6: Carlos would kill me

Later that evening

Maeve's point of view

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Girls who love Ferrari

Luci: So basically, y'all are saying Charles likes me?

Maeve: Duhu, he basically fucked you

Sienna: Hello please help me, why would Norris act like that?

Luci: Stop it Sienna, I'm not doing this again, acting like we for sure know he likes you

Maeve: I'm sorry but  Luci is right, stop being delusional, I would love for you to get together but Norris is a non-feelings kind of guy

Sienna: but only with romantical relationships, he was a great friend.

Luci: Yea... who you liked

Maeve: like*

Sienna: stfu. Really. 

Luci:  Oh god she's using punctuation marks, watch out.

Maeve:  gtg Max is texting me

Luci:  Enemies to lovers?

Sienna: really bitch? You call me delulu. Max and Maeve will never get together

Maeve: Periodt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Max Verstappen (teammate)

Max:  Congratulations on your win

Maeve:  Must be hard to type that right? Although it's probably easier otherwise you would have said it in public.

Max: Really I was trying to be nice but okay

Maeve: Thanks Max, I appreciate it.

Max: No problem, ezel

Maeve: What is ezel?

Max:  It means winner in Dutch.

Maeve: that's sweet

Maeve: I just googled it, you're a piece of shit. You'll never win again on my watch

Max: fuck you

Maeve: you wish.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

The next day

Lando's point of view

I haven't slept at all last night, I can't help it. Does she really think I don't notice her and Piastri?

They're obviously fucking eachother. God why is it making me angry? It shouldn't

I just... she makes me feel this way and I just don't understand why. I have to talk to her this evening

God... I wish I could kiss her.

I can't, Carlos would kill me


Speaking of the devil.

'Carlito, how are you doing?'

'I'm fine to be honest, doing great. You?', his face has an expression I can't place.

'I'm a bit worried about someone...', he says

God, he's not talking about me, right? I'm his best friend, he knows when I'm acting strange. What if he knows about... oh god no.

'Lando? you okay?' I hear his voice suddenly harsh

'Yeah, you were saying?'

'Sienna has opened her bakery but no one of the family or her friends is allowed to watch. Now, when she's in Bahrein, she won't even take work calls or whatever, she doesn't even get them. Back home she doesn't get them either, I suppose. I'm worried something is going on. You guys were pretty close when I was at McLaren, but not anymore, so maybe you're close enough to find out but distant enough to be let in, understand?'

'Yea, I'll go talk to her, you know,' I tell him. Maybe it's not such a good idea for me but... It gives me an excuse to be around her.

Sienna's point of view

I have been thinking about Lando's words.

'Fuck off Sainz'

My head, in which I'm sometimes still a 17-year-old girl,  who was madly in love with her brother's best friend - Everyone noticed, except the best friend... and the brother, fortunately - still wants to think that he for sure likes me, but he doesn't. 

I notice there's a difference when he talks about me and his ex-girlfriends. Sainz' little sister & 'my true love'. Making me fucking sick.

I feel my phone ringing, it's Lando. God well I do sure get mixed feelings, let me tell you that. I wait until it stops ringing and go on with watching TikTok about Lando Norris Thirst Traps, a guilty pleasure.

Lando Norris (McLaren)

Hey Sainz, please can we talk?

No Lando, we can't. Otherwise, I may end up with my tongue in your mouth but sure.

I text him back telling him to come over, my brother is home so I'm sure I won't make a move.

Lando Norris (McLaren)

Still the same hotel? With the tree?

Yes, with the tree Lando. The tree where Lando and I had our first kiss together.

I told him I liked a boy but I didn't know how to kiss, which was complete bullshit because god, I wasn't even a virgin anymore back then. 

Lando explained to me that you should only kiss if you're ready for it, then he gave me all kinds of tips.

 I asked him how I knew that I kissed alright, he told me; 'the guy will say it for you'. I smiled and wanted to walk away, but I couldn't, I kissed him. 

I was the one to push him away because I heard Carlos. Which is probably the only reason why I thought he liked me. 

I was 17, he was 20, he had to act mature so he said; 'please don't tell your brother this but, that boy is one hell of a lucky boy and you will get together with him, I promise'. 

He didn't know the boy was Lando Norris himself.

We never talked about it again, but sometimes, he makes these small jokes about trees when I'm near him. It makes me feel, like I don't know special or something.

We were lucky Carlos didn't spot us, otherwise, we would have both been dead.

I hear knocking on my hotel door, when I open it he's leaning against the doorframe and I almost lose it.

'Norris, come in, nice surprise,' I tell him.

'Sienna, I'll just say it. I'm sorry I was acting like a dick the other day.' 

I'm surprised, most men don't apologize. Green flag.

'You were, for no reason,'

He sighs.

'I was just mad at someone, I shouldn't have blamed it on you,' he says,

'Wow, Lando Norris being actually mad? When does that happen?' I laugh.

'I have feelings you know, big overwhelming ones', he walks towards me.

He is walking slowly, he's getting towards me. I can't help but back up until my back hits the wall.

'Y-you do?', I ask.

'Yea, can you guess one of those feelings?', he comes closer and places his hand above my head, against the doorframe.

'H-happiness?', I stutter

'Lust', he says.

'Lust for something I can't have', he continues.

'Well I might have the same feelings', I whisper in his ear.

His whole body is rigid, he's panting lightly but so am I.

'Don't tell me this Sienn, It's not right', he wants to step away but I only pull him closer.

'But it feels right for me, doesn't it for you?', I say.

'I stopped caring about what is right for me a long time ago, Sienna'

Dear god, forgive me for my sins

'Then do what is wrong and fucking kiss me', I whisper.

He holds my chin up with his finger.

'Such a brat', he says.

He walks away to the door.

I want to beg him to stay, to kiss me in all the places that lack his touch... but I can't.

He closes and locks the door. 

He didn't plan on leaving.

He walks towards me and strokes my cheek.

This is all going so fast, much faster than a romance book. We were just friends the other day. Well okay, I liked him but still, he never noticed me before. Why now? I can't process it.

What I can process is his lips suddenly slamming into mine.

I run my hands through his hair, his hands move to the lower part of my back.

What the fuck is happening right now?
