WMPFLMSR - Meteor Garden Continuation

Meteor Garden Continuation

When the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 104: Meteor Garden Continuation (Part 1)
Chapter 104: Meteor Garden Continuation (I)

Tokyo, Japan.

In the evening, the autumn breeze was blowing, and leaves on the trees were blown down from time to time. Many luxury cars were parked in the open space outside the home of Daomingsi, the largest financial group in Japan. From time to time, elegant ladies and beautiful girls walked into Daomingsi's home accompanied by their husbands or fathers.

Because today is the 25th birthday dinner of Daomingsi Si, the only young master of the Daomingsi family and the current head of the Daomingsi Group.

There are three men who are most popular among women in Japan's upper class society.

One is Ximen Sojiro, the heir of a tea ceremony family. Unfortunately, he got engaged last year. After getting engaged, he changed his previous romantic and amorous habits. He has never been seen showing ambiguity with any beautiful woman again. He changed his personality and became a loyal and good man.

There is also Mimasaka Rei, the heiress of the Mimasaka Group who was whitewashed by Japan's largest gang. Unlike the reformed Ximen Sojiro, Mimasaka Rei is the most popular man in the Japanese wealthy women's circle. Elegant married women with unique mature charm are Mimasaka Rei's favorites. Every year, there are women who divorce for Mimasaka Rei, but after those women divorce, Mimasaka Rei will break up with them.

The last one is the widely-watched Young Master Daomingsi of the Daomingsi family. Mrs. Daomingsi has announced that Young Master Daomingsi is no longer young and it is time for the Daomingsi family to have a mistress. As soon as this was said, Japanese noble families with daughters immediately brought their daughters to attend tonight's banquet, hoping that their daughters would be noticed by Young Master Daomingsi.

In the courtyard that served as the banquet venue, almost all the unmarried girls from all the prominent families in Japan came. All kinds of beautiful girls decorated the banquet beautifully, like a beauty pageant. I just don't know what type of girls Master Daomingsi likes.

It's strange to say, as members of F4, both Ximen Sojiro and Mimasaka Rei have had many experiences in love with women, and their reputation for being romantic has spread throughout Japan, but the boss of F4, Master Daomingsi Tsukasa, seems to have never been in love. There are only rumors that Master Daomingsi once liked a commoner girl when he was in high school, and no one knows whether it is true or not.

The banquet below was very lively, but Daomingsi's father and wife were in the study, both with cold faces, in a standoff.

Daoming Si looked at the scene downstairs through the window and said coldly: "Mother, I said that I will not marry any woman."

Mrs. Daoming Si looked at Daoming Si, with a sharp look that concealed a barely perceptible concern, "Ah Si, you are the head of the Daoming Si family, and the Daoming Si family needs a mistress."

"I don't need a wife, and the Daomingsi family doesn't need a hostess." A trace of disgust flashed in Daomingsi's eyes. Ever since he came back from abroad to take over the Daomingsi Group, some young ladies from aristocratic families would often appear in his home or company. Daomingsi had already made it clear that he would have children, but he would never marry a woman. However, his mother never gave up and had deceived him into attending blind date parties many times over the years.

Daoming Si hid the resentment in his eyes, took a deep breath, turned around and was about to leave.

"Ah Si!" A trace of anger flashed across Daomingsi's wife's face. "I don't need a wife, I don't need a mistress! Do you want to live alone for the rest of your life, or do you want to find a man?"

Daoming Si paused, without turning back and facing Mrs. Daoming Si, he said in a cold voice: "I will manage the group well, but other things are my private affairs. Please don't try to interfere with me. No one can force me, not even your mother." After that, Daoming Si got up and left.

"I don't care what your relationship with Lei is, but Lei has been dead for almost ten years! Do you want to guard Lei for the rest of your life?" Mrs. Daomingsi said loudly and angrily at Daomingsi's back.

Daoming Si Si seemed not to hear the shouting behind him and left.

Daoming Si is no longer the willful boy he used to be. Although he doesn't like this banquet with hidden meanings, as the host of the banquet, Daoming Si still goes downstairs to the yard. As soon as he walked out, he was thrown into the arms of two children.

"Happy birthday, Godfather Si!" The equally pretty little boy and girl pulled Daoming Si to squat, and then each of them kissed him on the face.

Daoming Si smiled lovingly at the two children, "Thank you, Xiao Xiu and Yingzi, for your blessings. Godfather is very happy." Looking at the two children who looked similar to him, Daoming Si was distracted for a moment.

When the two little guys heard that the blessings were said, they left Daoming Si and ran off to play with their friends.

"Ah Si." Ximen Sojiro walked to Daoming Si with two glasses of red wine and handed one to Daoming Si. "Happy birthday."

