54: better left unsaid

Photo Maeve has placed on her private Instagram.

Maeve's point of view

I walk to the kitchen, searching for my phone.

I notice the ringtone isn't mine... it's Max'.

I look at the number, Jos.

Okay, I'll answer the phone and then tell him Max is asleep... because who the fuck calls at 6:00?


'Max... you disappointment... don't tell me the rumors are true... have you been partying with that German?', Jos says.

That German? Does he mean me?

'She's a German, you can't trust her. She is much faster than you, you can't let her win this championship', he says. 'You are a disappointment if you let her win Max, I will disown you'.

'I should've beat you harder, Max. You disgust me... every day of the week I am ashamed to be called your father. Max Verstappen... your name should've been Kumpen... you are just as bad as your mother'

'Who the fuck do you think you are?', I hiss. 'You weren't any better in F1 were you? How many wins did you get? Oh right... none. Believe me, the view is better at P1 than P2, I can guarantee you that'.

'Why are you picking up his phone, Vettel?', Jos' voice is stiff and harsh.

'Because Max and I share an apartment this week, that's right. He's sleeping in the same house as a German. Now do me a favor and don't call him again at this hour. As a matter of fact, never ever call again if you keep saying he's a disappointment. He is an amazing driver and he races for the best F1 team ever. Can you say the same? I don't think so. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up', I hang up the phone.

I don't understand how one can live with him as a father, he's horrible.

I'm so lucky with mine, I understand that now.

Poor Poor Max... Jos is horrible!

'Thank you', I turn around to see Max standing there.

'No one ever stood up for me... thank you', Max says.

'It's alright... he's an asshole', I shrug.

'Yet he's still my father, unfortunately', Max sighs.

'Want to order some dessert and forget about the world?', I ask

He nods. 'Sounds better than my plan, having to bathe myself in self-pity and telling myself everyone will leave'.

'Max, we're friends now... I'm not going to leave you, I promise you won't ever have to suffer by yourself again'.

It sounds weird... saying we're friends... especially since we almost kissed.

Which also is something I did not think was going to happen this year

He smiles and I smile back.

Some things are better left unsaid

The next day, Thursday.

Sienna's point of view

'Dios mío Esperanza!', I hear my mother yelling from downstairs.

'Don't call me Esperanza!!', I yell as soon as my feet hit the staircase.

I run downstairs, wearing a formal outfit... my mother insisted.

Why shouldn't we? Royalty is coming, Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz are back at Barcelona.

My mother of course wants to act like she's having dinner with the queen.

'Querida, go get your mother's pearls and wear them', my father re-adjusts his tie.

'Papa, it's just Lando! He has been coming here since my 17th birthday'.

'Well he has to keep coming, sin discusión. Maybe I can set you two up', my dad winks at me.

'Who are we setting up?', Carlos walks into the house, Lando follows him inside.

'Carlito!', I give him a hug.

'Lando, son how are you doing?', My father gives him a handshake.

'I'm fine, thank you, sir! Is everything okay with the rallies?' Lando and my dad walk into the dining room.

'So who was he setting up, sissy?', Carlos takes off his coat.

'Lando and I', I laugh, waiting for Carlos expression.

'I could see it', Carlos says. My mind freaks out.

'Excuse me?'

'You both like the same things, you are very similar, I could see it if you two weren't my best friend and my little sister', Carlos says peacefully.

There it is.

'What if I did like Lando? Would you not allow that because he's your best friend?', I ask carefully.

'I don't know, I know how he talks about every girl he sleeps with and it would be weird to know that he would sleep with my little sister', he laughs. 'God I can't even say it without gagging'.

I laugh. 'I hope you win this weekend, I really do. I pray for it, you know?'.

'Yo también hermana, me too', he sighs.

'So then, little Sienna had to watch too of course, it was Carlos' first Torro Rosso race...', My mom is telling the story she always tells people, it's about the time when I had to go to summer camp but Carlos had his first F1 race.

'Dios mío, I was so mad I had to go to that stupid camp, luckily my dad told them I was having the flu. They called a day later telling us they saw me on TV', I explain.

'Elvira, do you want another glass of wine?', my mother gives me a kiss on my head, I see Lando looking confused.

'Si, mama'

'I'm sorry I have to ask, is Elvira a nickname or are you not really called Sienna?', Lando asks.

'No, we're not telling him this', I tell Carlos.

'Please, hermana, It is so funny!'

'It's not funny, It's honorable, those names have meaning', my father corrects my brother.

'Her full name is really long, like mine. Mine is Carlos Sainz Vazquez de Castro Cenamor Rincon Rebollo Virto Morena de Aranda mr. Per Urrielagoiria Perez del Pulgar', Carlos takes a lot of breaths during the sentence, it is a very long name.

'But why?', Lando is confused.

My father laughs.

'It is tradition, Sienna was more blessed', my father holds my hand.

'Well... define blessed... my full name is Sienna Elvira Magdalena Esperanza Catherina Morena Sainz Vazquez de Castro', I can see Lando trying to contain his smile.

'She hates Esperanza the most, so I call her Esperanza', Carlos laughs.

'Yeah, that's probably a brother's thing... don't know why tho'.

'Because they are irritating', I take a bite of my steak.

'I remember a very small nine-year-old who wanted to marry her brother', Carlos smirks.

'That's because he gave her an ice cream cone for dinner', I defend myself.

'He was too lazy to cook something, even though his parents asked him very nicely', my mother hands me the glass of wine.

'I was seventeen! Did you expect me to cook her an eight-course meal?', Carlos laughs.

'You could've ordered a pizza Carlito, llamaste a tu novia todo el tiempo, you know how the phone worked!', my mother gives him a soft slap against his head.

'Mother, you are correct. Every time I came into Carlos' room he was calling that Dutch girl, what was her name? Diana or something...'

'It was Dana, Sienna. I was in love, of course we called a lot, she was my first girlfriend', Carlos raises his eyebrows. 'You are just jealous because you never experienced that'.

'I had boyfriends!'

'Shitty boyfriends who cheated on you... should've known that Belgian boy wasn't to be trusted', my father speaks up.

'No Belgian boy is to be trusted', he turns to Lando. 'Except you, my muppet friend'.

I stiffle a laugh. 'Yeah, never dating Belgians again'

'Sienna, don't say that... there will be a cute boy for you one day', my mother assures me.

