55: Time heals all wounds

The next day

Lando's point of view

When my eyes open I can see I'm not in the room I was supposed to stay.

The Latina snoring next to me confirms my thought.

I grab my phone, trying not to wake her.

Fuck... it's already 9am.

We are having breakfast at 9:30, which means that her mother is already awake, and her father is too.

I really didn't want to wake her but I kinda have to now.

'Sienna...', I whisper.

She moves a little but her snoring comes back, mission failed.

'Sienna', I poke her in her side. 'Wake up'

'What?', she says angrily.

'It's 9am, I'm still in your bed, I have to get out of here'

Sienna turns around. 'It's 9? fuck'.

'You have to help me get out of here', I say

Sienna gets out of bed, stealing the blanket to cover her... naked body

Meanwhile, it leaves my body completely exposed.

'Sainz, get that fucking blanket back here'

She looks at me and then laughs.

'I forgot we had se-'

'SH!', I whisper yell. 'What if someone walks past?'

'Lando, my room is literally on the opposite side of the house, the only room near mine is the laundry room and believe me, my mother never does laundry, she lets the maids do it'.

'They could see me!', I freak out.

'Oh my fucki- NORRIS THEY LITERALLY HAVE A NDA, if they talk they lose their house!'

'That is really concerning if I have to be honest', I grab a pair of pants.

'Just go, grab your clothes, and go... if someone sees you tell them you used the bathroom and got lost or something', Sienna says.

'Okay, fine', I grab my shirt and I walk to the door. 'Goodbye, mistress'.

'Shut up, you're my boyfriend, Lando'

'Fucking mint', I walk out of the door.

Sienna's point of view

I get inside his car, immediatly turning on the massage function.

'Passenger princess has arrived, ready for take off', I joke.

He starts the navigation system.

'Are you telling me where we are going?', I ask, once we leave the drive-way.

'Not yet, but I am sure you'll be mad at me once you find out'


'Lando, where are we going?', I ask again.

'We're going to Naomi'

My heart sinks as soon as he says her name.


'How did you get her adress?', I ask confused

'I texted her... I figured it would do you good to see her, you're management has been telling me some things... you don't visit her anymore', he says.

'Because she's so sick... I can't look at her, knowing it was my fau-'

'Don't you dare', he interrupts me. 'Don't say it, Sienna'.

'God... why are you bringing me to her', I place my head in my hands.

'Because you need to realize that it is not your fault... open the envelope', he points to an envelope on the dashboard.

I grab the envelope and open it.

It's cash.

A lot of cash.

'Lando...', I say shocked. 'How much?'

'Enough', he says.

'How much, Lando'

'500 thousand', he coughs. 'It is enough for all the costs, chemo and medicine'.

'How did you-'

'Sienna... let me help you, your problems are my problems. I have my ways'.

'God, I have to pay you back... what is your Venmo or something?', I open my phone.

'Don't pay me back Sainz... you will one day, just not with money'

I look confused. 'What do you mean? How will I pay you back?', I ask.

'By signing marriage papers and taking my last name', he says, no hint of sarcasm or jokes.

'You serious?'

'If I wasn't I wouldn't say this stuff... Sienna.' He laughs. 'Marry me'.

'What? Like right now? Is this your proposal?', I stutter.

'No ofcourse not, more like a warning... be prepared for the day I will propose'.

I look out of the car window.

I can't believe Lando Norris just asked me to marry him.

Well not really... in the future.

Lando's point of view

A woman opens the door, basing on Sienna's expression this isn't Naomi.

'Hello Victoria, how are you holding up?', Sienna gives the woman called Victoria a hug.

'Miss Sainz, I'm hanging in there... it's hard these days', she smiles. 'I'm glad you came, mother is happy with it... she missed you'.

'I'm sorry for not coming sooner, Vic. I am', the woman steps inside.

'It's fine, you're here now, that's all that matters'.

We walk inside the house, it is very very warm.

Victoria leads us to a small room.

'She's waiting for you', Sienna takes a deep breath. 'Don't worry, Miss, she is lucid as hell, she is still herself, like all those years ago'.

I see a bit of weight falling from Sienna's shoulders.

Sienna walks in, I let her have a moment before going after her.

A small woman is sitting in front of a big window, she is in a wheelchair.

I have to be honest, I thought she was covered in plastic or something, because of her burns and cancer but actually she's... 'normal' like us, just some scars.

'Sienna Sainz, out of sight, not out of mind', the woman's face lights up as soon as her eyes meet Sienna's.

'Naomi... my god, you look... you', Sienna stutters.

'Come on, give the sick woman a hug', Naomi laughs.

Sienna walks towards her and they hug, for a minute or so.

'Naomi, I want to introduce you to Lando Norris... my-'

'Hot boyfriend? After all these years, huh?', Naomi smiles and gestures for me to come closer.

I walk towards her and shake her hand.

'It is nice to meet you, Mrs. Stone... Sienna has told me all about you', I say.

'She hasn't, she feels I'm her darkest secret, isn't that right, Sien?', Naomi smiles.

Sienna looks at her, with a guilty expression, Naomi notices.

'Don't give me that look, Sienna. It's water under the bridge. You have done nothing wrong'

'Yet it's eating me alive... it has been since... then', Sienna dries her still hidden tears.

'Come come, my dear. No need to cry about me. If it was anyone's fault it was mine... I never should've let you come to work... I should've told you to make up with Carlos. No one... and-' Sienna's thoughts wander off, Naomi sees that. 'Child, I am talking to you... stop letting those nasty thoughts in. I am here to tell you that you did nothing wrong, dearest. What happened happened... no one could've predicted it'.

'Now you have cancer... because of me', Sienna cries.

'Honey, I smoked for 50 years, if it wasn't cancer of the skin it would've been lung cancer. To err is human, to forgive divine. Actions speak louder than words and your presence heals my wounds. I have no, absolutely no resentment against you'.

Sienna her face is covered in tears and I grab a tissue out of my pocket to dry them.

They talk a lot, meanwhile I leave the room, to give them some space.

Time heals all wounds, it's time for Sienna to forget that guilt.

I would give my life for it.
