16: We've had today.

Later that day

Luciana's point of view

'Luci, you are allowed to get another glass', Maeve grabs another bottle of wine and pours me another glass.

'Wait, why am I not allowed to have a new... another... glass', Sienna mumbles.

'Because Luci has had a hard day, and you are already too far gone', Maeve says.

I grab the glass and put it to my mouth.

'Luci, you shouldn't think about that awful mother, you shall need to think about Charles. Because there's definitely chemistry', Sienna says.

'Shut up. You're wasted, Sienna', I say.

'Not wasted enough to not see the sparks that fly between you', she yells at me.

'You just busted my fucking eardrum, your sentences don't even make sense anymore', Maeve says.

'True story, and why are you trying to set me up with Charles? 1. He's my boss, 2. He works for my dad', I say.

Sienna clears her throat

'1. He's flamingly fucking honest to god hot', I can't help but laugh. '2. Forbidden romance is my favorite trope, 3. you are fucking hot and you will make cute babies'. She says.

'Sienna is just feeling left out, being the only one in a relationship', Maeve says.

'Definitely not, I'm giving him no ring', Sienna laughs.

'No, I believe the traditional thing is to do it the other way around', I say.

'Get me another glass Maeve, get one for yourself too, It's my treat', Sienna says.

'Sienna, this is my house, how can you treat me?', Maeve says while laughing.

Sien pulls out her wallet and grabs five 100 euro bills.

'What did the bottle cost? Here is this enough?', she pushes it into Maeve's palm.

Maeve pushes it back. 'Get the fuck out of here, I'm not letting you pay me, especially not since the bottle was 20 euros'.

'Wow, I must buy this wine, send me a link please.' I say.

'Me too!', Sienna yells. Maeve grabs the bottle and pours her another drink.

'But guys, what if we all get together with a driver?', Sienna says.

'No thanks, I'll get together with whom I fall in love', Maeve says.

'Which is totally going to be Max, I see it happening', Sienna tries to whisper but she's way too drunk to even try.

'Not true, Also I'm not the one dating my brother's best friend', Maeve says.

'We're really not dating'

'Sienna, what are you doing then?', I say.

'Mostly fucking, it's great. 10/10, could recommend', she says.

'God, please kill me now', Maeve laughs.

'But I'm serious, he drives as good as he rides... if you get what I mean', Sienna says.

'Wish I didn't', I claim.

'But he isn't as fast as on track, well not all the time. He is gentle and soft unless you know... it's not... then he's really just an ani-', I interrupt her, 'Stop it Sienna I'm this close to puking'.

'Maeve, get yourself another glass', Sienna says once again.

'Sienna, I can't fucking drink'.

'Why? You pregnant?', Sienna says.

I spit out the leftover wine in my mouth.

She's pregnant?

'No, what the fuck. I haven't slept with anyone in months', Maeve says.

'How far along are you?', Sienna says.

'I race tomorrow, that's why I can't drink. Please leave me alone'.

Sienna gasps. 'I totally forgot! Norris starts p20 so it's not even worth watching tbh'.

'Uhm... what about Carlos? Or Maeve?', I say,

'Oh yeah, true'.

I feel my phone pinging

'Oh no', I say.

I show the Instagram Story to Sienna and Maeve.

Sienna, being completely sober in an instant, is angry.

'What the fuck, I wasn't even with Oscar yesterday.' She says.

'Girl, please you don't have to explain it to us. We know it isn't you because this girl is definitely white', Maeve says.

I look closer at the photo. 'White I wouldn't say, she could be Polish or something, but not Latina like you Sien'.

'I'm texting Oscar right now', Sienna says while taking out her phone.

Maeve walks to the window.

'Fuck, have you been spotted walking towards here?', Maeve asks Sienna.

'Well, I don't know I think so yeah', she responds.

I walk up to Maeve.

'Oh god, there is no way you're getting home without being seen', I say.

Sienna runs towards us and looks outside.

The street is filled with paparazzi and other people.

'Oh god, and now they know you're staying in this hotel', Sienna says to Maeve.

'Sienna don't even worry about it, I'll be gone tomorrow'.

'I've texted Oscar, he's telling me that the girl is not me... it's... oh god', she almost drops her phone.

'What? Sienna who is it?', I ask.

'It's his girlfriend'

My heart drops, the poor thing. She's in love with an F1 driver, who is always busy and never has time, she doesn't know how cruel the interviewers are, etc. She wants to stay unknown to the public and now photos of her and her boyfriend are being sold as him and some other girl, must be harsh.

Sienna places the phone next to her ear.

Sienna's point of view

'Oscar, I'm so so so sorry!', I say, immediately when he picks up the phone.

'Sienna, it is really not your fault, it was mine. Grace, my girlfriend, told me it wasn't a good idea and I told her I'd be fine', he sounds like he's crying.

'Oscar are you okay?', I ask.

'Not really, she's packing her bags and flying to her house tonight, we broke up'.

I sigh.

'No Oscar please, please don't let it ruin your relationship', I say.

'I fear I have no choice'.

'You know what, you do have a choice, I'll fix this. I will make my 'relationship' with Norris public', I say.

Luci and Maeve look at me with big eyes.

'You are doing what?', they say.

'Sienna, don't lie for me', Oscar says.

'No Oscar I haven't been completely honest with you, I have been seeing Norris since like uhm... two weeks or something? We have been mostly hooking up not really more than that but I'll tell the public we're dating, it will be fine I promise.

'Sienna you can't do that', Oscar and Luci say at the same time.

'What other choice do we have?', I say.

'Just let them think whatever', Oscar says.

'What about your girlfriend?', I say.

'Ex-girlfriend, Sienna'.

'Give me Grace, give her to me right now', I demand.

I hear some buzz at the end of the phone.

'This is Grace', I hear.

'Grace, hello. This is definitely not the way I wanted us to meet but I'm Sienna'. 

'I know who you are, Oscar has told me all about you'.

'Grace please, Oscar is a great kid and I know you know him better than I do so pleas-'

'Do I? Do I really know him better than you do? You grew up in this world, with Carlos. I am on my own here. I have loved him since I was 5 years old Sienna, and I am not a girl who you can introduce to your parents and definitely not media worthy', she says.

'Grace please, you think I was ready for this? For all the interviewers being rude because Carlos didn't win? People sexualizing me since I was 12 years old? We're women, we'll get through it even though it's hard', I say.

'I'm scared of what the media will say about me, I really am', she sighs.

'Well, they kinda thought you were me, and I get described as beautiful if I may say so myself. So I can't imagine it being really bad', I try to lighten the mood.

She laughs.

'You are really pretty Sienna'.

'You are too Grace, please just don't break up with him. I will make my relationship status known tomorrow morning when I am sobered up. I'll tell the world who I am really 'dating' and the world will know it's not Oscar, okay?'.

'Yes, Sienna, that's really sweet of you. I won't leave him, not yet, I promise', she says.

'Great, have a nice evening, Grace.'

'You too, Sienna'.

I hang up the phone.

Now, I am going to try and go home.

And then tomorrow,

god, tomorrow.

Well, whatever happens tomorrow.

We've had today.
