65: That's all I need

Sienna's point of view

Lando went home this afternoon, which gave me until evening to prepare an outfit. What do I wear to meet my boyfriend's parents? I HAVE NO IDEA! I texted Maeve and Luciana and they told me to wear a dress, but most of my dresses have huge cleavage and I don't know if that is a good idea. It is informal, Lando said, so I chose to wear some jeans and a blouse, it better be good enough.

'Here you are, miss', the Uber driver says as we reach the address.

I'm supposed to meet him at his youth home, the home where his parents now still live and he grew up.

I walk to the front door and before I ring the bell the door flies open.

'Sienna!', A tall woman gives me a hug. I hug her back, but I still don't know who she is.

She's not his mom, I recognize her, so this must be one of his sisters.

'Hello! Thank you so much for having me', I try to play it off.

'No problem! Come in, my parents, Ciska, Oliver, and Savannah are so excited to meet you', she gives me room to enter the home.

Okay, so this is Flo. Ciska is his other sister, Oliver is his brother and Savannah is Oliver's wife. Come on Sien, you can do this.

I enter the living room and everyone is already seated at the table, except his mother.

'Hello everyone', I smile and wave.

His father stands up. 'Sienna Sainz, what a pleasure to meet you!', he says and gives me a hug.

'The pleasure is mine'.

'Oh wow, you speak great English!', Oliver says shocked.

'Oli!', the woman next to him slaps his arm. 'You don't say that'. That must be Savannah.

'I'm sorry, I just meant that Carlos had a clear Spanish accent yet yours doesn't seem to take the overhand', Oliver walks towards me and shakes my hand.

'We get that a lot, I just talked more English at school and college', I smile. 'I am not offended, don't worry'.

'You are not offending my daughter-in-law, are you?', His mother walks in with a cooking tray and places it on the table.

'Hello, dear. I'm Ciska', she gives me a hug. I immediately feel at home. 'Have you all introduced yourself? She must be going crazy trying to figure out who is who'.

'I sure as hell hope you know who I am', Lando says and pats the empty chair next to him.

I sit down and I look around. One of the women sticks out her hand, 'I'm Ciska, the little sister', she smiles. Flo turns to look at me. 'I'm also the little sister, but we met', she smiles.

Savannah pinches Oliver. 'I'm Oliver and this is my wife, Savannah', he holds out his hand and I reach to shake it.

'We have two girls, they are with the nanny. Our oldest is Mila and our youngest is Athena', her face lights up when she talks about her daughters.

'The biggest pains in my ass, to be clear', Lando smiles. He grabs my hand and squeezes it, assuring me everything is fine.

'I've baked some of the children's favorite meals. We've got steak, some mac&cheese, we've got bangers and mash... and as dessert, we have strawberry fool', his mother smiles.

'Sounds amazing', I say as she places the steak down.

'Come on, Sienna, you first', Adam winks at me.

'Oh no I really don't mind, it is your home, I'll go last', I say, trying not to be rude.

Lando grabs my plate and puts from every meal something on it. He hands it back to me as his mother watches with a huge grin.

'Así de bien?', he says in Spanish. I nod. 'Thank you'.

His mom and dad look at each other and smile, Adam winks to her.

'So Sienna, where do you mainly live?', Oliver asks.

'In Monaco of course, with me', Lando says.

I roll my eyes. 'I still live at home with my parents, I know I'm 22 but since I'm always traveling with Carlos, Maeve, and Luci I don't have a permanent home yet'.

'She will soon, in Monaco', Lando winks at me.

'Son?', Adam asks.

'Lando asked me to move in with him, in Monaco, I told him I found it a little too soon'.

'I told her we are traveling the world anyways, staying in the same hotels, so it doesn't matter', Lando explains.

'I think it is a great idea, you two would get to know each other better and if you guys are fighting you just let him sleep on the couch', his mom laughs.

'What if the fight is not my fault?', Lando asks.

'It is always your fault, dear'

I laugh and Lando gives me a sarcastic angry look. I smile at him.

Lando shoves the steak into his mouth so I too take a bite of mine.

The flavor fills my mouth, and they say white people don't use seasoning.

'Oh my, this is delicious', I tell his mom.

'Thank you, my dear'.

'Oh sweetheart, I just know you're going to love the strawberry fool', Lando says excitedly.

'So what do you think of them?', Lando closes the door.

'Really nice, they're amazing people', I walk around his old bedroom, hundreds of photos are hanging on the wall.

'I'm glad, that's mint', he smiles.

I grab one of the pictures from the wall and I look at it.

'We are known as 'the rookies'', Lando explains.

The picture is of him, George, and Alex.

'You don't speak that much with them anymore, right?'

He shakes his head. 'It's all watered down, just like Daniel and I'.

'Did you want that to happen?'.

'No, I tried to hold on, but some things just slipped away. Sometimes life pulls us in different directions', he says quietly.

'Sometimes life has a way of changing things beyond our control, that doesn't always mean it's bad tho', I comfort him. 'You know, I speak to Daniel a lot, he never wanted to leave Mclaren but he had to, you know that right?'.

'I know, Mclaren is my family and they treat me right, yet they saw Daniel as an outcast, someone not ready to accept being in a family other than his own', Lando sits down on his bed. 'You're going to tell me to text him, aren't you?'.

I nod. 'Yeah, I was building a bridge for it'.

'And you're going to tell me I should text George and Alex, aren't you?'.

'There goes my second bridge', I smile.

'What have I done to deserve you?', he asks, placing his head against mine.

'You didn't have to do anything, Lando. It's not about deserving. It's about finding someone who sees the real you, the good and the bad, and still chooses to stand by your side. I choose you because I see your heart, your kindness, your strength, and your flaws. I'm here because I love you, not because of what you've done, but because of who you are. It's about how you make me feel safe, cherished, and loved every single day. Your presence in my life is a gift, and I'm here because I believe in us, in you', I tell him.

'I don't tell you that I care for you enough', he pouts.

'You look at me like I'm the most important person in the world. That's all I need'.

He kisses me and cups my cheek. No sound is made yet we both know exactly what we want and need, each other.

'Hello you two fucking lovebirds', the door flies open. 'What's up mate, are you introducing me?'.

The guy, who I presume is Max Fewtrell, I recognize him, walks towards me and holds out his hand.

'You must be Carlos' little sister, I've heard all about you', he smiles.

Lando begins to laugh. 'For fuck sake, mate'.

'I am, you must be Max. The best friend-boyfriend-teammate-quadrant member?', I joke.

'You've heard all about me too, I guess', he laughs. 'Sienna, it might be inappropriate but I have a question for you, I've been dying to ask it all along'.

'I don't mind, ask'.

'That blonde friend of yours, the Red Bull driver. Maeve Fucking Vettel, is she single?', he asks. 'And if yes, please tell her to give me a call, that girl is incredibly hot'.

A certain laughter begins to rise inside of me. 'Yes, I will make sure to pass the message along'.