The two clinked their glasses and drank the wine in the glasses. Ximen Sojiro smiled and said to Daoming Sisi: "Auntie really took a lot of care. The most outstanding young ladies in Japan are probably here."

Daoming Si's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Sojiro."

When Ximen Sojiro saw the look in Daoming Si's eyes, he sighed in his heart and stopped talking about the topic that made Daoming Si unhappy.

As soon as Daoming Si appeared, many people came to greet him. Ximen Soujiro tilted his head and whispered in Daoming Si's ear: "Ah Si, I'm going to look for Ling."

Daoming Si nodded, and Ximen Sojiro glanced at the entire banquet venue and went straight to the place where there were the most women. When he got closer, he saw that Mimasaka Ling was indeed there, surrounded by the women. She was very close to the two beautiful young women beside her, looking into each other's eyes and whispering in their ears, which was very ambiguous.

Ximen Sojiro looked at Meizu Ling as if he was used to it, and suddenly he felt tired.

The former F4 has long disappeared, Lei passed away early, and what is left are only two men who have closed their hearts and a helpless self. Asi regards work as his whole life and uses work to drive away the sorrow in his heart, while Ling is playing games with all women, but he is not moved.

Just as the sexy woman next to her was whispering in her ear, Mei Zuo Ling suddenly felt Ximen Sojiro's gaze. When they looked over, Mei Zuo Ling was stunned for a moment, pushed the woman aside and walked to Ximen Sojiro's side, saying nonchalantly: "What are you daydreaming about?"

Ximen Sojiro was silent for a while, and finally said with pain that could not be concealed: "How long has Lei been gone?"

Mei Zuoling's face froze, "Why are you talking about this?"

"Do you think Lei would be happy if he knew about the situation between you and Asi?" Ximen Sojiro felt a dull pain in his heart. His former best brothers had become like this, and he had no way to help them...

"What's wrong with us..." Mei Zuo Ling narrowed her eyes, looking cynical, "Everything is fine. Look at Ah Si, he has developed the Daomingsi Group into a thriving business, he is so promising. As for me... my father is still young and strong, it is not my turn to do anything."

"You know what I'm talking about." Ximen Sojiro stared into Meizuling's eyes, but he didn't want to talk about it anymore. This incident was like a wound in their hearts that had been festering. Turning a blind eye and pretending nothing happened would only make it more festering.

"Ah, I used to be like this too." Mei Zuo Ling avoided Ximen Sojiro's eyes and pretended to be calm, but her voice revealed his inner uneasiness. "Enjoying life, enjoying all kinds of beautiful women, didn't we all do this before? Although Sojiro, you have completely changed now, it's really boring..."

A burst of children's laughter was heard, and soon a group of children ran past Ximen Sojiro and Mimasaka Ling. Among them, Hanazawa Osamu and Hanazawa Sakura, who had big smiles on their faces, were the most eye-catching.

Ximen Sojiro and Mimasaka Ling both looked at the two of them in a trance. Through the smiling faces of the two children, they seemed to see the gentle smile of Hanazawa Rui. Their thoughts flew back to the past, when they were children, the four of them chasing and playing in the same yard, carefree...

The children quickly ran away. Ximen Sojiro was the first to come back to his senses and sighed deeply, "Ling, some things should be over. Those who left have left, and those who stayed should live their lives well. If you torture yourself like this, won't it make those who left unable to rest in peace?"

Mei Zuoling clenched her hands, her nails digging deep into the flesh of her palms, but she didn't feel any pain at all, "Can't be at ease? Really? If so, I really hope he can never be at ease, so that he can always think of me in his heart, hehe..."

Mei Zuo Ling laughed at herself, and looked at Daoming Si who was greeting guests not far away, with a complicated look in her eyes, "He is not at ease, is it because of me? I am afraid it is only Ah Si!"

Mei Zuo Ling's face was gloomy. She no longer had the interest to talk to the beautiful woman. She turned away expressionlessly, "I'm not feeling well. I'm going home first. Please help me say happy birthday to Ah Si."

Ximen Sojiro looked at Mimasaka Ling's leaving back with sorrow. The feeling of powerlessness in his heart made him only smile bitterly.

Daoming Si Si finished dealing with the guests and showed a cold expression without any enthusiasm towards all those who came to promote his daughter. He said goodbye with a formal smile and left to Ximen Sojiro's side and asked, "Where's Ling? Is she going out to fool around with women again?"

Ximen Sojiro shook his head tiredly, "He said he was not feeling well and left first. He asked me to say happy birthday on his behalf."

Daoming Si lowered his head and a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Ever since Lei left, F4 no longer existed over the years. Although everyone still maintained their relationship on the surface, he knew that Ling resented him in her heart.

Daoming Si Si pursed his lips, looked up and said to Ximen Sojiro: "Want to have a drink?"

