15: 'Because of Charles'

Charles' point of view

'Where do you want me?', Luci is recording a 'Guess the word' with me, I have looked forward to this the whole week.

'Just right there, on that chair. I'll give you an English word and then you'll translate it into French and Italian. Okay?', she says.

'Won't that be fucking boring?'.

'No, the girls are drooling over accents. Boys too', she says and re-adjusts the camera so I'm completely on camera.

'Alright. You ready?', she asks.

'Yeah', I say.

The video:

CH: Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well wherever you are. I'm Charles Leclerc and we are currently at the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix.

CH: Luci here will give me words in English which I then have to translate into French and Italian, so let's learn some languages, shall we?

LU: First word, car.

CH: So in French, car is Voiture and in Italian car is Auto.

LU: How would you use it in a sentence?

CH: So, if I say something like, I drive fast cars. In Italian, it would be Sto guidando auto veloci and in French, it would be Je conduis des voitures rapides.

LU: Beautiful

CH: Beautiful is an easy one. In French, it's beau or belle and in Italian it's Bellissimo. So for example if I say. *Looks at Luci* You are beautiful. It would be Sei Bello in Italian and Tu es belle in French.

LU: *Blushes* Okay, now, eyes.

CH: Yeux in French. Tu as de beaux yeux. In Italian it's occhi. Hai dei bellissimi occhi. Which means, you have beautiful eyes.

*A lot of words later*

LU: Those were all the words, do you have something to say?

CH: Yes! Thank you so much for watching, this was a lot of fun! Make sure you subscribe to the Scuderia Ferrari YouTube channel and please watch me race this Sunday! Have a nice day you all!

*End of video*

'Thank you for doing this, I will make sure the video gets watched', Luci says

'Please, it's no big deal, princess', I put on my sunglasses.

'Shall we go to the paddock? I have some interviews to do and some pictures', I ask Luci.

'Sure, I will walk with you and make sure you won't do something stupid'.

Luciana's point of view

We walk out of the motorhome and immediately I see all the people in the paddock.

It's kind of making me stop breathing, suddenly I feel so anxious.

'Charles! Here please!', an interviewer yells.

Charles and I walk to the interviewer and I make sure he walks in front of me.

There are fans behind the interviewer, I'm looking at them. They're wearing Ferrari shirts and Charles' number or Carlos' number.

'Charles! Can we get an autograph? Please?', A little girl yells.

I walk towards the girl. 'Shall I give your bracelets to him and then tell him to sign the card? I'll bring it right back!', I ask the little girl.

'Yes, please!', the girl hands me the bracelets and a card of Charles in a Red Bull suit, I can't help but laugh.

Charles is talking to the interviewer so I don't dare to interrupt them.

'Luci? Something wrong?', He asks while the interviewer goes over her questions one last time.

'Can you please sign this card for that little girl,' I point at her and she waves with a cute smile. 'And here are the bracelets she made for you', I tell him.

'Really? A Red Bull suit? I'd have to talk to her, please tell her I'm coming to her right after this interview'.

I smile and grab the signed card from him, I walk towards the girl.

'Hello little one, It's me again. He told me to tell you that Charles will come over soon and talk to you, okay?', I say, she smiles.

I hear a loud sigh and look up, It's presumably the girl's mom, she looks infuriated.

'Hello Ma'am!', I say to the woman.

The woman puts her hands on the little girl's ears.

'Don't you fucking Ma'am me, you slut.'

I am shocked, what the fuck did she just call me?

'Excuse me?', I say.

'You heard me, my daughter here thought she was going to marry Charles, and now you are', I burst into laughter but the woman looks dead serious.

'Ma'am, your daughter is probably 7 years old, he could be her father', I say.

'Yeah, unfortunately, he isn't, now he's fucking you', she claims.

My throat begins to burn and I feel tears forming at the back of my eyes.

'Please don't say that, the relationship Charles and I have is highly professional', I say.

'Yeah right, but behind closed doors, you're just screwing him', some girl next to the woman says.

'What happened to girls supporting girls?', I say.

'Girls don't support girls when they sleep with our man', the girl says.

I am left speechless and I honestly don't think I can react to them.

'You're not even denying it, which is the worst part, god... your father must be proud raising a little whore', she says.

How dare she talk about my father that way...

'Probably because her dad married a hoe too, fucked her and she got knocked up. Tell me 'Ma'am', where is your mother right now?', the woman says.

Okay, I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I simply brush it away.

'Six feet under, to be precise', I say.

I want to walk away but I feel Charles' hand on my back.

'Hello ladies, so who here gave me the beautiful bracelets', he says,

The woman has taken her hands off the girl's ears and the little girl is basically screaming.

'Me! Me! Sir, it's from me!'

Charles laughs and takes a picture with the girl.

The other girls want a photo too, but when he is about to take a photo with the mother and the girl next to her I put a stop to it.

'Please, Mr. Leclerc is very busy, I, as his content creator, am going to need to stop this', I say and I push the phone out of Charles' face.

The faces of these two are worth every damn thing.

'You Bi-', the mother wants to say but I interrupt her.

'Please, your child is right here. Have a nice day sweetie', I tell the girl.

Charles looks at me confused but follows me when I walk away.

'What the hell was that about?', he says, when we finally arrive at the motor home.

Suddenly I can't stop it.

My breathing has become irregular.

I can't breathe

My throat is itching

My eyes are burning

And then...

I cry


'P-please, I'm sorry. You can g-go, don't w-worry about me', I stutter.

'God, Luciana. How can you tell me not to worry when that is the first thing I do when I wake up? I worry about you.' He says.

Tears are rolling down my face.

Probably a bunch of boogers on my nose, god, not sexy at all.

'Do you want me to get your dad?', He asks.

I nod but when he plans to walk away I feel terrified.

'Please don't go... don't leave me too', I say, not able to control any of my words.

'Okay, Okay princess I will be right here okay?', I sit down on the couch, Charles helps me find it and he sits next to me.

He grabs his phone and texts someone.

'Okay your dad is on his way, now please, princess, listen to me, what did they say?', he asks.

'T-they, they told me we're fucking and that I'm your little hoe and then they told me that I was raised as a hoe because my mother was one and they asked me where she is so I said, six feet under, and then you came and every-', I'm just rambling on.

Charles lets out a little laugh, a small one.

'You said six feet under?', he asks.

I nod and somehow I cry even harder, what is happening?

'Oh please! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it worse', he says.

I shake my head. 'It really isn't your fa-', my breathing stops and suddenly I run out of oxygen.

'Luci, Luci come on give me your hand', he grabs my hand and places it on his chest.

His heart is beating, really loudly.

'You feeling that? Concentrate on it, only on my heartbeat. Just my heartbeat'.

I concentrate on it, my oxygen slowly returning.

'Now, match your breathing with mine', he slowly breathes in and out and I copy him.

'That's great Luci, go on'.

I continue to copy him and my breathing becomes regular. My eyes are burning less.

'Charles! That was amazing!', My dad walks into the room.

'Chérie, please are you okay?', he asks me.

He sits in front of me on his knees.

'je vais bien', I say.

'Because of Charles'
