33: Something you can taste

Charles' point of view

'That's Carlos' ex-girlfriend, broke up because she didn't like to travel to Barcelona', I say.

'Ohh that's a good one, that's Norris' ex-girlfriend. Broke up because she didn't want to go public', she listens to me carefully and smiles.

'So, Mrs Leclerc, when did you decide to lie? I thought you didn't want that?'.

'Well, Mr Leclerc. Respectfully, your ex-girlfriend is a bitch, a moron, a pain in my ass', I laugh.

'Something funny?', Chris walks up to me, Charlotte's new fiancée... or I guess husband.

'Just talking about how amazing this is really, and that my ring in comparison to your ring is much and much smaller', Luci shakes Chris' hand.

'I'm Luciana, Charles' girlfriend', she says, I can't help but smile.

'Fiancée, princess'

'Nice to meet you Luciana, may I call you Luci?', Chris asks.

'All of my friends may call me Luci! So do you', she smiles.

Okay she's quite a bitch.

'Well Luci, I'm so happy that you joined us with your fianceé today', he winks.

Something is wrong with this couple to be fucking honest.

'Please Luciana, come join us for a drink', Charlotte walks up to us. 'Charles can have a drink with the groom'.

Charles turns to me. 'You okay with that, Princess?', he asks.

I nod. 'Have fun, baby. I'll be fine'.

Hopefully, it's not for long, because if it is I will fucking kill myself.

Charles and Chris walk away, I stand there with Charlotte.

'Come Luciana, I'll introduce you to my bridesmaids.'

We walk towards this fancy table, 4 women are sitting at it.

'Girls, this is Luciana', she says my name with a sarcastic tone like earlier.

The women stare at me and then back at each other.

Then they have the nerve to fucking laugh.

'You were right babe, downgrade', one of them whispers loud enough for me to hear.

'So, you are Luciana?', the oldest one asks.

'The one and only', I fake a smile.

'Luciana, this is Rose', the oldest one holds up her hand.

'That's Riley, Marcella, and Niccita', Charlotte says.

'What is your last name, Luciana?', Marcella asks.

'Does it matter? I will be Leclerc soon', I laugh.

Charlotte sighs and looks at Riley, who then winks at her.

'Really, because you look like a Vasseur to me', Marcella says.


'Really? Never heard that one', I say.

Charlotte laughs.

'Luciana, why don't you take a seat next to Rose', I walk over to the empty chair and sit down.

'Please ignore these bitches, I love them but they're horrible', Rose whispers.

I smile.

'Rose, care to share the secret?', Riley hisses.

'I just told her to skip the chardonnay because this one is cheap. Really Charlotte, did you empty your pockets with the huge cake or something?', Rose laughs.

Charlotte is not happy with that comment.

'Rose the chardonnay is fine.' Riley claims.

'So how long have you and Leclerc been dating?', Marcella asks.

'We've been dating for like ten months'.

'And already engaged?', Rose asks.

'Yes, Charles told me he didn't want to hide the diamond. Charlotte how long have you and Chris been dating?', knowing damn well they've only been dating for 5 months.

'Five months, but we've known each other for longer'.

'Char, remind me when did you and Charles break up?', Riley asks.

'A year ago'.

'And you've been dating for ten months... wow I would feel like a ... rebound', Riley say sneaky.

'Not if the last relationship was shit', I whisper.

'What was that?', Riley asks.


'I believe you said; not if the last relationship was shit', she repeats.

What a bitch.

'How dare you', Charlotte laughs.

She stands up and walks towards me.

Standing directly in front of me, me still sitting down, she looks quite intimidating.

'Listen to me, you bimbo', she says.

'You can act like you're his fiancée all you want, but I know the truth. You're just a toy to him, pleasure'.

I laugh.

'True, he called you queen, didn't he Charlotte?', Riley says.

He did what?

Fuck I grew fond of that nickname.

'Yes, I was his queen... yet you are just... a princess'.

'Please Charlotte, you are just annoyed that I am sleeping in his bed instead of you', I fake a smile.

'We never slept much, if you know what I mean'.

I hate her.

'Sounds like you were more his toy, I get dates... nice restaurants... movie nights', I smile.

'Listen to me, you bitch. He doesn't want you. You mean nothing to him, you are just here to help him get over me. You will never be his wife and you will never outshine me. The media loved me, yet they don't talk about you.'

My eyes start to burn, but these bitches don't deserve my tears.

I stand up.

'Maybe it's time for me to go'.

'Yes, it is. But leave Leclerc, make him happy. He'll never be his truest self with you. You are pathetic, you act like a model but deep down you are just a homewrecker. Do you have problems with that? Go cry about it to your mommy... oh wait...', she laughs,

My breathing starts to become irregular and suddenly the whole room starts to spin.

'I-', I try to speak but my throat is closing up.

I feel like I can't breathe.

'Luciana... you are worthless. Ask him why he calls you princess, he'll be completely honest. You... are... nothing'.

I stand up and run away towards the bathroom.

I can't breathe.

My throat is closed.

I'm sobbing, completely drenched in my own tears.

Why the fuck did she say all those things.

The thing about my mom hurt the most.

'Luciana?', Rose walks in.

I wave her off.

'Luci breathe, do you want some water?'.

Now is not the time to tell her to call me Luciana.

'Ch-', I try to say.

'Chardonnay?', she asks worried.

She walks closer, her hands on my back, I shake my head.

'Breath hun, say it slower', she says.

'Charl-', I bump against the wall and I let myself fall.

I'm on the ground, rocking myself.

'Charles? You want Charles?', she asks, I nod.

'I'll be right back okay?' she walks away.

Calm down Luci, come on calm down.

I try to take off my neckless, just to try and make myself breathe but it doesn't go off.

I just pull really hard and all the beads fall to the ground.

Then the door slams open, it's him, finally.

'Princess? ', Please don't use the nickname right now.

'Calm down, Luciana', he runs towards me and kneels on the ground.

'You cold?', he sees me shivering, I nod.

He takes off his jacket and pulls it right over my shoulders.

'Luci, I want you to listen to me okay? Move over'.

He sits down next to me, holding my hands.

'Okay calm down', he places my hand on his chest.

'You feel that? Match my breathing', he breathes in and out.

I copy him, not fluently but better.

My throat is opening up again.

'Good girl, now tell me five things you see okay?'.

'I- I see you... Rose... bathroom stalls... soap dispenser and... and my pearly beads on the ground', I stutter.

He smiles. 'Yes, now four things you can touch'.

'Uhm... your chest... the wall... the ground and... my face?', I say.

'Yes princess, you're doing amazing. Three things you can hear?'.

'I hear you, my own breathing and... the sink is dripping', Charles laughs.

'Yes it is... two things you can smell'.

'Toilet water and... your cologne'.

'Isn't that the same smell?', he smiles.

I smile back at him.

Everything starts to feel better but then...

she walks in.

'Here is she, girl are you okay?', she acts as if nothing happened.

My breathing becomes harder and I go fully down the spiral again.

'Luci no, come on, follow my breathing'.

I try but it doesn't work, not with her here.

'One thing you can taste?', he asks.

I shake my head.

'Baby please', his eyes directly faced at mine.

'She... gone', I try to say.

'Someone get Charlotte out of here', he screams but no one does anything. 'Now!!'.

Then suddenly I feel his lips against mine.

His hands cup my cheek.

His other hand moving up my back.

I gasp for air.

'Something you can taste', he asks.


He smiles and then turns his hand.

'Didn't you hear me? Out!', he screams to Charlotte.