The author has something to say: Daoming Si pursed his lips, raised his head and said to Ximen Soujiro: "Want to have a drink?"; The last sentence is not a joke. Or) Ahem, first update, continue typing, second update is expected to be after 1 o'clock, those who go to bed early don't have to wait, you can come back tomorrow o0?

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 105: Meteor Garden Continuation (Part 2)
Chapter 105: Meteor Garden Continuation (Part 2)

It is still the bar that F4 used to frequent, but after so many years, I don’t know how many times it has been renovated and how many people have changed, and I can’t find any trace of the past.

Daoming Si drank glass after glass of wine, and Ximen Soujiro rarely stopped him. Maybe he was in a bad mood today, and he also drank glass after glass, as if he also wanted to get drunk.

There was a singer performing on the small stage of the bar, singing an old love song. The tune was slow and the voice was lingering, but it was not a style that made people feel warm, but rather it was filled with a gray sense of loss and melancholy.

Daoming Si was feeling a little dizzy after drinking too much. In a daze, he seemed to hear Lei calling him. Daoming Si put on a big smile and looked behind him, but there was no sign of Lei at all.

Daoming Si's smile fell and he felt very upset. For so many years, he had been pretending to be fine, but now, Daoming Si felt that he was about to collapse.

In order to vent the feeling of wanting to burn himself, Daoming Si grabbed the wine bottles, fruit plates and other things on the table and threw them to the ground without any care. The piercing sound of breaking glass startled everyone in the bar into silence, thinking that someone was fighting. They looked over curiously, only to see Daoming Si like a madman, smashing things around non-stop.

If an ordinary person did this, everyone would definitely laugh at him and ask if he was crazy, but no one dared to openly laugh at Daoming Si's joke. When they saw that the man was Daoming Si, everyone turned their heads around and pretended that they saw nothing.

The owner of the bar heard the noise and came out, and saw Daoming Si smashing things in his bar. He was playing with the bottles, quilts and plates on the table, and when he couldn't find anything else to smash, he started smashing tables and chairs. The higher he went, the crazier he got. Ximen Sojiro, on the other hand, sat quietly on the side, stopped drinking, and watched Daoming Si's actions quietly, neither stopping him nor accompanying him.

The bar owner quickly told his people, "Go find something easy to throw and send it over."

If someone else was smashing things in his bar, he would definitely beat them up so hard that they couldn't even crawl out. But since Master Daomingsi was doing this, he could only find things in his own house that could be smashed and send them over, and even ask if they felt good about smashing things. If not, he could just smash the store...

Soon a group of younger brothers brought a pile of plates and bowls from the kitchen. The boss immediately took them over and lined them up to be thrown by Daoming Si.

Daoming Si glanced at the boss, took a stack of plates from a waiter without saying a word, and threw them on the ground. At this time, the music in the bar had stopped long ago, and the sound of plates breaking together was piercing.

Ximen Sojiro looked at the debris on the ground, picked up the only remaining wine glass he had drunk from, and threw it heavily to the ground, then said, "That's enough, Asi."

Daoming Si picked up his coat and put it on, then walked out silently on the debris on the ground. Ximen Sojiro was still sitting there, silent for a long time. The bar owner didn't dare to leave either, and was still waiting beside him.

Daoming Si never had to look at the road when he was going to walk, because others would have given way to him on both sides, lowering their heads and being respectful. But today, Daoming Si was bumped by someone.

There was only one man sitting at the table closest to the bar door. No matter how chaotic the bar was, the man would always keep his head down and drink, never raising his head, as if he didn't care about anything. But just when Daoming Si was about to leave, the man stood up and blocked Daoming Si's way.

In fact, Daoming Si Si has not been as domineering as he was in his youth for many years. He has restrained his temper over the years, but today, Daoming Si Si was in a very bad mood, and this man was just heading towards the crater of a volcano.

Daoming Si raised his fist and was about to punch the man, his fist was very fast, and it was about to land on the man's face with a lot of force, and it would not be surprising if a few teeth were knocked out.

But just when the fist was not far from the man's head, the man raised his face and looked at Daoming Si quietly, without a trace of avoidance in his eyes.

Daoming Si's pupils suddenly widened, and he looked at this face in disbelief, a face he had dreamed of countless times. His fist was still a few centimeters away from the man, and he opened his mouth to shout something, but no sound came out...

No one who was nearby dared to look up, and people who were far away could not see. No one noticed that Daoming Si had his hand grabbed by a man, and Daoming Si did not resist at all. He looked helpless but obediently followed the man.

In the bar, Ximen Sojiro finally raised his head and looked at the bar owner, took out a card and handed it to him, "How much loss you have today, just swipe it on this card."

The boss shook his head with a humble smile on his face, "It's my blessing that the two young masters are happy with their fall. How can I ask the young masters to compensate me?"

Ximen Sojiro threw the card at the nearest waiter, put on his clothes and left.

