20: Expensive wine.

Three days later

Maeve's point of view.

'Maeve you look beautiful', Sienna says while I walk out in the blue dress.

I have tried seven different dresses this evening, I am so tired of changing.

But I'll do it, to make Sienna happy.

'Is this the one?', I ask.

Sienna takes another bite of her ice cream and looks at Luci.

'Yeah... it is. Please take off the tag so you can keep it,' she says.

'No please, I can't accept that.' I say.

'Keep it, it'll make me happy'.

Luci looks at me with a face that screams 'Just keep it, you moron'.

'Thank you, Sienna, I appreciate it'. I take off the tag.

'So, when are you supposed to get picked up?', Sienna says while taking yet another bite of the ice cream.

'In like an hour', I say while grabbing my white purse.

'Okay, I'll style your hair', she puts her ice cream down and walks towards me.

She is dressed in sweats, her hair hasn't been washed in like a week. 

If you look at her you would presume she is going through a break-up, but it's quite the opposite.

She is in love with him, with Norris.

We all knew this time would come, yet she still never prepared for it to actually happen.

Now she feels like a failure and a moron. It makes my heart ache.

Sienna has this sometimes, the periods where she feels like she's not worth anything. She'll not answer calls or texts. She'll fly to her house in Monaco instead of Barcelona, so her parents won't see her cry. She'll be in bed for days, cancels her meetings, etc.

You could call her depressed, but the thing is, one day she'll just wake up and choose to wash her hair, then get dressed and then it's over. So we don't really worry about it, but we still choose to be with her all the time. Like whenever we get the chance.

She has been like this for three days, I'll give it a few days. To the maximum of a week, then she'll be the normal Sienna again.

'Okay, thank you Sien', she nods and smiles.

'You are really beautiful, you know that right?', she mumbles.

'I know, so are you, and so is Luci'.

'Oh please, I look like a mess right now', Sienna claims.

'You don't,' I say.

'You do', Luci says.

Sienna laughs.

'Thanks for being honest LuciBear. You're lucky I don't smell, otherwise, it would be unbearable for you', Sienna says.

'Look about that... you could use some deodorant', Luci says sarcastically.

Sienna laughs, I smile too.

'Ocon will be mesmerized', Luciana says.

'Max will be devastated', Sienna finishes.

I sigh.

'We're just kidding, Maevey', Luci rolls off the bed and drops herself next to my chair.

'I wish I had an F1 boyfriend', Luci says.

'Me too', Sienna says.

Luci and I look at each other, that wasn't a good thing to say with Sienna present.

'Come on guys, It's not like I'm really depressed. Don't we all want a hot and famous boyfriend, I wasn't specifically talking about him', she says.

'You'll get together with him and me and Sien will be here all lonely eating ice cream', Luci whispers.

'I won't get together with Esteban'.

'Yet', Sienna whispers to Luci.

'I can still hear you', I say.

We laugh and Sienna finishes my hair.

'You look beautiful, spin for me baby', Luci says.

I spin and turn, shake my ass a little bit.

'Okay, you are definitely getting laid tonight', Sienna says.

'I will not', I say.

'Please!!!!! At least one of us will get some movement in those hips', Sienna laughs.

'Yeah, you deserve it the most, you have been as dry as the Sahara', Luci laughs.

Sienna and Luci high-five, clearly happy with their commentary.

'Shut up you both', I say... but I still steal a condom from Sienna's dresser.

They look at me with big eyes. 'Better safe than sorry'.

'Maeve Hanna Heike Ocon', Sienna says.

'Mr & Mrs. Ocon', Luci finishes.

'Mrs. Ocon finishes P1, Mr Ocon has a DNF', I say.

'OOHH big burn!', Luci says.

'Don't say that to him, his dick will decrease in size', Sienna laughs.

I hear the doorbell ringing.

'Guess that's him', I say.

'Good luck, make sure you don't get any Estie Bestie Babies', Sienna tries to hold her laugh while saying it but she can't.

'Get it? Cause Estie Bestie makes babies with you?', Sienna laughs.

Okay, Imma let her have this one, just cause she's a depressed moron.

'Bye you sick losers', I say while walking to the apartment door.

I open the door and he is standing there.

His dark hair perfectly styled, his teeth whiter than ever.

Instead of the Alpine racing suit, he is dressed in an all-black suit.

'Good evening', I say.

'Good evening, wow you look stunning'.

'You don't look bad yourself', I laugh.

'I ordered an Uber, not because I don't have a car, but so we can maybe drink something afterward. I don't want to drunk drive you know?', he says.

'Very clever, very responsible', I say.

He nods and smiles.

He holds out his hand and I hold it while walking down the stairs.

'So, where are we going?', I ask while stepping inside of the Uber.

'I reserved a table at the Le Louis XV, it's always fully booked'.

He must be joking, I have been dying to eat there for years, but like he said, it's always fully booked. If I tell them it's for Maeve Vettel they'll send interviewers etc, so I never went there.

'Wow, I have been wanting to go there since like... forever! How did you get a table there?', I ask.

'Let me keep my secrets, Vettel', he says laughing.

'Please, call me Maeve. Especially since we're on a date', I say.

'Maeve it is. Call me Esteban'.

'Alright, Esteban'.

20 minutes later we arrive at the restaurant, he holds my hand while walking inside.

To my uttermost shock, the restaurant is completely empty, no one is here.

'What is this?', I say.

'I didn't want people to interrupt us, so I booked every table', he says proudly.

'Oh my god! Esteban, you are amazing!', 

'Please, it's no big deal'.

But it is, it is a big deal. He booked the whole restaurant. The prices here are expensive, even for me, and a table here is 250 euros. It is a big deal, there must be 100 tables inside this restaurant. Which is.... 25.000 euros for only booking the tables.

He pulls out my chair and I take a seat. 

A waiter comes up to the table.

'Thank you for choosing our restaurant, can I get you something to drink?', he says.

'Yes, please give us your most expensive wine', Esteban says.

I look at him with big eyes.

'That would be 30.000 euros sir', the waiter says, even more shocked than I am.

'Great!', Esteban says. The waiter walks away.

'I-', No words are able to be formed inside my mouth.

'Please, let's talk about you. May I ask where you grew up?', he folds his hands together and listens to me while I talk.

He is amazing.

Really amazing.

Later that night.

Esteban and I arrived at my house, I told Sienna and Luci I was tired so I wouldn't to go back there.

'I had a great time tonight', I say.

'Me too, are you in for a second date?', he asks.

I nod and smile.

'I would love to'.

'I should get going', he backs up.

'Esteban...', I say.

'Yes?', he asks.

My lips slam into his.

He places his hands on my back.

My hands are on his face.

His hand glides across my back.

I pull back.

'I'm sorry I should have n-'

'Please don't apologize', he says.

'It was amazing, and I kinda wanted to do the same', he blushes.

We look at each other, both of us being scared to say something.

'Goodnight Esteban', I finally say.

'Goodnight Maeve'.

I walk into my house and close the door behind me.

Oh my god.

I love the French.

and I love expensive wine.
