14: No fucking clue

Max's point of view

I take my helmet off and place it down.

I'm starting P2 tomorrow, and all because of Vettel.

'Horner, who is starting where?', I walk towards him.

'You're starting P1, Charles P2 and I believe Carlos P3', he says.

'What? Where is Vettel starting?', I ask,

'Vettel is under investigation, maybe she won't start at all tomorrow', he whispers.

Yes! I'm starting P1! Finally something to make my father proud.

Still, I somehow can't describe a feeling inside me that just popped in.

Is it... pity?

'How? It wasn't my fault, my car wasn't working,' I ask.

'Exactly,  Maeve was going slowest, she should have braked and she didn't. She is being held accountable,' he says.

The feeling inside me increases

'Verstappen! Ready to start P2 tomorrow?', Maeve walks towards me.

'You haven't told her yet?', I ask Horner.

'Oh Max, I was just joking. But how could you both have done this to me? If anyone from the FIA was listening to your radio line you would have been punished very badly', he says,

The feeling slowly decreases, leaving only... emptiness.

No P1 to make my father proud.

'Christian, we didn't and no one was listening, we made sure of that. Now this will be an easy win tomorrow', Maeve says.

'Charles is P3, if you are not careful tomorrow you will be eaten alive, watch the fuck out okay?', Horner says.

'Yeah Christian, we understand', I say.

Christian walks away and I look at Maeve

I notice she was already looking at me

'That was so worth it', she says

'It was, but it was dangerous Vettel'.

'I know, I'm sorry for risking it', she whispers.

'Don't worry about it, really', I say and walk away.

Luciana's point of view

Maeve walks towards me.

'Babe you did great!', I tell her.

'Thank you, girl! Where is Sien?', she asks.

Do I really have to be the one to say this?

 'Okay don't get mad at me but she threw like a fucking tantrum when you, Max, and Lando had that... 'accident'.' I tell her.

She stares at me in disbelief.

'Really? I did it because the motherfucker hurt her', I say.

I nod.

'She knows, I told her about it, but she... I don't know... something changed,' I say.

'Okay let's find her, but first I have to go to the McLaren garage to tell Lando I'm sorry. In that way he can never blame me or whatever', Maeve says.

We walk to the garage and pass a lot of people.

When we arrive Oscar is standing there.

'Piastri, nice quali', Maeve says. I nod.

'Thanks, you too! Lando is not upset with you, just with himself', Oscar claims.

'Where can I find him?', Maeve asks.

'I'm not sure, sorry!', Oscar says and gets called into the garage so he walks away.

'That's weird', Maeve says.

I look around, trying to find an orange Brit.

We decide to walk to Red Bull's garage, but when we are almost there I see something moving behind the stands, almost too vague for someone to be seen... but I have history with those stands... 

'Look over there, I think we can find out who our mystery girl is', I grab Maeve's hand and we walk towards Lando who is definitely with some girl over there.

We are walking slowly, trying not to get anyone to notice us, including Lando and the mystery girl.

We are eavesdropping... oops

'Don't blame them, sweetheart. I really don't care starting last, besides... maybe I'll get a DNF or something and we can just lay in bed the whole day,' he says to the girl.

'Lando, please don't DNF. If Max makes sure you DNF tomorrow I'll fucking jump off a bridge,' I notice that accent... but who is it?

'Sweetheart, don't be like that. At the end of the day it's just for fun', he says.

'For fun? You earn fucking 15 million euros or pounds per year! Fucking Verstappen earns 70!', the girl says.

'I'd give anything in this whole ass world only if it meant for you and me to just lay in bed together without worrying about someone's brother', he says and kisses her forehead.

Suddenly something in my mind clicks, and when I look at Maeve I notice that in her mind it clicks too.

'That's...', Maeve whispers.

I am shocked.

Sienna's point of view

'Sienna...', I turn around to find Maeve and Luci standing there.

'G-guys... what are you doing here?', I stutter.

'We could ask you the same thing', Maeve says.

'Although it's pretty simple, you're just here to stick your tongue down his throat right?', Luci says.

'Please keep your voice down... if Carlos finds ou-'.

'This is about Carlos? Is that the reason you haven't told us you were together with him every time we brought up that he was a dick to you all those years ago', Maeve says.

 'Maeve shut up, we're not together', I say.

'Yet', Lando says.

If looks could kill... Maeve and Luci would've definitely just killed him.

'Does he know?', Maeve asks.

I am unable to find the right words.

'Know what?', Lando asks.

'She loved you... when Carlos was still at McLaren. She was head over heels for you, but you never noticed her. You just saw her as Carlos' little sister and now when she's older and more mature-', Maeve starts.

'And has bigger boobs', Luci finishes.

'Thank you, now suddenly you're interested?',  Maeve says.

Lando's face is turning white.

'You liked me? All those years ago?', he asks me.

'Well... depends what liked means...', I say.

'She talks about you 24/7', Maeve says.

'She has your posters hidden behind a painting in her house', Luci says.

'Okay, I think that is enough', I say.

Lando laughs.

'Really? You really loved me? God... I finally have the answer'.

'What?', I ask.

'I was like... madly in love with you... but I thought you just saw me as Carlos' teammate'.

Maeve and Luci's jaw just dropped.

'You what?', Luci says.

'God... we were so wrong', Maeve tells Luci.

Lando walks towards me and places his hands on my hips.

'Okay please stop this part, just say you're sorry for not telling us and we'll say we're sorry for doing... this, and then we'll be friends again', Maeve says.

'No', I say. 'I'm sorry for not telling you, but you weren't very supportive of me either. And I know it's because you didn't want me to get hurt but it's my life'.

Maeve nods. 'I understand, and we're very sorry for that. Also I'm sorry for driving you off the circuit Lando'.

Lando turns his head. 'What? It was on purpose?', he asks.

'Well... not really....', Maeve says shyly.

Lando just starts laughing.

'I would have done the same probably but... you better be careful because I want to win this Sunday and nothing is stopping me', he says.

'No DNF?', I ask.

'No DNF'.

'Okay we said sorry, we won't tell anyone... can we go now because you're closeness makes me nauseous', Luci says.

I laugh and nod.

'We'll talk about this later okay? Tonight?', I ask.

'Yes, we will. We love you, Sienna'.

'Love you too guys'.

The girls walk away and Lando turns to me.

'What just happened?', he asks.

'My best friends just found out about this', I say.

'This? What is 'this'?'.

I shake my head.

'I have no fucking clue', I say.

'Are you blaming me for them finding out?', he asks.

'No, I was the one who told you we should keep some distance and then I went to kiss you here so... let's not blame anyone', I say.

'Do you trust them not to tell anyone?', Lando says.

'I trust them with my life. To be honest, what can they tell? We don't even know what we are', I say.

'Well, they could tell Carlos that we kissed and that you are the mystery girl whom I fucked at a party'.

'God, I totally forgot that part', I say.

'Was I that forgettable?', Lando cups my cheek.

'Stop it, we can be spotted', I slap his hand away.

'Hasn't stopped you before has it?'.

My face turns red.

'Come on baby, kiss me'.

I get closer to him and give him a kiss on his cheek.

'That'll do'. He says.


'Sienna, what are we doing?'

'No idea', I say.