The waiter hurriedly took the card, and after Ximen Sojiro left, he looked at the boss and asked carefully, "Boss, is this card?"

The boss took it and said, "Okay, send the things back and clean up here."

The autumn night was very cold, the wind blew on his face, Daoming Si's eyes were fixed on the man who was holding his hand. They didn't know how long they had walked, and neither of them said a word. Daoming Si's eyes were a little sore. He was very happy in his heart, but he was even more afraid, afraid that this was just an illusion, just a dream...

The man in front finally stopped and stopped walking. He turned around and looked at Daoming Si.

The moment Daoming Si's eyes met his, tears fell from his eyes, and he called out the name that had been buried in his heart with a trembling voice, "Lei..."

Ah Zhuo smiled at Daoming Si Si, and like when they were little, he touched Daoming Si Si's head and ruffled Daoming Si Si's curly hair, "Ah Si, happy birthday."

Daoming Si took a step forward and hugged Ah Zhuo tightly, using great strength, as if he was afraid that Ah Zhuo would run away if he didn't catch him. "Lei... am I drunk, so I only saw you, but Lei, I'm really happy, I finally hugged you again, this feeling is so real, even if it's just a dream, this is the best birthday present of my life..."

"Do you think this is a dream?" Azhuo smiled gently, reached out to hug Daoming Si, and asked softly in his ear.

Daoming Si buried his face in Azhuo's shoulder and closed his eyes. "Can this dream last a little longer? I want to see you more and hug you more. I miss you so much..."

"Ah... okay." Azhuo raised his hand and gently patted Daoming Si's back, just like when he coaxed Daoming Si to sleep when he was a child.

Daoming Si curled the corners of his mouth, but his body began to tremble, and the tears in his eyes wet Azhuo's shoulders.

Azhuo sighed softly and kept patting Daoming Si's back. He left that world after Han Tae-sik's death, and then began to go to various worlds to retrieve the power he had deposited there, but he deliberately avoided the worlds he had visited and participated in.

He had all his memories, but his memories of wandering in various worlds as Azhuo did not fade. Instead, they were very clear, as if they had happened just yesterday.

One day, he stood on a tall pillar like he did every day before, feeling the stability of the world. Suddenly, he saw this world, Daoming Si and Mimasaka Ling. He saw Daoming Si, who was working so hard that he had no time to think too much, and Mimasaka Ling, who was smiling and wandering among various women, but with a cold look in her eyes...

Azhuo felt a sour feeling in his heart. After thinking about it, he finally decided to come and take a look out of concern.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Daoming Si's eyes were deep, no longer as bold and unrestrained as before, and he was venting as if he had given up on himself.

Azhuo couldn't help but come out after all, not caring about how much trouble it would cause if this person who had been dead for many years reappeared.

Daoming Si had spent a lot of energy on smashing plates and chairs while drinking, and his sudden ups and downs in mood were even more exhausting. Now he leaned against Azhuo weakly and yawned sleepily.

Azhuo smiled and said, "Are you sleepy? Go home and sleep."

Daoming Si immediately opened his eyes wide and looked up at Azhuo, shaking his head firmly, "I'm not sleepy, don't leave, don't leave so fast..."

"I won't leave." Ah Zhuo smiled at Daoming Si and kissed him on the eyes. "Don't worry, I won't leave again."

"But you... are no longer from this world." Daoming Si did not believe what Azhuo said. After all, he saw the death of a person with his own eyes. He just thought it was a dream. Or if it was not a dream, then he had seen the soul of a human.

"Do you think I'm a ghost?" Ah Zhuo looked at Daoming Si with amusement and put his hand on his face. "Do you think I'm cold?" He then asked him to look at his shadow. "Do ghosts have shadows?"

Daoming Si felt the warmth on Azhuo's cheek, and then looked at Azhuo's shadow on the ground. He seemed to want to laugh but couldn't. Finally, he showed a strange expression, "Don't lie to me, I am dreaming."

Seeing that Daoming Si was stubborn and refused to believe him, Azhuo was speechless for a long time. Finally, he took Daoming Si and stopped a taxi, and told the driver to go to Daoming Si's house.

Daoming Si frowned, and finally agreed to Azhuo's arrangement. However, he stared at Azhuo greedily all the way, as if if he didn't take a closer look now, he would never have the chance to see him again.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 106: Meteor Garden Continuation (Part 3)
Chapter 106: Meteor Garden Continuation (Part 3)

The taxi stopped outside Daoming Si's yard. Azhuo paid the fare, opened the door and got out. Daoming Si pursed his lips and got out as well. The taxi quickly turned around and drove away. Azhuo looked at Daoming Si, smiled and said, "Go home quickly."

Daoming Si's drunkenness had slowly dissipated while he was sitting in the car. Now that he had gotten out of the car and was blown by the cool breeze, he was completely sober. "What's going on... Lei, are you still alive?"

