants and puts them on.

I nod.

'Just say the word and I'm yours', he gives me a kiss on my cheek.

'Charles... come on... we can't get together, we have to move past this...'

'Let's make a deal princess, if I get pole, you'll go on at least one date with me', he says.

'Okay, I can go with that... but we can't be seen'

'I wasn't finished, of course we'll be undercover. But... if I also win this Sunday...', he smirks.

'What? Charles what?', I suddenly get more curious.

'You'll sleep with me', his eyes sparkle when they meet with mine.

'I can't do that, Charles'.


'Because I'm your boss, my dad is your boss... we can't.'

'He will never find out', Charles laughs.

'It's dangerous'

'Come on... you know you want to', he walks towards me and places his lips on my neck.

'Charles I-'

'Tell me you don't want to and then we'll forget about it', he smirks.

Damn, but I do want to.

'I don-'

His hands move to my hips, his lips meeting mine.

'What did you say?', Charles asks.

'I said I don-'

Again his lips meet mine.

'Charles this is unfair', I smile.

'Life is unfair', he smirks. 'Now, will you sleep with me or not?'.

'We'll see if you win'
