34: Princess

Luciana's point of view

I'm fine, Charles really helped me.

We are still on the bathroom floor, I am sipping a drink that Rose brought me.

Charles is picking up the beads from my necklace.

'Charles please, it was 5 euros, let it be'.

'You sure, Princess?', he asks.

'Please don't call me that Charles'.

'You don't like it?', he asks.

'You called her queen', I sigh.

'She said that? She said I called her queen?', he laughs.

Why is he laughing?

'Yes, she said that.'

'Luciana, you don't have to believe me, but keep in mind that she's a jealous bitch.'

I nod

'I called her queen, I did, I'm not going to lie. But I didn't call her just queen, I called her the evil queen', he laughs.

'It's actually a funny story, whenever we went on a date or whatever she'd be fucking evil to the waitress or waiter or anyone who crossed her path the wrong way. I was so ashamed of her for that', he laughs.

'I'm sorry it's really not funny but she'd even 'forget' their tip and then I would wait until she left and then give the waiters some money, like 100 bucks or something'.

'That's it? Really?', I ask.

'Luciana, why would I lie to you?'.

'But then why would she say that to me? This doesn't make me jealous at all'.

'Because she doesn't know I called her the evil queen, it was an inside joke with Pierre. I just called her queen and whenever I was with Pierre only he knew the true definition'.

'I trust you, Charles, I really do'.

'Thank you, Luci. I would hate myself if I ever lost your trust', he smiles.

'Then don't let me down, mister'.

He laughs and shakes his head.

'Let's get out of here, I will grab your coat. Give me 5 minutes I'll be right back', he kisses my forehead and walks out when I give him the approval to leave me there.

I stand up and look in the mirror. My makeup has washed away.

I wash my face with water and then dry it with some paper towels. Great skincare.

'You decent?', I hear someone knocking on the door.

I don't recognize the voice.

'Yeah, come in', I stutter.

Chris walks in and closes the door again.

'Here you are, I'm so sorry for Charlotte. She can be very cruel', he smiles.

'So then why do you date her? Why do you marry her?', I ask.

He walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

'Because someone has to, I hoped Charles would, but he didn't so now I have to'.

What the fuck? That makes no fucking sense.

His hand moves to my lower back and he places it there.

'You see I'd rather marry you', he smiles.

His hand moves to my ass and before I can even move away he squeezes my ass.

'Excuse me?', I take a firm grip of his hand and push it away.

'Come on, you slutty woman. I know you like it rough', he places his hands on my boobs.

'Stop it', I slap his hands away.

'Turn around for me, will you?', he smiles.

He moves towards me, I back away but I forget the wall behind me.

'Chris, stop, what are you doing?', I yell.

'Sst, you know you want it', his lips touch mine.

I push him away.

'God, you dick!'.

I run out of the bathroom.

'Luci?', Charles walks up to me.

'Can we leave?', I ask.

'Yes of course', Charles says, our coats in his hands.

He hands me my coat and we turn to walk away.

'You will think about what I said right?', Charlotte asks, was she standing there the whole time?

'I will, especially when tonight I am the one who fucks Charles, not you', I smile.

Her eyes grow with horror.

'What did you just say?', she growls.

'Oh and btw, your man is a cheating dick. He just kissed me in the bathroom', I laugh.

'You're a filthy bitch', she hisses.

'Atleast I'm not ugly', the anger inside of me grows.

'At least I still have my moth-'

Before I can even think my fist is against her cheek.

I punched her so hard she's crying right now.

'Princess, you are so hot right now', Charles whispers.

'We can go Charles'.

'Not yet', Charles walks up to Chris.

'Whoa, what's wrong buddy?', Chris asks.

'Don't call me buddy, you just harrassed my fiancée', Charles hisses.

'No hard feelings man-'

And yet again, Charles punched someone.

I can't help but feel... amazing... because he just called me his fiancée and he didn't have to.

'Let's go, Princess'.

'Yeah, by the way, that was so hot', I whisper.

He looks at me and winks.

When we arrive at his mother's house half an hour later she is already standing outside.

'Mon dieu! Luciana Vasseur!', she walks towards me.

'Hello Mrs. Leclerc', I smile and she pulls me in for a hug.

'I didn't know you were joining us!', she gives me a peck on my forehead.

 'Charles suggested it in the car and I couldn't be more thrilled!'.

'I'm happy to see you, my dear, I baked you a chocolate pie'.

'Mom, that's my favorite!', Charles hugs his mother.

'Yes but Luci gets the first slice', she smiles at me.

'Do you mind if I call you Luci?', she asks.

'No, not at all!'

I walk inside the house and immediately get greeted by Arthur and Lorenzo.

'Luciana! I'm Arthur and this is Lorenzo', Arthur shakes my hand.

'Please, call me Luci!'.

We sit at the dining table, it has been nicely set and there is amazing food, really good food.

I'm eating like a lot because Charles keeps saying I need to eat.

Like Mr I am eating I'm eating for two basically.

'Princess, do you want some more wine?', he asks.

'Princess, mon dieu, how romantic', his mom screeches.

'Very', Arthur says to Lorenzo, they laugh.

Charles walks off to get me some more wine.

'Luci, did you know Charles did horseriding in his early days?', Arthur laughs.

His mom, Pascale starts to laugh.

'Yea and he was very fond of our mother, he couldn't sleep in his own bed for years, and then I mean... years', Lorenzo follows.

I laugh.

'Guys, you are not telling her about embarrassing things right?', Charles walks in.

'They would never', I laugh.

We have an amazing evening and Charles is taking me home.

It was amazing, his family is so amazing.

I step out of the car.

'This was a... interesting day', I smile.

'Yeah, it was'.

'I won't forget it tho', he laughs.

'I won't either, especially not that uhm...'

'Kiss?', he asks.

'It was amazing, really'.

'Well, I actually forgot how your lips feel... mind if I... feel again?', he walks towards me.

'Not at all', I smile.

His lips yet again meet mine.

It wasn't the first, but I have a feeling it will not be the last.

'Goodnight Charles'.

'Goodnight, princess'.