Azhuo patted Daoming Si's head, then shook his head and said, "No, Huaze Lei died a long time ago."

Daoming Si looked at Azhuo in confusion, not understanding what Azhuo meant.

Azhuo was a little annoyed and blamed himself in his heart, wondering why he couldn't help but show up in front of Daoming Si just now. But since it had come to this, Azhuo was not willing to forcibly erase Daoming Si's memory and didn't want to see his empty eyes anymore.

Now, I have to find a way to explain why he didn't die.

Ah Zhuo smiled, and deleted the things about the main god with Daoming Si Si, and said that he was also from this world, and said that he suddenly became Hua Ze Lei when Hua Ze Lei was 4 years old, and then he did die when he was 16 years old, but he didn't know how he returned to his original body...

Daoming Si opened his mouth in disbelief, he felt that this was really unheard of, perhaps such things as soul-changing and body-changing only happened in those ancient legends... However, Lei now really appeared in front of him. Although Daoming Si was unable to digest this supernatural thing for a while, he was extremely grateful in his heart that Lei was still alive.

"Then why didn't you come to see us for all these years?" Daoming Si thought about how sad they were because of Lei's death. If Lei was still alive, why didn't he come to see them...

Tell a lie and make up more lies to cover it up...

Azhuo coughed and said, "Actually, I just woke up not long ago. I was in the hospital when I woke up. They told me that I was in a car accident when I was 16 and became a vegetable. I have been lying in the hospital for nine years."

After Azhuo's explanation, Daoming Si believed Azhuo's words without any doubt. He felt sad and then happy overnight. After Daoming Si felt relieved, he felt very tired and yawned.

Azhuo asked Daoming Si to go back and rest early. Daoming Si held Azhuo's hand and said, "I'm still afraid that if I let you go today, you will disappear again. Come to my house and we can sleep together like before, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

Ah Zhuo could tell Daoming Si about these bizarre words, but he couldn't tell anyone else. Otherwise, who knows if he would be targeted by some organization and sent to a laboratory for research because of this miraculous experience...

So Ah Zhuo shook his head, rejected Daoming Si Si's request and said, "Ah Si, if I show up like this, everyone will be scared to death."

Daoming Si immediately looked at Azhu nervously when he heard this, "Are you going to hide and never show up again?"

Azhuo thought for a moment and said, "Asi, I can't be Huaze Lei. How about this, you go back first, and I'll go to your company tomorrow to discuss cooperation with you. This way, our acquaintance will be reasonable and no one will suspect anything."

“But your appearance…” Daoming Si looked at Azhuo’s face with some uneasiness.

When Ah Zhuo came to this world, he had no intention of possessing anyone else's body. He just created a body for himself out of desperation, using the appearance of Hanazawa Rui...

"It doesn't matter. There are so many people in the world who look alike. At most, they will be surprised that Hanazawa Lei and I look alike." Azhu smiled. Hanazawa Lei died when he was still a teenager at the age of 16, but the body he created looks like a 25-year-old young man.

Daoming Si thought it made sense, so he gave up his request for Ah Zhuo to go home with him right now, and reluctantly turned back home. He turned back after just two steps, "What's your name now?"

"Lin Zhuo." Azhuo smiled.

The next morning, Daoming Si woke up early. He was unable to conceal his anxiety. He quickly washed and tidied himself, went downstairs and said to the driver, "Let's go to the company." He didn't even plan to have breakfast.

As soon as Mrs. Daoming Si came out, she saw Daoming Si's hurried back, and looked at the housekeeper puzzledly and asked: "Is there something urgent in the company?"

The butler shook his head, "I haven't received any news."

Mrs. Daomingsi's face darkened. Since there was no urgent matter in the company, why did Ah Si leave in such a hurry? Was he angry with her because of what happened last night?

Daoming Si was waiting in the company, and sure enough, the Lin Group from China came to discuss cooperation. The person in charge was Lin Zhuo, the general manager of the Lin Group. All the employees of the Daoming Si Group with more seniority were stunned when they saw A Zhuo.

Looks like, so much like him! If Master Huaze Lei hadn't died, he would look like this now...

Ximen Sojiro and Mimasaka Ling came to Daomingsi Group to find Daomingsi Si. After hearing the discussions of those employees, Ximen Sojiro looked at Mimasaka Ling with some concern, but saw that Mimasaka Ling had a blank expression on her face and walked towards Daomingsi Si's office with a stern face.

Ximen Sojiro knew that Mimasaka Ling was usually smiling, and would only look cold when she was really unhappy.

Ximen Sojiro recalled that more than a year after Lei passed away, when there were only three of them left in Yingde High School, a transfer student came to the school. For some reason, rumors started to spread in the school that the guy looked a lot like Lei and had the same temperament as Lei...

