59: Being first

Luciana's point of view

My face enlights with horror as Maeve drives off track.

'Fuck no!', I yell.

I look beside me, Sienna's face has a different expression.


She's hesitating whether she should celebrate her brother's P2 or mourn her best friend's race.

Although mourn isn't a great word because Maeve immediately drives back on track.

I look back at Sienna, who's eyes now seem to gather tears.

'Sienna, she's fine', I grab her hand but my thoughts get interrupted by loud screaming.

Tears run over Sien's cheek as she points behind me.

I turn around only to find out that this race will forever stick by her.

This is the race she dreamed of.

Yet this is the race Maeve and Max have feared all along.

Carlos Sainz wins in Barcelona

Maeve's point of view.

I drive my car to the P3 board.

My mind is going feral, all these thoughts I can't control.

P3 is not bad, I know that.

But I am not designed to come second or third. I am designed to win.

All the fans are calling my name.

Screaming my name.

I turn and I wave towards all my fans and I stick up three fingers.

'Vettel', Max hugs me and I place my head in his neck.

'Max I-', my throat begins to thicken. 'I'm sorry but I-'

I try to hide the tears.

'Shh shh', he shushes. 'Maeve it's okay, just one interview and then we'll be out of here... don't cry Maevey'.

'I shouldn't... P3 is amazing and I'm lucky enough to not be P20 every race', I hold him a little tighter.

'We all feel it Maeve... I understand, I really do'.

I let go of his touch, my eyes are dry, luckily.

Carlos gets out of his car and I move towards him.

His eyes meet mine and I give him a wink.

'Carlos Sainz', I smile. 'My bestfriend's brother'.

He laughs and gives me a hug.

'You're welcome for today', I joke.

'Maeve Vettel, I couldn't thank you enough for today. Sorry for your wheel though'.

I shrug. 'It's fine, I'm not the one repairing it'.

He laughs.

Sienna's point of view

Tears are still running down my cheeks.

Maeve waves to us from the podium, she's walking to her spot.

I blow her a kiss and Luci screams her name.

Then Max joins the podium, I know he's next.

Carlos Sainz, my brother, walks to the number 1 spot.

The race winner spot.

Then the trophies get handed out.

The big one is for him of course.

Mom and Dad will probably get an identical one custom-made so they can put it in their trophy closet.

Then the Spanish National Anthem starts.

Tears refill my eyes and I place my hand on my heart.

Luciana grabs my other hand and squeezes it.

She knows how much this means to me.

Maeve's point of view

After the podium ceremony, I don't bother going to the team, I immediately walk towards my driver room.

I unlock the door and close it behind me, only to let myself fall on the pop-up bed I placed inside.

Even though again I try to fight it the tears fill my eyes.

I guess sometimes even the greatest victories bring the most unexpected sorrows

Even the best fall down sometimes.

I hear a knock on my door. 'Be gone', I yell.

'I brought Chipotle, I had my assistant pick it up', I recognize Max's voice.

I get up and open the door.

'It better be a burrito', I sigh.

'White rice, double chicken, double meat, every sauce, extra guacamole, extra salad or whatever', Max smiles.

I giggle. 'Come to mama', I whisper as he hands me my burrito.

'Does that make you feel better?', he asks while taking a bite of his burrito.

'Yes, it does. I was a baby', I sigh.

'No, Maeve. You were feeling emotions you should allow yourself to feel. You think I was happy to be P2? Not at all, I wanted to be P1 extremely bad. But winning doesn't always mean being first. Winning means you're doing better than you've done before. You had understeer this race, a lot of it. You had all of that and still, you finished on the podium with at least 18 seconds between you and the person behind you. I'm not saying you shouldn't be mad, because you should, it's okay to be upset. Just don't let it stop you from moving forward'.

I look at the Dutchman sitting in front of me.

'Thank you Max, I really appreciate you. Thank you for being here for me', I smile.

'I'll be there on the darkest nights.'

'Even if I beat your ass in Silverstone?', I smirk.

'Even then'.