In fact, after Class died, there were only three people left in F4. There were often people who thought they had a chance to join F4 and fill Class's position.

After hearing this, Ling went to stop the guy, stared at him up and down for a long time, and finally sneered and beat him up like a pig. It was estimated that his parents would not recognize him. He said, "How dare you compare yourself with Lei in this state?"

The guy never showed up in Yingde again the next day.

Ximen Sojiro couldn't help but start to worry about the Chinese man who was said to look like Lei. Although Ling was no longer a high school student and her temper seemed to have improved, Lei was Ling's Achilles' heel. Ximen Sojiro was worried that Ling would beat up the Chinese man and disfigure him...

Sure enough, just as Ximen Sojiro worried, Mimasaka Ling pushed away the secretary who tried to stop him without any mercy, kicked the office door open rudely, and then froze in place with her eyes wide open.

Ah Zhuo looked at Mei Zuo Ling's shocked expression, and felt even more annoyed. Why did he come back to cause trouble? There was not only one person, but also a Mei Zuo Ling waiting for him besides Daoming Si Si...

Moreover, looking back on his memories, he seemed to have a greater responsibility towards Mimasaka Rei. He and Daoming Si had only revealed their relationship emotionally, but their bodies were still pure. However, Mimasaka Rei was a man he had wanted before...

By the way, Mimasaka Ling was his first man.

"Are you blocking the door and acting as a door god?" Daoming Si spoke first to break the weird atmosphere, "Come in and talk, close the door."

Having been the head of a large group for several years, Daoming Si's aura was still very majestic. Ahem, of course, Mei Zuo Ling would not take Daoming Si's aura seriously, but now he was so shocked that his soul could not return to its place. The dazed Jiu obeyed Daoming Si's words, walked in obediently and closed the door.

Ximen Sojiro, who stayed behind and was smiling gently and comforting the frightened secretary, was surprised. Hey, why does Ling listen to Ah Si so much? Isn't this right? Ximen Sojiro smiled at the secretary, opened the door and went in to see what was going on.

So, another person stood at the door motionlessly as the door god.

However, Ximen Sojiro's mental strength was stronger than Meizu Ling's. He recovered after a while, closed the door as if nothing had happened, sat down next to Meizu Ling opposite Azhuo, smiled and said, "Sorry to bother you, I'm Ximen Sojiro, this is Meizu Ling, we are Asi's brothers, who is this?"

Azhu nodded to Ximen Sojiro, and then said something that made Ximen Sojiro's eyes widen, "Long time no see, Sojiro."

They look almost exactly the same, their voices are exactly the same, and their tone of voice, and the meaning behind their words…

"...kind of?" Ximen Sojiro looked at Azhu in disbelief.

Mei Zuoling seemed to be brought back to her senses by Ximen Sojiro's address. She stared at Azhu with anger in her eyes, "How could he be a human? Where did this liar come from?"

The three people who wanted to stay and were not prepared to hide their identities were Daoming Si Si, Mei Zuo Ling, and Ximen Soujiro, so Azhu smiled and repeated the explanation he had given to Daoming Si Si yesterday to Mei Zuo Ling and Ximen Soujiro.

After digesting Azhuo's bizarre experience, Ximen Sojiro and Meizu Ling had completely different expressions. Ximen Sojiro's eyes flashed with excitement, and he smiled and said, "Welcome back, Lei."

Mei Zuoling glared at Azhuo angrily, got up and left without saying a word.

The door was slammed shut by Meizuling with a bang, showing that Meizuling was very angry. Azhuo looked at the shaking door, not knowing what he was thinking. Ximen Sojiro looked at Azhuo, then at Daoming Si, and began to sigh in his heart again.

Daoming Si kept looking at Azhuo with complicated eyes.

I was always moved and happy that Lei came back, but I forgot that Lei and Ling...they were together before...

On the night of Lei's burial, Ling drank an unknown amount of wine. She ran to her house drunk and started fighting with her with a sullen face. Daoming Si was also holding his breath, and the two of them fought without holding back until they both fell to the ground without the strength to get up.

Ling beside him panted and said, "Ah Si, I have always been jealous of you. Why did Lei always like you and never see me? Do you know how happy I was when Makino Shancai appeared? I thought I finally had a chance, and I seized it. But before I could completely replace your position in Lei's heart, Lei died because of you."

The author has something to say: I was so conflicted about how to make Azhuo come back to life...

I'm updating now, nwuwu, I'm going to eat something before continuing to write the second update, I'm a little hungry. So the second update will probably be after 2 o'clock, don't wait if you go to bed early, come back tomorrow morning.

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quanben.ioWhen the male protagonist falls in love with the male supporting role
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Chapter 107: Meteor Garden (End)
Chapter 107: Meteor Garden (End)

Azhuo stood up, and Daoming Si immediately clenched his hands nervously. Azhuo smiled, with a hint of self-mockery in his smile. No one knew that at this moment Azhuo was blaming himself in his heart, thinking that if he had known this would happen, he would never have done it that way.

Originally, he was just helplessly ordered by the Lord God to do the mission, but he was too naive at that time. Because he was thrown into that disgusting space by the Lord God for more than a hundred years, he had psychological problems. The first mission object he met was Daoming Si Si. After becoming a human again, he tried his best to prove that he was still a human being, so he tried his best to be nice to Daoming Si Si.

At that time, it was not just because of the mission.

Because of this, when he found out that Daoming Si was attracted to Makino Shancai, he was so angry that he was emotionally unstable. It happened that at that time, Meizu Ling confessed to him, and Azhuo was confused. Maybe he felt that the Lord God would abandon him after knowing that he had mental problems, and he gave up on himself. Maybe he also wanted to catch Meizu Ling to prove that he was still needed by others...

Because of these complicated thoughts, he felt that he might stay in this world until his death, so he decided to accept Mimasaka Ling.

Who knew what would happen next, leading to such a confusing situation now.

Azhuo sighed. Mei Zuoling just ran out in that state, and he didn't know if anything would happen to him. He should go and take a look. No matter what, he should give him an explanation. As for what will happen in the future... Azhuo didn't know either.

Daoming Si watched Azhuo walk away behind Meizuling, lowered his eyes and did not say anything to stop them.

Ximen Sojiro pressed his temples in pain. It came again, it came again. The complicated relationship between Lei, Asi and Ling made Ximen Sojiro extremely distressed. Even the happiness that Lei was still alive was somewhat dissipated.

Ximen Sojiro looked at Daoming Si with melancholy, "Ah Si, what do you think?"

Daoming Si stood up and walked to the French window, turned his back to Ximen Sojiro and looked out the window, and said in a low voice: "I won't give up."

Ximen Sojiro was not surprised at all by Daoming Si's decision. Thinking of Ling, who seemed to be cheerful on the surface but was more stubborn than anyone else in her heart, Ximen Sojiro had a severe headache...

Forget it, let them do whatever they want, Ximen Sojiro gave a helpless smile. Compared to watching a workaholic and a walking corpse every day, it is much happier to see them get what they want again and fight for what they want.

When Azhuo walked out of the Daomingsi Group's building, he saw a red sports car parked on the side of the road at a glance. Mei Zuoling stared at the door of the building with no expression on her face. When she saw Azhuo come out, she opened the door on the other side. Azhuo walked over, got in the car and sat down. As soon as he closed the door and hadn't fastened his seat belt, Mei Zuoling started the car.

The car was speeding very fast, and a hint of madness flashed in Meizu Ling's eyes.

Azhuo frowned, and seeing that Meizuo Ling was not wearing his own seat belt, Azhuo leaned forward to fasten his seat belt, and then fastened his own seat belt, and then said: "Ling, drive slower, this is the city center, it is easy to have an accident."

Mei Zuoling smiled and said, "Yes, it's easy to get into a car accident. What if the car is destroyed and people die?"

Azhuo felt a little bitter when he saw Mei Zuoling's smile. When he heard him say that the car was destroyed and people died, Azhuo's face darkened and he said, "Stop the car."

Mei Zuoling would not listen to Azhuo. The smile on her face became more and more sarcastic. "What, are you scared? You can die for A Si, but you don't want to die with me, right?" As she said that, she stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car speeded up to the fastest limit.

Seeing that Mei Zuoling had gotten into a dead end, Azhuo thought that it would be too easy to die if she drove so fast in the city center. Azhuo stared into Mei Zuoling's eyes and said, "Stop the car."

Mei Zuoling turned her head and looked at Azhuo sarcastically, wanting to say something to release his anger, but after meeting Azhuo's eyes, she was stunned. The sarcastic smile on the corner of her mouth gradually collapsed and disappeared. Mei Zuoling slowed down the car with an expressionless face and parked it on the side of the road.

Both people in the car looked forward through the windows, neither speaking.

Mei Zuoling cursed in her heart, why did she listen to him and stop the car, why did she listen to him so much, idiot! The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She turned her head and glared at Azhuo. Azhuo was looking at Mei Zuoling quietly, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he was thinking about what Mei Zuoling was like in the past. I don't know what he was thinking about, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, looking very gentle.

Mei Zuoling's anger was like a punctured balloon, and it disappeared without a trace. Mei Zuoling rushed over regardless, hugged Azhuo's head, kissed Azhuo's lips, and kissed him madly. Azhuo did not dodge, and the two of them kissed madly in the narrow compartment...

At first it was Mei Zuoling who took the initiative, but later she was completely dominated by Azhuo. Finally, because Mei Zuoling felt aroused and her lower body became hard, she glared at Azhuo unwillingly, and angrily bit Azhuo's lips hard, drawing blood.

Azhuo pursed his lips, blood still seeping out. He had bitten her hard. Azhuo looked at Meizuo Ling helplessly, "Are you relieved?"

Mei Zuoling ignored Azhuo's words at first.

Azhu smiled helplessly, took out the tissue box from Meizuoling's car, and tore off two pieces of paper to wipe it.

Mei Zuoling took a sneak peek and pursed her lips a little guiltily, but she was still stubborn in her heart. After Azhuo pressed for a while and the bleeding stopped, Mei Zuoling said, "I won't let go. Even if you still like A Si and don't like me, I don't care. You owe me, and I will never let you have another chance to leave me."

After saying this, although there was no emotion on Mei Zuo Ling's face, she looked at A Zhuo with trepidation in her heart, waiting for A Zhuo's reaction.

Azhuo patted Meizuoling's head and said, "I won't abandon you."

Mei Zuoling was stunned for three seconds before she realized what Azhuo said. She bit her lip to make sure she had heard correctly. The corners of Mei Zuoling's mouth curved up, "I agreed. You promised me. You can't break your promise."

"Yeah." Azhuo nodded with a smile.

At this time, Mei Zuoling's phone rang. Mei Zuoling was startled when he saw the name of the note. It was a sister he had just hooked up with two days ago...

Ah Zhuo pretended not to know and asked, "Why didn't you answer it?"

Mei Zuoling picked up the phone and said calmly, "Hello, I'm Mei Zuoling."

The beautiful lady on the other end asked in confusion: "Dear, what's wrong with you? Why are you talking like that suddenly?" Because before, as soon as I answered the phone, I would say, "Dear, do you miss me, sweetheart?"

Mei Zuo Ling tightened her grip and continued in a serious tone, "What do you want to talk to me about? I'm a little busy right now. If you don't have anything else, I'll hang up."

"Eh? I wanted to say that my husband is on a business trip today. Will you come over in the evening?" The beautiful sister seduced Meizu Ling in a charming voice.

"Nothing, I'll hang up now. Bye." Mei Zuoling quickly hung up and turned off her phone, looking at Azhuo nervously.

Ah Zhuo felt amused and did not expose Mei Zuoling. He just said, "Let's go back."

Mei Zuoling nodded, turned the car around and drove back, but on the way when Azhuo wasn't paying attention, she threw her phone out of the window.

Back downstairs at Daomingsi Group, Mei Zuoling looked at Azhuo for several times, then said, "I'm not going upstairs. You...you go talk to A Si."

Azhuo nodded, gave Meizuoling his cell phone number, and said, "Call me when you buy a new phone."

Mei Zuoling watched Azhuo walk away with a stiff face.

When Azhu returned to Daoming Si's office, Ximen Sojiro was not there. Daoming Si was standing alone by the window with his back to the door, looking downstairs. Mimasaka Ling's car had just left.

Azhuo walked to Daoming Si's side and asked, "What are you looking at?" Azhuo also looked downstairs, but there was nothing.

Daoming Si shook his head, turned around and faced Azhuo, stared at Azhuo in a trance and said, "Class."

"Hmm?" Azhuo smiled slightly.

"If I tell you that I hope you will leave Ling and come back to me, will you?" Daoming Si looked at Azhuo deeply.

Azhuo shook his head slightly.

Daoming Si smiled, but it was a bitter smile, "Is there no place for me by Lei's side?"

"I will never abandon Ling again..." Ah Zhuo looked at Daoming Si's smile and thought of Daoming Si's domineering and flamboyant appearance in the past. This was a child he almost raised by himself. "But there will always be a place for you by my side."

Daoming Si's originally collapsed smile froze, and he blinked twice before he said with a little surprise: "Does Ling agree?"

"What if he doesn't agree?" Azhu smiled.

Daoming Si's face regained its former domineering and arrogant look, "Then Ling and I will have a fight and whoever wins will have the final say."

So, what was originally just a joke from Daoming Si became a phrase he often used in the future.

For example, they were all at Azhuo's house that day, talking about not having traveled for a long time and where they were going to go to have some fun. Daoming Sisi said he wanted to go to Hawaii to surf, and Ling said he wanted to go to the Maldives because Sojiro took his wife there for their honeymoon, and it seemed very romantic...

The two people each insisted on their own opinions, and neither could convince the other. Finally, they said angrily: "Let's fight, and whoever wins will listen to him!"

The two people each insisted on their own opinions, and neither could convince the other. Finally, they said angrily: "Let's fight, and whoever wins will listen to him!"

Who do you think wins? Haha

I fell asleep yesterday. I'm sorry to all the girls waiting for updates. I let you down. It's all my fault. I'll continue writing. I'll definitely update the second chapter before 2 o'clock today! !l3l4

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